Example #1
    def get_text(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        name = self.name
        mod, idx = self.get_mods(
            name, False, True,
            self.context.type.group == 'abstract', self.static)

        types = None
        ret = None
        if SCOPE_PARAMETERS in self.context.scope and \
            param_type = self.get_param_type()
            if param_type:
                tp = param_type[0].split(':')[1].strip()
                types, ret = parse_sig(tp)
                if types is not None:
                    types = [shorten_imported_type(
                        tp, self.context.imports) for tp in types]
                if ret is not None:
                    ret = shorten_imported_type(ret, self.context.imports)

        if 'var' in self.field:
            text = '%svar %s:%s$0;'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            if ret is None:
                ret = 'Dynamic'
            if types is not None:
                if not types:
                ret = '$HX_W_AR->${HX_AR_W}'.join(types)
            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, ret))
            text = '%sfunction %s(%s):%s$HX_W_OCB{\n\t$0\n}'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            params = ''
            if ret is None:
                ret = 'Void'
            ret_idx = idx + 2
            param_idx = 1

            if types:
                for tp in types:
                    if params:
                        params += '$HX_W_CM,${HX_CM_W}'
                    params += '${%d:p%d}$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' % (
                        ret_idx, param_idx, tp)
                    ret_idx += 1
                    param_idx += 1

            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, params),
                '${%d:%s}' % (ret_idx, ret))

        return text
    def get_text(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        name = self.name
        mod, idx = self.get_mods(
            name, False, True,
            self.context.type.group == 'abstract', self.static)

        types = None
        ret = None
        if SCOPE_PARAMETERS in self.context.scope and \
            param_type = self.get_param_type()
            if param_type:
                tp = param_type[0].split(':')[1].strip()
                types, ret = parse_sig(tp)
                if types is not None:
                    types = [shorten_imported_type(
                        tp, self.context.imports) for tp in types]
                if ret is not None:
                    ret = shorten_imported_type(ret, self.context.imports)

        if 'var' in self.field:
            text = '%svar %s:%s$0;'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            if ret is None:
                ret = 'Dynamic'
            if types is not None:
                if not types:
                ret = '$HX_W_AR->${HX_AR_W}'.join(types)
            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, ret))
            text = '%sfunction %s(%s):%s$HX_W_OCB{\n\t$0\n}'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            params = ''
            if ret is None:
                ret = 'Void'
            ret_idx = idx + 2
            param_idx = 1

            if types:
                for tp in types:
                    if params:
                        params += '$HX_W_CM,${HX_CM_W}'
                    params += '${%d:p%d}$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' % (
                        ret_idx, param_idx, tp)
                    ret_idx += 1
                    param_idx += 1

            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, params),
                '${%d:%s}' % (ret_idx, ret))

        return text
Example #3
    def on_select(self, index):
        if index == -1:

        view = self.window.active_view()
        field = self.methods[index]

        ftype = FIELD_FUNC
        fname = field[0]
        fparams = ','.join(field[1])
        fparams = format_statement(view, fparams)
        fparams = re_type_path.sub(r'\2', fparams)
        fargs = ','.join([s.partition(':')[0].strip() for s in field[1]])
        fargs = format_statement(view, fargs)
        ret = format_statement(view, field[2])
        ret = re_type_path.sub(r'\2', ret)

        ftext = \
            get_editable_mods(view, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) +\
            'function ' +\
            '%s$HX_W_ORB(${HX_ORB_W}%s$HX_W_CRB)$HX_CRB_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' +\
            '$HX_W_OCB{\n\t' +\
            ('' if ret == 'Void' else '${2:return }') +\
            '${3:super.%s(${HX_ORB_W}%s$HX_W_CRB);}$0' +\
        ftext = ftext % (fname, fparams, ret, fname, fargs)

        self.window.run_command('haxe_generate_field', {
            'name': fname,
            'field': ftype,
            'text': ftext,
            'move': True
    def on_select(self, index):
        if index == -1:

        view = self.window.active_view()
        field = self.methods[index]

        ftype = FIELD_FUNC
        fname = field[0]
        fparams = ','.join(field[1])
        fparams = format_statement(view, fparams)
        fparams = re_type_path.sub(r'\2', fparams)
        fargs = ','.join([s.partition(':')[0].strip() for s in field[1]])
        fargs = format_statement(view, fargs)
        ret = format_statement(view, field[2])
        ret = re_type_path.sub(r'\2', ret)

        ftext = \
            get_editable_mods(view, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) +\
            'function ' +\
            '%s$HX_W_ORB(${HX_ORB_W}%s$HX_W_CRB)$HX_CRB_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' +\
            '$HX_W_OCB{\n\t' +\
            ('' if ret == 'Void' else '${2:return }') +\
            '${3:super.%s(${HX_ORB_W}%s$HX_W_CRB);}$0' +\
        ftext = ftext % (fname, fparams, ret, fname, fargs)

            {'name': fname, 'field': ftype, 'text': ftext, 'move': True})
    def get_text(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        name = self.name
        mod, idx = self.get_mods(
            name, False, True,
            self.context.type.group == 'abstract', self.static)

        types = None
        if SCOPE_PARAMETERS in self.context.scope and \
            param_type = self.get_param_type()
            tp = param_type[0].split(':')[1]
            types = [r.strip() for r in tp.split('->')]

        if 'var' in self.field:
            text = '%svar %s:%s$0;'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            ret = 'Dynamic'
            if types:
                ret = '$HX_W_AR->${HX_AR_W}'.join(types)
            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, ret))
            text = '%sfunction %s(%s):%s$HX_W_OCB{\n\t$0\n}'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            params = ''
            ret = 'Void'
            ret_idx = idx + 2
            param_idx = 1

            if types:
                ret = types.pop()
                for tp in types:
                    if params:
                        params += '$HX_W_CM,${HX_CM_W}'
                    params += '${%d:p%d}$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' % (
                        ret_idx, param_idx, tp)
                    ret_idx += 1
                    param_idx += 1

            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, name),
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx + 1, params),
                '${%d:%s}' % (ret_idx, ret))

        return text
    def get_text(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        name = self.name
        mod, idx = self.get_mods(name, False, True, self.context.type.group == "abstract", self.static)

        types = None
        ret = None
        if SCOPE_PARAMETERS in self.context.scope and self.caret_name:
            param_type = self.get_param_type()
            if param_type:
                tp = param_type[0].split(":")[1].strip()
                types, ret = parse_sig(tp)
                if types is not None:
                    types = [shorten_imported_type(tp, self.context.imports) for tp in types]
                if ret is not None:
                    ret = shorten_imported_type(ret, self.context.imports)

        if "var" in self.field:
            text = "%svar %s:%s$0;"
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            if ret is None:
                ret = "Dynamic"
            if types is not None:
                if not types:
                ret = "$HX_W_AR->${HX_AR_W}".join(types)
            text = text % (mod, "${%d:%s}" % (idx, name), "${%d:%s}" % (idx + 1, ret))
            text = "%sfunction %s(%s):%s$HX_W_OCB{\n\t$0\n}"
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            params = ""
            if ret is None:
                ret = "Void"
            ret_idx = idx + 2
            param_idx = 1

            if types:
                for tp in types:
                    if params:
                        params += "$HX_W_CM,${HX_CM_W}"
                    params += "${%d:p%d}$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s" % (ret_idx, param_idx, tp)
                    ret_idx += 1
                    param_idx += 1

            text = text % (mod, "${%d:%s}" % (idx, name), "${%d:%s}" % (idx + 1, params), "${%d:%s}" % (ret_idx, ret))

        return text
    def on_select(self, index):
        if index == -1:

        view = self.window.active_view()
        txt = None
        if self.tp is not None:
            is_static = index != 0
            self.tp = format_statement(view, self.tp)
            txt = get_editable_mods(
                    view, 1, self.name[0] == '_',
                    0, 1, 0, is_static, 0, 1) + \
                'var %s$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s;$0' % (self.name, self.tp)

        self.window.run_command('haxe_promote_var_edit', {
            'pos0': self.pos0,
            'pos1': self.pos1,
            'text': self.name + self.post
            'haxe_generate_field', {
                'name': self.name,
                'field': FIELD_VAR if index == 0 else FIELD_STATIC_VAR,
                'text': txt,
                'move': True
    def on_select(self, index):
        if index == -1:

        view = self.window.active_view()
        txt = None
        if self.tp is not None:
            is_static = index != 0
            self.tp = format_statement(view, self.tp)
            txt = get_editable_mods(
                    view, 1, self.name[0] == '_',
                    0, 1, 0, is_static, 0, 1) + \
                'var %s$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s;$0' % (self.name, self.tp)

        self.window.run_command('haxe_promote_var_edit', {
            'pos0': self.pos0,
            'pos1': self.pos1,
            'text': self.name + self.post
        self.window.run_command('haxe_generate_field', {
            'name': self.name,
            'field': FIELD_VAR if index == 0 else FIELD_STATIC_VAR,
            'text': txt,
            'move': True
    def get_text(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        name = self.name
        mod, idx = self.get_mod(
            name, False, True,
            self.context['type']['group'] == 'abstract', self.static)

        types = None
        if 'meta.parameters.haxe.2' in self.context['scope'] and \
            param_type = self.get_param_type()
            tp = param_type[0].split(':')[1]
            types = [r.strip() for r in tp.split('->')]

        if 'var' in self.field:
            text = '%svar %s:%s$0;'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            ret = 'Dynamic'
            if types:
                ret = '$HX_W_AR->${HX_AR_W}'.join(types)
            text = text % (mod, name, '${%d:%s}' % (idx, ret))
            text = '%sfunction %s(%s):%s$HX_W_OCB{\n\t$0\n}'
            text = format_statement(view, text)
            params = ''
            ret = 'Void'
            ret_idx = idx + 1
            param_idx = 1

            if types:
                ret = types.pop()
                for tp in types:
                    if params:
                        params += '$HX_W_CM,${HX_CM_W}'
                    params += '${%d:p%d}$HX_W_C:${HX_C_W}%s' % (
                        ret_idx, param_idx, tp)
                    ret_idx += 1
                    param_idx += 1

            text = text % (
                '${%d:%s}' % (idx, params),
                '${%d:%s}' % (ret_idx, ret))

        return text
Example #10
    def show_popup(self, hints):
        view = self.view
        text = ''

        for h in hints:
            if not text:
                text = '{}%s{}' % h
                text += ',%s' % h

        text = format_statement(view, text)
        text = text.format('<b>', '</b>')

        view.run_command('haxe_show_popup', {'text': text})
    def insert_snippet(self, hints):
        view = self.view
        snippet = ''
        i = 1
        for h in hints:
            var = '%d:%s' % (i, h)
            if snippet == '':
                snippet = var
                snippet += ',${%s}' % var
            i += 1

        snippet = format_statement(view, snippet)

        view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': '${' + snippet + '}'})
    def show_popup(self, hints):
        view = self.view
        text = ''

        for h in hints:
            if not text:
                text = '{}%s{}' % h
                text += ',%s' % h

        text = format_statement(view, text)
        text = text.format('<b>', '</b>')

        view.run_command('haxe_show_popup', {
            'text': text
Example #13
    def insert_snippet(self, hints):
        view = self.view
        snippet = ''
        i = 1
        for h in hints:
            var = '%d:%s' % (i, h)
            if snippet == '':
                snippet = var
                snippet += ',${%s}' % var
            i += 1

        snippet = format_statement(view, snippet)

        view.run_command('insert_snippet', {
            'contents': '${' + snippet + '}'
    def run(self, edit):
        view = self.view

        if view.score_selector(0, 'source.haxe.2') == 0 or \
                int(sublime.version()) < 3000:

        # get word under cursor
        word = view.word(view.sel()[0])

        # get utf-8 byte offset to the end of the word
        src = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, word.b))
        offset = len(codecs.encode(src, "utf-8")) + 1
        # add 1 because offset is 1-based

        complete = HaxeComplete_inst()

        # save file and run completion
        temp = complete.save_temp_file(view)
        hint = complete.run_haxe(
        complete.clear_temp_file(view, temp)

        if hint is None:
            status = "No type information for '%s'." % \
                view.substr(sublime.Region(word.a, word.b))
            view.set_status("haxe-status", status)
            hint = format_statement(view, hint)
            view.set_status("haxe-status", hint)

            hint = hint.replace('<', '&lt;')
            hint = hint.replace('>', '&gt;')
            hint = re_params.sub(r'<b>\1</b>\2:', hint)

            if int(sublime.version()) >= 3070 and \
                    view.settings().get("haxe_use_popup", True):
                view.run_command('haxe_show_popup', {'text': hint})
                view.show_popup_menu([hint], lambda i: None)
    def run(self, edit):
        view = self.view

        if view.score_selector(0, 'source.haxe.2') == 0 or \
                int(sublime.version()) < 3000:

        # get word under cursor
        word = view.word(view.sel()[0])

        # get utf-8 byte offset to the end of the word
        src = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, word.b))
        offset = len(codecs.encode(src, "utf-8")) + 1
        # add 1 because offset is 1-based

        complete = HaxeComplete_inst()

        # save file and run completion
        temp = complete.save_temp_file(view)
        hint = complete.run_haxe(view, dict(
        complete.clear_temp_file(view, temp)

        if hint is None:
            status = "No type information for '%s'." % \
                view.substr(sublime.Region(word.a, word.b))
            view.set_status("haxe-status", status)
            hint = format_statement(view, hint)
            if int(sublime.version()) >= 3070 and \
                    view.settings().get("haxe_use_popup", True):
                view.run_command('haxe_show_popup', {'text': hint})
                view.show_popup_menu([hint], lambda i: None)
            view.set_status("haxe-status", hint)