Example #1
def test_0():
    # 0
    # 1 2 3
    # 4 5 6   7 8 9   10 11 12
    heap = MinHeap(*range(13), n=3)
    assert heap.height == 3
    assert heap.parent(0) is None
    assert heap.child(0, 0) == 1
    assert heap.child(0, 1) == 2
    assert heap.child(0, 2) == 3
    assert heap.first(0) == 1
    assert heap.last(0) == 3
    assert heap.parent(1) == 0
    assert heap.child(1, 0) == 4
    assert heap.child(1, 1) == 5
    assert heap.child(1, 2) == 6
    assert heap.first(1) == 4
    assert heap.last(1) == 6
    assert heap.parent(2) == 0
    assert heap.child(2, 0) == 7
    assert heap.child(2, 1) == 8
    assert heap.child(2, 2) == 9
    assert heap.first(2) == 7
    assert heap.last(2) == 9
    assert heap.parent(3) == 0
    assert heap.child(3, 0) == 10
    assert heap.child(3, 1) == 11
    assert heap.child(3, 2) == 12
    assert heap.first(3) == 10
    assert heap.last(3) == 12
    assert heap.parent(4) == 1
    assert heap.parent(5) == 1
    assert heap.parent(6) == 1
    assert heap.parent(7) == 2
    assert heap.parent(8) == 2
    assert heap.parent(9) == 2
    assert heap.parent(10) == 3
    assert heap.parent(11) == 3
    assert heap.parent(12) == 3
    assert heap.is_valid()
    assert tuple(heap.walk_up(4)) == ((1, 4), (0, 1))
    assert tuple(heap.walk_up(5)) == ((1, 5), (0, 1))
    assert tuple(heap.walk_up(6)) == ((1, 6), (0, 1))
    assert tuple(heap.walk_up(7)) == ((2, 7), (0, 2))
    assert tuple(heap.walk_up(12)) == ((3, 12), (0, 3))
    assert tuple(heap.walk_down()) == ((0, 1), (1, 4))
    assert heap.is_valid()
    assert heap.is_valid()
    assert heap.pop() == 0
    assert heap.is_valid()
    assert heap.pop() == 1
    assert heap.is_valid()
    assert heap.pop() == 2
    assert heap.is_valid()
Example #2
class PriorityQueue:
	def __init__(self):
		self.heap = MinHeap()
	def enqueue(self, priority, item):
		self.heap.push(PriorityQueueItem(priority, item))
	def dequeue(self):
			return self.heap.pop().value
			return None
Example #3
def sort(array):
    heap = MinHeap()
    for i in array:

    out = []
    while True:

    return out
Example #4
class SinglePercentileTracker(object):
    ''' A class that tracks a single percentile'''
    def __init__(self, percentile):
        self.percentile_tracked = percentile
        self.lheap = MaxHeap()
        self.rheap = MinHeap()
        self.size = 0
        self.percentile = None

    def add(self, num):
        # An addition to a list is O(log n) since look up is O(1)
        # insertions are O(log n), and worst case pop is O(log n)
        # and everything is done a constant number of times. In these
        # cases, n is the size of the larger of the two heaps
        self.size += 1
        n = (self.percentile_tracked / 100.0) * (self.size + 1)
        # The left heap should always be the floor of n, so we have the
        # floor(n)th ranked node as the max node in the left heap, and the
        # min node of the right heap will be the nth+1 ranked node.
        lsize = int(math.floor(n))
        # Push the num on to the proper heap
        if num > self.percentile:

        # if the left heap isn't the right size, push or pop the nodes
        # to make sure it is.
        if self.lheap.size() < lsize:
        elif self.lheap.size() > lsize:
        # Take the integer part of n and grab the nth and nth+1
        # ranked nodes. Then take the nth node as the base
        # and add the fractional part of n * nth+1 ranked node to get a
        # weighted value between the two. This is your percentile.
        ir = int(n)
        fr = n - ir
        low_data = self.lheap.get(0)
        high_data = self.rheap.get(0)
        self.percentile = fr * (high_data - low_data) + low_data

    def add_list(self, lst):
        # Add list is O(k * log n) where k is len(lst) and n is
        # the size of the larger of the two heaps
        for l in lst:
Example #5
class HeapMedian:
    ''' solution using min-, max- heaps '''
    def __init__(self):
        self.upper = MinHeap()
        self.lower = MaxHeap()

    def add(self, i):
        assert self.lower.size() >= self.upper.size()

        if self.lower.size()==0 or\
                i <= self.lower.peek():

        if self.lower.size() < self.upper.size():
        elif self.lower.size() > self.upper.size()+1:

    def get(self):
        return self.lower.peek()