def timeAlgorithm(array, algorithm): if algorithm == "counting": start = time.time_ns() countingSort(array) end = time.time_ns() elif algorithm == "quick": start = time.time_ns() quickSort(array, 0, len(array) - 1) end = time.time_ns() elif algorithm == "insertion": start = time.time_ns() insertionSort(array) end = time.time_ns() elif algorithm == "merge": start = time.time_ns() mergeSort(array) end = time.time_ns() elif algorithm == "heap": start = time.time_ns() heapSort(array, 0, len(array)) end = time.time_ns() elif algorithm == "intro": start = time.time_ns() introSort(array) end = time.time_ns() else: return 1 return end - start
def introSortRec(array, start, end, maxDepth): if end - start > 1: array, pivot = partition(array, start, end) if maxDepth == 0: heapSort(array, start, end) elif start < end: introSortRec(array, start, pivot, maxDepth - 1) introSortRec(array, pivot + 1, end, maxDepth - 1)
def generateAndTime(arraySize): array = np.random.rand(arraySize) t1 = time.time() heapSort(array) t2 = time.time() # print(array) elapsed = t2 - t1 return elapsed
def sampleMedianSelect(list, left, right, m): if m >= len(list[left:right + 1]): #print("m>len(list)->decreasing m") m = len(list[left:right + 1]) S = random.sample(list[left:right + 1], m) if m <= 20: selectionSort(S) else: heapSort(S) return S[ceil(len(S) / 2)]
def sort_all(N): # num of array = 2**N input = read_input(N) #读取待排序数据,input为python list ret = {} #python 字典 ret["origin"] = input #初始数据 #ret["merge_sort"][0] 存放排序结果 ret["merge_sort"][1] 存放排序所花时间,下同 begin = time.time() ret["merge_sort"] = [ mergeSort(input.copy(), 0, len(input) - 1) ] end = time.time() ret["merge_sort"].append(end - begin) begin = time.time() ret["heap_sort"] = [ heapSort(input.copy()) ] end = time.time() ret["heap_sort"].append(end - begin) begin = time.time() ret["quick_sort"] = [ quickSort(input.copy(), 0, len(input) - 1) ] end = time.time() ret["quick_sort"].append(end - begin) begin = time.time() ret["count_sort"] = [ countSort(input.copy(), 65536) ] end = time.time() ret["count_sort"].append(end - begin) return ret
def main(): n = int(input("Enter the number of items you would like to sort: ")) myList = [] for index in range(n): myList.append(random.randint(1, n)) #print( "Unsorted List:", myList) start = time.perf_counter() heapSort(myList) endSort = time.perf_counter() #print( "Sorted List: ", myList) print("Total heap sort time of", n, "random items %7.6f" % (endSort - start))
def startAlgorithm(): global data if not data: return if(algMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort'): bubbleSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) elif(algMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort'): quickSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))]) elif(algMenu.get() == 'Insertion Sort'): insertionSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) elif(algMenu.get() == 'Selection Sort'): selectionSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) elif (algMenu.get() == 'Heap Sort'): heapSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) elif (algMenu.get() == 'Merge Sort'): mergeSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get()) drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
def introSort(array, begin=0, end=None, depth=0, *, reverse=False): if end is None: end = len(array) - 1 if depth < log2(len(array)): if begin < end: mid = partition(array, begin, end, reverse=reverse) introSort(array, begin, mid - 1, depth + 1, reverse=reverse) introSort(array, mid + 1, end, depth + 1, reverse=reverse) else: array[begin:end + 1] = heapSort(array[begin:end + 1], reverse=reverse)
def main(filename, e): try: fd = open(filename, 'r') except: print('Unable to open file') exit(-1) _items = items = map(lambda x: int(x), _items.split()) items = heapSort.heapSort(items) print('Sorted list = %s' %items) index = findIndex(items, e) print(index)
def timeElapsed(algoritmo, arr): start_time = time.time() comparaciones = 0 if(algoritmo == "quickStatic"): comparaciones = quickSortStaticPiv.quickSort(arr) elif(algoritmo == "quickAle"): comparaciones = quickSortRandomPiv.quickSort(arr) elif(algoritmo == "heap"): comparaciones = heapSort.heapSort(arr) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print("TamList: ", len(arr), "\tTime: ", elapsed_time, "Comps: ", comparaciones)
def quicheSortRec(lst, limit): """ A non in-place, depth limited quickSort, using median-of-3 pivot. Once the limit drops to 0, it uses heapSort instead. """ if lst == []: return lst if limit==0: return heapSort.heapSort(lst) else: pivot= qsPivotMedian3.medianOf3(lst) # select the first element as the pivot less, same, more = qsPivotFirst.partition(pivot, lst) return quicheSortRec(less,limit-1) + same + quicheSortRec(more,limit-1)
def sampleMedianSelect(list, left, right, m): if m >= len(list[left:right + 1]): print( "m>len(list)->decreasing m" ) # il caso in cui m sia più grande dell'array viene gestito portandolo m = len( list[left:right + 1] ) # alla minima grandezza accettabile affinche l'algoritmo funzioni # cosi in un caso pratico in cui verrebbe utilizzato in qualche applicazione S = random.sample( list[left:right + 1], m ) # in cui m è scelto a caso l'algoritmo non si ferma,al massimo rallenta un po' if m <= 20: # oppure potrebbe anche non accadere mai con opportuni controlli a monte bubbleSort( S ) # nella scelta di m da parte dell'utente o dalla funzione chiamante #inserctionSort(S) #selectionSort(S) else: #S.sort() #mergeSort(S) #quickSort(S) heapSort(S) return S[ceil(len(S) / 2)]
def quicheSortRec(lst, limit): """ A non in-place, depth limited quickSort, using median-of-3 pivot. Once the limit drops to 0, it uses heapSort instead. """ if lst == []: return lst if limit == 0: return heapSort.heapSort(lst) else: pivot = qsPivotMedian3.medianOf3( lst) # select the first element as the pivot less, same, more = qsPivotFirst.partition(pivot, lst) return quicheSortRec(less, limit - 1) + same + quicheSortRec( more, limit - 1)
def sortAlgo(): global boo global array global barRec global epochs epochs = [0] boo = True try: size = int(sizeEntry.get()) except: size = 15 if size < 0: size = 1 #change the value of the speed selected s = 1001 - speed.get() #decide the algo if algDropDown.get() == "Merge Sort": algo = mergeSort(array, 0, size - 1) elif algDropDown.get() == "Bubble Sort": algo = bubbleSort(array) elif algDropDown.get() == "Quick Sort": algo = quickSort(array, 0, size - 1) elif algDropDown.get() == "Insertion Sort": algo = insertionSort(array) elif algDropDown.get() == "Selection Sort": algo = selectionSort(array) elif algDropDown.get() == "Heap Sort": algo = heapSort(array) elif algDropDown.get() == "Radix Sort": algo = radixSort(array) #start animation anima = anim.FuncAnimation(fig, func=updatePlot, fargs=(barRec, epochs), frames=algo, interval=s, repeat=False, blit=False) anima._start()
def quipSortRec(lst, limit): """ A non in-place, depth limited quickSort, using median-of-3 pivot. Once the limit drops to 0, it uses heapSort instead. """ if len(lst) == 1 or lst == []: return lst if limit <= 0: return heapSort.heapSort(lst) pivot = [median([lst[0], lst[len(lst) // 2], lst[len(lst) - 1]])] lst2 = [] lst3 = [] for i in lst: if i < pivot[0]: lst2.append(i) elif i > pivot[0]: lst3.append(i) else: pivot.append(i) return quipSortRec(lst2, limit - 1) + pivot + quipSortRec(lst3, limit - 1)
def sort_me_timed_heap(arr): heapSort.heapSort(heapSort.makeHeap(arr))
def test_heapSort(self): arr1 = [2, 5, 3, 10, 12] sortedArray = heapSort(arr1) result = np.arrayEqual([2, 3, 5, 10, 12], sortedArray) self.assertTrue(result)
end = time.time() print(end - start) print "END" print "----------------------------------" for j in range(0, number_of_element): for i in range(0, number_of_array): #now = #print the time and date for the record #print now start = time.time() #sorted(array[i]) #mergeSort(array_set1[j][i]) #quickSortHoare(array_set[j][i]) #quickSortLomuto(array[i]) #quickSortOpenSource(array[i]) heapSort(array_set2[j][i]) #array[i] = quickSort(array[i]) end = time.time() print(end - start) print "END" print "----------------------------------" for j in range(0, number_of_element): for i in range(0, number_of_array): #now = #print the time and date for the record #print now start = time.time() #sorted(array[i]) #mergeSort(array_set1[j][i]) #quickSortHoare(array_set[j][i]) #quickSortLomuto(array[i])
end = time() temp = end - start print("Sample sorted with bubbleSort time -->", temp) # OTHER SORTING ALGHORITMS A = B start = time() mergeSort(A) # mergeSort end = time() temp = end - start print("Array sorted with mergeSort time-->", temp) A = B start = time() heapSort(A) # heapSort end = time() temp = end - start print("Array sorted with heapSort time-->", temp) A = B start = time() quickSort(A, False) # non-deterministic quickSort end = time() temp = end - start print( "Array sorted with classic non-deterministic quickSort time-->", temp) A = B start = time()
def test_SortByHeap(self): nums=[3,1,2,5,6,7,8,10,2,4] heapSort(nums,len(nums)-1) self.assertEqual([1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10],nums);
def testHeapSort(self): A = [5, 1, 3, 0, 10] heapSort.heapSort(A) B = [0, 1, 3, 5, 10] if (A != B):"heapSort method fails.")
def comp(list1, list2): for val in list1: if val in list2: return True return False """ for i in range (0,len_each_array): print i, testArray[i].sort() print len(testArray[i]), quickSortHoare(testArrayCopy[i]) print len(testArrayCopy[i]) """ len_array_test = len(arrayTest) for i in range(0, len_array_test): for j in range(0, 5): print i, j, len(arrayTest[i][j]), arrayTest[i][j].sort() #arrayTestCopy[i][j] = quickSort(arrayTestCopy[i][j]) #quickSortOpenSource(arrayTestCopy[i][j]) #mergeSort(arrayTestCopy[i][j]) heapSort(arrayTestCopy[i][j]) if comp(arrayTestCopy[i][j], arrayTestCopy[i][j]) == True: print "PASS" else: print "FAIL"
print("The quick sorted array with size ", len(array), "is ") for i in range(0, len(array)): print("array[", i, "] = ", array[i]) end_time = time.time() quick_sort_time = end_time - start_time print("Quick sort time for size", n, "is ", quick_sort_time) arr.clear() for j in range(0, n): arr.append(random.randrange(0, 1000, 1)) start_time = time.time() array = bubbleSort.bubbleSort(arr) print("The bubble sorted array with size ", len(array), "is ") for i in range(0, len(array)): print("array[", i, "] = ", array[i]) end_time = time.time() bubble_sort_time = end_time - start_time print("Bubble sort time for size", n, "is ", bubble_sort_time) arr.clear() for j in range(0, n): arr.append(random.randrange(0, 1000, 1)) start_time = time.time() array = heapSort.heapSort(arr) print("The Heap sorted array with size ", len(array), "is ") for i in range(0, len(array)): print("array[", i, "] = ", array[i]) end_time = time.time() heap_sort_time = end_time - start_time print("Heap sort time for size", n, "is ", heap_sort_time)
import TestHelper import MergeSort import QuickSort import heapSort from time import time l = TestHelper.CreateRandomIntList(100000, 10, 9000000) lc = list(l) t0 = time() qck = QuickSort.QuickSort(l) t1 = time() s = MergeSort.MergeSort(l) t2 = time() heapSort.heapSort(lc) t3 = time() print((l[99], s[99])) print((l[99], qck[99])) print((l[99], lc[99])) print('function vers1 takes %f' % (t1 - t0)) print('function vers2 takes %f' % (t2 - t1)) print('function vers3 takes %f' % (t3 - t2))