def getSquarePixels(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, tileSide, nside, alpha = 0.2, color='#6c71c4'): area = tileSide*tileSide decCorners = (dec_pointing - tileSide / 2.0, dec_pointing + tileSide / 2.0) radecs = [] for d in decCorners: if d > 90.: d = 180. - d elif d < -90.: d = -180 - d raCorners = (ra_pointing - (tileSide / 2.0) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(d)) , ra_pointing + (tileSide / 2.0) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))) for r in raCorners: if r > 360.: r = 720. - r elif r < 0.: r = 360. + r radecs.append([r,d]) radecs = np.array(radecs) idx1 = np.where(radecs[:,0]>=180.0)[0] idx2 = np.where(radecs[:,0]<180.0)[0] idx3 = np.where(radecs[:,0]>300.0)[0] idx4 = np.where(radecs[:,0]<60.0)[0] if (len(idx1)>0 and len(idx2)>0) and not (len(idx3)>0 and len(idx4)>0): alpha = 0.0 idx1 = np.where((radecs[:,1]>=87.0) | (radecs[:,1]<=-87.0))[0] if len(idx1)>0: radecs = np.delete(radecs, idx1[0], 0) xyz = [] for r, d in radecs: xyz.append(hp.ang2vec(r, d, lonlat=True)) npts, junk = radecs.shape if npts == 4: xyz = [xyz[0], xyz[1],xyz[3], xyz[2]] ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array(xyz)) else: ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array(xyz)) #idx1 = np.where((radecs[:,1]>=70.0) | (radecs[:,1]<=-70.0))[0] #idx2 = np.where((radecs[:,0]>300.0) | (radecs[:,0]<60.0))[0] #if (len(idx1) == 0) or (len(idx2) > 0): # return [], [], [], [] xyz = np.array(xyz) proj = hp.projector.MollweideProj(rot=None, coord=None) x,y = proj.vec2xy(xyz[:,0],xyz[:,1],xyz[:,2]) xy = np.zeros(radecs.shape) xy[:,0] = x xy[:,1] = y path = matplotlib.path.Path(xy) patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(path, alpha=alpha, color=color, fill=True, zorder=3,) return ipix, radecs, patch, area
def ipix_in_box(self, ra, dec, width, height, nside, nest): """finding the healpix indices of a given box Parameters ---------- ra,dec,width,height : sequence, or single number the center and size of a vertice box nside : int healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30 nest : bool healpix ordering options: if True, healpix map use `nest` ordering, otherwise, use `ring` instead Returns ------- ipix_in_box : list a sequence of healpix indices """ v1_ra, v2_ra, v3_ra, v4_ra, v1_dec, v2_dec, v3_dec, v4_dec = \ self.vertices(ra, dec, width, height) ra_vertices, dec_vertices = ([v1_ra, v2_ra, v4_ra, v3_ra],\ [v1_dec, v2_dec, v4_dec, v3_dec]) theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec_vertices) phi = np.deg2rad(ra_vertices) xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) if self.is_seq(ra) and self.is_seq(dec) and \ self.is_seq(width) and self.is_seq(height): ipix_fov_box = [] for _xyz in xyz: ipix_fov_box.append(hp.query_polygon(nside, _xyz, nest=nest)) else: ipix_fov_box = hp.query_polygon(nside, xyz, nest=nest) return ipix_fov_box
def make_hpmoll(d, hpx0, recov, band, f, p, sub, nside, argsMV): hpx = np.copy(hpx0) hpx[hpx0 != hp.UNSEEN] = hpx0[hpx0 != hp.UNSEEN] + 1 hpx[hpx > recov] = hp.UNSEEN ra, dec = np.array([]), np.array([]) for b in band: ra = np.concatenate((ra, d[d['band'] == b]['Ra'])) dec = np.concatenate((dec, d[d['band'] == b]['Dec'])) if len(ra) > 0: for r, d in zip(ra, dec): cells = p.copy() f.to_uv(cells, (r, d)) for c in cells: poly = np.vstack([c['p0'], c['p1'], c['p2'], c['p3']]) try: ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, poly, nest=True, inclusive=False) hpx[ipix] = 0 except: continue argsMV['title'] = band argsMV['sub'] = sub hp.mollview(hpx, min=0, max=recov, **argsMV) return hpx
def extract(self, ra, dec, width, height, keep=0): if not self.valid: return if keep == 0: = Table() polygon = SkyCoord( [ra-width/2., ra+width/2., ra+width/2., ra-width/2.],\ [dec-height/2., dec-height/2., dec+height/2., dec+height/2.],\ unit = 'deg' ).cartesian.get_xyz().T pix = hp.query_polygon(self.NSIDE, polygon, inclusive=True, nest=True) rangelist = self._get_tgasptyc_zone_file(pix) f = open(self.datafile, "r") lines = [] for r in rangelist:[0] * self.linelength) lines.append([1] - r[0]) * self.linelength)) f.close() content = ''.join(lines) reader = ascii.get_reader(Reader=ascii.Cds, fill_values=[('', 0)], readme=self.readmefile) = "tgasptyc.dat" catalog = p = catalog[ np.where( ( catalog['RAdeg'] > ra - width/2. )\ & ( catalog['RAdeg'] < ra + width/2. )\ & ( catalog['DEdeg'] > dec - height/2. )\ & ( catalog['DEdeg'] < dec + height/2. ) ) ] = astropy.table.vstack([, p]) return (len(
def _get_box_pix(self, nside, ra_cent, dec_cent, width, height): """ Get healpix pixels overlapping a box. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` ra_cent : `float` dec_cent : `float` width : `float` height : `float` Returns ------- pixels : `np.ndarray` """ wid = width / np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec_cent)) vertices = hp.ang2vec(np.array([ra_cent - wid/2., ra_cent - wid/2., ra_cent + wid/2., ra_cent + wid/2.]), np.array([dec_cent - height/2., dec_cent + height/2., dec_cent + height/2., dec_cent - height/2.]), lonlat=True) return hp.query_polygon(nside, vertices, nest=True)
def add_poly(self, positions, depth=None): """ Add a single polygon to this region. Parameters ---------- positions : [[ra, dec], ...] Positions for the vertices of the polygon. The polygon needs to be convex and non-intersecting. depth : int The deepth at which the polygon will be inserted. """ if not (len(positions) >= 3): raise AssertionError( "A minimum of three coordinate pairs are required") if depth is None or depth > self.maxdepth: depth = self.maxdepth ras, decs = np.array(list(zip(*positions))) sky = self.radec2sky(ras, decs) pix = hp.query_polygon(2**depth, self.sky2vec(sky), inclusive=True, nest=True) self.add_pixels(pix, depth) self._renorm() return
def main_map(fn='all_fields.npy'): nside = 1024 m = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) # opsim log log = np.load(fn) mjd_min = DateTimeFrom('2022-01-01').mjd mjd_max = DateTimeFrom('2023-01-01').mjd idx = (log['band'] == 'LSSTPG::i') idx &= (log['mjd'] >= mjd_min) idx &= (log['mjd'] <= mjd_max) log = log[idx] coords = np.vstack( (log['Ra'] * DEGREE_PER_RADIAN, log['Dec'] * DEGREE_PER_RADIAN)).T print coords.shape f = FocalPlane() p = f.pixellize(1, 1) for i, (r, d) in enumerate(coords): if i % 100 == 0: print i, r, d cells = p.copy() f.to_uv(cells, (r, d)) for c in cells: poly = np.vstack([c['p0'], c['p1'], c['p2'], c['p3']]) ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, poly, nest=True) m[ipix] += 1. return m, p
def write_k2_moc(campaign=0, norder_moc=NORDER_MOC, output_fn=None): if output_fn is None: fieldinfo = getFieldInfo(campaign) if "preliminary" in fieldinfo: output_fn = "../moc/k2-footprint-c{:02d}-proposed.moc".format(campaign) else: output_fn = "../moc/k2-footprint-c{:02d}.moc".format(campaign) # Obtain the footprint corners in polar coordinates"Preparing footprint polygons for C{}".format(campaign)) polygons = [] for _, channel in FOOTPRINT["c{}".format(campaign)]["channels"].items(): polygon = [np.pi/2. - np.radians(channel["corners_dec"]), np.radians(channel["corners_ra"])] polygons.append(polygon) # Obtain the healpix diamonds that cover the polygons entirely # and add these to a `MOC` object"Converting polygons into healpix format") moc = mocpy.MOC(moc_order=norder_moc) for p in polygons: pix_list = hp.query_polygon(2**norder_moc, hp.ang2vec(p[0], p[1]), inclusive=True, nest=True) for pix in pix_list: moc.add_pix(norder_moc, pix) # Finally, write the resulting MOC file to disk"Writing {}".format(output_fn)) moc.plot() # IMPORTANT! moc.write is corrupt if plot is not called first moc.write(output_fn)
def enclosed_pixel_indices(self, nside_out): # Sanity if nside_out < self.nside: raise ( "Can't get enclosed pixel indices for lower resolution pixels!" ) if len(self.__epi) == 0: # Start with the central pixel, in case the size of the FOV is <= the pixel size self.__epi = np.asarray([ hp.ang2pix(self.nside, 0.5 * np.pi - self.__coord.dec.radian, self.__coord.ra.radian) ]) pixel_xyz_vertices = hp.boundaries(self.nside, pix=self.index) internal_pix = hp.query_polygon(nside_out, pixel_xyz_vertices, inclusive=False) if len(internal_pix) > 0: self.__epi = internal_pix return self.__epi
def readhealcat_polygon(ra,dec,nside=32,outfile=None,path='/line12/Pan-STARRS/chunks-qz-star-v2/',silent=True,prefix='ps1-',postfix='.fits'): """ read the healpix catalog within a spheric rectangle ra,dec: in degrees array """ ra=np.deg2rad(ra) dec=np.deg2rad(dec) if len(ra) != len(dec) or len(ra) < 3: raise ValueError('ra and dec should have same size and size should > 3 to present a polygon') x,y,z=c.spherical_to_cartesian(1.0,dec,ra) vertices=np.array([x,y,z]).transpose() pix=query_polygon(nside, vertices, inclusive=True) npix=pix.size nd=len(str(healpy.nside2npix(nside))) if not silent: print('Total '+str(npix)+' healpix pixels:') cat=[] for ipix in pix: ipixstr='{ipix:0{width}}'.format(ipix=ipix,width=nd) catname=os.path.join(path,prefix+ipixstr+postfix) if not os.path.isfile(catname): if not silent: print(catname+' not exist!') continue if not silent: print('reading '+catname) cat.append(,format='fits')) totalcat = [] if cat != []: totalcat=table.vstack(cat) if outfile is not None: totalcat.write(outfile,format='fits',overwrite=True) return totalcat
def pix_in_fields(self): """ Returns the array of pixel indices contained within the fields. """ return np.array([ hp.query_polygon(self.nside, coords) for coords in self.field_coords_array ])
def makeGauss(nside, ra, dec, amp, varparam=np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)): #bounds=None):#radius=6447797.0): print('RA length:' + str(len(ra))) print('dec length:' + str(len(dec))) print('amp length:' + str(len(amp))) raMin = min(ra) - 2.0 raMax = max(ra) + 2.0 decMin = min(dec) - 2.0 decMax = max(dec) + 2.0 #m = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) vertices = hp.ang2vec([raMin, raMin, raMax, raMax], [decMin, decMax, decMax, decMin], lonlat=True) m = hp.query_polygon(nside, vertices) m_ra, m_dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, m, lonlat=True) m_amp = np.zeros_like(m, dtype='float64') #ra = ra*1.0 #dec = dec*1.0 numpix = m.size #if True: #bounds != None: # raMin = min(ra)-2.0 # raMax = max(ra)+2.0 # decMin = min(dec)-2.0 # decMax = min(dec)+2.0 # Compute distance of center of data to each pixel # centDist = haversine(np.full_like(m,raCent),np.full_like(m,decCent),m_ra,m_dec) # Get indices of pixels to delete # toDelete = [ k for (i,j,k) in zip(m_ra,m_dec,m) if i < raMin or i > raMax or j < decMin or j > decMax ] # #m = np.delete(m, toDelete) # m_ra = np.delete(m_ra, toDelete) # m_dec = np.delete(m_dec, toDelete) # m_amp = np.delete(m_amp, toDelete) # numdeleted = str(len(toDelete)) # print(numdeleted + ' uninteresting pixels deleted of '+str(numpix)) ### TO IMPLEMENT: Check ra, dec, amp are of same size #if isinstance(ra, np.ndarray): for rai, deci, ampi in itertools.izip(ra, dec, amp): # Used to convert from ra/dec to pixel to vec; should not be necessary #nearpix = hp.pix2vec(nside,hp.ang2pix(nside,rai,deci,lonlat=True)) nearpix = hp.ang2vec(rai, deci, lonlat=True) # Calculate Gaussian on pixels within following radius (in degrees) radius = 3.0 / 60.0 # Hard-coded; remove eventually pxls = hp.query_disc(nside, nearpix, radius * np.pi / 180.0) indices = np.searchsorted(m, pxls) near_ra, near_dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, pxls, lonlat=True) #print('Using nearest '+str(len(near_ra))+' pixels to source.') #near_ra = m_ra[pxls] #near_dec = m_dec[pxls] m_dist = np.zeros_like(near_ra) var = varparam * 1.0 m_dist = haversine(np.full_like(near_ra, rai), np.full_like(near_ra, deci), near_ra, near_dec) m_amp[indices] += computeGauss(ampi, m_dist, var) print('makeGauss output length: ' + str(m_ra.size)) return m_ra, m_dec, m_dist, m_amp
def integrate_intensity_map(Imap,nside,latmin=-2,latmax=2. ,nsteps_long=500,rad_units=False,planck_map=False): """ Compute the integral of the intensity map along latitude and longitude; to compare observed intensity map and the model one. To check consistency of the model we compute the integral as in eqs.(6) and (7) of `Puglisi+ 2017 <>`_. *Parameters* - `Imap`:{array} intensity map - `nside`: {int} :mod:`healpy` gridding parameter - `latmin`, `latmax`:{double} minimum and maximum latitudes in `degree` where to perform the integral (default :math:`\pm 2\, deg`) if you have the angles in radiants set `rad_units` to `True`. - `nsteps_long`:{int} number of longitudinal bins, (default 500) - `planck_map`:{bool} if set to `True`, it sets to zero all the :mod:`healpy.UNSEEN` masked pixels of the map, (useful when dealing with observational maps). **Returns** - `I_l` :{array} latitude integration within the set interval :math:`[b_{min}, b_{max}]` - `I_tot`:{double} integration of `I_l` in :math:`\ell \in [0,2 \pi]`. """ if planck_map:,hp.UNSEEN) Imap[arr.mask]=0. if not rad_units: latmin=np.pi/2.+(np.deg2rad(latmin)) latmax=np.pi/2.+(np.deg2rad(latmax)) nbins_long=nsteps_long-1 long_edges=np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,num=nsteps_long) long_centr=[.5*(long_edges[i]+ long_edges[i+1]) for i in range(nbins_long)] listpix=[] for i in range(nbins_long): v=[ hp.ang2vec(latmax, long_edges[i]), hp.ang2vec(latmax, long_edges[i+1]), hp.ang2vec(latmin, long_edges[i+1]), hp.ang2vec(latmin, long_edges[i])] listpix.append(hp.query_polygon(nside,v)) delta_b=pixelsize(nside,arcmin=False) delta_l=2*np.pi/nbins_long I_l=[sum(Imap[l])*delta_b for l in listpix ] Itot= sum(I_l)*delta_l return Itot,I_l
def query_polygon(RA_right, RA_left, DEC_bottom, DEC_top, NSIDE): Ra_arr = np.array([RA_left, RA_right, RA_right, RA_left]) #Массивы координат, задающих вершины прямоугольника на сфере Dec_arr = np.array([DEC_top, DEC_top, DEC_bottom, DEC_bottom]) astropy_array = astropy.coordinates.spherical_to_cartesian(1, np.deg2rad(Dec_arr), np.deg2rad(Ra_arr)) vertex_array = np.array(astropy_array) #Декартовы координаты вершин прямоугольника heal_indexes = hp.query_polygon(NSIDE, vertex_array.T, nest=True) return(heal_indexes)
def natural_order(nside, ind, subn): assert nside <= subn if subn == nside: return np.array([ind]) sub = hp.query_polygon(2 * nside, hp.boundaries(nside, ind, nest=True).T, nest=True) assert len(sub) == 4 r = [natural_order(nside * 2, s, subn) for s in np.sort(sub)] return np.vstack((np.hstack((r[0], r[1])), np.hstack((r[2], r[3]))))
def get_tile_pixels(self, nside, corners): """Return pixels contained in a tile defined by its corner coordinates""" #conversion to vectors using healpy function xyz = [] for i in range(len(corners)): xyz.append(hp.ang2vec(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], lonlat=True)) tile_pixels = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array(xyz), inclusive=False) return tile_pixels
def __ipix_sum(self, ra_vertices, dec_vertices): """Return the ipix sum inside a polygon.""" theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec_vertices) phi = np.deg2rad(ra_vertices) xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) ipix_poly = hp.query_polygon(self.nside, xyz) ipix_sum_polygon = self.prob[ipix_poly].sum() return ipix_sum_polygon
def probability_inside_box(self, infile, ra_vertices, dec_vertices): """Return the probability inside a polygon.""" prob = hp.read_map(self.skymap, verbose=False) theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec_vertices) phi = np.deg2rad(ra_vertices) xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) ipix_poly = hp.query_polygon(self.nside, xyz) probability_inside_polygon = prob[ipix_poly].sum() return probability_inside_polygon
def enclosed_pixel_indices(self): if len(self.__enclosed_pixel_indices) == 0: # Start with the central pixel, in case the size of the FOV is <= the pixel size self.__enclosed_pixel_indices = np.asarray( [hp.ang2pix(self.nside, 0.5 * np.pi - self.dec_rad, self.ra_rad)]) internal_pix = hp.query_polygon(self.nside, self.corner_xyz, inclusive=False) # However, if there is at least one pixel returned from query_polygon, use that array if len(internal_pix) > 0: self.__enclosed_pixel_indices = internal_pix return self.__enclosed_pixel_indices
def warp_source_files(fnames, work_dir, pixel_order, tile_order): tile_nside = healpy.order2nside(tile_order) for fname in fnames: with as hdul: src = Source(find_image_hdu(hdul)) tile_indices = healpy.query_polygon(tile_nside, ad2xyz(*src.polygon).T, nest=True)'{} tiles'.format(len(tile_indices))) def warp(tile_index):'warping {}:{}...'.format(fname, tile_index)) src.warp(work_dir, tile_order, tile_index, pixel_order), tile_indices)
def pixInTile(tile_corners, nside): """Return the pixels inside a Tile.""" ra = np.array([ tile_corners[0][0], tile_corners[1][0], tile_corners[3][0], tile_corners[2][0] ]) dec = np.array([ tile_corners[0][1], tile_corners[1][1], tile_corners[3][1], tile_corners[2][1] ]) phi, theta = ra * np.pi / 180., (90. - dec) * np.pi / 180. vertices = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) pixIn = hp.query_polygon(nside, vertices, inclusive=False, nest=False) return pixIn
def get_quadrant_ipix(nside, ra, dec): ccd_coords = get_decam_ccds(ra, dec) skyoffset_frames = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=u.deg).skyoffset_frame() ccd_coords_icrs = SkyCoord( *np.tile(ccd_coords[:, np.newaxis, ...], (1, 1, 1)), unit=u.deg, frame=skyoffset_frames[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).transform_to(ICRS) ccd_xyz = np.moveaxis(, 0, -1)[0] ipixs = [] for subfield_id, xyz in enumerate(ccd_xyz): ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, xyz) ipixs.append(ipix.tolist()) return ipixs
def readhealcat_rectangle(ra,dec,width=(0.6,0.6),nside=32,outfile=None,path='/line12/Pan-STARRS/chunks-qz-star-v2/',silent=True,prefix='ps1-',postfix='.fits',slim=False): """ read the healpix catalog within a spheric rectangle ra,dec: in degrees array """ if np.isscalar(width) or len(width) == 1: width=(width,width) ra=np.deg2rad(ra) dec=np.deg2rad(dec) wra=np.deg2rad(width[0]/np.cos(dec)) wdec=np.deg2rad(width[1]) ra1=ra-wra/2.0 dec1=dec-wdec/2.0 ra2=ra-wra/2.0 dec2=dec+wdec/2.0 ra3=ra+wra/2.0 dec3=dec+wdec/2.0 ra4=ra+wra/2.0 dec4=dec-wdec/2.0 x,y,z=c.spherical_to_cartesian(1.0,[dec1,dec2,dec3,dec4],[ra1,ra2,ra3,ra4]) vertices=np.array([x,y,z]).transpose() pix=query_polygon(nside, vertices, inclusive=True) npix=pix.size nd=len(str(healpy.nside2npix(nside))) if not silent: print('Total '+str(npix)+' healpix pixels:') cat=[] for ipix in pix: ipixstr='{ipix:0{width}}'.format(ipix=ipix,width=nd) catname=os.path.join(path,prefix+ipixstr+postfix) if not os.path.isfile(catname): if not silent: print(catname+' not exist!') continue if not silent: print('reading '+catname) cat.append(,format='fits')) totalcat = [] if cat != []: totalcat=table.vstack(cat) if slim: mask=(totalcat['RA'] > np.rad2deg(ra1)) & (totalcat['RA'] < np.rad2deg(ra3)) & (totalcat['DEC'] > np.rad2deg(dec1)) & (totalcat['DEC'] < np.rad2deg(dec3)) totalcat=totalcat[mask] if totalcat != [] and outfile is not None: totalcat.write(outfile,format='fits',overwrite=True) return totalcat
def add_poly(self,positions,depth=None): """ Add a single polygon to this region :param positions: list of [ (ra,dec), ... ] positions that form the polygon :param depth: The depth at which we wish to represent the circle (forced to be <=maxdepth :return: None """ assert len(positions)>=3, "A minimum of three coordinate pairs are required" if depth==None or depth>self.maxdepth: depth=self.maxdepth ras,decs =zip(*positions) sky=self.radec2sky(ras,decs) pix=hp.query_polygon(2**depth,self.sky2vec(sky),inclusive=True,nest=True) self.add_pixels(pix,depth) self._renorm() return
def modify_map(hpmap, value_to_fill): global fig, cid, coords coords = [] fig = plt.figure() hp.mollview(hpmap, fig=fig.number) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) raw_input() print coords line, = plt.plot(coords[0][0], coords[0][1]) # empty line linebuilder = LineBuilder(line) raw_input() coords = np.array(coords) coords = np.delete(coords, -1, 0) vec = transform_coords(coords) nside = hp.npix2nside(len(hpmap)) to_mask = hp.query_polygon(nside, vec) map_out = np.copy(hpmap) map_out[to_mask] = value_to_fill return map_out
def get_quadrant_ipix(nside, field_id, ra, dec): ipixs = [] tile = QuadProb(field_id, ra, dec) Z = ZTFtile(ra, dec) quad_cents_RA, quad_cents_Dec = Z.quadrant_centers() quadIndices = np.arange(64) for quadrant_id in quadIndices: thisQuad = tile.getWCS(quad_cents_RA[quadrant_id], quad_cents_Dec[quadrant_id]) footprint = thisQuad.calc_footprint(axes=tile.quadrant_size) xyz = [] for r, d in footprint: xyz.append(hp.ang2vec(r, d, lonlat=True)) ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array(xyz)).tolist() ipixs.append(ipix) return ipixs
def get_quadrant_ipix(nside, ra, dec, subfield_ids=None): quadrant_coords = get_ztf_quadrants() skyoffset_frames = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=u.deg).skyoffset_frame() quadrant_coords_icrs = SkyCoord( *np.tile(quadrant_coords[:, np.newaxis, ...], (1, 1, 1)), unit=u.deg, frame=skyoffset_frames[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).transform_to(ICRS) quadrant_xyz = np.moveaxis(, 0, -1)[0] ipixs = [] for subfield_id, xyz in enumerate(quadrant_xyz): if not subfield_ids is None: if not subfield_id in subfield_ids: continue ipix = hp.query_polygon(nside, xyz) ipixs.append(ipix.tolist()) return ipixs
def gen_catalog_bin(ngal): """ Generate a random catalog for a single bin using healpy routines :param ngal: The number of galaxies per pixel :type ngal: :class:`lsssys.Map` :return: The right ascension and declination of the generated catalog :rtype: ``tuple`` of 2 :class:`numpy.ndarray` of ``float`` """ pix = np.where( > 0.)[0] n_gal =[pix].astype(int) highres_nside = ngal.nside * next_power_of_2(2 * n_gal.max()) pix_nest = hp.ring2nest(ngal.nside, pix) corners = np.array( [c.T for c in hp.boundaries(ngal.nside, pix_nest, nest=True)]) high_res_pix = np.concatenate([ np.random.choice(hp.query_polygon(highres_nside, corn, nest=True), n) for corn, n in zip(corners, n_gal) ]) hpix_highres = hu.HealPix("nest", highres_nside) return hpix_highres.pix2eq(high_res_pix)
def readps1_rectangle(ra,dec,width=(0.6,0.6),outfile=None,path='/line12/Pan-STARRS/chunks-qz-star-v2/',silent=True): """ read the PS1 catalog within a spheric rectangle ra,dec: in degrees array """ if np.isscalar(width) or len(width) == 1: width=(width,width) ra=np.deg2rad(ra) dec=np.deg2rad(dec) wra=np.deg2rad(width[0]/np.cos(dec)) wdec=np.deg2rad(width[1]) ra1=ra-wra/2.0 dec1=dec-wdec/2.0 ra2=ra-wra/2.0 dec2=dec+wdec/2.0 ra3=ra+wra/2.0 dec3=dec+wdec/2.0 ra4=ra+wra/2.0 dec4=dec-wdec/2.0 x,y,z=c.spherical_to_cartesian(1.0,[dec1,dec2,dec3,dec4],[ra1,ra2,ra3,ra4]) vertices=np.array([x,y,z]).transpose() pix=query_polygon(32, vertices, inclusive=True) npix=pix.size if not silent: print('Total '+str(npix)+' healpix pixels:') cat=[] for ipix in pix: catname=os.path.join(path,'ps1-'+'%5.5d'%ipix+'.fits') if not os.path.isfile(catname): continue if not silent: print('reading '+catname) cat.append(,format='fits')) totalcat = [] if cat != []: totalcat=table.vstack(cat) if outfile is not None: totalcat.write(outfile,format='fits',overwrite=True) return totalcat
def add_poly(self, positions, depth=None): """ Add a single polygon to this region :param positions: list of [ (ra,dec), ... ] positions that form the polygon :param depth: The depth at which we wish to represent the circle (forced to be <=maxdepth :return: None """ assert len( positions) >= 3, "A minimum of three coordinate pairs are required" if depth == None or depth > self.maxdepth: depth = self.maxdepth ras, decs = zip(*positions) sky = self.radec2sky(ras, decs) pix = hp.query_polygon(2**depth, self.sky2vec(sky), inclusive=True, nest=True) self.add_pixels(pix, depth) self._renorm() return
def extract(self, ra, dec, width, height, keep=0): if not self.valid: return if keep == 0: = Table() polygon = SkyCoord( [ra-width/2., ra+width/2., ra+width/2., ra-width/2.],\ [dec-height/2., dec-height/2., dec+height/2., dec+height/2.],\ unit = 'deg' ).cartesian.get_xyz().T pix = hp.query_polygon(self.NSIDE, polygon, inclusive=True, nest=True) source_id_min = pix * 2**35 * 4**(12 - self.LEVEL) source_id_max = (pix + 1) * 2**35 * 4**(12 - self.LEVEL) filelist = self._get_gaia1_zone_file(source_id_min, source_id_max) for f in filelist: catalog =['col0'], format=self.fmt) p = catalog[ np.where( ( catalog['ra'] > ra - width/2. )\ & ( catalog['ra'] < ra + width/2. )\ & ( catalog['dec'] > dec - height/2. )\ & ( catalog['dec'] < dec + height/2. ) ) ] = astropy.table.vstack([, p]) return (len(
def gen_map_polygon(vertices, nside): '''Generates a Healpix map with the only non-zero values in the pixels inside the input polygon Parameters ---------- vertices : array-like with shape (n,2) or (2,n) The lon,lat vertices of the polygon in degrees. n >= 3 nside : int The nside of the output Healpix map Returns ------- hpx_map : array-like A Healpix map with non-zero values inside the polygon ''' vertices = np.array(vertices) if vertices.shape[1] != 2: vertices = np.transpose(vertices) if vertices.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Need a n x 2 or 2 x n input vertices array") thetas = np.pi / 2 - np.radians(vertices[:, 1]) phis = np.radians(vertices[:, 0]) vecs = H.ang2vec(thetas, phis) ipix = H.query_polygon(nside, vecs) hpx_map = np.zeros(H.nside2npix(nside)) hpx_map[ipix] = 1.0 return hpx_map
def get_pixels(self, *, nside): """ get the pixels associated with this polygon Parameters ---------- nside: int Nside for the pixels """ try: pixels = hp.query_polygon( nside, self._vertices, nest=True, inclusive=False, ) except RuntimeError: # healpy raises a RuntimeError with no information attached in the # string, but this seems to always be a non-convex polygon raise ValueError('polygon is not convex: %s' % repr(self)) return pixels
def gen_map_polygon(vertices, nside): '''Generates a Healpix map with the only non-zero values in the pixels inside the input polygon Parameters ---------- vertices : array-like with shape (n,2) or (2,n) The lon,lat vertices of the polygon in degrees. n >= 3 nside : int The nside of the output Healpix map Returns ------- hpx_map : array-like A Healpix map with non-zero values inside the polygon ''' vertices = np.array(vertices) if vertices.shape[1] != 2: vertices = np.transpose(vertices) if vertices.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Need a n x 2 or 2 x n input vertices array") thetas = np.pi/2 - np.radians(vertices[:, 1]) phis = np.radians(vertices[:, 0]) vecs = H.ang2vec(thetas, phis) ipix = H.query_polygon(nside, vecs) hpx_map = np.zeros(H.nside2npix(nside)) hpx_map[ipix] = 1.0 return hpx_map
# check that the cutout is entirely within the quadrant patchFits = np.sum(latEdges < 0.) + np.sum(latEdges > 90.) + np.sum( lonEdges < 0.) + np.sum(lonEdges > 90.) patchFits = patchFits == 0. # if it fits #if patchFits and nPatches>=17: if patchFits: nPatches += 1 #if nPatches>=17: #if nPatches>=30: # plot the footprint xyz = hp.ang2vec(lonEdges, latEdges, lonlat=True) I = hp.query_polygon(nSide, xyz) hMap[I] += 1. # extract the cutouts pos = np.array([lonCenter, latCenter, 0.]) # Official T map cutSehgalTMap = hp.visufunc.cartview(sehgalTMap, rot=pos, lonra=lonRange, latra=latRange, xsize=xSize, ysize=ySize, return_projected_map=True, norm='hist') plt.close() # T map
def create_all(): db.create_all(bind=None) telescopes = ["ZTF", "Gattini", "DECam", "KPED", "GROWTH-India"] available_filters = { "ZTF": ["g", "r", "i"], "Gattini": ["J"], "DECam": ["g", "r", "i", "z"], "KPED": ["U", "g", "r", "i"], "GROWTH-India": ["g", "r", "i", "z"] } plan_args = { 'ZTF': { 'filt': ['g', 'r', 'g'], 'exposuretimes': [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], 'doReferences': True, 'doUsePrimary': True, 'doBalanceExposure': False, 'doDither': False, 'usePrevious': False, 'doCompletedObservations': False, 'doPlannedObservations': False, 'cobs': [None, None], 'schedule_type': 'greedy', 'filterScheduleType': 'block', 'airmass': 2.5, 'schedule_strategy': 'tiling', 'mindiff': 30. * 60., 'doMaxTiles': False, 'max_nb_tiles': 1000, 'doRASlice': True, 'raslice': [0.0, 24.0], }, 'DECam': { 'filt': ['g', 'z'], 'exposuretimes': [25.0, 25.0], 'doReferences': True, 'doUsePrimary': False, 'doBalanceExposure': False, 'doDither': True, 'usePrevious': False, 'doCompletedObservations': False, 'doPlannedObservations': False, 'cobs': [None, None], 'schedule_type': 'greedy_slew', 'filterScheduleType': 'integrated', 'airmass': 2.5, 'schedule_strategy': 'tiling', 'mindiff': 30. * 60., 'doMaxTiles': False, 'max_nb_tiles': 1000, 'doRASlice': True, 'raslice': [0.0, 24.0], }, 'Gattini': { 'filt': ['J'], 'exposuretimes': [300.0], 'doReferences': False, 'doUsePrimary': False, 'doBalanceExposure': False, 'doDither': False, 'usePrevious': False, 'doCompletedObservations': False, 'doPlannedObservations': False, 'cobs': [None, None], 'schedule_type': 'greedy', 'filterScheduleType': 'block', 'airmass': 2.5, 'schedule_strategy': 'tiling', 'mindiff': 30. * 60., 'doMaxTiles': False, 'max_nb_tiles': 1000, 'doRASlice': True, 'raslice': [0.0, 24.0] }, 'KPED': { 'filt': ['r'], 'exposuretimes': [300.0], 'doReferences': False, 'doUsePrimary': False, 'doBalanceExposure': False, 'doDither': False, 'usePrevious': False, 'doCompletedObservations': False, 'doPlannedObservations': False, 'cobs': [None, None], 'schedule_type': 'greedy', 'filterScheduleType': 'integrated', 'airmass': 2.5, 'schedule_strategy': 'catalog', 'mindiff': 30. * 60., 'doMaxTiles': False, 'max_nb_tiles': 1000, 'doRASlice': True, 'raslice': [0.0, 24.0] }, 'GROWTH-India': { 'filt': ['r'], 'exposuretimes': [300.0], 'doReferences': False, 'doUsePrimary': False, 'doBalanceExposure': False, 'doDither': False, 'usePrevious': False, 'doCompletedObservations': False, 'doPlannedObservations': False, 'cobs': [None, None], 'schedule_type': 'greedy', 'filterScheduleType': 'integrated', 'airmass': 2.5, 'schedule_strategy': 'catalog', 'mindiff': 30. * 60., 'doMaxTiles': False, 'max_nb_tiles': 1000, 'doRASlice': True, 'raslice': [0.0, 24.0] } } with tqdm(telescopes) as telescope_progress: for tele in telescope_progress: telescope_progress.set_description('populating {}'.format(tele)) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'input/%s.ref' % tele) if os.path.isfile(filename): refstable =, format='ascii', data_start=2, data_end=-1) refs = table.unique(refstable, keys=['field', 'fid']) if "maglimcat" not in refs.columns: refs["maglimcat"] = np.nan reference_images = { group[0]['field']: group['fid'].astype(int).tolist() for group in refs.group_by('field').groups } reference_mags = { group[0]['field']: group['maglimcat'].tolist() for group in refs.group_by('field').groups } else: reference_images = {} reference_mags = {} tesspath = 'input/%s.tess' % tele try: tessfile = app.open_instance_resource(tesspath) except IOError: tessfile = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, tesspath) tessfilename = tessfile.close() fields = np.recfromtxt(tessfilename, usecols=range(3), names=['field_id', 'ra', 'dec']) with pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'config/%s.config' % tele) as g: config_struct = {} for line in g.readlines(): line_without_return = line.decode().split("\n") line_split = line_without_return[0].split(" ") line_split = list(filter(None, line_split)) if line_split: try: config_struct[line_split[0]] = float(line_split[1]) except ValueError: config_struct[line_split[0]] = line_split[1] db.session.merge( Telescope(telescope=tele, lat=config_struct["latitude"], lon=config_struct["longitude"], elevation=config_struct["elevation"], timezone=config_struct["timezone"], filters=available_filters[tele], default_plan_args=plan_args[tele])) for field_id, ra, dec in tqdm(fields, 'populating fields'): ref_filter_ids = reference_images.get(field_id, []) ref_filter_mags = [] for val in reference_mags.get(field_id, []): ref_filter_mags.append(val) bands = {1: 'g', 2: 'r', 3: 'i', 4: 'z', 5: 'J'} ref_filter_bands = [bands.get(n, n) for n in ref_filter_ids] if config_struct["FOV_type"] == "square": ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getSquarePixels( ra, dec, config_struct["FOV"], Localization.nside) elif config_struct["FOV_type"] == "circle": ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getCirclePixels( ra, dec, config_struct["FOV"], Localization.nside) if len(radecs) == 0: continue corners = np.vstack((radecs, radecs[0, :])) if corners.size == 10: corners_copy = copy.deepcopy(corners) corners[2] = corners_copy[3] corners[3] = corners_copy[2] contour = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': 'MultiLineString', 'coordinates': [corners.tolist()] }, 'properties': { 'telescope': tele, 'field_id': int(field_id), 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'depth': dict(zip(ref_filter_bands, ref_filter_mags)) } } db.session.merge( Field(telescope=tele, field_id=int(field_id), ra=ra, dec=dec, contour=contour, reference_filter_ids=ref_filter_ids, reference_filter_mags=ref_filter_mags, ipix=ipix.tolist())) if tele == "ZTF": quadrant_coords = get_ztf_quadrants() skyoffset_frames = coordinates.SkyCoord( fields['ra'], fields['dec'], unit=u.deg).skyoffset_frame() quadrant_coords_icrs = coordinates.SkyCoord( *np.tile(quadrant_coords[:, np.newaxis, ...], (len(fields), 1, 1)), unit=u.deg, frame=skyoffset_frames[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).transform_to( coordinates.ICRS) quadrant_xyz = np.moveaxis(, 0, -1) for field_id, xyz in zip( tqdm(fields['field_id'], 'populating subfields'), quadrant_xyz): for ii, xyz in enumerate(xyz): ipix = hp.query_polygon(Localization.nside, xyz) db.session.merge( SubField(telescope=tele, field_id=int(field_id), subfield_id=int(ii), ipix=ipix.tolist()))
import pandas as pd # data file created by df = pd.read_csv('/global/u2/z/zdu863/notebooks/project/butler_all.csv', index_col=0) # ra and dec of run 1.2i WFD field corners wfd_ra = np.array([52.25, 52.11, 58.02, 57.87]) wfd_dec = np.array([-27.25, -32.25, -32.25, -27.25]) nsideCoverage = 32 nsideSparse = 2048 # get the the pixel indices within the DC2 1.2 field field_ang = np.array([np.radians(90 - wfd_dec), np.radians(wfd_ra)]) ipix_infield = hp.query_polygon(nsideSparse, hp.ang2vec(*field_ang), nest=True, inclusive=True) Nmpix = len(ipix_infield) datanames = [ 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'airmass', 'rawSeeing', 'finSeeing', 'bg_mean', 'bg_var', 'zp', 'zp_err' ] Nname = len(datanames) bands = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] nvisit = {b: np.zeros(Nmpix) for b in bands} mp = {b: np.zeros([Nname, Nmpix]) for b in bands} percent = 10 print('Computing systematic maps...') # loop over all visits in the data file
def annotate_exposures( self, exposures, pointingSide ): """ *generate a the likeihood coverage of an exposure* **Key Arguments:** - ``exposures`` -- a dictionary of exposures with the unique exposures IDs as keys and (ra, dec) as tuple value. - ``squareSize`` -- the size of the FOV of the exposure/skycell **Return:** - ``exposureIDs`` -- a list of the exposureIDs as they appear in the original input exposure dictionary - ``pointingSide`` -- a list of total likeihood coverage of the exposures **Usage:** See class docstring """ self.log.debug('starting the ``annotate`` method') nside, hpixArea, aMap, healpixIds, wr, wd = self._create_healpixid_coordinate_grid() exposureIDs = [] ra = [] dec = [] exposureIDs = [] exposureIDs[:] = [t for t in exposures.keys()] ra = [] dec = [] ra[:] = [r[0] for r in exposures.values()] dec[:] = [d[1] for d in exposures.values()] probs = [] for e, pra, pdec in zip(exposureIDs, ra, dec): # DETERMINE THE CORNERS FOR EACH ATLAS EXPOSURE AS MAPPED TO THE # SKY decCorners = (pdec - pointingSide / 2, pdec + pointingSide / 2) corners = [] for d in decCorners: if d > 90.: d = 180. - d elif d < -90.: d = -180 - d raCorners = (pra - (pointingSide / 2) / np.cos(d * self.DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR), pra + (pointingSide / 2) / np.cos(d * self.DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR)) for r in raCorners: if r > 360.: r = 720. - r elif r < 0.: r = 360. + r corners.append(hp.ang2vec(r, d, lonlat=True)) # FLIP CORNERS 3 & 4 SO HEALPY UNDERSTANDS POLYGON SHAPE corners = [corners[0], corners[1], corners[3], corners[2]] # RETURN HEALPIXELS IN EXPOSURE AREA expPixels = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array( corners)) expProb = [] expProb[:] = [aMap[i] for i in expPixels] expProb = sum(expProb) probs.append(expProb) self.log.debug('completed the ``annotate`` method') return exposureIDs, probs
def get(self): """ *get the survey footprint stats and print to screen/file* **Return:** - ``None`` """ self.log.debug('starting the ``get`` method') # GRAB METADATA FROM THE DATABASES this = plot_wave_observational_timelines( log=self.log, settings=self.settings) plotParameters, ps1Transients, ps1Pointings, altasPointings, atlasTransients = this.get_gw_parameters_from_settings( gwid=self.gwid, stackOnly=False) if self.telescope == "atlas": pointings = altasPointings pointingSide = 5.46 if self.telescope == "ps1": pointings = ps1Pointings pointingSide = 0.4 telescope = self.telescope.upper() # SORT ALL POINTINGS VIA MJD pointings = sorted(list(pointings), key=itemgetter('mjd'), reverse=False) nside, hpixArea, aMap, healpixIds, wr, wd = self._create_healpixid_coordinate_grid() print "EXPID, RA, DEC, MJD, EXPTIME, FILTER, LIM-MAG, EXP-AREA, EXP-LIKELIHOOD, CUM-AREA, CUM-LIKELIHOOD" % locals() allHealpixIds = np.array([]) dictList = [] iindex = 0 count = len(pointings) cumArea = 0 cumProb = 0 for pti, pt in enumerate(pointings): pti = pti + 1 if pti > 1: # Cursor up one line and clear line sys.stdout.write("\x1b[1A\x1b[2K") percent = (float(pti) / float(count)) * 100. print '%(pti)s/%(count)s (%(percent)1.1f%% done): summing total area and likelihood covered by %(telescope)s' % locals() thisDict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted({}.items())) pra = pt["raDeg"] pdec = pt["decDeg"] pmjd = pt["mjd"] pexpid = pt["exp_id"] pexptime = pt["exp_time"] pfilter = pt["filter"] plim = pt["limiting_magnitude"] # DETERMINE THE CORNERS FOR EACH ATLAS EXPOSURE AS MAPPED TO THE # SKY decCorners = (pdec - pointingSide / 2, pdec + pointingSide / 2) corners = [] for d in decCorners: if d > 90.: d = 180. - d elif d < -90.: d = -180 - d raCorners = (pra - (pointingSide / 2) / np.cos(d * self.DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR), pra + (pointingSide / 2) / np.cos(d * self.DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR)) for r in raCorners: if r > 360.: r = 720. - r elif r < 0.: r = 360. + r corners.append(hp.ang2vec(r, d, lonlat=True)) # FLIP CORNERS 3 & 4 SO HEALPY UNDERSTANDS POLYGON SHAPE corners = [corners[0], corners[1], corners[3], corners[2]] # RETURN HEALPIXELS IN EXPOSURE AREA expPixels = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array( corners)) expProb = [] expProb[:] = [aMap[i] for i in expPixels] expProb = sum(expProb) expArea = len(expPixels) * hpixArea if expProb / expArea < 2e-6: continue pindex = "%(iindex)05d" % locals() iindex += 1 allHealpixIds = np.append(allHealpixIds, expPixels) allHealpixIds = np.unique(allHealpixIds) cumProb = [] cumProb[:] = [aMap[int(i)] for i in allHealpixIds] cumProb = sum(cumProb) cumArea = len(allHealpixIds) * hpixArea thisDict["INDEX"] = pindex thisDict["EXPID"] = pexpid thisDict["RA"] = "%(pra)5.5f" % locals() thisDict["DEC"] = "%(pdec)5.5f" % locals() thisDict["MJD"] = "%(pmjd)6.6f" % locals() thisDict["EXPTIME"] = "%(pexptime)02.1f" % locals() thisDict["FILTER"] = pfilter try: thisDict["LIM-MAG"] = "%(plim)5.2f" % locals() except: thisDict["LIM-MAG"] = "NaN" # thisDict["EXP-AREA"] = expArea # thisDict["EXP-LIKELIHOOD"] = expProb thisDict["CUM-AREA"] = "%(cumArea)05.2f" % locals() thisDict["CUM-LIKELIHOOD"] = "%(cumProb)05.2f" % locals() dictList.append(thisDict) if not len(dictList): thisDict = {} thisDict["INDEX"] = "NULL" thisDict["EXPID"] = "NULL" thisDict["RA"] = "NULL" thisDict["DEC"] = "NULL" thisDict["MJD"] = "NULL" thisDict["EXPTIME"] = "NULL" thisDict["FILTER"] = "NULL" thisDict["LIM-MAG"] = "NULL" dictList.append(thisDict) print "AREA: %(cumArea)0.2f. PROB: %(cumProb)0.5f" % locals() printFile = self.settings["output directory"] + "/" + \ self.gwid + "/" + self.gwid + "-" + self.telescope + "-coverage-stats.csv" # RECURSIVELY CREATE MISSING DIRECTORIES if not os.path.exists(self.settings["output directory"] + "/" + self.gwid): os.makedirs(self.settings["output directory"] + "/" + self.gwid) dataSet = list_of_dictionaries( log=self.log, listOfDictionaries=dictList, ) csvData = dataSet.csv(filepath=printFile) print "The coverage stats file was written to `%(printFile)s`" % locals() self.log.debug('completed the ``get`` method') return None
width = 10 poles_margin = 0.1 halfwidth = width/2 for theta in range(halfwidth, 180, width): for phi in range(halfwidth, 360, width): filename = "plancktest/submaps/%03d_%03d_%03d" % (freq, theta, phi) print filename vertex_angles = np.radians( [[theta-halfwidth, phi-halfwidth], [theta+halfwidth, phi-halfwidth], [theta+halfwidth, phi+halfwidth], [theta-halfwidth, phi+halfwidth]]) if theta - halfwidth == 0: vertex_angles[0,0] = np.radians(poles_margin) vertex_angles[3,0] = np.radians(poles_margin) if theta + halfwidth == 180: vertex_angles[1,0] = np.radians(180-poles_margin) vertex_angles[2,0] = np.radians(180-poles_margin) pix=hp.query_polygon(nside, hp.ang2vec(vertex_angles[:,0], vertex_angles[:,1]), np.radians(13)) submap = np.zeros(len(pix), dtype=[("pix",np.int64), ("temp", np.float64)]) submap["pix"] = pix submap["temp"] = m[pix], submap)