Example #1
	def __truediv__(self, other):
		if isinstance(other, FixedHomoFloat):
			if self.k - other.k < self.max_k and self.k - other.k >= 0:
				k1 = self.k - other.k
				M1 = hec.div(self.M, other.M)
				raise ValueError('Wrong k')
		elif is_builtin(other):
			M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int(other * (10 ** self.k)), self.__key)
			M1 = hec.div(self.M, M1)
			k1 = 0
			raise TypeError('Unknown type for division')
		return FixedHomoFloat(0, k=k1, M=M1, key=self.__key)
Example #2
	def __sub__(self, other):
		if isinstance(other, FixedHomoFloat):
			diff_k = self.k - other.k
			neg = False
			if diff_k < 0:
				neg = True
				diff_k *= -1

			M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int((10 ** diff_k)), self.__key)
			if not neg:
				M1 = hec.mul(other.M, M1)
				M1 = hec.sub(self.M, M1)
				k1 = self.k
				M1 = hec.mul(self.M, M1)
				if self.k + diff_k < self.max_k and self.k + diff_k >= 0:
					M1 = hec.sub(M1, other.M)
					k1 = self.k + diff_k
				elif self.k + diff_k > self.max_k:
					k1 = self.max_k - 1
					M1 = hec.sub(M1, other.M)
					C1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int((10 ** (self.k + diff_k - self.max_k + 1))), self.__key)
					M1 = hec.div(M1, C1)
		elif is_builtin(other):
			M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int(other * (10 ** self.k)), self.__key)
			M1 = hec.sub(self.M, M1)
			k1 = self.k
			raise TypeError('Unknown type for substraction')
		return FixedHomoFloat(0, k=k1, M=M1, key=self.__key)
Example #3
	def __rtruediv__(self, other):
		if is_builtin(other):
			M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int(other * (10 ** self.k)), self.__key)
			M1 = hec.div(M1, self.M)
			k1 = 0
			raise TypeError('Unknown type for division')
		return FixedHomoFloat(0, k=0, M=M1, key=self.__key)
Example #4
	def __mul__(self, other):
		if isinstance(other, FixedHomoFloat):
			if self.k + other.k < self.max_k and self.k + other.k >= 0:
				M1 = hec.mul(self.M, other.M)
				k1 = self.k + other.k
			elif self.k + other.k > self.max_k:
				k1 = self.max_k - 1
				M1 = hec.mul(self.M, other.M)
				C1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int((10 ** (self.k + other.k - self.max_k + 1))), self.__key)
				M1 = hec.div(M1, C1)
		elif is_builtin(other):
			if self.k * 2 < self.max_k and self.k * 2 >= 0:
				M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int(other * (10 ** self.k)), self.__key)
				M1 = hec.mul(self.M, M1)
				k1 = self.k * 2
			elif self.k * 2 > self.max_k:
				M1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int(other * (10 ** self.k)), self.__key)
				k1 = self.max_k - 1
				M1 = hec.mul(self.M, M1)
				C1 = hee.encrypttopoly(int((10 ** (2 * self.k - self.max_k + 1))), self.__key)
				M1 = hec.div(M1, C1)
			raise TypeError('Unknown type for multiplication')
		return FixedHomoFloat(0, k=k1, M=M1, key=self.__key)