import math as m mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'white' # ________________________________________________ # Functions # ________________________________________________ # Open results res = happi.Open("./tst1d_cir_plane_wave_rela",verbose=False) # ________________________________________________ # Parameters #a0 = res_Boris.namelist.LaserGaussian3D[0].a0 a0 = 5. step = 10 # ____________________________________________ # Fields if False: Ey = res_Boris.Field(0, "Ey", timesteps=1300, average = {"z":[5.]}).get()
import happi import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.special import erf as erf for path in ["beam_relaxation7", "beam_relaxation8", "beam_relaxation9"]: sim = happi.Open(path) mass_ion = np.double(sim.namelist.Species["ion1"].mass) charge_ion = np.double(sim.namelist.Species["ion1"].charge) density_ion = np.double(sim.namelist.Species["ion1"].charge_density) temperature_ion = np.double(sim.namelist.Species["ion1"].temperature) velocity_electron = np.double( sim.namelist.Species["electron1"].mean_velocity)[0] temperature_electron = np.double( sim.namelist.Species["electron1"].temperature) coulomb_log = np.double(sim.namelist.Collisions[0].coulomb_log) dt = np.double(sim.namelist.Main.timestep) / (2 * np.pi) re = 2.8179403267e-15 # meters wavelength = 1e-6 # meters c = 3e8 coeff = (2. * np.pi / wavelength)**2 * re * c times = sim.ParticleBinning(diagNumber=0).getAvailableTimesteps() e_vx_mean = np.zeros(len(times)) e_vperp2 = np.zeros(len(times)) i_vx_mean = np.zeros(len(times)) Ti = np.zeros(len(times))
### mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True mpl.rcParams.update({ '' :'serif', 'font.serif' :'Times', 'font.size' :16, 'xtick.major.size' :10, 'ytick.major.size' :10, 'xtick.minor.size' :5, 'ytick.minor.size' :5, }) # LOADING SIMULATION & IMPORTANT VARIABLES FROM NAMELIST # ------------------------------------------------------ S = happi.Open(simulation_to_analyse ,verbose=False) t0 = 2.*pi Lv = S.namelist.Lv Lp = S.namelist.Lp dt = S.namelist.Main.timestep Zat = S.namelist.Species[0].atomic_number print('- vector potential aL = '+str(S.namelist.aL)) print('- ref. ang. frequency w0 = '+str(S.namelist.Main.reference_angular_frequency_SI)) # SOLVE THE RATE EQUATION NUMERICALLY & PLOT THE RESULTS # ------------------------------------------------------ from solve_rate_eqs import solve_rate_eqs_
import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plt.matplotlib.rcParams.update({ '':'serif', 'font.serif':'Times', 'font.size':20 }) mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 10 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 10 mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 5 mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 5 S = happi.Open('/Users/mica/RESULTS/SMILEI/thermalPlasmaPzDrift/') T = S.namelist.Te mu = 1./T print mu v0 = S.namelist.v0 g0 = 1./m.sqrt(1.-v0**2) # read p-distribution fct fp = np.array(S.ParticleBinning(1).getData())[0] p = np.array(S.ParticleBinning(1).get()['pz']) print 'int over all pz:', (p[1]-p[0])*np.sum(fp) # compute theoretical distribution fct fth = np.zeros(p.shape) fth = (g0*np.sqrt(1.+p**2)+T) * np.exp( -g0*mu* (np.sqrt(1.+p**2) - v0*p) )
def BF3(A, passes): kernel = np.array([[[1, 2, 1], [2, 4, 2], [1, 2, 1]], [[2, 4, 2], [4, 8, 4], [2, 4, 2]], [[1, 2, 1], [2, 4, 2], [1, 2, 1]]]) / 64 for i in np.arange(passes): A = np.concatenate((A[[0], :, :], A, A[[-1], :, :]), axis=0) A = np.concatenate((A[:, [0], :], A, A[:, [-1], :]), axis=1) A = np.concatenate((A[:, :, [0]], A, A[:, :, [-1]]), axis=2) A = convolve(A, kernel, 'valid') return A ts = 43200 c = 2.9979e8 k0 = 2 * np.pi / 1e-6 S = happi.Open('.', k0 * c) B_smilei = 107.1E6 # Gauss B_flash = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) x_smilei = np.linspace(0, 1, 1025) * S.namelist.Lsim[0] / k0 y_smilei = np.linspace(-1, 1, 161) * S.namelist.Lsim[1] / k0 z_smilei = np.linspace(-1, 1, 161) * S.namelist.Lsim[1] / k0 print('Getting Data') X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid((x_smilei[:-1] + x_smilei[1:]) / 2, (y_smilei[:-1] + y_smilei[1:]) / 2, (z_smilei[:-1] + z_smilei[1:]) / 2, indexing='ij') subs = {'axis3': 80 * 2 * np.pi} avg = {'axis2': [120 * 2 * np.pi, 150 * 2 * np.pi]} nele = S.Probe(4, '-(Rho_ele_mode_0+Rho_ele_mode_1+Rho_ele_mode_2)',
def Smilei_Screen_1d(self,path,nb,r,x=0,verbose=True): """ Extract phase space from Smilei 1D Screen diagnostic. Parameters ---------- path : str path to the simulation folder nb : int Screen number r : float typical radius to consider in transverse direction (in um) x : float, optional diagnostic position verbose : bool, optional Notes ----- On a 1D Smilei simulation, a typical DiagScreen must be declared as follows :: DiagScreen( shape = 'plane', point = [xtarget[1] - 5*um], vector = [1.], direction = 'forward', deposited_quantity = 'weight', species = ['e'], axes = [ ['px' , pmin , pmax , 301], ['py' , -pmax/5 , pmax/5 , 301] ], every = every ) """ if verbose: print("Extracting screen data from %s ..."%path) # Import Smilei simulation import happi S = happi.Open(path,verbose=False) nl = S.namelist # Define physical constants m_e = 9.11e-31 epsilon_0 = 8.85e-12 e = 1.6e-19 c = 2.99792458e8 epsilon_0 = 8.854187817e-12 # Smilei's unit in SI Wr = nl.Main.reference_angular_frequency_SI Tr = 1/Wr Lr = c/Wr Pr = 0.511 # MeV/c # Calculate normalizations nc = m_e * epsilon_0 * (Wr/e)**2 Lx = nl.Main.grid_length[0] * Lr # Use a try/except ? vol = Lx * np.pi * (r * 1e-6)**2 wnorm = nc * vol # Weight normalization : Before -> in Nc/Pr/Pr, After -> in Number/Pr/Pr tnorm = 1e-15/Tr xnorm = 1e-6/Lr # Save diag position xdiag = x # Initialize phase space lists w = [] x,y,z = [],[],[] px,py,pz = [],[],[] t = [] # Retrieve Screen data times = S.Screen(nb).getTimes() timesteps= S.Screen(nb).getTimesteps() Px = S.Screen(nb).getAxis("px") * Pr Py = S.Screen(nb).getAxis("py") * Pr # Compensate happi correction on weights wnorm /= Pr**2 # Weights are now in Nb/(MeV/c)/(MeV/c) (independant of bin size) wnorm *= (max(Px)-min(Px))/len(Px) # Multiply by bin size : weights are now in Nb/(MeV/c)/bin wnorm *= (max(Py)-min(Py))/len(Py) # Weight are now in Nb/bin/bin (dependant of bin size, it counts number of particles for given conf) # Current data is initialized as an empty matrix cdata=np.array([[0.]*len(Px)]*len(Py)) # Loop over times for it,et in enumerate(timesteps): ldata = cdata # Retrieve data for given time cdata = S.Screen(nb,timesteps=et).getData()[0] # Loop over px then py if verbose and it % (len(times)//10) == 0: print("Retrieving timestep %i/%i ..."%(et,timesteps[-1])) for ipx,epx in enumerate(cdata): for ipy,epy in enumerate(epx): # Get weight difference for given configuration depy = epy-ldata[ipx][ipy] # If non-zero, save config if depy!=0.: w.append(depy * wnorm) px.append(Px[ipx]) py.append(Py[ipy]) t.append(times[it] * tnorm) # Reconstruct missing data pz = [0.0] * len(w) x = [xdiag] * len(w) y = [0.0] * len(w) z = [0.0] * len(w) # Update current phase space if verbose: print("Done !"),x,y,z,px,py,pz,t)
g = E / 511. + 1. v2 = 1. - g**-2 I0 = (9.76 * Z + 58.8 * Z**-0.19) / 1000. return 2.55e-25 * Z / (1. - g**-2) * (ln( (g + 1.) / 2. * (E / I0)**2) + (1. - (2. * g - 1.) * ln(2.) + (g - 1.)**2 / 8.) / g**2) plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 3.5)) # First, slowing down for a few examples ######################################## D = [] sims = ["2", "3", "4"] for sim in sims: S = happi.Open("ionization_stopping_power" + sim) D.append( S.ParticleBinning("#0/#1", sum={"x": "all"}, units=["fs"], linestyle="None", marker='o', markersize=4, markeredgewidth=0.)) happi.multiPlot(*D, skipAnimation=True) fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0 ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0 ax.set_xscale("log")
import numpy as np from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import math as m mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'white' # ________________________________________________ # Functions # ________________________________________________ # Open results res_Boris = happi.Open("./tst3d_cir_plane_wave_Boris") res_Vay = happi.Open("./tst3d_cir_plane_wave_Vay") res_HC = happi.Open("./tst3d_cir_plane_wave_HC") # ________________________________________________ # Parameters #a0 = res_Boris.namelist.LaserGaussian3D[0].a0 a0 = 2. # _________________________________________ # Scalar Ukin = res_Boris.Scalar("Ukin").get() Ukin_Vay = res_Vay.Scalar("Ukin").get() Ukin_HC = res_HC.Scalar("Ukin").get()
import happi import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ln = np.log plt.ion() D = [] colors = ["k", "r", "g", "b", "m"] for elm in ["C", "Al", "Zn", "Sn", "Au"]: S1 = happi.Open("ionization_multiple" + elm + "1") S2 = happi.Open("ionization_multiple" + elm + "2") if S1.valid and S2.valid: color = colors.pop() timestep1 = np.round(np.double(S1.namelist.Main.timestep), decimals=1) D += [ S1.ParticleBinning(0, sum={"ekin": [0, 1]}, linestyle="-", color=color, label=elm) ] timestep2 = int(np.double(S2.namelist.Main.timestep)) D += [ S2.ParticleBinning(0, sum={"ekin": [0, 1]},
def __init__(self, parent, dirName): super(smileiQtPlot, self).__init__() self.setParent(parent) uiFile = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/smileiQtPlot.ui' self.ui = uic.loadUi(uiFile, self) self.dirName = dirName self.smilei = happi.Open(self.dirName) self.parent = parent self.parent.timer.timeout.connect( self.parent.ui.previous.released.connect(self.previous) self.parent.ui.first.released.connect(self.first) self.parent.ui.last.released.connect(self.last) self.pauseSignal.connect(self.parent.pause) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) self.setWindowTitle(dirName) self.step = 0 self.ui.savePoints.setIcon( QStyle.SP_DialogSaveButton)) self.ui.savePoints.released.connect(self.doSavePoints) self.ui.tabWidget.currentChanged.connect(self.changeTab) self.ui.autoScale.stateChanged.connect(self.doPlots) self.fig = Figure() self.ui.reload.setIcon( QStyle.SP_BrowserReload)) self.ui.reload.released.connect(self.reloadAll) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.canvas.setFocus() self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_movement) self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press) self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.on_key_release) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_button_press) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self) self.toolbar.setFixedHeight(30) self.canvas.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) self.ui.plotLayout.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.ui.plotLayout.addWidget(self.canvas) #retrieve stuff from namelist self.cell_length = self.smilei.namelist.Main.cell_length[0] self.timestep = self.smilei.namelist.Main.timestep self.sim_length = self.smilei.namelist.Main.grid_length #scalars scalarSteps = [] for scalar in self.smilei.Scalar().getScalars(): if len(scalarSteps) == 0: scalarSteps = self.smilei.Scalar( scalar).getAvailableTimesteps() else: if not np.array_equal( scalarSteps, self.smilei.Scalar(scalar).getAvailableTimesteps()): log.error("Problem reading scalarSteps %s" % scalar) my_button = QCheckBox(scalar) my_button.stateChanged.connect(self.checkBoxChanged) self.ui.layoutScalars.addWidget(my_button) self.ui.layoutScalars.addStretch() #fields self.fieldSteps = self.smilei.Field(0).getAvailableTimesteps() if not np.array_equal(scalarSteps, self.fieldSteps): newfieldSteps = [] for i in range(0, min(len(scalarSteps), len(self.fieldSteps))): if scalarSteps[i] == self.fieldSteps[i]: newfieldSteps.append(scalarSteps[i]) else: break self.fieldSteps = newfieldSteps log.warning("Problem reading fieldSteps") for field in self.smilei.Field(0).getFields(): my_button = QCheckBox(field) my_button.stateChanged.connect(self.checkBoxChanged) self.ui.layoutFields.addWidget(my_button) self.ui.layoutFields.addStretch() self.ui.slider.setRange(0, len(self.fieldSteps)) self.ui.spinStep.setSuffix("/" + str(len(self.fieldSteps))) self.ui.spinStep.setMaximum(len(self.fieldSteps)) #phase spaces i = 0 # self.smilei.ParticleBinning(0)._type ... for phase in self.smilei.namelist.DiagParticleBinning: if not np.array_equal( self.fieldSteps, self.smilei.ParticleBinning(i).getAvailableTimesteps()): log.warning("Problem reading phaseSteps") name = str(i) + ' ' for ax in phase.axes: name += ax[0] my_button = QCheckBox(name) my_button.stateChanged.connect(self.checkBoxChanged) self.ui.layoutPhase.addWidget(my_button) i = i + 1 self.ui.layoutPhase.addStretch() self.load_settings() if sys.platform == "darwin": self.raise_()
11.91873264, 13.84057796, 16.11965772, 18.80418339, 21.9305915, 25.51153958, 29.52473287, 33.90815976, 38.56573939, 43.38130946, 48.23275232, 52.99823957, 57.55375982, 61.76990959, 65.52021161, 68.70651127, 71.28856372, 73.29422978, 74.80222575, 75.91222479, 76.72040917, 77.30714207 ]), } colors = ["b", "k", "r", "g"] fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(6, 3.5)) for element in ["H", "Al", "Zn", "Au"]: print "Analyzing " + element S = happi.Open("ionization_equilibrium" + element) npoints = S.namelist.npoints every = S.namelist.DiagParticleBinning[0].every ts = int(t0 * S.namelist.Main.reference_angular_frequency_SI / S.namelist.Main.timestep / every) # timestep at 1ps Z = [] Zfinal = [] T = [] Tfinal = [] for i in range(npoints): D = S.ParticleBinning("#" + str(4 * i + 2) + "/#" + str(4 * i + 3), sum={"x": "all"}, units=["ps"], marker=".")
def loadData(directory=default_directory): """loading data in the simulation directory and return an object pointing to the various files, see smilei website""" S = happi.Open(directory, show = False,verbose = False, ) return S
import happi import numpy as np import json if __name__=='__main__': s = happi.Open('./') ts = 21576 ex = s.Field(0,'Ex',timesteps=ts).getData() ex_x = s.Field(0,'Ex',timesteps=ts).getAxis('x') rho = s.Field(0,'Rho_electron',timesteps=ts).getData() rho_mat = s.ParticleBinning(0,timesteps=ts).getData() px = s.ParticleBinning(0).getAxis('px') x = s.ParticleBinning(0).getAxis('x') t = s.ParticleBinning(0).getTimes() ''' Pbin = {'px' : px.tolist(), 'x' : x.tolist(), 't' : t.tolist(), 'rho': np.array(rho_mat).tolist() } ''' np.savetxt('Ex.csv',ex) np.savetxt('Rho.csv',rho) np.savetxt('x.csv', ex_x)
import os, re, numpy as np import happi from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt b, a = butter(5, 0.2, btype='low', analog=False) S = happi.Open("./restart*", verbose=False) eon_spectrum = S.ParticleBinning.Diag2().get() ekin = eon_spectrum["ekin"] eon_spectrum = np.mean(eon_spectrum["data"], axis=0) eon_spectrum_filt = filtfilt(b, a, eon_spectrum) # # theory # Te = S.namelist.Species["eon"].temperature[0] # factor = S.namelist.Species["eon"].number_density.xplateau / S.namelist.Main.grid_length[0] # theoretical_spectrum = factor*2./Te * (ekin/np.pi/Te)**0.5 * np.exp(-ekin/Te) # plt.plot(ekin, eon_spectrum_filt, '.-') # plt.plot(ekin, theoretical_spectrum, '-') Validate("Electron spectrum", eon_spectrum_filt, 20.) rho = S.Field.Field0.Rho_ion(timesteps=11800).getData()[0] rho_filt = filtfilt(b, a, rho) Validate("Final ion profile", rho_filt[::10], 0.15)
dv0 = { "conductivity1": [0.00008, 0.00002, 0], "conductivity2": [-0.0001, -0.00015, -0.0002], "conductivity3": [-0.0005, -0.0012] } style = {"conductivity1": 'b', "conductivity2": 'g', "conductivity3": 'r'} velocity = [] temperature = [] density = [] for path in ["conductivity1", "conductivity2", "conductivity3"]: S = happi.Open(path) ncases = 0 for d in S.namelist.DiagParticleBinning: if d.deposited_quantity == "weight_charge_vx": ncases += 1 if ncases == 0: continue print("simulation " + path + " has %d cases" % ncases) coulomb_log = np.double(S.namelist.Collisions[0].coulomb_log) dt = np.double(S.namelist.Main.timestep) / (2 * np.pi) times = np.double(S.ParticleBinning(0).getAvailableTimesteps()) vx_mean = np.zeros((ncases, len(times)))
[7.742651,0.027303], [9.111645,0.024132], [10.722692,0.021300], [12.618592,0.018779], [14.849710,0.016545], [17.475316,0.014570], [20.565161,0.012829], [24.201327,0.011297], [28.480411,0.009954], [33.516088,0.008778], [39.442133,0.007751], [46.415973,0.006855], [54.622872,0.006075], [64.280848,0.005398], [75.646470,0.004811], [89.021670,0.004303], [104.761764,0.003865], [123.284896,0.003488], [145.083138,0.003164], [170.735570,0.002888], [200.923659,0.002653], [236.449362,0.002454], [278.256434,0.002288], [327.455496,0.002149], [385.353540,0.002035], [453.488650,0.001944], [533.670861,0.001871], [628.030244,0.001815], [739.073494,0.001774], [869.750518,0.001746], [1023.532800,0.001730], [1204.505627,0.001723], [1417.476611,0.001725], [1668.103410,0.001735], [1963.044021,0.001751], [2310.133656,0.001772], [2718.592885,0.001798], [3199.272585,0.001827], [3764.942199,0.001860], [4430.628958,0.001895], [5214.017089,0.001932], [6135.917601,0.001971], [7220.821137,0.002012], [8497.548578,0.002053], [10000.016685,0.002096]]) S1=happi.Open("ionization_rate1") S2=happi.Open("ionization_rate2") S3=happi.Open("ionization_rate3") # get electron velocity ve = np.double(S1.namelist.Species["electron1"].mean_velocity[0]) Ee = (1./np.sqrt(1.-ve**2)-1.)*511. # energy cse = np.interp(np.log(Ee), np.log(cs[:,0]), cs[:,1]) # interpolate cross section # get density ne = np.double(S1.namelist.Species["electron1"].charge_density) # get ion charge q0 = np.double(S1.namelist.Species["ion1"].charge) # Plot simulation result
import os, re, numpy as np import happi S = happi.Open(["./restart*"], verbose=False) for name, profile in S.namelist.profiles.items(): A = S.Field.Field0("Rho_" + name) data = A.get() values = data["data"][0] # z0 = np.pi # y,x = np.meshgrid( A.get()["x"], A.get()["y"] ) # v = x[:,:] # for i in range(x.shape[0]): # for j in range(x.shape[1]): # v[i,j] = profile(x[i,j],y[i,j], z0) Validate("Profile " + name, values[::10, ::10, ::10], 0.01) #fig=plt.figure(1) #for name, profile in S.namelist.profiles.items(): # fig.clf() # ax1=fig.add_subplot(3,1,1) # print "Rho_"+name # A=S.Field.Field0("Rho_"+name, average={"z":3.}) # z0 = A.getData()[0] # plt.colorbar( ax1.imshow(z0) ) # y,x = np.meshgrid( A.get()["x"], A.get()["y"] ) # z = x[:,:] # for i in range(x.shape[0]): # for j in range(x.shape[1]): # z[i,j] = profile(x[i,j],y[i,j], 3.) # ax2=fig.add_subplot(3,1,2)
def Smilei_TrackParticles(self,path,species,wscale=1.,verbose=True): """ Extract phase space from a TrackParticles Smilei diagnostic. Parameters ---------- path : str path to the simulation folder species : str name of the specie in the Smilei namelist verbose : bool, optional verbosity """ if verbose: print("Extracting %s phase space from %s TrackParticles ..."%(self._ps.particle["name"],species)) # Open simulation import happi S = happi.Open(path,verbose=False) nl = S.namelist # Define physical constants m_e = 9.11e-31 epsilon_0 = 8.85e-12 e = 1.6e-19 c = 2.99792458e8 epsilon_0 = 8.854187817e-12 # Smilei's unit in SI Wr = nl.Main.reference_angular_frequency_SI Tr = 1/Wr Lr = c/Wr Pr = 0.511 # MeV/c # Calculate normalizations geom = nl.Main.geometry nc = m_e * epsilon_0 * (Wr/e)**2 if geom == "1Dcartesian": wnorm = nc * Lr * np.pi * wscale**2 elif geom == "2Dcartesian": wnorm = nc * Lr**2 * wscale elif geom == "AMCylindrical": raise NotImplementedError("TODO ...") elif geom == "3Dcartesian": wnorm = nc * Lr**3 else: raise NameError("Unknown geometry profile.") tnorm = Tr/1e-15 # in fs xnorm = Lr/1e-6 # in um pnorm = Pr # in MeV/c # Initialize ps list w = [] x,y,z = [],[],[] px,py,pz = [],[],[] t = [] # Get timesteps timesteps = S.TrackParticles(species=species,sort=False).getTimesteps() dt = nl.Main.timestep # Loop over timesteps for ts in timesteps: if verbose:print("Timestep %i/%i ..."%(ts,timesteps[-1])) # Get data from current timestep data = S.TrackParticles(species=species,timesteps=ts,sort=False).get()[ts] # Get macro-particle's id. id == 0 means the macro-particle have already been exported id = data["Id"] # If no positive id, continue to the next iteration if len(id[id>0]) == 0: continue # Append phase space data of current timestep w += list(data["w"][id>0] * wnorm) x += list(data["x"][id>0] * xnorm) if geom == "1Dcartesian": y += [0.] * len(id>0) z += [0.] * len(id>0) elif geom == "2Dcartesian": y += list(data["y"][id>0] * xnorm) z += [0.] * len(id>0) elif geom == "AMCylindrical": raise NotImplementedError("TODO ...") elif geom == "3Dcartesian": y += list(data["y"][id>0] * xnorm) z += list(data["z"][id>0] * xnorm) px += list(data["px"][id>0] * pnorm) py += list(data["py"][id>0] * pnorm) pz += list(data["pz"][id>0] * pnorm) t += [ts*dt * tnorm] * len(id[id>0]) if verbose: print("Done !"),x,y,z,px,py,pz,t,verbose=verbose)