Example #1
# source is set to inbuilt webcam by default. Pass source=1 to use an
# external camera.
hist = handy.capture_histogram(source=0)

while True:
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    if not ret:

    # to block a faces in the video stream, set block=True.
    # if you just want to detect the faces, set block=False
    # if you do not want to do anything with faces, remove this line
    handy.detect_face(frame, block=True)

    # detect the hand
    hand = handy.detect_hand(frame, hist)

    # to get the outline of the hand
    # min area of the hand to be detected = 10000 by default
    custom_outline = hand.draw_outline(
        min_area=10000000, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=2)

    # to get a quick outline of the hand
    quick_outline = hand.outline

    # draw fingertips on the outline of the hand, with radius 5 and color red,
    # filled in.
    for fingertip in hand.fingertips:
        cv2.circle(quick_outline, fingertip, 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)

    # to get the centre of mass of the hand
Example #2
    elif comx + 60 < comxPrev:

def inCenter(x, y):
    if (y > (185) and y < (315)) and (x > (235) and x < (365)):
        return True
        return False

fire, screen = cap.read()
hand = handy.detect_hand(screen, hist)
com = hand.get_center_of_mass()

resetTime = 0
prevStatey = com[0]
prevStatex = com[1]

while True:
    fire, screen = cap.read()
    if not fire:
    # to block a faces in the video stream, set block=True.
    # if you just want to detect the faces, set block=False
    # if you do not want to do anything with faces, remove this line
    handy.detect_face(screen, block=True)
    # detect the hand