def __init__(self, handle, base_url, country, forceeng=False): HbogoHandler.__init__(self, handle, base_url) self.LICENSE_SERVER = "" self.API_CLIENT_VERSION = '3.10.15' self.API_DEVICE_ID = '' self.API_DEVICE_TOKEN = '' self.API_IDENTITY_GUID = '' self.API_ACCOUNT_GUID = '' self.NAMESPACES = { 'clearleap': '', 'media': '', } if country[1] == 'es': self.API_HOST = '' else: self.API_HOST = '' self.API_HOST_GATEWAY = country[5] self.API_HOST_GATEWAY_REFERER = self.API_HOST_GATEWAY + '/sign-in' self.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = country[4] self.LANGUAGE_CODE = self.language(30000) self.LANGUAGE_ENG = '' self.operator_name = '' if country[1] == 'es': self.LANGUAGE_ENG = 'en_hboespana' self.operator_name = 'HBO SPAIN' else: self.LANGUAGE_ENG = 'en_hbon' self.operator_name = 'HBO NORDIC' if self.LANGUAGE_CODE == 'ENG': # only englih or the default language for the selected operator is allowed self.LANGUAGE_CODE = self.LANGUAGE_ENG # check if default language is forced if self.addon.getSetting('deflang') == 'true': self.LANGUAGE_CODE = self.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE if forceeng: self.LANGUAGE_CODE = self.LANGUAGE_ENG self.API_URL_BROWSE = 'https://' + self.API_HOST + '/cloffice/client/web/browse/' self.LANGUAGE_CODE = '?language=' + self.LANGUAGE_CODE self.API_URL_SEARCH = 'https://' + self.API_HOST + '/cloffice/client/web/search' + self.LANGUAGE_CODE + '&query=' self.API_URL_AUTH_WEBBASIC = 'https://' + self.API_HOST + '/cloffice/client/device/login' self.API_URL_MYLIST_OPERATION = 'https://' + self.API_HOST + '/cloffice/client/web/savedAsset' + self.LANGUAGE_CODE + '&guid=' if self.getCredential('username'): self.init_api() else: self.setup()
def router(self, arguments): params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(arguments)) url = None name = None content_id = None mode = None vote = None try: url = unquote(params["url"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log("[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - url warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: name = unquote(params["name"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log("[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - name warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: mode = int(params["mode"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log("[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - mode warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: content_id = str(params["cid"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log("[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - content_id warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: vote = str(params["vote"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log("[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - vote warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if mode is None or url is None or len(url) < 1: self.start() self.handler.categories() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_LIST: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.list(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEASON: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.season(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_EPISODE: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.episode(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEARCH: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(self.language(30711)) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_PLAY: self.start() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_RESET_SETUP: # logout, destry setup # ask confirm if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(self.addon.getAddonInfo('name'), self.language(30692)): from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_setup() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_RESET_SESSION: # reset session from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_login() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_VOTE: # vote self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_VOTE, content_id, vote) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_ADD_MY_LIST: # add to my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_ADD_MY_LIST, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_REMOVE_MY_LIST: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_REMOVE_MY_LIST, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_WATCHED: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_WATCHED, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_UNWATCHED: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_UNWATCHED, content_id)
def router(self, arguments): params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(arguments)) url = None name = None content_id = None mode = None vote = None try: url = unquote(params["url"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log( "[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - url warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: name = unquote(params["name"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log( "[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - name warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: mode = int(params["mode"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log( "[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - mode warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: content_id = str(params["cid"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log( "[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - content_id warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: vote = str(params["vote"]) except KeyError: pass except Exception: xbmc.log( "[" + str(self.addon_id) + "] " + "ROUTER - vote warning: " + traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if mode is None or url is None or len(url) < 1: self.start() self.handler.categories() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_LIST: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.list(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEASON: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.season(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_EPISODE: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.episode(url) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEARCH_LIST: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.searchlist() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEARCH_CLEAR_HISTORY: from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.searchlist_del_history() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEARCH_REMOVE_HISTOY_ITEM: from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) itm = None try: itm = unquote(params["itm"]) except KeyError: pass if itm is not None: handler.searchlist_del_history_item(itm) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_SEARCH: if url == "EXTERNAL_SEARCH_FORCE_ENG": self.start(True) else: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(self.language(30711)) query = None try: query = unquote(params["query"]) except KeyError: pass if query is None: else: elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_PLAY: self.start() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_RESET_SETUP: # logout, destry setup # ask confirm if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(self.addon.getAddonInfo('name'), self.language(30692)): from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_setup() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_CLEAR_REQUEST_CACHE: # reset request cache from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.clear_request_cache() elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_CLEAN_SUBTITLES_CACHE: # clean subtitle cache from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.clean_sub_cache(silent=False) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_RESET_SESSION: # reset session from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_login() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_VOTE: # vote self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_VOTE, content_id, vote) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_ADD_MY_LIST: # add to my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_ADD_MY_LIST, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_REMOVE_MY_LIST: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_REMOVE_MY_LIST, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_WATCHED: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_WATCHED, content_id) elif mode == HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_UNWATCHED: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(HbogoConstants.ACTION_MARK_UNWATCHED, content_id)
def router(self, arguments): params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(arguments)) url = None name = None thumbnail = None content_id = None mode = None vote = None try: url = urllib.unquote_plus(params["url"]) except: pass try: name = urllib.unquote_plus(params["name"]) except: pass try: thumbnail = str(params["thumbnail"]) except: pass try: mode = int(params["mode"]) except: pass try: content_id = str(params["cid"]) except: pass try: vote = str(params["vote"]) except: pass if mode == None or url == None or len(url) < 1: self.start() self.handler.categories() elif mode == 1: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.list(url) elif mode == 2: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.season(url) elif mode == 3: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name) self.handler.episode(url) elif mode == 4: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(self.language(30711).encode('utf-8')) elif mode == 5: self.start() self.handler.setDispCat(name), content_id) elif mode == 6: #logout, destry setup from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_setup() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == 7: #reset session from hbogolib.handler import HbogoHandler handler = HbogoHandler(self.handle, self.base_url) handler.del_login() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') elif mode == 8: # vote self.start() self.handler.procContext(8, content_id, vote) elif mode == 9: # add to my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(9, content_id) elif mode == 10: # remove from my list self.start() self.handler.procContext(10, content_id)