def test_levels(): assert nb_channel == 1 #~ in_buffer = hls.moving_sinus(length, sample_rate=sample_rate, speed = .5, f1=500., f2=2000., ampl = .8) in_buffer = hls.moving_erb_noise(length) in_buffer = np.tile(in_buffer[:, None], (1, nb_channel)) loss_params = { 'left': { 'freqs': [125 * 2**i for i in range(7)], 'compression_degree': [0] * 7, 'passive_loss_db': [0] * 7 } } loss_params['right'] = loss_params['left'] processing_conf = dict(nb_freq_band=5, level_step=10, debug_mode=True, chunksize=chunksize, backward_chunksize=backward_chunksize, loss_params=loss_params) processing, online_arrs = hls.run_class_offline( hls.InvCGC, in_buffer, chunksize, sample_rate, processing_conf=processing_conf, buffersize_margin=backward_chunksize) freq_band = 2 out_pgc1 = online_arrs['pgc1'] hilbert_env = np.abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(out_pgc1[:, freq_band], axis=0)) hilbert_level = 20 * np.log10(hilbert_env) + processing.calibration #~ online_levels= online_arrs['levels'][:, freq_band]*processing.level_step online_levels = online_arrs['levels'][:, freq_band] online_env = 10**((online_levels - processing.calibration) / 20.) residual = np.abs( (online_levels.astype('float64') - hilbert_level.astype('float64')) / np.mean(np.abs(online_levels.astype('float64')))) residual[:100] = 0 residual[-100:] = 0 print(np.max(residual)) #~ assert np.max(residual)<3e-2, 'levelfrom hilbert offline' fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) ax[0].plot(out_pgc1[:, freq_band], color='k', alpha=.8) ax[0].plot(np.abs(out_pgc1[:, freq_band]), color='k', ls='--', alpha=.8) ax[0].plot(hilbert_env, color='g', lw=2) ax[0].plot(online_env, color='r', lw=2) ax[1].plot(online_levels, color='r') ax[1].plot(hilbert_level, color='g') ax[1].set_ylabel('level dB')
def run_benchmark(self): sample_rate = self.params['sample_rate'] chunksize = self.params['chunksize'] nloop = self.params['nloop'] nb_channel = self.params['nb_channel'] gpu = self.gpuDeviceSelection.get_configuration() gpu_platform_index = gpu['platform_index'] gpu_device_index = gpu['device_index'] lost_chunksize = 1024 backward_chunksize = lost_chunksize + chunksize length = int(chunksize*nloop) in_buffer = hls.moving_erb_noise(length, sample_rate=sample_rate) in_buffer = np.tile(in_buffer[:, None],(1, nb_channel)) loss_params = { 'left' : {'freqs' : [125., 250., 500., 1000., 2000., 4000., 8000.], 'compression_degree': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], 'passive_loss_db' : [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], }, 'right' : {'freqs' : [125., 250., 500., 1000., 2000., 4000., 8000.], 'compression_degree': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], 'passive_loss_db' : [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], } } processing_conf = dict(nb_freq_band=32, level_step=1, loss_params=loss_params, low_freq = 100., high_freq = sample_rate*0.45, debug_mode=False, chunksize=chunksize, backward_chunksize=backward_chunksize) #~ node, online_arrs = hls.run_one_node_offline(hls.MainProcessing, in_buffer, chunksize, #~ sample_rate, node_conf=node_conf, buffersize_margin=backward_chunksize) for _class in [hls.InvCGC, hls.InvComp]: #~ for _class in [hls.InvComp, hls.InvComp2,]: #~ for _class in [hls.InvComp,]: #~ for _class in [hls.InvComp2,]: print() print(_class.__name__, sample_rate, chunksize, backward_chunksize, nb_channel, processing_conf['nb_freq_band']) processing = _class(nb_channel=nb_channel, sample_rate=sample_rate, apply_configuration_at_init=False, **processing_conf) processing.create_opencl_context(gpu_platform_index=gpu_platform_index, gpu_device_index=gpu_device_index) print(processing.ctx) processing.initialize() online_arrs = hls.run_instance_offline(processing, in_buffer, chunksize, sample_rate, buffersize_margin=backward_chunksize, time_stats=True)
def test_dyngain(): """ For testing dynamic gain we take coefficient with only one level so it is dynamic with alwas the same coefficient. """ assert nb_channel==1 #~ in_buffer = hls.moving_sinus(length, sample_rate=sample_rate, speed = .5, f1=500., f2=2000., ampl = .8) in_buffer = hls.moving_erb_noise(length) in_buffer = np.tile(in_buffer[:, None],(1, nb_channel)) loss_params = { 'left' : {'freqs' : [ 125*2**i for i in range(7) ], 'compression_degree': [0]*7, 'passive_loss_db' : [0]*7 } } loss_params['right'] = loss_params['left'] processing_conf = dict(nb_freq_band=5, level_max=120, level_step=120, debug_mode=True, chunksize=chunksize, backward_chunksize=backward_chunksize, loss_params=loss_params) processing, online_arrs = hls.run_class_offline(hls.InvComp, in_buffer, chunksize, sample_rate, processing_conf=processing_conf, buffersize_margin=backward_chunksize) #~ assert len(processing.levels)==1 freq_band = 2 online_pgc1 = online_arrs['pgc1'] online_dyngain = online_arrs['dyngain'] n = processing.nb_freq_band offline_dyngain = online_pgc1.copy() for i in range(n): offline_dyngain[:, i] = online_pgc1[:, i] * processing.gain_controlled[i,0] print(processing.gain_controlled[i,0]) residual = np.abs((online_dyngain.astype('float64')-offline_dyngain.astype('float64'))/np.mean(np.abs(offline_dyngain.astype('float64')))) print(np.max(residual)) freq_band = 4 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, sharex=True) #~ ax[0].plot(online_pgc1[:, freq_band], color = 'b') ax[0].plot(offline_dyngain[:, freq_band], color = 'g') ax[0].plot(online_dyngain[:, freq_band], color = 'r', ls='--') ax[1].plot(residual[:, freq_band], color = 'm') for i in range(nloop): ax[1].axvline(i*chunksize) assert np.max(residual)<2e-2, 'hpaf online differt from offline'
def setup_files(): json.dump(params, open(path + 'params.json', 'w'), indent=4) globals().update(params) length = nloop * chunksize in_buffer = hls.moving_erb_noise(length, sample_rate=sample_rate, speed=.5, f1=80., f2=1000., ampl=.8) in_buffer = np.tile(in_buffer[:, None], (1, nb_channel)) with open(path + 'sound.raw', mode='wb') as f: f.write(in_buffer.tobytes()) in_buffer2 = np.fromstring(open(path + 'sound.raw', mode='rb').read(), dtype='float32').reshape(length, nb_channel) helper.assert_arrays_equal(in_buffer, in_buffer2)
chunksize = 256 #~ chunksize = 512 #~ chunksize = 1024 #~ chunksize = 2048 #~ backward_chunksize = chunksize*5 #~ backward_chunksize = chunksize*4 lost_chunksize = 1024 backward_chunksize = lost_chunksize + chunksize nloop = 1000 length = int(chunksize * nloop) in_buffer = hls.moving_erb_noise(length, sample_rate=sample_rate) #~ in_buffer = hls.moving_sinus(length, sample_rate=sample_rate, speed = .5, f1=100., f2=2000., ampl = .8) in_buffer = np.tile(in_buffer[:, None], (1, nb_channel)) #~ print(in_buffer.shape) #~ exit() loss_params = { 'left': { 'freqs': [125., 250., 500., 1000., 2000., 4000., 8000.], 'compression_degree': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], 'passive_loss_db': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], }, 'right': { 'freqs': [125., 250., 500., 1000., 2000., 4000., 8000.], 'compression_degree': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], 'passive_loss_db': [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
import hearinglosssimulator as hls import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': from matplotlib import pyplot length = 512 * 1000 #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.crossing_chirp(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.several_sinus(length, freqs = [440.])) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.moving_sinus(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.whitenoise(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.notchnoise(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.whitenoise(length)+hls.moving_sinus(length)*.3) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.bandfiltered_noise(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.erb_noise(length)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.moving_erb_noise(length)) hls.play_with_vlc( hls.moving_erb_noise(length, trajectorytype='sinus', speed=.1)) #~ hls.play_with_vlc(hls.moving_mask_around_tone(length)) #~ sound = hls.moving_mask_around_tone(length) #~ sound = moving_erb_noise(length, trajectorytype='triangle', f1 = 400, f2 = 1000, speed = .01, ampl = .1) #~ sound = notchnoise(length) #~ fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() #~ ax.plot(sound) #~ fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() #~ ax.specgram(sound, NFFT=1024, Fs=44100, noverlap=512,) #~ fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() #~ ax.psd(sound, Fs=44100, NFFT = 2**12, color = 'b') #~