def provisionAcct(netID, user, hmac, time): if handshake.verify(netID, user, hmac, time): password = acctMgr.mkPassword() if acctMgr.provision(netID, user, password): handshake.sendPassword(netID, user, password) return json.dumps("Your password has been emailed to you") else: return json.dumps("An error occured, please contact an admin")
def chPassword(netID, user, hmac, time): if handshake.verify(netID, user, hmac, time): password = acctMgr.mkPassword() if acctMgr.chPassword(user, password): handshake.sendPassword(netID, user, password) return "Your password has been emailed to you" else: return "Your password could not be reset, please try again later" else: return "An error occured, perhaps you have an old link?"