Example #1
def test_gsm_pointing():

    # test that PyGSM visibility sim peaks at times when galactic center transits
    ant1_enu = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    ant2_enu = np.array([15.0, 0, 0])
    bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1_enu, ant2_enu)

    freqs = np.linspace(100e6, 200e6, 2)
    # for 2458000, galactic center at RA of 266 degrees transits at 2458000.2272949447
    times = np.linspace(2458000.2272949447 - 0.2, 2458000.2272949447 + 0.2, 11)
    fov = 20  # Deg

    nside = 64
    gsm = sky_model.gsm_shell(nside, freqs)[None, :, :]

    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)
    obs.set_beam("airy", diameter=15)

    sky = sky_model.SkyModel(Nside=nside, freqs=freqs, data=gsm)
    visibs, times, bls = obs.make_visibilities(sky)

    # make sure peak is at time index 5, centered at transit time
    assert np.argmax(np.abs(visibs[:, 0, 0])) == 5
Example #2
def test_pointings():
    Test pointings

    In the ICRS, RAs should be close to the LST for times near J2000.

    This test checks that the pointing centers shift in RA at near the sky rotation rate,
    and that DEC stays close to the observatory latitude.

    t0 = Time("J2000").jd
    dt_min = 20.0
    dt_days = dt_min * 1 / 60.0 * 1 / 24.0  # 20 minutes in days

    time_arr = np.arange(20) * dt_days + t0
    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude)


    ras = np.array([c[0] for c in obs.pointing_centers])
    decs = np.array([c[1] for c in obs.pointing_centers])
    if np.any(np.diff(ras) < 0):
        ind = np.where(np.diff(ras) < 0)[0][0]
        ras[ind + 1:] += 360.0  # Deal with 360 degree wrap
    degperhour_sidereal = 360.0 / 23.9344
    dts = np.diff(ras) / degperhour_sidereal
    dts *= 60.0  # Minutes
    assert np.allclose(dts, dt_min, atol=1e-2)  # Within half a second.
    assert np.allclose(decs, latitude, atol=1e-1)  # Within 6 arcmin
Example #3
def test_offzenith_vis():
    # Construct a shell with a single point source a known position off from zenith.
    #   Similar to test_vis_calc, but set the pointing center 5deg off from the zenith and adjust analytic calculation

    freqs = [1.0e8]
    Nfreqs = 1
    fov = 60
    ant1_enu = np.array([10.0, 0, 0])
    ant2_enu = np.array([0.0, 140.6, 0])

    bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1_enu, ant2_enu)

    # Set pointing center to ra/dec = 0/0
    center = [0, 0]

    # Make a shell and place a 1 Jy/pix point source at ra/dec of 5/0
    Nside = 128
    Npix = Nside**2 * 12
    shell = np.zeros((Npix, Nfreqs))
    pix_area = 4 * np.pi / float(Npix)
    ind = hp.ang2pix(Nside, 5, 0.0, lonlat=True)
    shell[ind] = 1  # Jy/pix
    shell[ind] *= utils.jy2Tsr(freqs[0], bm=pix_area)  # K

    obs = observatory.Observatory(0, 0, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)
    obs.pointing_centers = [center]
    obs.times_jd = np.array([1])

    sky = sky_model.SkyModel(Nside=Nside, freqs=np.array(freqs), data=shell)

    vis_calc, times, bls = obs.make_visibilities(sky)

    ra_deg, dec_deg = hp.pix2ang(Nside, ind, lonlat=True)

    src_az = np.radians(90.0)
    src_za = np.radians(ra_deg)

    src_l = np.sin(src_az) * np.sin(src_za)
    src_m = np.cos(src_az) * np.sin(src_za)
    src_n = np.cos(src_za)
    u, v, w = bl.get_uvw(freqs[0])

    vis_analytic = (1) * np.exp(2j * np.pi *
                                (u * src_l + v * src_m + w * src_n))

    print(vis_calc[0, 0, 0] - vis_analytic)
    vis_calc = vis_calc[0, 0, 0]
    assert np.isclose(vis_calc.real, vis_analytic.real)
    assert np.isclose(vis_calc.imag, vis_analytic.imag)
Example #4
def test_az_za():
    Check the calculated azimuth and zenith angle of a point exactly 5 deg east on the sphere (az = 90d, za = 5d)
    Nside = 128
    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, fov=20, nside=Nside)
    center = [0, 0]
    lon, lat = [5, 0]
    ind0 = hp.ang2pix(Nside, lon, lat, lonlat=True)
    lon, lat = hp.pix2ang(Nside, ind0, lonlat=True)
    za, az, pix = obs.calc_azza(center, return_inds=True)
    ind = np.where(pix == ind0)
    # lon = longitude of the source, which is set to 5deg off zenith (hence, zenith angle)
    assert np.isclose(np.degrees(za[ind]), lon)
    assert np.isclose(np.degrees(az[ind]), 90.0)
Example #5
def test_az_za_astropy():
    Check the calculated azimuth and zenith angle for a selection
    of HEALPix pixels against the corresponding astropy calculation.

    Nside = 128

    altitude = 0.0
    loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(longitude, latitude, altitude)

    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, nside=Nside)

    t0 = Time(2458684.453187554, format="jd")

    zen = AltAz(alt=Angle("90d"), az=Angle("0d"), obstime=t0, location=loc)

    zen_radec = zen.transform_to(ICRS())
    center = [zen_radec.ra.deg, zen_radec.dec.deg]
    northloc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat="90.d", lon="0d", height=0.0)
    north_radec = AltAz(alt="90.0d", az="0.0d", obstime=t0,
    yvec = np.array([north_radec.ra.deg, north_radec.dec.deg])
    za, az, inds = obs.calc_azza(center, yvec, return_inds=True)

    ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(Nside, inds, lonlat=True)

    altaz_astropy = ICRS(ra=Angle(ra, unit="deg"),
                         dec=Angle(dec, unit="deg")).transform_to(
                             AltAz(obstime=t0, location=loc))

    za0 = altaz_astropy.zen.rad
    az0 = altaz_astropy.az.rad

    if environ.get("VIS", False):
        hmap = np.zeros(12 * Nside**2) + hp.UNSEEN
        hmap[inds] = np.unwrap(az0 - az)
        import IPython


    print(np.degrees(za0 - za))
    assert np.allclose(za0, za, atol=1e-4)
    assert np.allclose(
        np.unwrap(az0 - az), 0.0, atol=3e-4
    )  # About 1 arcmin precision. Worst is at the southern horizon.
Example #6
def test_vis_calc():
    """Construct a shell with a single point source at the zenith.

    Confirm against analytic calculation.

    ant1_enu = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    ant2_enu = np.array([0.0, 14.6, 0])

    bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1_enu, ant2_enu)

    freqs = np.array([1e8])
    nfreqs = 1

    fov = 20  # Deg

    # Longitude/Latitude in degrees.

    nside = 32
    ind = 10
    center = list(hp.pix2ang(nside, ind, lonlat=True))
    centers = [center]
    npix = nside**2 * 12
    shell = np.zeros((npix, nfreqs))
    pix_area = 4 * np.pi / float(npix)
    shell[ind] = 1  # Jy/pix
    shell[ind] *= utils.jy2Tsr(freqs[0], bm=pix_area)  # K

    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)
    obs.pointing_centers = centers
    obs.times_jd = np.array([1])

    sky = sky_model.SkyModel(Nside=nside,
                             data=shell[np.newaxis, :, :])

    visibs, times, bls = obs.make_visibilities(sky)
    assert np.isclose(np.real(visibs),
                      1.0).all()  # Unit point source at zenith
Example #7
def test_Observatory():

    # setup
    ant1 = np.array([15.0, 0, 0])
    ant2 = np.array([0.0, 0, 0])
    bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1, ant2)
    Npix, Nfreqs = 10, 100
    az = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Npix)
    za = np.linspace(0, np.pi, Npix)
    freqs = np.linspace(100e6, 200e6, Nfreqs)
    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)

    # test Analytic set beam
    for beam in ["uniform", "gaussian", "airy", beam_model.airy_disk]:
        obs.set_beam(beam, gauss_width=10, diameter=10)
        assert isinstance(obs.beam, beam_model.AnalyticBeam)
        b = obs.beam.beam_val(az, za, freqs, pol="xx")
        assert b.shape == (Npix, Nfreqs)

    # test Power set beam
    obs.set_beam(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "HERA_NF_dipole_power.beamfits"))
    assert isinstance(obs.beam, beam_model.PowerBeam)
    b = obs.beam.beam_val(az, za, freqs, pol="xx")
    assert b.shape == (Npix, Nfreqs)
Example #8
from healvis import observatory
import pylab as pl

latitude = -30.7215277777
longitude = 21.4283055554
fov = 2  # Deg
ant1_enu = np.array([0, 0, 0])
ant2_enu = np.array([0.0, 14.6, 0])
bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1_enu, ant2_enu)

# Time
Ntimes = 100
t0 = 2451545.0  # Start at J2000 epoch
dt_min_short = 30.0 / 60.0
dt_min_long = 10.0
dt_days_short = dt_min_short * 1 / 60.0 * 1 / 24.0
dt_days_long = dt_min_long * 1 / 60.0 * 1 / 24.0
time_arr_short = np.arange(Ntimes) * dt_days_short + t0
time_arr_long = np.arange(Ntimes) * dt_days_long + t0

time_arr = time_arr_short
freqs = [1e8]
obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)


Nside = 128

pixels = obs.get_observed_region(Nside)
Example #9
        bls = [uvutils.baseline_to_antnums(bl_ind, Nants) for bl_ind in bls]
uv_obj.Nants_data = np.unique(bls).size
for (a1, a2) in bls:
    i1, i2 = np.where(anums == a1), np.where(anums == a2)
    array.append(observatory.Baseline(enu[i1], enu[i2]))
    bl_array.append(uvutils.antnums_to_baseline(a1, a2, Nants))
Nbls = len(bl_array)
uv_obj.Nbls = Nbls
uv_obj.Nblts = Nbls * Ntimes

bl_array = np.array(bl_array)
freqs = freq_dict["freq_array"][0]  # Hz
obs = observatory.Observatory(np.degrees(lat),
print("Observatory built.")
print("Nbls: ", Nbls)
print("Ntimes: ", Ntimes)

# ---------------------------
# Pointings
# ---------------------------
time_arr = time_dict["time_array"]

print("Pointings set.")
Example #10
def test_pspec_amp():
    # Construct a flat-spectrum shell, simulate visibilities,
    #  confirm power spectrum amplitude.

    ant1_enu = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    ant2_enu = np.array([0.0, 14.6, 0])

    bl = observatory.Baseline(ant1_enu, ant2_enu)

    Ntimes = 20
    Nfreqs = 200
    freqs = np.linspace(100e6, 150e6, Nfreqs)

    fov = 50  # Deg

    # Longitude/Latitude in degrees.

    nside = 64

    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, array=[bl], freqs=freqs)
    t0 = Time("J2000").jd
    obs.times_jd = np.linspace(t0, t0 + 0.5, Ntimes)  # Half a day

    obs.set_beam("gaussian", gauss_width=7.37)

    skysig = 0.031

    sky = sky_model.SkyModel(Nside=nside, freqs=freqs, ref_chan=Nfreqs // 2)
    sky.make_flat_spectrum_shell(skysig, shared_memory=True)

    visibs, times, bls = obs.make_visibilities(sky, Nprocs=3)

    vis_jy = visibs[:, 0, :]  # (Nblts, Nskies, Nfreqs)
    vis_Ksr = utils.jy2Tsr(freqs) * vis_jy

    _vis = np.fft.ifft(vis_Ksr, axis=1)
    Nkpar = Nfreqs // 2
    _vis = _vis[:, :Nkpar]  # Keeping only positive k_par modes

    dspec_instr = np.abs(_vis)**2

    beam_sq_int = np.mean(
        obs.beam_sq_int(freqs, nside, obs.pointing_centers[0]))

    Bandwidth = freqs[-1] - freqs[0]
    scalar = cosmology.X2Y(
        sky.Z_array[sky.ref_chan]) * (Bandwidth / beam_sq_int)

    dspec_I = np.mean(dspec_instr * scalar, axis=0)

    # Theoretical pspec amp
    dnu = np.diff(freqs)[0]
    Z_sel = sky.Z_array[sky.ref_chan]
    amp_theor = skysig**2 * cosmology.comoving_voxel_volume(
        Z_sel, dnu, sky.pix_area_sr)

    tolerance = amp_theor / float(Ntimes)  # assuming independent fields
    print(amp_theor, np.mean(dspec_I))
    assert np.isclose(amp_theor, np.mean(dspec_I), atol=2 *
                      tolerance)  # Close to within twice the sample variance