def work(data): if isinstance(data, str): try: data = rapidjson.loads(data) except Exception as e1: try: data = ast.literal_eval(data) except Exception as e2: print(e1) print(e2) raise Exception("Please input a valid json or python object string") if not isinstance(data, dict): raise Exception("Please input a valid json or python object string, or an object") plt.rc('text', usetex=data.get('usetex', False)) type = data.get('type', None) if type == 'bar': ParallelBars().draw(data, fig, ax) elif type == 'line': MultipleLines().draw(data, fig, ax) elif type == 'cdf': Cdf().draw(data, fig, ax) elif type == 'annotated_bar': AnnotatedBars().draw(data, fig, ax) elif type == 'violin': Violin().draw(data, fig, ax) elif type == 'heatmap': HeatMap().draw(data, fig, ax) else: raise Exception("Please specify type in json. Supported: bar, line, cdf")
def process_batter(self, batterId, px, pz, pitchType, pitchResult, paResult, hand): try: batterId = int(batterId) px, pz = float(px), float(pz) except: return if batterId in self.season: self.season[batterId].process_pitch(px, pz, pitchType, pitchResult, paResult, hand) else: self.season[batterId] = HeatMap() self.season[batterId].process_pitch(px, pz, pitchType, pitchResult, paResult, hand)
def process_frame(img): car_boxes = find_cars(img, clf, scaler, parameter) from heatmap import HeatMap heatmap = HeatMap(threshold=3) heatmap.add_heat(car_boxes) heatmap.apply_threshold() from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label labels = label(heatmap.get_headmap()) label_box_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels) return label_box_img
def execute(): mongo = Mongo('ztis', 'ztis-test') # mongo.cloneCollection('ztis-test') # mongo.removeNonEnglishArticles() # mongo.removeDuplicates() # heatMap = HeatMap(mongo.mapReduceLocations()) # heatMap.setMap("map.png") mongo.collection = mongo.findCustom( {"locations": { "$in": ["Poland", "PL"] }}) heatMap = HeatMap(mongo.mapReduceLocations()) heatMap.setMap("map2.png")
def video_stream(): # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments # ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() # ap.add_argument("-p", "--shape-predictor", required=True, # help="path to facial landmark predictor") # ap.add_argument("-r", "--picamera", type=int, default=-1, # help="whether or not the Raspberry Pi camera should be used") # args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # initialize the video stream and allow the cammera sensor to warmup global sup_esq, sup_dir, inf_esq, inf_dir, vitrine_larg_altu, divisao_colum_row, comecar_leitura_unica sup_esq = (330, 10) sup_dir = (-330, 10) inf_esq = (330, -170) inf_dir = (-330, -170) vitrine_larg_altu = None comecar_leitura_unica = False print("[INFO] Preparando a câmera...") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) set_resolution_480(cap) time.sleep(1.0) land_mark = LandMark() head_pose = HeadPose(cv2) heatmap_global = HeatMap("Global") heatmap_usuario = HeatMap("Instantaneo") # Loop de frames do video while True: # Captura o frame ret, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(100) & 0xFF # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop if key == ord("q"): break if key == ord("s"): heatmap_global.salve_map() heatmap_usuario.salve_map() print("[INFO] HeatMap salvo!!") if key == ord("r"): heatmap_usuario.reset_map() # heatmap_global.reset_map() print("[INFO] HeatMap resetaqdo!!") if key == ord("b"): comecar_leitura_unica = True print("[INFO] Leitura de usuário começado!!") if key == ord("e"): comecar_leitura_unica = False print("[INFO] Leitura de usuário parado!!") if (head_pose.vitrine_points != None): if key == ord("7"): sup_esq = head_pose.vitrine_points print("[INFO] Ponto superior esquerdo capturado!!") if key == ord("9"): sup_dir = head_pose.vitrine_points print("[INFO] Ponto superior direito capturado!!") if key == ord("1"): inf_esq = head_pose.vitrine_points print("[INFO] Ponto inferor esquerdo capturado!!") if key == ord("3"): inf_dir = head_pose.vitrine_points print("[INFO] Ponto inferior direito capturado!!") if key == ord("5"): sup_esq = None sup_dir = None inf_esq = None inf_dir = None vitrine_larg_altu = None print("[INFO] Calibração resetada!!") if key == ord("p"): print("[INFO] Sup Esquerda:") print(sup_esq) print("[INFO] Sup Direita:") print(sup_dir) print("[INFO] Inf Esquerda:") print(inf_esq) print("[INFO] Inf Direita:") print(inf_dir) print("[INFO] Largura ; Altura:") print(vitrine_larg_altu) if key == ord("c"): if (sup_esq != None and sup_dir != None and inf_esq != None and inf_dir != None): vitrine_larg_altu = calibrar_vitrine(sup_esq, sup_dir, inf_esq, inf_dir) divisao_colum_row = [0, 0] divisao_colum_row[0] = int(vitrine_larg_altu[0] / heatmap_global.width) divisao_colum_row[1] = int(vitrine_larg_altu[1] / heatmap_global.higth) print("[INFO] Calibração feita!!") if (None is frame): print("[ERROR] FALHA NA CAPTURA DO VIDEO!!") print("[ERROR] TENTANDO NOVAMENTE") continue frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) land_mark.set_frame(gray) head_pose.set_frame(gray) mapa = land_mark.get_land_mark() primeiro_elemento = True if (mapa.__len__() != 0): # Encontrou alguns rostos # for face in land_mark.shape: # Loop pelos rostos encontrados for face in mapa: # Loop pelos rostos encontrados for (x, y) in face:, (int(x), int(y)), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) points = head_pose.get_line_points(face) if (points == None): continue cv2.arrowedLine(frame, points[0], points[1], (255, 0, 0), 2) # Adicionar regra de tempo para saber a partir de quanto tempo começa a contar if (head_pose.vitrine_points != None): if (sup_esq != None and vitrine_larg_altu != None): coordenada_heat = global2heat(sup_esq, head_pose.vitrine_points) heatmap_global.incrementa(coordenada_heat) if (primeiro_elemento and comecar_leitura_unica): primeiro_elemento = False heatmap_usuario.incrementa(coordenada_heat) else: heatmap_usuario.reset_map() # show the frame cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) heatmap_global.salve_map() heatmap_usuario.salve_map() cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release() return
loss_value = loss_fn(label, logits) lastc = model.last_conv_value guide = loss_tape.gradient(loss_value, image) grads = logits_tape.gradient(logits, lastc) GAP_pool = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D( (lastc.shape[1], lastc.shape[2]), padding='valid', strides=(1, 1))(grads) grad_c = tf.zeros(lastc.shape[1:3], tf.float32) for idx in range(0, GAP_pool.shape[3]): grad_c = tf.nn.relu(grad_c + lastc[0, :, :, idx] * GAP_pool[0, :, :, idx]) grad_cam, heatmap = HeatMap(grad_c, guide, dims=2) #show with heatmap image = image.numpy() * 255 #rescale to original image = np.squeeze(np.uint8(image)) RGB_img = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) #convert to "RGB" (size) heatmap_img = cv.applyColorMap(np.uint8(heatmap), cv.COLORMAP_JET) fin = cv.addWeighted(heatmap_img, 0.7, RGB_img, 0.3, 0) plt.imshow(fin) #cv.imshow('image_w_heatmap', fin)
test_images = list( map(lambda img: read_image(img), glob.glob('./test_images/*.jpg'))) model_file = './data/model.p' print('Loading classifier model from file', model_file) clf, scaler = load_model(model_file) parameter = FeatureParameter() box_imgs = [] for img in test_images: car_boxes = find_cars(img, clf, scaler, parameter) car_boxes_img = draw_cars(img, car_boxes) box_imgs.append(car_boxes_img) from heatmap import HeatMap heatmap = HeatMap(threshold=2) heatmap.add_heat(car_boxes) heatmap.apply_threshold() heatmap_img = heatmap.get_headmap() from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label labels = label(heatmap_img) box_imgs.append(heatmap_img) label_box_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels) box_imgs.append(label_box_img) plot_images(box_imgs)
# The extractor gets the data toilet_extr = ToiletExtractor( './data/oeffentlichetoilettenmuenchen2016-06-28.csv', 'latitude', 'longitude') # The renderer deals with visual aspects of the map renderer = DefaultRenderer(center=marienplatz, zoom=12, opacity=0.35, color_scale=custom_color_scale, tiles='cartodbdark_matter') # Create a new heatmap h_map = HeatMap(None, geo_json, filename='toilet', square_size=500, num_threads=100, load_intermediate_results=True) h_map.generate(toilet_extr.get_value) h_map.normalize() # Generate the polygon areas within 1km of a public toilet h_map.generate_polygon(lambda v: v.get('lin_value', 999) < 1.0, dash_array=[5, 5], color='#0ef', opacity=0.5, weight=2) # Render and save h_map.render(renderer, before_saving=toilet_extr.add_markers)
def reset(): global clicks_hm global moves_hm clicks_hm = HeatMap(grid_resolution) moves_hm = HeatMap(grid_resolution)
from threading import Lock from flask import session, request, copy_current_request_context from datetime import datetime import re from heatmap import HeatMap import json grid_resolution = (50, 50) app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret!' socketio = SocketIO(app) thread_lock = Lock() clicks_hm = HeatMap(grid_resolution) moves_hm = HeatMap(grid_resolution) def bck(): global clicks_hm global moves_hm global thread_lock while True: socketio.sleep(2) with thread_lock: c = clicks_hm() m = moves_hm() hms = [c.tolist(), m.tolist()]
return contents def bikable_zone(unit): if 'original_value' not in unit or unit.get('original_value') is None: return False return unit.get('original_value') > 1.5 and unit.get('bike_val') < 25 renderer = DefaultRenderer(center=home, zoom=12, opacity=0.5, label=make_label, color_scale=custom_color_scale) h_map = HeatMap(home, geo_json, filename='bike_vs_ubahn', square_size=800, num_threads=100, load_intermediate_results=True) h_map.generate(calc_time) h_map.normalize(normalize_log2_scale) h_map.generate_polygon(bikable_zone, color='#0012b3', opacity=0.6, weight=5, dash_array=[1, 6]) h_map.render( renderer, before_saving=lambda r, _: r.add_circle(home, color='#0012b3', radius=20))
def update_heatmap(self): if self.heatmap is None: self.heatmap = HeatMap(self.cropped_image_size) self.heatmap.add_detections(self.detections) self.heatmap.update_map()
def setUp(self): self.rows = load(open(test_data, 'r')) self.heatmap = HeatMap() for idx in range(5): params = self.rows[idx] self.heatmap.process_pitch(*params)
with open('./geo/muenchen.json', 'r') as fp: geo_json = json.load(fp) def calc_time(pt1, pt2): """ Calculate the time to get somewhere by UBahn """ t_ubahn = mvg.average_time_between(pt1, pt2, if not t_ubahn: return None value = int(t_ubahn / 60.0) # Since the value will be normalized, we save it also on a separate key to show it on the label return {'value': value, 'time': value} renderer = DefaultRenderer(center=home, zoom=12, color_scale=color, label=label) h_map = HeatMap(home, geo_json, square_size=250, filename='mvg', load_intermediate_results=True) h_map.generate(calc_time) # Normalize on a log2 scale h_map.normalize(lambda v, _1, _2: log2(v)) # Then again on a 0 to 1 range h_map.normalize() h_map.render(renderer)