Example #1
def test_correlated_alm():
    lmax = 2000
    ells = np.arange(0, lmax, 1)

    def get_cls(ells, index, amplitude):
        cls = amplitude * ells.astype(np.float32)**index
        cls[ells < 2] = 0
        return cls

    Clf1f1 = get_cls(ells, -1, 1)
    Clf2f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.3, 2)
    Clf1f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.4, 0.5)

    alm_f1 = hp.synalm(Clf1f1, lmax=lmax - 1)
    alm_f2 = deltag.generate_correlated_alm(alm_f1, Clf1f1, Clf2f2, Clf1f2)

    f1f1 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f1)
    f2f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f2, alm_f2)
    f1f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f2)

    pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', scalefn=lambda x: x)
    pl.add(ells, f1f1, color="C0", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(ells, f2f2, color="C1", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(ells, f1f2, color="C2", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(ells, Clf1f1, label="f1f1", color="C0", ls="--", lw=3)
    pl.add(ells, Clf2f2, label="f2f2", color="C1", ls="--", lw=3)
    pl.add(ells, Clf1f2, label="f1f2", color="C2", ls="--", lw=3)
Example #2
    def calculate(self):
        calculate various properties of the gaussian, fnl, gnl maps i.e. compute
        * Ais
        * As
        * Cls
        * dipoles using remove_dipole

        if (self.gausmap0!=None):
            self.gausA0=get_A0(self.gausCls0[1:], inpCls[1:])
            self.gausAi=Ais(self.gausmap1, self.lmax); self.gausA=AistoA(self.gausAi)
            self.gausAi2=Ais(self.gausmap0, self.lmax); self.gausA2=AistoA(self.gausAi2)
            self.gausmp=hp.remove_monopole(self.gausmap0, fitval=True)[1]

        if (self.fnlmaps0!=None):
            self.fnlCls0=[]; self.fnlCls1=[]; self.fnlA0=[]; self.fnlAi=[]; self.fnlAi2=[]
            self.fnlmp=[]; self.fnldipole=[]; self.fnlA=[]; self.fnlA2=[]

            for i in range(self.Nfnls):
                self.fnlCls0.append(hp.anafast(self.fnlmaps0[i], nspec=self.lmax))
                self.fnlCls1.append(hp.anafast(self.fnlmaps1[i], nspec=self.lmax))
                self.fnlA0.append(get_A0(self.fnlCls0[i][1:], inpCls[1:]))
                self.fnlAi.append(Ais(self.fnlmaps1[i], self.lmax)); self.fnlA.append(AistoA(self.fnlAi[i]))
                self.fnlAi2.append(Ais(self.fnlmaps0[i], self.lmax)); self.fnlA2.append(AistoA(self.fnlAi2[i]))
                self.fnlmp.append(hp.remove_monopole(self.fnlmaps0[i], fitval=True)[1])
Example #3
def get_spectra(tube, omap, nside, res, white, w2):
    zeros = []
    if nside is not None:
        mlmax = nside * 2
        alms = [
            hp.map2alm(omap[i, 0, ...], lmax=mlmax, pol=True) / np.sqrt(w2)
            for i in range(2)
        mlmax = 4096 * 2 / res
        alms = [
            cs.map2alm(omap[i, 0, ...], lmax=mlmax, spin=[0, 2]) / np.sqrt(w2)
            for i in range(2)

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(i, 2):
            for p in range(3):
                for q in range(p + 1, 3):
                    zeros.append(hp.alm2cl(alms[i][p], alms[j][q]))

    for i in range(1, 3):
        zeros.append(hp.alm2cl(alms[0][i], alms[1][i]))

    c11 = [hp.alm2cl(alms[0][i], alms[0][i]) for i in range(3)]
    c22 = [hp.alm2cl(alms[1][i], alms[1][i]) for i in range(3)]
    cross = hp.alm2cl(alms[0][0], alms[1][0])
    if white or tube[0] == "S":
        c12 = []
        c12 = [cross]
    ls = np.arange(c11[0].size)
    return ls, c11, c22, c12, zeros
Example #4
def check_EBlm2d(nu1=100,nu2=143, lmax=300,
                maskfield=2, source_maskfield=0,
                label_loc='lower right', xmax=None):
    map_name = 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(nu1)
    Q1,U1 =hp.read_map(data_path + map_name, field=(1,2))
    map_name = 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(nu2)
    Q2,U2 =hp.read_map(data_path + map_name, field=(1,2))
    mask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_GalPlane-apo0_2048_R2.00.fits',
    smask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_PointSrc_2048_R2.00.fits',
    mask *= smask

    hdulist = fits.open(data_path + 'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits')
    beam1 = hdulist[beam_index['{}P'.format(nu1)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    beam2 = hdulist[beam_index['{}P'.format(nu2)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    elm1,blm1 = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q1, Umap=U1, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=False, recalc=True, div_beam=beam1)
    elm_hp1,blm_hp1 = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q1, Umap=U1, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=True, recalc=True, div_beam=beam1)
    elm2,blm2 = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q2, Umap=U2, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=False, recalc=True, div_beam=beam2)
    elm_hp2,blm_hp2 = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q2, Umap=U2, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=True, recalc=True, div_beam=beam2)

    clee = cl_alm2d(alm1=elm1, alm2=elm2, lmax=lmax)
    clbb = cl_alm2d(alm1=blm1,alm2=blm2, lmax=lmax)
    l = np.arange(len(clee))
    clee_hp = hp.alm2cl(elm_hp1,elm_hp2, lmax=lmax)
    clbb_hp = hp.alm2cl(blm_hp1,blm_hp2, lmax=lmax)
    l_hp = np.arange(len(clee_hp))

    clplanck = np.loadtxt(data_path + 'bf_base_cmbonly_plikHMv18_TT_lowTEB_lmax4000.minimum.theory_cl')
    clee_planck = clplanck[:,3]
    clbb_planck = clplanck[:,4]
    l_planck = clplanck[:,0]

    pl.title('EE check')
    pl.plot(l, clee*l*(l+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='2d')
    pl.plot(l,clee_hp*l_hp*(l_hp+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='healpy')
    pl.plot(l_planck, clee_planck, label='planck best fit')
    if xmax is None:

    pl.title('BB check')
    pl.plot(l, clbb*l*(l+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='2d')
    pl.plot(l_hp,clbb_hp*l_hp*(l_hp+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='healpy')
    pl.plot(l_planck, clbb_planck, label='planck best fit')
    if xmax is None:
def cleaned_map():
    weights = w_ell()[0]
    for ell in np.arange(lmax + 1):
        print('ell>>>', ell)
        for m in np.arange(ell + 1):
            for i in np.arange(map_num):
                alm_comb[i, hp.Alm.getidx(lmax=lmax, l=ell, m=m)] = alm_comb[
                    i, hp.Alm.getidx(lmax=lmax, l=ell, m=m)] * weights[ell, i]
            for j in np.arange(n_realization):
                alm_comb_n[:, j, hp.Alm.getidx(
                    lmax=lmax, l=ell, m=m
                )] = alm_comb_n[:, j,
                                hp.Alm.getidx(lmax=lmax, l=ell, m=m
                                              )] * weights[ell]
    cleaned_alm = np.sum(alm_comb, axis=0)
    noise_bias = np.sum(alm_comb_n, axis=0)
    Cl_noise = np.sum(hp.alm2cl(noise_bias, nspec=n_realization),
                      axis=0) / n_realization
    np.save('Cl_noise_sim', Cl_noise)
    print('shape_cleaned_alm', np.shape(cleaned_alm))
    cleaned_Cl = hp.alm2cl(cleaned_alm)
    Cl_debias = cleaned_Cl - Cl_noise
    cleaned_map = hp.alm2map(cleaned_alm, nside=512)
    ell = np.arange(len(cleaned_Cl))
    cleaned_Dl = ell * (ell + 1) / 2 / np.pi * cleaned_Cl
    cleaned_Dl_debias = ell * (ell + 1) / 2 / np.pi * Cl_debias
    return cleaned_map, cleaned_Dl, cleaned_Dl_debias
Example #6
def get_power(map_list, ivar_list, a, b, mask, N=20):
	Calculate the average coadded flattened power spectrum P_{ab} used to generate simulation for the splits.
	map_list: list of source free splits
	ivar_list: list of the inverse variance maps splits
	a: 0,1,2 for I,Q,U respectively
	b:0,1,2 for I,Q,U, respectively
	N: window to smooth the power spectrum by in the rolling average.
	mask: apodizing mask

	1D power spectrum accounted for w2 from 0 to 10000
    pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(map_list[0].shape, map_list[0].wcs)

    cl_ab = []
    n = len(map_list)
    #calculate the coadd maps
    if a != b:
        coadd_a = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
        coadd_b = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, b)
        coadd_a = coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)

    for i in range(n):
        if a != b:
            d_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_a
            noise_a = d_a * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            alm_a = cs.map2alm(noise_a, lmax=10000)
            d_b = map_list[i][b] - coadd_b
            noise_b = d_b * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            alm_b = cs.map2alm(noise_b, lmax=10000)
            cls = hp.alm2cl(alm_a, alm_b)
            d_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_a
            noise_a = d_a * np.sqrt(ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap) * mask
            print("generating alms")
            alm_a = cs.map2alm(noise_a, lmax=10000)
            cls = hp.alm2cl(alm_a)
    cl_ab = np.array(cl_ab)
    sqrt_ivar = np.sqrt(ivar_eff(0, ivar_list) / pmap)
    mask_ivar = sqrt_ivar * 0 + 1
    mask_ivar[sqrt_ivar <= 0] = 0
    mask = mask * mask_ivar
    mask[mask <= 0] = 0
    w2 = np.sum((mask**2) * pmap) / np.pi / 4.
    power = 1 / n / (n - 1) * np.sum(cl_ab, axis=0)
    ls = np.arange(len(power))
    power[~np.isfinite(power)] = 0
    power = rolling_average(power, N)
    bins = np.arange(len(power))
    power = maps.interp(bins, power)(ls)
    return power / w2
Example #7
def run_alm2spec(path_name, overw):
    #TODO to process spectrum, need to know the beamfunction? is it 5arcmin?
    # beamf = {'12345-12345': hp.gauss_beam()}
    # C_lS_unsc = trsf_s.apply_beamf(C_lS_unsc, cf, ['12345-12345'], speccomb, beamf)
    # io.alert_cached(io.signal_sc_path_name)
    cmb_tlm, cmb_elm, cmb_blm = cslib.load_alms('cmb', csu.sim_id)
    C_lS_unsc = np.array([hp.alm2cl([cmb_tlm, cmb_elm, cmb_blm])[:,:csu.cf['pa']['lmax']+1]])
    C_lS = trsf_s.apply_scale(C_lS_unsc, csu.cf['pa']["Spectrum_scale"])
    io.save_data(C_lS, path_name)

    C_lS = hp.alm2cl([cmb_tlm, cmb_elm, cmb_blm])
Example #8
def calc_IP2_equil(Imap, Qmap, Umap, lmax=100):

    Tlm = hp.map2alm(Imap)
    Elm, Blm = hp.map2alm_spin((Qmap, Umap), 2)

    TEE = hp.alm2cl(Tlm, Elm**2)
    TBB = hp.alm2cl(Tlm, Blm**2)
    TEB = hp.alm2cl(Tlm, Elm * Blm)

    ls = np.arange(len(TEE))
    return ls, TEE, TBB, TEB
Example #9
    def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}):

        self.epochs_waited += 1

        if self.epochs_waited == self.patience:

            X_val, y_val = self.validation_data.T[0].T, self.validation_data.T[
            if self.is_3d:
                X_val = np.expand_dims(X_val, axis=-1)

            y_predict = self.model.predict(X_val)

            trans = []
            res = []
            for i in range(np.squeeze(y_predict).T.shape[0]):
                y_pred = np.squeeze(y_predict).T[i].T.flatten(
                )  # choose given freq band, then flatten out
                y_pred = y_pred[self.rearr]
                y_pred = hp.map2alm(y_pred)
                y_pred = hp.alm2cl(y_pred)

                # Get Cls for COSMO spectrum
                y_v = np.squeeze(y_val)
                y_v = y_v.T[i].T.flatten()
                y_v = y_v[self.rearr]
                y_v = hp.map2alm(y_v)
                y_v = hp.alm2cl(y_v)

                # compute transfer
                trans.append(np.sqrt((y_pred / y_v))[1:])

                # compute residual power spec
                res.append(np.abs(((y_v - y_pred) / y_v))[1:])

            res_avg = np.mean(np.array(res))
            trans_avg = np.mean(np.array(trans))

            if self.record_spectra:

            print(" - val avg transfer: %0.4f" % (trans_avg))
            print(" - val avg res: %0.4f" % (res_avg))
            # reset number of epochs waited
            self.epochs_waited = 0

            # increase num epochs waited
            self.epochs_waited += 1
Example #10
def calc_IP2_equil(Imap, Qmap, Umap,

    Tlm = hp.map2alm( Imap )
    Elm,Blm = hp.map2alm_spin( (Qmap,Umap), 2 )
    TEE = hp.alm2cl( Tlm, Elm**2 )
    TBB = hp.alm2cl( Tlm, Blm**2 )
    TEB = hp.alm2cl( Tlm, Elm*Blm )

    ls = np.arange( len(TEE) )
    return ls, TEE, TBB, TEB
Example #11
def _harmonic_ilc_alm(components, instrument, alms, lbins=None, fsky=None):
    cl_in = np.array([hp.alm2cl(alm) for alm in alms])

    # Multipoles for the ILC bins
    lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(alms.shape[-1])
    ell = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)[0]
    if lbins is not None:
        ell = np.digitize(ell, lbins)
    # NOTE: use lmax for indexing alms, ell.max() is the maximum bin index

    # Make alms real
    alms = np.asarray(alms, order='C')
    alms = alms.view(np.float64)
         np.arange(1, 2 * (lmax + 1), 2)] = hp.UNSEEN  # Mask imaginary m = 0
    ell = np.stack((ell, ell), axis=-1).reshape(-1)
    if alms.ndim > 2:  # TEB -> ILC indipendently on each Stokes
        n_stokes = alms.shape[1]
        assert n_stokes in [1, 3], "Alms must be either T only or T E B"
        alms[:, 1:,
             [0, 2, 2 * lmax + 2, 2 * lmax + 3]] = hp.UNSEEN  # EB for ell < 2
        ell = np.stack([ell] * n_stokes)  # Replicate ell for every Stokes
        ell += np.arange(n_stokes).reshape(-1, 1) * (ell.max() + 1
                                                     )  # Add offset

    res = ilc(components, instrument, alms, ell)

    # Craft output
    res.s[res.s == hp.UNSEEN] = 0.
    res.s = np.asarray(res.s, order='C').view(np.complex128)
    cl_out = np.array([hp.alm2cl(alm) for alm in res.s])

    res.cl_in = cl_in
    res.cl_out = cl_out
    if fsky:
        res.cl_in /= fsky
        res.cl_out /= fsky

    res.fsky = fsky
    lrange = np.arange(lmax + 1)
    ldigitized = np.digitize(lrange, lbins)
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        res.l_ref = (np.bincount(ldigitized, lrange * 2 * lrange + 1) /
                     np.bincount(ldigitized, 2 * lrange + 1))
    res.freq_cov *= 2  # sqrt(2) missing between complex-real alm conversion
    if res.s.ndim > 2:
        res.freq_cov = res.freq_cov.reshape(n_stokes, -1,
        res.W = res.W.reshape(n_stokes, -1, *res.W.shape[1:])

    return res
def b_cov_T353_E143_B143(cl_file=pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH+'bf_base_cmbonly_plikHMv18_TT_lowTEB_lmax4000.minimum.theory_cl',lmax=100):

    Imap = hp.read_map(pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_353_2048_R2.02_full.fits')
    Tlm = hp.map2alm(Imap,lmax=lmax)
    cltt = hp.alm2cl(Tlm,lmax=lmax)

    mask = pf.get_planck_mask(psky=70)
    Qmap, Umap = hp.read_map(pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_143_2048_R2.02_full.fits',field=(1,2))
    Elm, Blm = hp.map2alm_spin( (Qmap*mask,Umap*mask), 2, lmax=lmax )
    clee = hp.alm2cl(Elm,lmax=lmax)
    clbb = hp.alm2cl(Blm,lmax=lmax)

    cov = calc_b_cov_TEB(cltt, clee, clbb)
    return cov
Example #13
def compare_power(input_file1,
    ''' simple power spectrum comparison '''

    map_dens1 = create_healpix_map(input_file1,
    map_dens2 = create_healpix_map(input_file2,

    # scaling to remove monopole - this helps with power spectrum computation.
    mask_octant = compute_mask(nside=nside, octant="upper")
    map_dens1 = scale_map(map_dens1, mask_octant, nside=nside)
    map_dens2 = scale_map(map_dens2, mask_octant, nside=nside)

    print('comparing density maps')
    hp.mollzoom(map_dens1 - map_dens2)
    if display_plots:
    alm_1 = hp.map2alm(map_dens1, lmax=lmax)
    alm_2 = hp.map2alm(map_dens2, lmax=lmax)
    cl_1 = hp.alm2cl(alm_1)
    cl_2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_2)
    print('computed power spectra')
    l = np.arange(lmax + 1)
    fsky = 1. / 8
    plt.plot(l, cl_1 * l * (l + 1) / (2. * np.pi) / fsky)
    plt.plot(l, cl_2 * l * (l + 1) / (2. * np.pi) / fsky)
    plt.savefig('cls_' + input_file1 + '_' + input_file2 + '.png', dpi=500)
    if display_plots:
    plt.plot(l, np.abs(cl_1 - cl_2) / cl_1)
    plt.savefig('cls_fractional_' + input_file1 + '_' + input_file2 + '.png',
    if display_plots:
    return map_dens1, map_dens2, cl_1, cl_2
def b_cov_TEB(lmax=100,frequency=353):
    """this one is map-based"""

    Imap,Qmap, Umap = hp.read_map(pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(frequency),field=(0,1,2))
    mask = pf.get_planck_mask()
    Tlm = hp.map2alm(Imap*mask,lmax=lmax)
    cltt = hp.alm2cl(Tlm,lmax=lmax)

    Elm, Blm = hp.map2alm_spin( (Qmap*mask,Umap*mask), 2, lmax=lmax )
    clee = hp.alm2cl(Elm,lmax=lmax)
    clbb = hp.alm2cl(Blm,lmax=lmax)

    #hs = get_hs(lmax=100)
    cov = calc_b_cov_TEB(cltt, clee, clbb)#/hs
    return cov
Example #15
    def __call__(self, alm1, alm2):
        assert alm1.lmaxt == alm2.lmaxt, (alm1.lmaxt, alm2.lmaxt)
        assert alm1.lmaxe == alm2.lmaxe, (alm1.lmaxe, alm2.lmaxe)
        assert alm1.lmaxb == alm2.lmaxb, (alm1.lmaxb, alm2.lmaxb)

        ret = np.sum(
            hp.alm2cl(alm1.tlm, alm2.tlm) *
            (2. * np.arange(0, alm1.lmaxt + 1) + 1))
        ret += np.sum(
            hp.alm2cl(alm1.elm, alm2.elm) *
            (2. * np.arange(0, alm1.lmaxe + 1) + 1))
        ret += np.sum(
            hp.alm2cl(alm1.blm, alm2.blm) *
            (2. * np.arange(0, alm1.lmaxb + 1) + 1))
        return ret
def CG_algo(Matrix, b, data_start, i_max, eps):
    Cf. algorithm B2 from Shewchuk 94 (page 50)
    Matrix is the function to apply the matrix on a vector (eg A_matrix_func)
    data_start is a data_class class, with real alms
    i = 0
    x = data_start.alm.copy()
    cl_th = data_start.cl_th
    beam = data_start.beam
    sigma = data_start.sigma
    invvar = data_start.invvar
    lmax = data_start.lmax
    nside = data_start.nside
    out = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside])
    r = b - Matrix(data_start)
    d = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside])
    d.alm = r.copy()
    delt_n = np.dot(r.T, r)
    delt_0 = delt_n.copy()
    iter_out_map = []
    iter_out_cl = []
    res = []
    x_list = []
    while i < i_max and delt_n > (eps ** 2 * delt_0):
        q = Matrix(d)
        alph = np.float(delt_n) / np.dot(d.alm.T, q)
        x = x + alph * d.alm
        if i % 10 == 0:
            dat_temp = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside])
            dat_temp.alm = x
            r = b - Matrix(dat_temp)
            r = r - alph * q
        delt_old = delt_n.copy()
        delt_n = np.dot(r.T, r)
        bet = delt_n / delt_old
        d.alm = r + bet * d.alm
        i += 1
        out.alm = x
            hp.alm2cl(real2complex_alm(r - (b - Matrix(data_start))))
            / hp.alm2cl(real2complex_alm(b - Matrix(data_start)))
        # x_list.append(real2complex_alm(x))
    return iter_out_map, iter_out_cl, res  # x_list
Example #17
    def get_window_power_cl(self, corr={}, indxs={}):
        win = {}
        if not self.use_window:
            win = {'cl': self.f_sky, 'M': self.coupling_M, 'xi': 1, 'xi_b': 1}
            return win

        m1m2 = np.absolute(self.m1_m2s[(corr[0], corr[1])]).flatten()
        #         print(m1m2[0],self.wig_3j)
        wig_3j_1 = self.wig_3j[m1m2[0]]
        wig_3j_2 = self.wig_3j[m1m2[1]]

        z_bin1 = self.z_bins[corr[0]][indxs[0]]
        z_bin2 = self.z_bins[corr[1]][indxs[1]]
        alm1 = z_bin1['window_alm']
        alm2 = z_bin2['window_alm']

        win['cl'] = hp.alm2cl(alms1=alm1,
                              lmax_out=self.window_lmax)  #This is f_sky*cl.
        win['M'] = self.coupling_matrix_large(
            win['cl'], wig_3j_1, wig_3j_2) * (2 * self.l[:, None] + 1
                                              )  #FIXME: check ordering
        #Note that this matrix leads to pseudo cl, which differs by factor of f_sky from true cl
        if self.do_xi:
            th, win['xi'] = self.HT.projected_correlation(l_cl=self.window_l,
                                                          m1_m2=(0, 0),
            win['xi_b'] = self.binning.bin_1d(xi=win['xi'],

        del alm1
        del alm2
        return win
Example #18
    def calculate(self):
        calculate various properties of the gaussian, fnl, gnl maps i.e. compute
        * Ais
        * As
        * Cls
        * dipoles using remove_dipole

        if (self.gausmap!=None):
            self.gausA0=get_A0(self.gausCls[1:], inpCls[1:])
            self.gausAi=Ais(self.gausmap, self.lmax); self.gausA=AistoA(self.gausAi)
            self.gausmp=hp.remove_monopole(self.gausmap, fitval=True)[1]

        if (self.gnlmaps!=None):
            self.gnlCls=[]; self.gnlA0=[]; self.gnlAi=[]
            self.gnlmp=[]; self.gnldipole=[]; self.gnlA=[]

            for i in range(self.Ngnls):
                self.gnlCls.append(hp.anafast(self.gnlmaps[i], nspec=self.lmax))
                self.gnlA0.append(get_A0(self.gnlCls[i][1:], inpCls[1:]))
                self.gnlAi.append(Ais(self.gnlmaps[i], self.lmax)); self.gnlA.append(AistoA(self.gnlAi[i]))
                self.gnlmp.append(hp.remove_monopole(self.gnlmaps[i], fitval=True)[1])
Example #19
def VisualizeAlm(alm,figno=1,max_l=None,annot=''):
    """ Visualize a healpy a_lm vector """
    lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(f_lm.size)
    l,m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)
    mag = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1])
    phs = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1])
    a_lm = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1],dtype='complex128')
    mag[m,l] = np.abs(alm)
    phs[m,l] = np.angle(alm)
    a_lm[m,l] = alm
    cl = hp.alm2cl(alm)
    # Decide the range of l to plot
    if max_l != None:
        max_l = (max_l if (max_l <= lmax) else lmax)
        max_l = lmax 
    print max_l
    # plt.subplot(313)
    return {'mag':mag,'phs':phs,'cl':cl,'a_lm':a_lm}
Example #20
    def getsigmap(self, sigtype):
        """Generate a healpix CMB map with TT, EE, and BB"""
        fn = self.inputmap.replace('rxxxx', 'r{:04d}'.format(self.rlz))

        if 'EnoB' in self.sigtype:
            fn = fn.replace('camb_planck2013', 'camb_planck2013_EnoB')

        # Load
        self.hmap = np.array(hp.read_map('input_maps/' + fn, field=(0, 1, 2)))
        self.Nside = hp.npix2nside(self.hmap[0].size)

        # Band limit. Technically we should not band limit and just simulate
        # with beam rolloff, but the map should not have power beyond the
        # nyquist limit of the beam postage stamp pixelizaiton, which for the
        # case of our sidelobes is quite coarse (0.2 deg)
        alm = hp.map2alm(self.hmap)
        cl = hp.alm2cl(alm[0])
        fl = np.zeros_like(cl)
        l = np.arange(len(fl))
        l0 = 500
        l1 = 600
        fl[0:l0] = 1.0
        ll = np.arange(l1 - l0)
        ll = ll * np.pi / np.max(ll)
        fl[l0:l1] = 0.5 * (np.cos(ll) + 1)

        alm2 = [hp.almxfl(k, fl) for k in alm]
        self.hmap = np.array(hp.alm2map(alm2, self.Nside))
        del alm
        del alm2

        if 'EnoB' in self.sigtype:
            # no T->P for EnoB sims
            self.hmap[0, :] = 0
Example #21
def fisher_single(par,v) :
    # v -> seen pixels
    v_map=np.zeros(npix); v_map[par.ip_seen]=v
    for iba in np.arange(nb) :
#        print " Row %d"%iba
        transfer=np.zeros(lmax+1); transfer[par.bins[iba]:par.bins[iba+1]]=1.
        v_map2=hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(v_lm,transfer),par.nside,verbose=False)/pixsize #Q_a * v
        v_map2cm1=invert_covar(par,v_map2) #C^-1 * Q_a * v
        for ibb in np.arange(nb-iba)+iba :
            if iba!=ibb :

    return fisher
def getSsim(ell, Cl, lmax=100, cutSky=False):
    create simulated S_{1/2} from input power spectrum
    this calculates Jmn every time it is run so should not be used for ensembles
    simulates full sky CMB, measures S_{1/2}
    ell: the l values for the power spectrum
    Cl: the power spectrum
    lmax: the maximum ell value to use in calculation
      Default: 100
    cutSky: set to True to convert to real space, apply mask, etc.
      Default: False
      Note: true option not yet implemented
    simulated S_{1/2}
    # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc.
    myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax)[2:, 2:]  # do not include monopole, dipole

    #alm_prim,alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl,lateCl,crossCl),lmax=lmax,new=True)
    almSim = hp.synalm(
        Cl, lmax=lmax)  # question: does this need to start at ell[0]=1?
    ClSim = hp.alm2cl(almSim)

    return np.dot(ClSim[2:], np.dot(myJmn, ClSim[2:]))
Example #23
    def _get_cls_fg(self):

        print('======= COMPUTATION OF CL_FGS =======')
        if self.n_stokes == 3:
            d_spectra = self.d_fgs
        else:  # Only P is provided, add T for map2alm
            d_spectra = np.zeros((self.n_freqs, 3, self.d_fgs.shape[2]),
            d_spectra[:, 1:] = self.d_fgs

        # Compute cross-spectra
        almBs = [
            hp.map2alm(freq_map, lmax=self.lmax, iter=10)[2]
            for freq_map in d_spectra
        Cl_fgs = np.zeros((self.n_freqs, self.n_freqs, self.lmax + 1),
        for f1 in range(self.n_freqs):
            for f2 in range(self.n_freqs):
                if f1 > f2:
                    Cl_fgs[f1, f2] = Cl_fgs[f2, f1]
                    Cl_fgs[f1, f2] = hp.alm2cl(almBs[f1],

        Cl_fgs = Cl_fgs[..., self.lmin:] / self.fsky
        return Cl_fgs
Example #24
def VisualizeAlm(alm,figno=1,max_l=None):
    """ Visualize a healpy a_lm vector """
    lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(f_lm.size)
    l,m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)
    mag = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1])
    phs = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1])
    mag[m,l] = np.abs(alm)
    phs[m,l] = np.angle(alm)
    cl = hp.alm2cl(alm)
    # Decide the range of l to plot
    if max_l != None:
        max_l = (max_l if (max_l <= lmax) else lmax)
        max_l = lmax 
    print max_l
    # plt.subplot(313)
    return {'mag':mag,'phs':phs,'cl':cl}
Example #25
def VisualizeAlm(alm, figno=1, max_l=None):
    """ Visualize a healpy a_lm vector """
    lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(f_lm.size)
    l, m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)
    mag = np.zeros([lmax + 1, lmax + 1])
    phs = np.zeros([lmax + 1, lmax + 1])
    mag[m, l] = np.abs(alm)
    phs[m, l] = np.angle(alm)
    cl = hp.alm2cl(alm)
    # Decide the range of l to plot
    if max_l != None:
        max_l = (max_l if (max_l <= lmax) else lmax)
        max_l = lmax
    print max_l
    plt.imshow(mag[0:max_l, 0:max_l], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
    plt.imshow(phs[0:max_l, 0:max_l], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
    # plt.subplot(313)
    return {'mag': mag, 'phs': phs, 'cl': cl}
Example #26
def map2power(iqu, mpibox):
    from orphics.tools.stats import bin2D, bin1D
    bin_edges = np.arange(200, 4000, 40)

    print("Map 2 alm...")
    alm = curvedsky.map2alm(iqu.astype("float64"), lmax=5000)
    del iqu
    cls = hp.alm2cl(alm)
    del alm
    fineells = np.arange(0, cls.shape[1], 1)

    lbinner = bin1D(bin_edges)

    def b(cls):
        ells, cl1d = lbinner.binned(fineells, fineells * cls)
        ells, norm = lbinner.binned(fineells, fineells)
        cl1d /= norm
        return ells, cl1d

    ells, cltt = b(cls[0, :])
    ells, clee = b(cls[1, :])
    ells, clbb = b(cls[2, :])
    ells, clte = b(cls[3, :])
    ells, cleb = b(cls[4, :])
    ells, cltb = b(cls[5, :])

    mpibox.add_to_stats("TT", cltt)
    mpibox.add_to_stats("EE", clee)
    mpibox.add_to_stats("BB", clbb)
    mpibox.add_to_stats("TE", clte)
    mpibox.add_to_stats("EB", cleb)
    mpibox.add_to_stats("TB", cltb)

    return ells
Example #27
def check_Tlm2d(nu=100,
                label_loc='lower right',
    if experiment == 'planck':
        Imap_name = PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(
    Imap = hp.read_map(Imap_name)
    mask = hp.read_map(PLANCK_DATA_PATH +
    smask = hp.read_map(PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_Mask_PointSrc_2048_R2.00.fits',
    mask *= smask

    hdulist = fits.open(PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits')
    beam = hdulist[BEAM_INDEX['{}'.format(nu)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax + 1]

    tlm = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax,
    tlm_hp = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax,

    cl = cl_alm2d(alm1=tlm, lmax=lmax)
    l = np.arange(len(cl))
    cl_hp = hp.alm2cl(tlm_hp, lmax=lmax)
    l_hp = np.arange(len(cl_hp))

    clplanck = np.loadtxt(
        data_path +
    cl_planck = clplanck[:, 1]
    l_planck = clplanck[:, 0]

    pl.title('TT check')
    pl.plot(l, cl * l * (l + 1) / 2. / np.pi * 1e12, label='2d')
            cl_hp * l_hp * (l_hp + 1) / 2. / np.pi * 1e12,
    pl.plot(l_planck, cl_planck, label='planck best fit')
    if xmax is None:
Example #28
def psd_unseen_helper(x, Nside):
    """Compute the Power Spectral Density for heaply maps (incomplete data)."""
    if len(x.shape) == 2 and x.shape[1] > 1:
        return np.stack([psd_unseen(x[ind, ]) for ind in range(len(x))])
    y = np.zeros(shape=[hp.nside2npix(Nside)])
    y[:] = hp.UNSEEN
    y[:len(x)] = x
    hatx = hp.map2alm(hp.reorder(y, n2r=True))
    return hp.alm2cl(hatx)
def return_map(map_class):
    We solve for C^{-1/2}x, here is to recover x
    Shalf = np.sqrt(map_class.cl_th[: map_class.lmax + 1])
    alm_out = hp.almxfl(real2complex_alm(map_class.alm), Shalf)
    cl_out = hp.alm2cl(alm_out)
    map_out = hp.alm2map(alm_out, map_class.nside)
    return cl_out, map_out
Example #30
def get_spectra(emap1, emap2=None, lmax=5000):
    atol = np.min(np.array(emap1.pixshape()/eutils.arcmin))

    alm1 = curvedsky.map2alm(emap1, lmax=lmax, atol=atol).astype(np.complex128)
    alm2 = alm1 if emap2 is None else curvedsky.map2alm(emap2, lmax=lmax, atol=atol).astype(np.complex128)

    cl  = hp.alm2cl(alm1, alm2, lmax=lmax)
    l   = np.arange(len(cl))

    return (l, cl)
Example #31
    def make_sim(self,seed):

        with bench.show("Lensing operation...") if self.rank==0 else ignore():
            full,kappa = lensing.rand_map(self.fshape, self.fwcs, self.ps, lmax=self.lmax,
                                          maplmax=self.lmax, seed=seed, verbose=True if self.rank==0 else False, dtype=self.dtype,output="lk")
            alms = curvedsky.map2alm(full,lmax=self.lmax)
            ps_data = hp.alm2cl(alms.astype(np.complex128))
            del alms
            south = full.submap(self.pos_south)
            equator = full.submap(self.pos_eq)
            ksouth = kappa.submap(self.pos_south)
            kequator = kappa.submap(self.pos_eq)
            del full
            del kappa

        if self.count==0:
            self.shape['s'], self.wcs['s'] = south.shape, south.wcs
            self.shape['e'], self.wcs['e'] = equator.shape, equator.wcs

            for m in ['s','e']:
                self.taper[m],self.w2[m] = fmaps.get_taper(self.shape[m],taper_percent = 18.0,pad_percent = 4.0,weight=None)
                self.w4[m] = np.mean(self.taper[m]**4.)
                self.w3[m] = np.mean(self.taper[m]**3.)
            self.rotator = fmaps.MapRotatorEquator(self.shape['s'],self.wcs['s'],self.wdeg,self.hdeg,width_multiplier=0.6,
                                                   height_multiplier=1.2,downsample=True,verbose=True if self.rank==0 else False,

            self.taper['r'] = self.rotator.rotate(self.taper['s'])
            self.w2['r'] = np.mean(self.taper['r']**2.)
            self.w4['r'] = np.mean(self.taper['r']**4.)
            self.w3['r'] = np.mean(self.taper['r']**3.)

            self.shape['r'], self.wcs['r'] = self.rotator.shape_final, self.rotator.wcs_final

            self.fc = {}
            self.binner = {}
            self.modlmap = {}
            for m in ['s','e','r']:
                self.fc[m] = enmap.FourierCalc(self.shape[m],self.wcs[m])
                self.modlmap[m] = enmap.modlmap(self.shape[m],self.wcs[m])
                self.binner[m] = bin2D(self.modlmap[m],self.bin_edges)
            self.cents = self.binner['s'].centers
        self.count += 1

        south *= self.taper['s']
        equator *= self.taper['e']
        ksouth *= self.taper['s']
        kequator *= self.taper['e']

        return south,equator,ksouth,kequator
Example #32
    def calculate(self):
        calculate various properties of the gaussian, fnl, gnl maps i.e. compute
        * Ais
        * As
        * Cls
        * dipoles using remove_dipole
        inpCls = self.inputCls[:self.lmax + 1]

        if (self.gausmap0 != None):
            self.gausCls0 = hp.alm2cl(self.gausalm0)[0:self.lmax + 1]
            self.gausCls1 = hp.alm2cl(self.gausalm1)[0:self.lmax + 1]
            self.gausA0 = get_A0(self.gausCls0[1:], inpCls[1:])
            self.gausAi = Ais(self.gausmap1, self.lmax)
            self.gausA = AistoA(self.gausAi)
            self.gausAi2 = Ais(self.gausmap0, self.lmax)
            self.gausA2 = AistoA(self.gausAi2)
            self.gausmp = hp.remove_monopole(self.gausmap0, fitval=True)[1]
            self.gausdipole = get_dipole(self.gausmap1)

        if (self.fnlmaps1 != None):
            self.fnlCls0 = []
            self.fnlCls1 = []
            self.fnlA0 = []
            self.fnlAi = []
            self.fnlAi2 = []
            self.fnlmp = []
            self.fnldipole = []
            self.fnlA = []
            self.fnlA2 = []

            for i in range(self.Nfnls):
                #self.fnlCls0.append(hp.anafast(self.fnlmaps0[i], nspec=self.lmax))
                    hp.anafast(self.fnlmaps1[i], nspec=self.lmax))
                #self.fnlA0.append(get_A0(self.fnlCls0[i][1:], inpCls[1:]))
                self.fnlAi.append(Ais(self.fnlmaps1[i], self.lmax))
                #self.fnlAi2.append(Ais(self.fnlmaps0[i], self.lmax)); self.fnlA2.append(AistoA(self.fnlAi2[i]))
                #self.fnlmp.append(hp.remove_monopole(self.fnlmaps0[i], fitval=True)[1])
Example #33
 def get_sim_cl(self, key, idx):
     assert len(key) == 2, key
     f1, f2 = key
     i = self.fields.index(f1)
     j = self.fields.index(f2)
     if i > j: return self.get_sim_cl(f2 + f1, idx)
     fname = self.lib_dir + '/cl%s_%04d.dat' % (key, idx)
     if not os.path.exists(fname):
         alm1 = self.get_sim_alm(idx, f1)
         alm2 = alm1 if f2 == f1 else self.get_sim_alm(idx, f2)
         np.savetxt(fname, hp.alm2cl(alm1, alms2=alm2))
     return np.loadtxt(fname)
Example #34
def test_field_get_alms():
    nside = 32
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    mp = np.random.randn(3, npix)
    msk = np.ones(npix)

    # Spin 0
    f = nmt.NmtField(msk, [mp[0]], n_iter=0)
    alm = f.get_alms()[0]
    cl_tt_nmt = hp.alm2cl(alm)

    # Spin 2
    f = nmt.NmtField(msk, mp[1:], n_iter=0)
    alm = f.get_alms()
    cl_ee_nmt = hp.alm2cl(alm[0])
    cl_bb_nmt = hp.alm2cl(alm[1])

    cl_tt, cl_ee, cl_bb, cl_te, cl_eb, cl_tb = hp.anafast(mp, iter=0, pol=True)
    assert (np.all(np.fabs(cl_tt_nmt / cl_tt - 1) < 1E-10))
    assert (np.all(np.fabs(cl_ee_nmt[2:] / cl_ee[2:] - 1) < 1E-10))
    assert (np.all(np.fabs(cl_bb_nmt[2:] / cl_bb[2:] - 1) < 1E-10))
Example #35
def check_simulation(a, b, map_list, sim_list, ivar_list, mask):
	Check whether simulated power spectrum P_{ab} is consistent with data. Returns list of (split_sim-coadd,split_data-coadd)
	weighted by the mask*effective_ivar.
    shape = ivar_list[0].shape
    wcs = ivar_list[0].wcs
    pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
    sim_coadd = []
    data_coadd = []
    for i in range(len(sim_list)):
        dsim = sim_list[i] - coadd_map(sim_list, ivar_list)
        dsim = dsim * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
        testalm = cs.map2alm(dsim, lmax=10000)
        testalm = testalm.astype(np.complex128)
        testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm)
    if a == b:
        for i in range(len(map_list)):
            dataco = map_list[i][a] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
            dataco = dataco * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            testalm = cs.map2alm(dataco, lmax=10000)
            testalm = testalm.astype(np.complex128)
            testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm)
        for i in range(len(map_list)):
            data_a = map_list[i][a] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, a)
            data_a = data_a * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            data_b = map_list[i][b] - coadd_mapnew(map_list, ivar_list, b)
            data_b = data_b * mask * ivar_eff(i, ivar_list) / pmap
            testalm_a = cs.map2alm(data_a, lmax=10000)
            testalm_a = testalm_a.astype(np.complex128)
            testalm_b = cs.map2alm(data_b, lmax=10000)
            testalm_b = testalm_b.astype(np.complex128)
            testcl = hp.alm2cl(testalm_a, testalm_b)
    sim_coadd = np.array(sim_coadd)
    data_coadd = np.array(data_coadd)
    return (sim_coadd, data_coadd)
Example #36
    def test_alm2cl(self):
        nside = 32
        lmax = 64
        lmax_out = 100
        seed = 12345

        # Input power spectrum and alm
        alm_syn = hp.synalm(self.cla, lmax=lmax)

        cl_out = hp.alm2cl(alm_syn, lmax_out=lmax_out - 1)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cl_out, self.cla[:lmax_out], decimal=4)
Example #37
def check_TE2d(nu=100, lmax=300,
                maskfield=2, source_maskfield=0,
                label_loc='lower right', xmax=None):
    map_name = 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(nu)
    I,Q,U =hp.read_map(data_path + map_name, field=(0,1,2))
    mask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_GalPlane-apo0_2048_R2.00.fits',
    smask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_PointSrc_2048_R2.00.fits',
    mask *= smask

    hdulist = fits.open(data_path + 'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits')
    beamP = hdulist[beam_index['{}P'.format(nu)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    beam = hdulist[beam_index['{}'.format(nu)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]

    #tlm = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax, Imap=I, mask=mask,
    #              healpy_format=False, recalc=True, div_beam=beam)
    #elm,blm = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q, Umap=U, mask=mask,
    #              healpy_format=False, recalc=True, div_beam=beamP)
    tlm_hp = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax, Imap=I, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=True, recalc=True, div_beam=beam)
    elm_hp,blm_hp = get_ElmBlm(lmax=lmax, Qmap=Q, Umap=U, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=True, recalc=True, div_beam=beamP)

    #cltt = cl_alm2d(tlm, lmax)
    #clee = cl_alm2d(elm, lmax)
    #clbb = cl_alm2d(blm, lmax)
    #l = np.arange(len(clee))
    clte_hp = hp.alm2cl(tlm_hp, elm_hp, lmax=lmax)
    #clee_hp = hp.alm2cl(elm_hp, lmax=lmax)
    #clbb_hp = hp.alm2cl(blm_hp, lmax=lmax)
    l_hp = np.arange(len(clte_hp))

    clplanck = np.loadtxt(data_path + 'bf_base_cmbonly_plikHMv18_TT_lowTEB_lmax4000.minimum.theory_cl')
    clte_planck = clplanck[:,2]
    #clee_planck = clplanck[:,3]
    #clbb_planck = clplanck[:,4]
    l_planck = clplanck[:,0]

    pl.title('TE check')
    #pl.plot(l, clee*l*(l+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='2d')
    pl.plot(l_hp,clte_hp*l_hp*(l_hp+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='healpy')
    pl.plot(l_planck, clte_planck, label='planck best fit')
    if xmax is None:
    def test_no_stokes(self):
        NFREQ = 3
        NSIDE = 2
        alms = [
            hp.map2alm(np.random.normal(size=(12 * NSIDE**2)))
            for i in range(NFREQ)
        res = _empirical_harmonic_covariance(alms)
        ref = np.empty_like(res)
        for f1 in range(NFREQ):
            for f2 in range(NFREQ):
                ref[f1, f2] = hp.alm2cl(alms[f1], alms[f2])

        aac(ref, res)
Example #39
    def test_utils_contract_almxblm_cl(self):

        # Check if contraction matches hp.alm2cl.

        alm = np.ones(10, dtype=np.complex128)
        alm += 1j * np.ones(10, dtype=np.complex128)
        alm[:4] = 1
        lmax = 3
        ells = np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3])

        cl = hp.alm2cl(alm)
        ans_exp = np.sum(cl * (2 * ells + 1))

        ans = utils.contract_almxblm(alm, np.conj(alm))

        self.assertEqual(ans, ans_exp)
Example #40
def correlation2pt(map1, map2=None, npoints=100):

    if map2 is None:
        map2 = map1
    alm1 = hp.map2alm(map1)
    alm2 = hp.map2alm(map2)
    clcross = hp.alm2cl(alm1, alm2)

    thetas = np.linspace(0., np.pi, npoints)
    corr = np.zeros(npoints)
    for i,theta in enumerate(thetas):
        for l,cl in enumerate(clcross):
            lfactor = (2*l + 1.)/(4.*np.pi)  * scipy.special.lpmv(0, l, np.cos(theta))
            corr[i] += lfactor * cl

    return thetas, corr
Example #41
def wiener_filter_for_alm(alm, lmax=None, fwhm=0.0, f_sky=1.0, sky_prior=None):

    if lmax is None:
        lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(len(alm), None)

    if sky_prior is None:
        spectra_th = np.load("/global/homes/b/banerji/simulation/spectra/r_001/lensedtot_cls.npy")[0,:lmax+1]
        spectra_th = estimate_cl(sky_prior, lmax, fwhm=fwhm, pol=False)

    Bl = hp.gauss_beam(fwhm=fwhm, lmax=lmax, pol=False)
    spectra_ob = hp.alm2cl(alm, lmax_out=lmax)
    spectra_ob /= f_sky*Bl**2

    filter_response = spectra_ob/spectra_th
    filter_response[:2] = 1.0
    filter_response = np.sqrt(filter_response)

    return filter_response
Example #42
def check_Tlm2d(nu=100, lmax=300,
                maskfield=2, source_maskfield=0,
                label_loc='lower right', xmax=None):
    Imap_name = 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_full.fits'.format(nu)
    Imap =hp.read_map(data_path + Imap_name)
    mask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_GalPlane-apo0_2048_R2.00.fits',
    smask=hp.read_map(data_path + 'HFI_Mask_PointSrc_2048_R2.00.fits',
    mask *= smask

    hdulist = fits.open(data_path + 'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits')
    beam = hdulist[beam_index['{}'.format(nu)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    tlm = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax, Imap=Imap, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=False, recalc=True, div_beam=beam)
    tlm_hp = get_Tlm(lmax=lmax, Imap=Imap, mask=mask,
                  healpy_format=True, recalc=True, div_beam=beam)

    cl = cl_alm2d(alm1=tlm, lmax=lmax)
    l = np.arange(len(cl))
    cl_hp = hp.alm2cl(tlm_hp, lmax=lmax)
    l_hp = np.arange(len(cl_hp))

    clplanck = np.loadtxt(data_path + 'bf_base_cmbonly_plikHMv18_TT_lowTEB_lmax4000.minimum.theory_cl')
    cl_planck = clplanck[:,1]
    l_planck = clplanck[:,0]

    pl.title('TT check')
    pl.plot(l, cl*l*(l+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='2d')
    pl.plot(l_hp,cl_hp*l_hp*(l_hp+1)/2./np.pi*1e12, label='healpy')
    pl.plot(l_planck, cl_planck, label='planck best fit')
    if xmax is None:
def plot_tests():
    spec_mf_b = hp.alm2cl(hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl))
    spec_mf = hp.alm2cl((mf_lm_new))
    spec = hp.alm2cl(dlm)
    diff = hp.alm2cl(dlm - (hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)))
    fluc_l = hp.alm2cl(fluc)
    nnn = hp.alm2cl(dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl))
    plt.plot(spec_mf,label='mean field ($\hat{s}$)')
    plt.plot(spec_mf_b,label='beamed mean field ($A\hat{s}$)')
    plt.plot(spec,label='data (d)')
    plt.plot(spec - spec_mf_b,label='($d_\ell - (A\hat{s})_\ell$)')
    plt.plot(diff,label='($d - (A\hat{s})$)$_\ell$')
    plt.plot(cl,"-.",label="trial spectrum")
    plt.legend(loc = 'best')
Example #44
def calibrate_fsky(mode, nsim=1,
                    psky=70, f=353, 
                    mask_sources=True, put_mask=True):

    """No noise treatment here"""

    fsky_correction = []
    TTm = np.zeros(lmax + 1)
    EEm = np.zeros(lmax + 1)
    BBm = np.zeros(lmax + 1)
    if put_mask:
        print 'reading mask...'
        mask = pf.get_planck_mask(psky=psky,
        mask = None
    print 'reading beams...'
    hdulist = pf.fits.open(beam_file)
    beam = hdulist[pf.BEAM_INDEX['{}'.format(f)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    beamP = hdulist[pf.BEAM_INDEX['{}P'.format(f)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
    beam = beam[:lmax+1]
    beamP = beamP[:lmax+1]

    if mode == 'fg':
        ls, cls_theory = get_theory_fg(f=f, lmax=lmax, psky=psky, apo=apo)
    if mode == 'cmb':
        ls, cls_theor = pf.get_theory_cmb(lmax=lmax, mode='cl')
        factor = ls*(1+ls)
    for i in np.arange(nsim):
        print 'sim #{}...'.format(i+1)
        I, Q, U = pf.simulate_cmb_map(nside=nside, lmax=lmax,
                                    beam=beam, beamP=beamP,
        print 'Cl #{}...'.format(i+1)
        Tlm, Elm, Blm = pf.calc_alm(I, Q, U, mask=mask,
        TT = hp.alm2cl(Tlm)
        EE = hp.alm2cl(Elm)
        BB = hp.alm2cl(Blm)
        #ls, TT, EE, BB, TE, TB, EB = measure_dlcl(mask=mask, Imap=I, Qmap=Q, Umap=U,
        #                                          beam=beam, beamP=beamP,
        #                                            mode='cl',frequency=f,
        #                                            lmax=lmax,lmin=0,
        #                                            put_mask=put_mask,
        #                                            psky=psky,
        #                                            mask_sources=mask_sources,
        #                                            apodization=apo)
        TTm += TT/nsim; EEm += EE/nsim; BBm += BB/nsim
        if visual_check:

    fsky_correction.append(cls_theory[0] / TTm)
    fsky_correction.append(cls_theory[1] / EEm)
    fsky_correction.append(cls_theory[2] / BBm)

    fsky_correction = np.array(fsky_correction)
    fsky_correction[np.isnan(fsky_correction)] = 0.
    fsky_correction[fsky_correction==np.inf] = 0.

    return ls, fsky_correction, TTm, EEm, BBm, cls_theory
lmax = 3*nside-1
l,m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)
n_lm = len(l)
ell = np.arange(0,lmax+1)

below_horizon = np.where(theta > np.pi/2.)[0]

nu = np.linspace(100,200,num=203)*u.MHz

# Define primary beam
#A = np.exp(-np.power(theta,2)/(2.*0.1))
#A = np.exp(-np.power(theta,2)/(2.*0.1))
A = np.ones_like(theta)
A[below_horizon] = 0.
a_lm = hp.map2alm(A,lmax=lmax)
Cl_A = hp.alm2cl(a_lm,lmax=lmax)
Cl_G = hp.gauss_beam(np.radians(90.),lmax)
A_nu = np.outer(A,np.ones_like(nu))

#apod = np.ones_like(theta)
#apod = np.exp(-np.power(theta,2)/(2.*0.5))
#disc = hp.query_disc(nside,[0,0,1],np.radians(80.))
#apod[disc] = 0.
#apod = 1-np.exp(-np.power(theta,2)/(2.*0.5))
#apod = 
#apod = np.power(np.sin(phi),2)

# Define fringe 
bmag = 30.
bvec = np.array([0,1,0])*bmag
b = np.outer(bvec,np.ones(npix))*u.m
Example #46
bdots = np.sum(b*s,axis=0)
fringe = np.exp(-2.*np.pi*1j*np.outer(bdots.value,nu.to(u.Hz).value)/c.c.value)
if True:
    fringe[below_horizon] = 0.
    beam[below_horizon] = 0.

## V_G(nu) = s_00(u) T(nu) 
# Average compensates for any nside changes, normalized to beam solid angle (?)
omega_nu = 4.*np.pi*beam_nu.sum(axis=0)/npix
T_nu = np.average(beam_nu*fringe,axis=0)
window = np.hanning(len(T_nu))
dtrans_T_nu = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(window*T_nu))
Ptau_T_nu = np.abs(dtrans_T_nu)

f_lm = hp.map2alm(fringe[:,100])
C_f = hp.alm2cl(f_lm)
a_lm = hp.map2alm(beam_nu[:,100])
C_a = hp.alm2cl(a_lm)

C_fa = hp.alm2cl(f_lm*a_lm)

figno = 5
title = 'Gah'#'Sin^16(phi)'
filename = ''

Example #47
else:no_cache = []

for i,file in enumerate(args):
    print file
    name = file.split('/')[-1]
        if not name in no_cache and not ('all' in no_cache): 
            s_cl = n.loadtxt(name+'.cl')
            print "loading",name+'.cl'
    if name in no_cache or 'all' in no_cache:
        s = hp.read_map(file)
        print "computing alms"
        s_alm = hp.map2alm(s)
        s_cl = hp.alm2cl(s_alm)
    cls[file] = s_cl * 0.002**(opts.conv[i])
for cl in cls:
    s_cl = cls[cl]
legend(loc='lower right')
ylabel('$\ell^2 C_\ell$ $[K^2]$')

for cl in cls:
    s_cl = cls[cl]
def main(i_sim=0):

    MPI Setup
    o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size)
    i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program
    o_status = MPI.Status()

    i_work_tag = 0
    i_die_tag = 1

    Loading and calculating power spectrum components

    # Get run parameters
    s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl'
    (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, 
        s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params)

    s_fn_cltt = ('sims/na_cltt_sim_%i.npy' % i_sim)

    if (i_rank == 0):

        f_t1 = time.time()

        print ""
        print "Run parameters:"
        print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size
        print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name)
        print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt)

        print ""
        print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..."

    na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, 
                                usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3)

    na_l = np.unique(na_l)
    na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1]
    na_l = na_l[:i_lmax]

    i_num_ell = len(na_l)
    i_num_r = len(na_r)

    na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r)
    na_beta = na_beta.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr[0]

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print "(sizes from file load)"
        print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell)

    if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
        i_lmax_run = int(sys.argv[2])
        i_lmax_run = i_lmax
    if (len(sys.argv) > 3):
        i_num_r_run = int(sys.argv[3])
        i_num_r_run = i_num_r

    i_lmax_run = min(i_lmax_run, len(na_l))
    i_num_r_run = min(i_num_r, i_num_r_run)

    i_r_steps = i_num_r / i_num_r_run

    na_mask = hp.read_map(s_fn_mask)
    s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % i_lmax_run
    na_mll = np.load(s_fn_mll)
    na_mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(na_mll)

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print "(sizes for run)"
        print "i_num_r_run: %i, i_lmax_run: %i" % (i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run)

    na_l = na_l[:i_lmax_run]
    na_r = na_r[::i_r_steps]
    na_dr = na_dr[::i_r_steps]

    na_alpha = na_alpha[:i_lmax_run, ::i_r_steps]
    na_beta = na_beta[:i_lmax_run, ::i_r_steps]

    na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt)
    na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_lmax_run]

    na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam)
    na_bl = na_bl[:i_lmax_run]

    # f_t2 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print "Calculating full kurtosis power spectra..."

    na_alm = hp.synalm(na_cltt, lmax=i_lmax_run, verbose=False)

    # f_t3 = time.time()

    na_work = np.zeros(2, dtype='i')
    na_result = np.zeros((2,i_lmax_run), dtype='d')
    li_dims = [i_num_r_run, i_num_r_run]

    # master loop
    if (i_rank == 0):

        na_kl22_data = np.zeros(i_lmax_run)
        na_kl31_data = np.zeros(i_lmax_run)

        # send initial jobs

        for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size):

            na_work = np.array(cart_index(i_rank_out-1, li_dims), dtype='i')
            o_comm.Send([na_work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag)

        na_work = np.array(cart_index(i_size-1, li_dims), dtype='i')
        i_r1_start = na_work[0]
        i_r2_start = na_work[1]

        for i_r1 in range(i_r1_start, i_num_r_run):

            if (i_r1 % (i_num_r / 10) == 0):
                print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r1 * 100 / i_num_r_run,
                time.time() - f_t1)

            for i_r2 in range(i_r2_start, i_num_r_run):

                na_work = np.array([i_r1, i_r2], dtype='i')

                o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, 
                    status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

                #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source()

                o_comm.Send([na_work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), 

                na_kl22_data += na_result[0]
                na_kl31_data += na_result[1]

        for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size):

            o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            na_kl22_data += na_result[0]
            na_kl31_data += na_result[1]

            o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], 
                dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag)

    #slave loop:


            o_comm.Recv([na_work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, 

            if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag):


            i_r1 = na_work[0]
            i_r2 = na_work[1]

            #print "doing work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            na_Almr1 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r1] / na_cltt * na_bl)
            na_Blmr1 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r1] / na_cltt * na_bl)
            na_Almr2 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r2] / na_cltt * na_bl)
            na_Blmr2 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r2] / na_cltt * na_bl)

            # f_t4 = time.time() #all da maps

            na_Ar1n = hp.alm2map(na_Almr1, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            na_Br1n = hp.alm2map(na_Blmr1, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            na_Ar2n = hp.alm2map(na_Almr2, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            na_Br2n = hp.alm2map(na_Blmr2, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,

            na_Ar1n = na_Ar1n * na_mask
            na_Br1n = na_Br1n * na_mask
            na_Ar2n = na_Ar2n * na_mask
            na_Br2n = na_Br2n * na_mask

            # f_t5 = time.time()

            #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            na_ABlmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run)
            if i_r1 == i_r2:
                na_B2lmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Br1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run)
                na_AB2lmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run)
            na_ABAlmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n*na_Ar1n, lmax=i_lmax_run)

            na_ABlmr2 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar2n*na_Br2n, lmax=i_lmax_run)
            na_B2lmr2 = hp.map2alm(na_Br2n*na_Br2n, lmax=i_lmax_run)            

            #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            # f_t6 = time.time()

            na_Jl_ABA_B = hp.alm2cl(na_ABAlmr1, na_Blmr2, lmax=i_lmax_run)
            na_Jl_AB_AB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlmr1, na_ABlmr2, lmax=i_lmax_run)

            na_Jl_ABA_B = na_Jl_ABA_B[1:]
            na_Jl_AB_AB = na_Jl_AB_AB[1:]

            if i_r1 == i_r2:

                na_Ll_AB2_B = hp.alm2cl(na_AB2lmr1, na_Blmr1, lmax=i_lmax_run)
                na_Ll_AB_B2 = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlmr1, na_B2lmr1, lmax=i_lmax_run)

                na_Ll_AB2_B = na_Ll_AB2_B[1:]
                na_Ll_AB_B2 = na_Ll_AB_B2[1:]

            #f_t7 = time.time()

            na_result = np.zeros((2,i_lmax_run), dtype='d')
            if i_r1 == i_r2:
                na_result[0] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_AB_AB 
                * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2] 
                + 2. * na_Ll_AB_B2 * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1]) #kl22
                na_result[1] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_ABA_B 
                * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2] 
                + 2. * na_Ll_AB2_B * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1]) #kl31
                na_result[0] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_AB_AB 
                * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2]) #kl22
                na_result[1] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_ABA_B 
                * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2]) #kl31

            #print "finished work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            o_comm.Send([na_result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1)

            # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
            # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
            # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
            # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
            # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
            # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

    f_t8 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):

        s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll = 'output/na_kl22_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax_no_mll.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run)
        s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll = 'output/na_kl31_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax_no_mll.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll

        np.savetxt(s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll, na_kl22_data)
        np.savetxt(s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll, na_kl31_data)

        s_fn_kl22_data = 'output/na_kl22_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run)
        s_fn_kl31_data = 'output/na_kl31_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s" % s_fn_kl22_data
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s" % s_fn_kl31_data

        na_kl22_data = np.dot(na_mll_inv, na_kl22_data)
        na_kl31_data = np.dot(na_mll_inv, na_kl31_data)
        np.savetxt(s_fn_kl22_data, na_kl22_data)
        np.savetxt(s_fn_kl31_data, na_kl31_data)

        # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1)
        # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
        # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
        # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
        # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

def main():

    MPI Setup
    o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size)
    i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program
    o_status = MPI.Status()

    i_work_tag = 0
    i_die_tag = 1

    Loading and calculating power spectrum components

    # Get run parameters
    s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl'
    (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, 
        s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params)

    #s_fn_cltt = 'sims/cl_fnl_0.dat'

    if (i_rank == 0):

        s_fn_cl21_data = 'output/cl21_data.dat'
        s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll = 'output/cl21_data_no_mll.dat'
        #s_fn_cl21_data = 'output/cl21_ps_smica.dat'
        #s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll = 'output/cl21_ps_smica_no_mll.dat'

        f_t1 = time.time()

        print ""
        print "Run parameters:"
        print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size
        print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name)
        print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt)

        print ""
        print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..."

    na_mask = hp.read_map(s_fn_mask)
    #s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % i_lmax
    s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_1499_lmax.npy'
    na_mll = np.load(s_fn_mll)
    na_mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(na_mll)

    na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, 
                                usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3)

    na_l = np.unique(na_l)
    na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1]

    i_num_r = len(na_r)

        na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt)
        na_cltt = np.loadtxt(s_fn_cltt)

    na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam)

    na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(len(na_l), i_num_r)
    na_beta = na_beta.reshape(len(na_l), i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr.reshape(len(na_l), i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr[0]

    i_num_ell = min(len(na_l), len(na_cltt), len(na_bl), i_lmax)

    na_l = na_l[:i_num_ell]
    na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_num_ell]
    na_bl = na_bl[:i_num_ell]
    na_alpha = na_alpha[:i_num_ell,:]
    na_beta = na_beta[:i_num_ell,:]

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell)

    # f_t2 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..."

    s_fn_alm = 'output/na_alm_data.fits'
    #s_fn_alm = 'data/ps_sim/alm_ps_smica_ell_2000.fits'
    na_alm = hp.read_alm(s_fn_alm)
    na_alm = na_alm[:hp.Alm.getsize(i_num_ell)]

    # f_t3 = time.time()

    na_cl21_data = np.zeros(i_num_ell)
    na_work = np.zeros(1, dtype='i')
    na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d')

    # master loop
    if (i_rank == 0):

        # send initial jobs

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            na_work = np.array([i_rank_out-1], dtype='i')
            o_comm.Send([na_work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag)

        for i_r in range(i_size-1,i_num_r):

            if (i_r % (i_num_r / 10) == 0):
                print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / i_num_r,
                time.time() - f_t1)

            na_work = np.array([i_r], dtype='i')

            o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, 
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source()

            o_comm.Send([na_work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), 

            na_cl21_data += na_result

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            na_cl21_data += na_result
            print "cl21_data = %.6f, na_result = %.6f" % (np.average(na_cl21_data), np.average(na_result))

            o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], 
                dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag)

    #slave loop:


            o_comm.Recv([na_work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, 

            if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag):


            i_r = na_work[0]

            #print "doing work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            na_Alm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl)
            na_Blm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl)

            # print ("doing work for r=%i, alpha=(%.2f), beta=(%.2f)" % 
            #     (int(na_r[i_r]), na_alpha[0,i_r], na_beta[0,i_r]))

            # f_t4 = time.time()

            na_An = hp.alm2map(na_Alm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            na_Bn = hp.alm2map(na_Blm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,

            # *REMBER TO MULTIPLY BY THE MASK!* -- already doing this in cltt.py...

            na_An = na_An * na_mask
            na_Bn = na_Bn * na_mask

            # f_t5 = time.time()

            #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            na_B2lm = hp.map2alm(na_Bn*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell)
            na_ABlm = hp.map2alm(na_An*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell)

            #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            # f_t6 = time.time()

            na_clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(na_Alm, na_B2lm, lmax=i_num_ell)
            na_clABB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlm, na_Blm, lmax=i_num_ell)

            #na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[:-1] # just doing this to make things fit...
            #na_clABB = na_clABB[:-1] # just doing this to make things fit...

            na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[1:]
            na_clABB = na_clABB[1:]

            #f_t7 = time.time()

            na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d')
            na_result += (na_clAB2 + 2 * na_clABB) * na_r[i_r]**2. * na_dr[i_r]

            print ("finished work for r=%i, avg(alpha)=%.2f, avg(beta)=%.2f, avg(result)=%.4g" % 
                (int(na_r[i_r]), np.average(na_alpha[:,i_r]), 
                    np.average(na_beta[:,i_r]), np.average(na_result)))
            #print "finished work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            o_comm.Send([na_result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1)

            # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
            # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
            # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
            # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
            # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
            # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

    f_t8 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" 
            % s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll)

        np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll, na_cl21_data)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % s_fn_cl21_data
        na_cl21_data = np.dot(na_mll_inv, na_cl21_data)
        np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data, na_cl21_data)

        # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1)
        # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
        # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
        # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
        # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

Example #50
def main(run_type='data', nsim=0, fnl=0):

    MPI Setup
    o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size)
    i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program
    o_status = MPI.Status()

    i_work_tag = 0
    i_die_tag = 1

    Loading and calculating power spectrum components

    if (run_type == 'fnl'):
        nl = 1024
        nl = 1499

    if (run_type == 'data'):
        fn_map = h._fn_map
    elif (run_type == 'sim'):
        fn_map = 'output/map_sim_%i.fits' % nsim
    elif (run_type == 'fnl'):
        #print "fnl value: %i" % fnl
        fn_map = 'data/fnl_sims/map_fnl_%i_sim_%i.fits' % (int(fnl), nsim)

    # (1) read map (either map_data or map_sim), mask, mll, and create mll_inv;
    map_in = hp.read_map(fn_map)
    mask = hp.read_map(h._fn_mask)
    if (run_type == 'fnl'):
        mask = 1.
    fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % nl
    mll = np.load(fn_mll)
    if (run_type == 'fnl'):
        mll = np.identity(nl)
    mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(mll)

    nside = hp.get_nside(map_in)

    if (i_rank == 0):

        if (run_type == 'data'):
            fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_data.dat'
            fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_data_no_mll.dat'
        elif (run_type == 'sim'):
            fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_sim_%i.dat' % nsim
            fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_no_mll_%i.dat' % nsim
        elif (run_type == 'fnl'):
            fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i.dat' % (int(fnl), nsim)
            fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i_no_mll.dat' % (int(fnl), nsim)

        f_t1 = time.time()

        print ""
        print "Run parameters:"
        print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size
        print "nl: %i, nside: %i, map: %s" % (nl, nside, fn_map)
        print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (h._fn_beam, h._fn_alphabeta, h._fn_cltt)

        print ""
        print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..."

    # (2) normalize, remove mono-/dipole, and mask map to create map_masked;
    map_in /= (1e6 * 2.7)
    map_in = hp.remove_dipole(map_in)
    map_masked = map_in * mask

    # (3) create alm_masked (map2alm on map_masked), cltt_masked (anafast on 
    #     map_masked), and cltt_corrected (dot cltt_masked with mll_inv)

    if (run_type == 'data' or run_type == 'sim'):
        alm_masked = hp.map2alm(map_masked)
    elif (run_type == 'fnl'):
        fn_almg = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_l_%04d_v3.fits' % (nsim,))
        almg = hp.read_alm(fn_almg)
        fn_almng = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_nl_%04d_v3.fits' % (nsim,))
        almng = hp.read_alm(fn_almng)
        alm = almg + fnl * almng
        alm_masked = alm

    cltt_masked = hp.anafast(map_masked)
    cltt_masked = cltt_masked[:nl]
    cltt_corrected = np.dot(mll_inv, cltt_masked)

    # stuff with alpha, beta, r, dr, and beam

    l, r, dr, alpha, beta = np.loadtxt(h._fn_alphabeta, 
                                usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3)

    l = np.unique(l)
    r = np.unique(r)[::-1]

    nr = len(r)

    if (run_type == 'data' or run_type == 'sim'):
        cltt_denom = np.load('output/cltt_theory.npy') #replace with 'output/na_cltt.npy'
        cltt_denom = cltt_denom[:nl]
    elif (run_type == 'fnl'):
        cltt_denom = np.loadtxt('joe/cl_wmap5_bao_sn.dat', usecols=(1,), unpack=True)

    alpha = alpha.reshape(len(l), nr)
    beta = beta.reshape(len(l), nr)
    dr = dr.reshape(len(l), nr)
    dr = dr[0]
    if (run_type != 'fnl'):
        beam = np.load(h._fn_beam)
        #beam = np.ones(len(cltt_denom))
        beam = np.load(h._fn_beam)
        noise = np.zeros(len(cltt_denom))
        nlm = hp.synalm(noise, lmax=nl)

    ####### TEMPORARY -- change beam #######
    #beam = np.ones(len(cltt_denom))
    #noise = np.zeros(len(cltt_denom))
    #nlm = hp.synalm(noise, lmax=nl)

    l = l[:nl]
    beam = beam[:nl]
    alpha = alpha[:nl,:]
    beta = beta[:nl,:]

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print "nr: %i, nl: %i" % (nr, nl)

    f_t2 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print "Time to create alms from maps: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
        print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..."

    cl21 = np.zeros(nl)
    work = np.zeros(1, dtype='i')
    result = np.zeros(nl, dtype='d')

    # master loop
    if (i_rank == 0):

        # send initial jobs

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            work = np.array([i_rank_out-1], dtype='i')
            o_comm.Send([work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag)

        for i_r in range(i_size-1,nr):

            if (i_r % (nr / 10) == 0):
                print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / nr,
                time.time() - f_t2)

            work = np.array([i_r], dtype='i')

            o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, 
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source()

            o_comm.Send([work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), 

            cl21 += result

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            cl21 += result
            print "cl21 = %.6f, result = %.6f" % (np.average(cl21), np.average(result))

            o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], 
                dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag)

    #slave loop:


            o_comm.Recv([work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, 

            if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag):


            i_r = work[0]
            #print ("i_r: %i" % i_r)
            #print ("alm_masked: ", alm_masked)
            #print ("cltt_denom: ", cltt_denom)
            #print ("beam: ", beam)
            #print ("mask: ", mask)
            #print ("fn_map: ", fn_map)

            # create Alm, Blm (almxfl with alm_masked and beta / cltt_denom 
            # * beam, etc.)

            Alm = np.zeros(alm_masked.shape[0],complex)
            Blm = np.zeros(alm_masked.shape[0],complex)
            clAB2 = np.zeros(nl+1)
            clABB = np.zeros(nl+1)

            #Alm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, alpha[:,i_r] / cltt_denom * beam)
            #Blm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, beta[:,i_r] / cltt_denom * beam)
            #for li in xrange(2,nl):
            #    I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1))
            #    Alm[I]=alpha[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li])
            #    Blm[I]=beta[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li])
            if (run_type == 'fnl'):
                for li in xrange(2,nl):
                    I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1))
                for li in xrange(2,nl):
                    I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1))

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            if i_r == 0:
                cltt_Alm = hp.alm2cl(Alm)
                cltt_Blm = hp.alm2cl(Blm)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Alm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Alm)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Blm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Blm)

            #An = hp.alm2map(Alm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            #    verbose=False)
            #Bn = hp.alm2map(Blm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            #    verbose=False)
            An = hp.alm2map(Alm, nside=nside)
            Bn = hp.alm2map(Blm, nside=nside)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            if i_r == 0:
                cltt_An = hp.anafast(An)
                cltt_Bn = hp.anafast(Bn)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_An.dat' % run_type, cltt_An)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Bn.dat' % run_type, cltt_Bn)

            An = An * mask
            Bn = Bn * mask

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            #if i_r == 0:
            #    print "saving alpha, beta for %i" % i_r
            #    np.savetxt('debug2/alpha_ir_%i' % i_r, alpha[:,i_r])
            #    np.savetxt('debug2/beta_ir_%i' % i_r, beta[:,i_r])
            #    print "(An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10]:", (An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10]

            B2lm = hp.map2alm(Bn*Bn, lmax=nl)
            ABlm = hp.map2alm(An*Bn, lmax=nl)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            if i_r == 0:
                cltt_B2lm = hp.alm2cl(B2lm)
                cltt_ABlm = hp.alm2cl(ABlm)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_B2lm.dat' % run_type, cltt_B2lm)
                np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_ABlm.dat' % run_type, cltt_ABlm)

            #clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(Alm, B2lm, lmax=nl)
            #clABB = hp.alm2cl(ABlm, Blm, lmax=nl)
            for li in xrange(2,nl+1):
                I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1))
                clAB2[li] = (Alm[I[0]]*B2lm[I[0]].conj()
                clABB[li] = (Blm[I[0]]*ABlm[I[0]].conj()

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            if i_r == 0:
                np.savetxt('debug2/clAB2_%s.dat' % run_type, clAB2)
                np.savetxt('debug2/clABB_%s.dat' % run_type, clABB)

            clAB2 = clAB2[1:]
            clABB = clABB[1:]

            result = np.zeros(nl, dtype='d')
            result += (clAB2 + 2 * clABB) * r[i_r]**2. * dr[i_r]

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            np.savetxt('debug2/cl21_%s.dat' % run_type, result)

            print ("finished work for r=%i, dr=%.2f, avg(alpha)=%.2f, avg(beta)=%.2f, avg(result)=%.4g" % 
                (int(r[i_r]), dr[i_r], np.average(alpha[:,i_r]), 
                    np.average(beta[:,i_r]), np.average(result)))

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            #if i_r == 0:
            #    print "finished debug -- goodbye!"
            #    exit()
            o_comm.Send([result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1)

    f_t8 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" 
            % fn_cl21_no_mll)

        np.savetxt(fn_cl21_no_mll, cl21)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % fn_cl21
        cl21 = np.dot(mll_inv, cl21)
        np.savetxt(fn_cl21, cl21)

paper_rich = pb.bradley_paper_polarized_beams(bradley_paper_file)

pbxx = paper_rich['xx']
pbxx = hpt.rotate_healpix_map(pbxx,[0,-120])


npix = pbxx.size
nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
lmax = 3*nside-1

alm_pbxx = hp.map2alm(pbxx,lmax=lmax)
cl_pbxx = hp.alm2cl(alm_pbxx)
l,m= hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)

rot = np.exp(-1j*np.radians(45.)*m)
rotmap = hp.alm2map(alm_pbxx*rot,nside)


xydip = pb.xy_ideal_dipole()
# F = f_theta(theta,phi) theta_hat + f_phi phi_hat
# theta_hat = ()xhat + ()yhat + ()zhat
Baltaz = np.array([[np.zeros(npix)],[xydip['xt']],[xydip['xp']]])

hprot = [0,90]
Example #52
def measure_dlcl(mode='dl',frequency=353,

       If mode=='dl', returns D quantity = Cl *ls*(ls+1)/2./np.pi*1e12 [units: uK_CMB^2]

    if put_mask:
        if mask is None:
            print 'reading masks...'
            mask = pf.get_planck_mask(psky=psky,
        mask = map.copy()*0. + 1.

    if (beam is None) or (beamP is None):
        print 'reading beams...'
        beam_file = pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH+'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits'
        hdulist = pf.fits.open(beam_file)
        beam = hdulist[pf.BEAM_INDEX['{}'.format(frequency)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
        beamP = hdulist[pf.BEAM_INDEX['{}P'.format(frequency)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1]
        beam = beam[lmin:lmax+1]
        beamP = beamP[lmin:lmax+1]

    fsky = mask.sum() / len(mask)
    ls = np.arange(lmin, lmax+1)
    if mode == 'dl':
        factor =  ls * (ls+1) / (2.*np.pi) * 1e12 / fsky
    if mode == 'cl':
        factor =  1. / fsky

    if fsky_correction:
        fcfilename = pf.FGS_RESULTS_PATH + 'fskycorr_fg_psky{}_apo{}_lmax1000_TT_EE_BB.npy'.format(psky,apodization)
        if os.path.exists(fcfilename):
            fcorr = np.load(fcfilename)
            fcorr_TT = fcorr[0][lmin:lmax+1]
            fcorr_EE = fcorr[1][lmin:lmax+1]
            fcorr_BB = fcorr[2][lmin:lmax+1]
            fcorr = None
        fcorr = None
    if (Imap is None) or (Qmap is None) or (Umap is None):
        print 'reading maps...'
        mapname1 = pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_halfmission-1.fits'.format(frequency)
        mapname2 = pf.PLANCK_DATA_PATH + 'HFI_SkyMap_{}_2048_R2.02_halfmission-2.fits'.format(frequency)
        Imap = hp.read_map(mapname1,field=0)       
        Imap2 = hp.read_map(mapname2,field=0)
        Qmap, Umap = hp.read_map(mapname1,field=(1,2))
        Qmap2, Umap2 = hp.read_map(mapname2,field=(1,2))
    Tlm1 = hp.map2alm(Imap*mask, lmax=lmax)
    Elm1, Blm1 = hp.map2alm_spin( (Qmap*mask, Umap*mask), 2, lmax=lmax )
    if (Imap2 is None) or (Qmap2 is None) or (Umap2 is None):
        Tlm2 = Tlm1
        Elm2 = Elm1
        Blm2 = Blm1       
        Tlm2 = hp.map2alm(Imap2*mask, lmax=lmax)
        Elm2, Blm2 = hp.map2alm_spin( (Qmap2*mask,Umap2*mask), 2, lmax=lmax )

    TT = hp.alm2cl(Tlm1, Tlm2)
    EE = hp.alm2cl(Elm1, Elm2)
    BB = hp.alm2cl(Blm1, Blm2)

    EE = EE[lmin:] * factor / beamP**2
    TT = TT[lmin:] * factor / beam**2
    BB = BB[lmin:] * factor / beamP**2
    TE = hp.alm2cl(Tlm1, Elm2)
    EB = hp.alm2cl(Blm1, Elm2)
    TB = hp.alm2cl(Blm1, Tlm2)
    TE = TE[lmin:] * factor / beam / beamP
    TB = TB[lmin:] * factor / beam / beamP
    EB = EB[lmin:] * factor / beamP**2

    if fcorr is not None:
        TT *= fcorr_TT
        EE *= fcorr_EE
        BB *= fcorr_BB

    return ls, TT, EE, BB, TE, TB, EB
# for i in xrange(CAB2l.shape[1]):
#    for j in xrange(CAB2l.shape[0]):
#        clab2[i] += dR*R[j][i]*R[j][i]*CAB2l[j][i]
#        clabb[i] += dR*R[j][i]*R[j][i]*CABBl[j][i]

cloc = (clab2[r] + 2 * clabb[r]) * (R[r]) ** 2.0 * dR[r]

############## DEBUG ##############
clAB2_jon = clAB2_jon[1:]
clABB_jon = clABB_jon[1:]

result_jon = zeros(nl, dtype="d")
result_jon += (clAB2_jon + 2 * clABB_jon) * (R[r]) ** 2.0 * dR[r]

cltt_Alm_jon = hp.alm2cl(Alm_jon)
cltt_Blm_jon = hp.alm2cl(Blm_jon)
cltt_An = hp.anafast(An)
cltt_Bn = hp.anafast(Bn)
cltt_B2lm_jon = hp.alm2cl(B2lm_jon)
cltt_ABlm_jon = hp.alm2cl(ABlm_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_Alm.dat", cltt_Alm_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_Blm.dat", cltt_Blm_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_An.dat", cltt_An)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_Bn.dat", cltt_Bn)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_B2lm.dat", cltt_B2lm_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/cltt_joe_ABlm.dat", cltt_ABlm_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/clAB2_joe.dat", clAB2_jon)
savetxt("../debug2/clABB_joe.dat", clABB_jon)

print ("r: %i" % R[r])
Example #54
		prt("Writing gradient")
		healpy.write_map("%s/grad%03d_%d.fits" % (args.odir, sim, args.order), [phi_dtheta, phi_dphi])
	del aphi
	prt("Computing lensed positions")
	opos, rot = offset_pos(ipos, phi_dtheta, phi_dphi, pol=args.pol, geodesic=args.geodesic)
	del phi, phi_dtheta, phi_dphi

	prt("Starting taylor expansion")
	# Interpolate maps one at a time
	maps  = []
	for comp in cmb:
		for m in taylor_interpol_iter(comp, opos, args.order, verbose=args.verbose, lmax=args.lmax):
	del opos, cmb
	rm = apply_rotation(maps, rot)
	if "l" in args.output:
		prt("Writing lensed map")
		healpy.write_map("%s/lcmb%03d_%d.fits" % (args.odir, sim, args.order), rm)
	if "s" in args.output:
		prt("Computing power spectrum")
		alm  = healpy.map2alm(rm, use_weights=True, iter=1)
		spec = np.array(healpy.alm2cl(alm))
		if spec.ndim == 1: spec = np.reshape(spec, [1,spec.size])
		n = spec.shape[1]
		l = np.arange(spec.shape[1])
		spec[:,1:] *= l[1:n]*(l[1:n]+1)/(2*np.pi)
		prt("Writing spectrum")
		np.savetxt("%s/spec%03d_%d.txt" % (args.odir, sim, args.order), spec.T, fmt=" %15.7e")
def main(run_type="data", nsim=0, fnl=0):

    MPI Setup
    o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank()  # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size)
    i_size = o_comm.Get_size()  # number of cores assigned to run this program
    o_status = MPI.Status()

    i_work_tag = 0
    i_die_tag = 1

    Loading and calculating power spectrum components

    if run_type == "fnl":
        nl = 1024
        nl = 1499

    if run_type == "data":
        fn_map = h._fn_map
    elif run_type == "sim":
        fn_map = "output/map_sim_%i.fits" % nsim
    elif run_type == "fnl":
        # print "fnl value: %i" % fnl
        fn_map = "data/fnl_sims/map_fnl_%i_sim_%i.fits" % (int(fnl), nsim)

    # (1) read map (either map_data or map_sim), mask, mll, and create mll_inv;
    map_in = hp.read_map(fn_map)
    mask = hp.read_map(h._fn_mask)
    if run_type == "fnl":
        mask = 1.0
    fn_mll = "output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy" % nl
    mll = np.load(fn_mll)
    if run_type == "fnl":
        mll = np.identity(nl)
    mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(mll)

    nside = hp.get_nside(map_in)

    if i_rank == 0:

        if run_type == "data":
            fn_cl21 = "output/cl21_data.dat"
            fn_cl21_no_mll = "output/cl21_data_no_mll.dat"
        elif run_type == "sim":
            fn_cl21 = "output/cl21_sim_%i.dat" % nsim
            fn_cl21_no_mll = "output/cl21_no_mll_%i.dat" % nsim
        elif run_type == "fnl":
            fn_cl21 = "output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i.dat" % (int(fnl), nsim)
            fn_cl21_no_mll = "output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i_no_mll.dat" % (int(fnl), nsim)

        f_t1 = time.time()

        print ""
        print "Run parameters:"
        print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size
        print "nl: %i, nside: %i, map: %s" % (nl, nside, fn_map)
        print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (h._fn_beam, h._fn_alphabeta, h._fn_cltt)

        print ""
        print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..."

    # (2) normalize, remove mono-/dipole, and mask map to create map_masked;
    map_in /= 1e6 * 2.7
    map_in = hp.remove_dipole(map_in)
    map_masked = map_in * mask

    # (3) create alm_masked (map2alm on map_masked), cltt_masked (anafast on
    #     map_masked), and cltt_corrected (dot cltt_masked with mll_inv)

    alm_masked = hp.map2alm(map_masked)
    alm_masked = alm_masked[: hp.Alm.getsize(nl)]

    cltt_masked = hp.anafast(map_masked)
    cltt_masked = cltt_masked[:nl]
    cltt_corrected = np.dot(mll_inv, cltt_masked)

    # stuff with alpha, beta, r, dr, and beam

    l, r, dr, alpha, beta = np.loadtxt(h._fn_alphabeta, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), unpack=True, skiprows=3)

    l = np.unique(l)
    r = np.unique(r)[::-1]

    nr = len(r)

    cltt_denom = np.load("output/cltt_theory.npy")  # replace with 'output/na_cltt.npy'
    cltt_denom = cltt_denom[:nl]

    alpha = alpha.reshape(len(l), nr)
    beta = beta.reshape(len(l), nr)
    dr = dr.reshape(len(l), nr)
    dr = dr[0]

    if run_type != "fnl":
        beam = np.load(h._fn_beam)
        beam = np.ones(len(cltt_denom))

    l = l[:nl]
    beam = beam[:nl]
    alpha = alpha[:nl, :]
    beta = beta[:nl, :]

    if i_rank == 0:
        print "nr: %i, nl: %i" % (nr, nl)

    f_t2 = time.time()

    if i_rank == 0:
        print ""
        print "Time to create alms from maps: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
        print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..."

    cl21 = np.zeros(nl)
    work = np.zeros(1, dtype="i")
    result = np.zeros(nl, dtype="d")

    # master loop
    if i_rank == 0:

        # send initial jobs

        for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size):

            work = np.array([i_rank_out - 1], dtype="i")
            o_comm.Send([work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag)

        for i_r in range(i_size - 1, nr):

            if i_r % (nr / 10) == 0:
                print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / nr, time.time() - f_t2)

            work = np.array([i_r], dtype="i")

            o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            # print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source()

            o_comm.Send([work, MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_work_tag)

            cl21 += result

        for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size):

            o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            cl21 += result
            print "cl21 = %.6f, result = %.6f" % (np.average(cl21), np.average(result))

            o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype="i"), MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag)

    # slave loop:

        while 1:

            o_comm.Recv([work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            if o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag:


            i_r = work[0]

            # create Alm, Blm (almxfl with alm_masked and beta / cltt_denom
            # * beam, etc.)

            Alm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, alpha[:, i_r] / cltt_denom * beam)
            Blm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, beta[:, i_r] / cltt_denom * beam)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # cltt_Alm = hp.alm2cl(Alm)
            # cltt_Blm = hp.alm2cl(Blm)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Alm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Alm)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Blm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Blm)

            An = hp.alm2map(Alm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False)
            Bn = hp.alm2map(Blm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # cltt_An = hp.anafast(An)
            # cltt_Bn = hp.anafast(Bn)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_An.dat' % run_type, cltt_An)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Bn.dat' % run_type, cltt_Bn)

            An = An * mask
            Bn = Bn * mask

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            if i_r == 100:
                print "saving alpha, beta for %i" % i_r
                np.savetxt("debug2/alpha_ir_%i" % i_r, alpha[:, i_r])
                np.savetxt("debug2/beta_ir_%i" % i_r, beta[:, i_r])
                print "(An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10]:", (An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10]


            B2lm = hp.map2alm(Bn * Bn, lmax=nl)
            ABlm = hp.map2alm(An * Bn, lmax=nl)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # cltt_B2lm = hp.alm2cl(B2lm)
            # cltt_ABlm = hp.alm2cl(ABlm)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_B2lm.dat' % run_type, cltt_B2lm)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_ABlm.dat' % run_type, cltt_ABlm)

            clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(Alm, B2lm, lmax=nl)
            clABB = hp.alm2cl(ABlm, Blm, lmax=nl)

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # np.savetxt('debug2/clAB2_%s.dat' % run_type, clAB2)
            # np.savetxt('debug2/clABB_%s.dat' % run_type, clABB)

            clAB2 = clAB2[1:]
            clABB = clABB[1:]

            result = np.zeros(nl, dtype="d")
            result += (clAB2 + 2 * clABB) * r[i_r] ** 2.0 * dr[i_r]

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # np.savetxt('debug2/cl21_%s.dat' % run_type, result)

            print (
                "finished work for r=%i, dr=%.2f, avg(alpha)=%.2f, avg(beta)=%.2f, avg(result)=%.4g"
                % (int(r[i_r]), dr[i_r], np.average(alpha[:, i_r]), np.average(beta[:, i_r]), np.average(result))

            ############################# DEBUG ################################
            # print "finished debug -- goodbye!"
            # exit()

            o_comm.Send([result, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1)

    f_t8 = time.time()

    if i_rank == 0:
        print ""
        print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % fn_cl21_no_mll)

        np.savetxt(fn_cl21_no_mll, cl21)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % fn_cl21

        cl21 = np.dot(mll_inv, cl21)
        np.savetxt(fn_cl21, cl21)

def main(i_sim=1):

    MPI Setup
    o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size)
    i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program
    o_status = MPI.Status()

    i_work_tag = 0
    i_die_tag = 1

    Loading and calculating power spectrum components

    # Get run parameters
    s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl'
    (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, 
        s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params)

    #s_fn_cltt = ('data/fnl_sims/cl_fnl_0_sim_%04d.fits' % (i_sim,))

    f_fnl = 1.0

    if (i_rank == 0):

        s_fn_cl21_data = ('data/cl21_fnl_sims/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%04d.dat' 
            % (int(f_fnl), i_sim))
        s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll = ('data/cl21_fnl_sims/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%04d_no_mll.dat' 
            % (int(f_fnl), i_sim))

        f_t1 = time.time()

        print ""
        print "Run parameters:"
        print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size
        print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name)
        print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt)

        print ""
        print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..."

    i_lmax = 1024

    na_mask = hp.read_map(s_fn_mask)
    s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % i_lmax
    na_mll = np.load(s_fn_mll)
    na_mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(na_mll)

    na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, 
                                usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3)

    na_l = np.unique(na_l)
    na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1]
    na_l = na_l[:i_lmax]

    i_num_ell = len(na_l)
    i_num_r = len(na_r)

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell)

    # assuming number of r's is set correctly and number of ells isn't necessarily
    # related to lmax, i_num_ell, etc.
    i_num_ell_alpha_beta_r = len(na_alpha)/i_num_r
    na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(i_num_ell_alpha_beta_r, i_num_r)
    na_beta = na_beta.reshape(i_num_ell_alpha_beta_r, i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr.reshape(i_num_ell_alpha_beta_r, i_num_r)
    na_dr = na_dr[0]

    na_alpha = na_alpha[:i_num_ell,:]
    na_beta = na_beta[:i_num_ell,:]
    na_dr = na_dr[:i_num_ell]

        na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt)
        na_cltt = np.loadtxt(s_fn_cltt)
    na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_num_ell]

    na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam)
    na_bl = na_bl[:i_num_ell]

    # f_t2 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..."

    #na_alm = hp.synalm(na_cltt, lmax=i_num_ell, verbose=False)

    s_fn_almg = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_l_%04d_v3.fits' % (i_sim,))
    na_almg = hp.read_alm(s_fn_almg)
    na_almg = na_almg[:hp.Alm.getsize(i_num_ell)]
    s_fn_almng = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_nl_%04d_v3.fits' % (i_sim,))
    na_almng = hp.read_alm(s_fn_almng)
    na_almng = na_almng[:hp.Alm.getsize(i_num_ell)]
    na_alm = na_almg + f_fnl * na_almng

    # f_t3 = time.time()

    na_cl21_data = np.zeros(i_num_ell)
    na_work = np.zeros(1, dtype='i')
    na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d')

    # if (i_rank == 0):
    #     print ("na_alm: %s, na_alpha: %s, na_beta: %s, na_cltt: %s, na_bl: %s" %
    #         (str(np.shape(na_alm)), str(np.shape(na_alpha)), 
    #             str(np.shape(na_beta)), str(np.shape(na_cltt)),
    #             str(np.shape(na_bl)) ))
    # else:
    #     print "core: %i" % i_rank
    #     print ("na_alm: %s, na_alpha: %s, na_beta: %s, na_cltt: %s, na_bl: %s" %
    #         (str(np.shape(na_alm)), str(np.shape(na_alpha)), 
    #             str(np.shape(na_beta)), str(np.shape(na_cltt)),
    #             str(np.shape(na_bl)) ))

    # master loop
    if (i_rank == 0):

        # send initial jobs

        # print ("na_alm: %s, na_alpha: %s, na_beta: %s, na_cltt: %s, na_bl: %s" %
        #         (str(np.shape(na_alm)), str(np.shape(na_alpha)), 
        #             str(np.shape(na_beta)), str(np.shape(na_cltt)),
        #             str(np.shape(na_bl)) ))

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            na_work = np.array([i_rank_out-1], dtype='i')
            o_comm.Send([na_work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag)

        for i_r in range(i_size-1,i_num_r):

            if (i_r % (i_num_r / 10) == 0):
                print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / i_num_r,
                time.time() - f_t1)

            na_work = np.array([i_r], dtype='i')

            o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, 
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source()

            o_comm.Send([na_work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), 

            na_cl21_data += na_result

        for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size):

            o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
                status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

            na_cl21_data += na_result

            print "cl21 so far..."
            print na_cl21_data[:10], na_cl21_data[10:]

            o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], 
                dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag)

    #slave loop:


            o_comm.Recv([na_work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, 

            if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag):


            i_r = na_work[0]

            #print "doing work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            # print ("na_alm: %s, na_alpha: %s, na_beta: %s, na_cltt: %s, na_bl: %s" %
            #         (str(np.shape(na_alm)), str(np.shape(na_alpha)), 
            #             str(np.shape(na_beta)), str(np.shape(na_cltt)),
            #             str(np.shape(na_bl)) ))
            na_Alm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, np.nan_to_num(na_alpha[:,i_r] / na_cltt) * na_bl)
            na_Blm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, np.nan_to_num(na_beta[:,i_r] / na_cltt) * na_bl)

            # f_t4 = time.time()

            na_An = hp.alm2map(na_Alm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,
            na_Bn = hp.alm2map(na_Blm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333,


            na_An = na_An * na_mask
            na_Bn = na_Bn * na_mask

            # f_t5 = time.time()

            #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            na_B2lm = hp.map2alm(na_Bn*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell)
            na_ABlm = hp.map2alm(na_An*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell)

            #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            # f_t6 = time.time()

            na_clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(na_Alm, na_B2lm, lmax=i_num_ell)
            na_clABB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlm, na_Blm, lmax=i_num_ell)

            na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[1:]
            na_clABB = na_clABB[1:]

            #f_t7 = time.time()

            # print ("na_clAB2: %s, na_clABB: %s, na_r: %s, na_dr: %s" %
            #         (str(np.shape(na_clAB2)), str(np.shape(na_clABB)), 
            #             str(np.shape(na_r)), str(np.shape(na_dr)) ))

            na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d')
            na_result += (na_clAB2 + 2 * na_clABB) * na_r[i_r]**2. * na_dr[i_r]

            #print "finished work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank)

            o_comm.Send([na_result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1)

            # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
            # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
            # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
            # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
            # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
            # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

    f_t8 = time.time()

    if (i_rank == 0):
        print ""
        print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" 
            % s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll)

        np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll, na_cl21_data)

        print ""
        print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % s_fn_cl21_data
        na_cl21_data = np.dot(na_mll_inv, na_cl21_data)
        np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data, na_cl21_data)

        # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1)
        # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1)
        # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2)
        # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.)
        # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.)
        # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.)

bl = np.load('output/na_bl.npy')

ir = 10

alm_data = alm_data[:hp.Alm.getsize(nl)]
alm_sim = alm_sim[:hp.Alm.getsize(nl)]
cltt_corrected = cltt_corrected[:nl]
bl = bl[:nl]


Alm_data = hp.almxfl(alm_data, alpha[:,ir] / cltt_corrected * bl)
Blm_data = hp.almxfl(alm_data, beta[:,ir] / cltt_corrected * bl)

# make cls and save them away
cltt_data_Alm = hp.alm2cl(Alm_data)
cltt_data_Blm = hp.alm2cl(Blm_data)
np.savetxt('debug/cltt_data_Alm.dat', cltt_data_Alm)
np.savetxt('debug/cltt_data_Blm.dat', cltt_data_Blm)

An_data = hp.alm2map(Alm_data, nside=2048, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False)
Bn_data = hp.alm2map(Blm_data, nside=2048, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False)

# make cls and save them away
cltt_data_An = hp.anafast(An_data)
cltt_data_Bn = hp.anafast(Bn_data)
np.savetxt('debug/cltt_data_An.dat', cltt_data_An)
np.savetxt('debug/cltt_data_Bn.dat', cltt_data_Bn)

B2lm_data = hp.map2alm(Bn_data*Bn_data, lmax=nl)
ABlm_data = hp.map2alm(An_data*Bn_data, lmax=nl)