Example #1
def main():
    """To run this example:
        1) start mongod on the localhost, running on port 27017
        2) Add a database to mongo named "test"
        3) Run: "./python mongo.py"

    # Kind of cheating here by just setting the arguments you should be passing in
    client = Client(["-c", "examples/mongo_example_hammer.cfg"])
Example #2
 def test_ImportHammerClass(self):
     #test getting top level class
     dict = ({'hammer':'hammers.mongo.MongoHammer'})
     client  = Client(['-c', 'testHammer1.cfg'])
     hammerImport =  Client._getHammerClass(client, dict, None)
     print "Imported:"+str(hammerImport)
     self.assertEquals(hammerImport, hammers.mongo.MongoHammer)
     #test getting a nested class
     dict.setdefault('hammer', 'test.mock.MockHammer')
     hammerImport =  Client._getHammerClass(client, dict, None)
     self.assertEquals(MockHammer, hammerImport)