Example #1
    def vis_on_batch_helen(self, batch, savedir_image):
        images = batch.to('cpu')
        #print(images)          #print statement to check what images is for debugging
        #print(images.shape)    #print statement to check images has the correct shape
        logits = self.model.forward(images)
        probs = logits.sigmoid().cpu().numpy()

        blobs = lcfcn_loss.get_blobs(probs=probs)

        pred_counts = (np.unique(blobs) != 0).sum()
        pred_blobs = blobs
        pred_probs = probs.squeeze()

        # loc
        pred_count = pred_counts.ravel()[0]
        pred_blobs = pred_blobs.squeeze()

        img_org = hu.get_image(images, denorm="rgb")
        #this is what was originally written: img_org = hu.get_image(batch["images"],denorm="rgb")

        #the following lines are commented out because my own data does not have labels and will thus throw errors
        # true points
        #y_list, x_list = np.where(batch["points"][0].long().numpy().squeeze())
        #img_peaks = hi.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org, radius=11)
        #text = "%s ground truth" % (batch["points"].sum().item())
        #hi.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_peaks)

        # pred points
        pred_points = lcfcn_loss.blobs2points(pred_blobs).squeeze()
        y_list, x_list = np.where(pred_points.squeeze())
        img_pred = hi.mask_on_image(img_org, pred_blobs)
        # img_pred = hi.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org)
        text = "%s predicted" % (len(y_list))
        hi.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_pred)

        # these lines of code display the image with the model's predications on it

        # heatmap
        heatmap = hi.gray2cmap(pred_probs)
        heatmap = hu.f2l(heatmap)
        hi.text_on_image(text="lcfcn heatmap", image=heatmap)

        img_mask = np.hstack([img_pred, heatmap])  #helen took out im_peaks
        #this is what was originally written: img_mask = np.hstack([img_peaks, img_pred, heatmap])

        hu.save_image(savedir_image, img_mask)
Example #2
    def vis_on_batch(self, batch, savedir):
        os.makedirs(savedir, exist_ok=True)
        overlayed = hi.mask_on_image(batch['image_pil'][0],
        overlayed = Image.fromarray((overlayed * 255).astype('uint8'))

        images = batch['images']
        img = images[0]

        prediction = self.model([img.to('cuda:0')])
        org_img = Image.fromarray(img.mul(255).permute(1, 2, 0).byte().numpy())
        pred_list = []
        score_list = prediction[0]['scores']
        for i in range(len(score_list)):
            if score_list[i] < 0.5:
            pred = ((prediction[0]['masks'][i, 0] >
            pred_list += [Image.fromarray(pred)]

        img_name = batch['meta'][0]['name']
        for pred in pred_list:
            org_img = Image.fromarray(
                (hi.mask_on_image(org_img, pred) * 255).astype('uint8'))

        fname = os.path.join(savedir, '%s.jpg' % img_name)

        overlayed = hi.text_on_image(
            'gt', np.array(overlayed.resize((350, 200), 2).copy()))
        org_img = hi.text_on_image('preds',
                                   np.array(org_img.resize((350, 200))).copy())

        img = np.concatenate([org_img, overlayed.astype(float)],
                             axis=1).astype('float32') / 255.
        hu.save_image(fname=fname, img=img)
        print('image saved: %s' % fname)
Example #3
    def vis_on_batch(self, batch, savedir_image):
        images = batch["images"].to('cpu')  #helen changed this from .cuda()
        points = batch["points"].long().to(
            'cpu')  #helen changed this from .cuda()
        logits = self.model.forward(images)
        probs = logits.sigmoid().cpu().numpy()

        blobs = lcfcn_loss.get_blobs(probs=probs)

        pred_counts = (np.unique(blobs) != 0).sum()
        pred_blobs = blobs
        pred_probs = probs.squeeze()

        # loc
        pred_count = pred_counts.ravel()[0]
        pred_blobs = pred_blobs.squeeze()

        img_org = hu.get_image(batch["images"], denorm="rgb")

        # true points
        y_list, x_list = np.where(batch["points"][0].long().numpy().squeeze())
        img_peaks = hi.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org, radius=11)
        text = "%s ground truth" % (batch["points"].sum().item())
        hi.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_peaks)

        # pred points
        pred_points = lcfcn_loss.blobs2points(pred_blobs).squeeze()
        y_list, x_list = np.where(pred_points.squeeze())
        img_pred = hi.mask_on_image(img_org, pred_blobs)
        #img_pred = hi.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org)
        text = "%s predicted" % (len(y_list))
        hi.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_pred)

        # ***************            helen added this code
        )  #these lines of code display the image with the model's predications on it
        # ***************            end of helen's code

        # heatmap
        heatmap = hi.gray2cmap(pred_probs)
        heatmap = hu.f2l(heatmap)
        hi.text_on_image(text="lcfcn heatmap", image=heatmap)

        img_mask = np.hstack([img_peaks, img_pred, heatmap])

        hu.save_image(savedir_image, img_mask)
Example #4
    def vis_on_batch(self, batch, savedir_image):
        images = batch["images"].cuda()
        points = batch["points"].long().cuda()
        logits = self.model_base.forward(images)
        probs = logits.sigmoid().cpu().numpy()

        blobs = lcfcn_loss.get_blobs(probs=probs)

        pred_counts = (np.unique(blobs)!=0).sum()
        pred_blobs = blobs
        pred_probs = probs.squeeze()

        # loc 
        pred_count = pred_counts.ravel()[0]
        pred_blobs = pred_blobs.squeeze()
        img_org = hu.get_image(batch["images"],denorm="rgb")

        # true points
        y_list, x_list = np.where(batch["points"][0].long().numpy().squeeze())
        img_peaks = haven_img.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org)
        text = "%s ground truth" % (batch["points"].sum().item())
        haven_img.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_peaks)

        # pred points 
        pred_points = lcfcn_loss.blobs2points(pred_blobs).squeeze()
        y_list, x_list = np.where(pred_points.squeeze())
        img_pred = hi.mask_on_image(img_org, pred_blobs)
        # img_pred = haven_img.points_on_image(y_list, x_list, img_org)
        text = "%s predicted" % (len(y_list))
        haven_img.text_on_image(text=text, image=img_pred)

        # heatmap 
        heatmap = hi.gray2cmap(pred_probs)
        heatmap = hu.f2l(heatmap)
        haven_img.text_on_image(text="lcfcn heatmap", image=heatmap)
        img_mask = np.hstack([img_peaks, img_pred, heatmap])
        hu.save_image(savedir_image, img_mask)