Example #1
def test_energy_ferro():
    ''' Check the energy of the ferromagnetic state.'''

    size = 4
    coupling = 1.0

    lattice = Lattice(size, size)
    ham = Hamiltonian(lattice, coupling)

    assert ham.energy(
        ones((size, size), dtype=bool)
    ) == 2 * coupling * size * size, "Energy of ferromagnetic state is incorrect."
Example #2
def test_energy_antiferro():
    ''' Check the energy of the antiferromagnetic state.'''

    size = 10
    coupling = 1.0

    lattice = Lattice(size, size)
    ham = Hamiltonian(lattice, coupling)

    afm = tile(eye(2, dtype=bool), (5, 5))

    assert ham.energy(
    ) == -2 * coupling * size * size, "Energy of antiferromagnetic state is incorrect."