Example #1
def vmware_entry_point(_VirtualMachine):

   _Thread = heavy_thread(vmware_run, (_VirtualMachine, _MachineCount))


   _VirtualMachine._m_thread = _Thread

   # pre run code here



Example #2
def clone_vm(_VirtualMachine, _ClonedMachine):
   # cloning a virtual machine is defined to be copying the vmdk file or virtual
   # hard drive and the .vmx file

   _CloneLock.acquire() # extremely ram intensive process therefore cloning will only be allowed to one at a time

   def _os_clone_and_copy(_StartArg):

      print "Copying the virtual disk (this operation may take some time)..."

      print "Forking this operation to a seperate thread..."




      if _ClonedMachine.disk_created(): print "Disk Cloned"

      _Command = "sudo vmrun -T ws snapshot " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file + "\"" + " NewMachineSnapShot"

      print "Creating Snapshot"


      _Thread.sleep(20) # make sure the snapshot finishes before starting

      _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file = find_snapshot(_ClonedMachine)

      print "Snapshot Created continuing..."

      print "Completed copying the virtual disk, joining back to main thread..."



      _ClonedMachine() # callback function is nested inside the virtual machine class

   _CopyDiskCommand = "vmware-vdiskmanager -r " + "\"" + _VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_disk_file + "\"" + " -t 0 " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file + "\"" # long operation, fork to a seperate thread

   _Thread = heavy_thread(_os_clone_and_copy, (_CopyDiskCommand,))


   _Url = get_url()

   if _Url is None: return

   _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

   if (_Shelve.has_key(_DirUrl)):


         _Url = get_url()

         _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

   _SavedUrl = _DirUrl

   _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace("/", "_")

   _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace(".", "_")

   _Shelve[_SavedUrl] = _DirUrl

   _DirCommand = "sudo mkdir " + "\"" + "/media/hdd0/Virtual Machines/collected/" + _DirUrl + "\""

   _ClonedMachine._m_collection = "/media/hdd0/Virtual Machines/collected/" + _DirUrl

   _ClonedMachine._m_url = _Url

   print _DirCommand



   _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file) # default open to read only

   # Check to see if the .vmx file that is being copied will automatically ignore copying the .vmdk file.
   # If not then add in two lines that will auto answer the prompted message to be true
   _Matched = False

   _ReWriteFile = True

   for _Line in _File:

      if re.match("uuid.action = *", _Line): _Matched = True

      elif re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line):

         if re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = " + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file, _Line): _ReWriteFile = False


   _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file) # default read only

   _Lines = _File.readlines()

   if _ReWriteFile:

      _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, 'w')

      for _Line in _Lines:

         if not re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line): _File.write(_Line)

      _File.write("scsi0:0.fileName = " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file + "\"")



   if _ClonedMachine.config_created(): print "VMX file cloned"
   if not _Matched:

      _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, 'a') # open the new file to append

      _File.write("uuid.action = \"create\"")
      _File.write("\n") # new line
      _File.write("msg.autoAnswer = \"TRUE\"")


   return _ClonedMachine, _Thread
Example #3
def vmware_create(_WorkingDirectory, _DestinationDirectory, _StartUpFile = None, _NewVmx = "default.vmx", _NewVmdk = "default.vmdk", _CloneMachine = True, _ContinueNumber = 0, _Gui = True):

   _Vmx, _Vmdk = find_files(_WorkingDirectory)

   _VirtualMachine = vm(_WorkingDirectory, _Vmx, _Vmdk, _StartUpFile, True, True, _ContinueNumber, _Gui)

   _Vmx = _NewVmx

   _Vmdk = _NewVmdk

   if _CloneMachine:

      _ClonedMachine = vm(_DestinationDirectory, _Vmx, _Vmdk, _StartUpFile, False, False, _VirtualMachine._m_continue, _Gui)


      _ClonedMachine = vm(_DestinationDirectory, _Vmx, _Vmdk, _StartUpFile, True, True, _VirtualMachine._m_continue, _Gui)


   # increasing machine count ** need to lock **


   _MachineCount.value = _MachineCount.value + 1

   _Lock.release() # synchronize finished

   if _CloneMachine: 

      _ContinueThread = heavy_thread(continue_execution, (_ClonedMachine, None, True, _VirtualMachine,))



      _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file = find_snapshot(_ClonedMachine)

      _Url = get_url()

      if _Url is None: return

      _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

      if (_Shelve.has_key(_DirUrl)):


            _Url = get_url()

            _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

      _SavedUrl = _DirUrl

      _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace("/", "_")

      _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace(".", "_")

      _Shelve[_SavedUrl] = _DirUrl

      _DirCommand = "sudo mkdir " + "\"" + "/media/hdd0/Virtual Machines/collected/" + _DirUrl + "\""

      _ClonedMachine._m_collection = "/media/hdd0/Virtual Machines/collected/" + _DirUrl

      _ClonedMachine._m_url = _Url

      print _DirCommand


      _Thread = heavy_thread(continue_execution, (_ClonedMachine, None, False,))



   return _ClonedMachine
Example #4
def clone_vm(_VirtualMachine, _ClonedMachine):
    # cloning a virtual machine is defined to be copying the vmdk file or virtual
    # hard drive and the .vmx file

    _CloneLock.acquire()  # extremely ram intensive process therefore cloning will only be allowed to one at a time

    def _os_clone_and_copy(_StartArg):

        print "Copying the virtual disk (this operation may take some time)..."

        print "Forking this operation to a seperate thread..."




        if _ClonedMachine.disk_created():
            print "Disk Cloned"

        _Command = (
            "vmrun -T ws snapshot "
            + '"'
            + _ClonedMachine._m_directory
            + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file
            + '"'
            + " NewMachineSnapShot"

        print "Creating Snapshot"


        _Thread.sleep(15)  # make sure the snapshot finishes before starting

        _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file = find_snapshot(_ClonedMachine)

        print "Snapshot Created continuing..."

        print "Completed copying the virtual disk, joining back to main thread..."




        _ClonedMachine()  # callback function is nested inside the virtual machine class

    _CopyDiskCommand = (
        "vmware-vdiskmanager -r "
        + '"'
        + _VirtualMachine._m_directory
        + _VirtualMachine._m_disk_file
        + '"'
        + " -t 0 "
        + '"'
        + _ClonedMachine._m_directory
        + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file
        + '"'
    )  # long operation, fork to a seperate thread

    _Thread = heavy_thread(_os_clone_and_copy, (_CopyDiskCommand,))


    _CollectionNumber = get_number()

    _DirCommand = (
        "mkdir " + '"' + "/home/jarret/Virtual Machines/collected/virtual_machine" + str(_CollectionNumber) + '"'

    _ClonedMachine._m_collection = "/home/jarret/Virtual Machines/collected/virtual_machine" + str(_CollectionNumber)

    print _DirCommand



    _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file)  # default open to read only

    # Check to see if the .vmx file that is being copied will automatically ignore copying the .vmdk file.
    # If not then add in two lines that will auto answer the prompted message to be true

    _Matched = False

    _ReWriteFile = True

    for _Line in _File:

        if re.match("uuid.action = *", _Line):
            _Matched = True

        elif re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line):

            if re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = " + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file, _Line):
                _ReWriteFile = False


    _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file)  # default read only

    _Lines = _File.readlines()

    if _ReWriteFile:

        _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, "w")

        for _Line in _Lines:

            if not re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line):

        _File.write("scsi0:0.fileName = " + '"' + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file + '"')



    if _ClonedMachine.config_created():
        print "VMX file cloned"

    if not _Matched:

        _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, "a")  # open the new file to append

        _File.write('uuid.action = "create"')
        _File.write("\n")  # new line
        _File.write('msg.autoAnswer = "TRUE"')
Example #5
# Author: Jarret Shook
# Module: ht_test.py
# Modifications:
# 1-April-13: Version 1.0: Last Updated
# 1-April-13: Version 1.0: Created
# Timeperiod: ev6

from heavy_thread import heavy_thread


def foo(_Args):

   print _Args

if __name__ == '__main__':

   ht = heavy_thread(foo, ('hello',))
Example #6
def clone_vm(_VirtualMachine, _ClonedMachine):

   _CloneLock.acquire() # ram intensive process therefore cloning will be limited to one VM at a time

   def _os_clone_and_copy(_StartArg):

      print "Copying the virtual disk (this operation will take some time)..."

      print "Forking this operation to a seperate thread..."




      print "Disk Cloned"

      _Command = "sudo vmrun -T ws snapshot " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file + "\"" + " NewMachineSnapShot"

      print "Creating Snapshot"


      _Thread.sleep(20) # make sure the snapshot finishes before starting

      _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file = find_snapshot(_ClonedMachine)

      print "Snapshot Created continuing..."

      print "Completed copying the virtual disk, joining back to main thread..."



      # Call the callback function from the VM class


   # vmware-vdiskmanager -r <path to source .vmdk> -t 0 <path to destination .vmdk>
   # -r:
   # source disk location
   # -t
   # 0 - to create a growable virtual disk contained in a single virtual disk file
   # 1 - to create a growable virtual disk split into 2GB files
   # 2 - to create a preallocated virtual disk contained in a single virtual disk file
   # 3 - to create a preallocated virtual disk split into 2GB files

   _CopyDiskCommand = "vmware-vdiskmanager -r " + "\"" + _VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_disk_file + "\"" + " -t 0 " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file + "\"" # long operation, fork to a seperate thread

   _Thread = heavy_thread(_os_clone_and_copy, (_CopyDiskCommand,))

   # Makes and starts thread then continues execution here


   _Url = get_url()

   if _Url is None: return

   _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

   if (_Shelve.has_key(_DirUrl)):


         _Url = get_url()

         if _Url is None: return

         _DirUrl = _Url[7:]

   _SavedUrl = _DirUrl

   _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace("/", "_")

   _DirUrl = _DirUrl.replace(".", "_")

   _Shelve[_SavedUrl] = _DirUrl

   _DirCommand = "sudo mkdir " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_collection_destination + _DirUrl + "\""

   _ClonedMachine._m_collection = _ClonedMachine._m_collection_destination + _DirUrl

   _ClonedMachine._m_url = _Url

   print _DirCommand



   _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file) # default open to read only

   # Check to see if the .vmx file that is being copied 
   # will automatically ignore copying the .vmdk file.
   # If not then add in two lines that will auto answer 
   # the prompted message to be true

   _Matched = False

   _ReWriteFile = True

   for _Line in _File:

      if re.match("uuid.action = *", _Line): _Matched = True

      elif re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line):

         if re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = " + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file, _Line): _ReWriteFile = False


   _File = open(_VirtualMachine._m_directory + _VirtualMachine._m_config_file) # default read only

   _Lines = _File.readlines()

   if _ReWriteFile:

      _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, 'w')

      for _Line in _Lines:

         if not re.match("scsi0:0.fileName = *", _Line): _File.write(_Line)

      _File.write("scsi0:0.fileName = " + "\"" + _ClonedMachine._m_disk_file + "\"")



   if _ClonedMachine.config_created(): print "VMX file cloned"
   if not _Matched:

      _File = open(_ClonedMachine._m_directory + _ClonedMachine._m_config_file, 'a') # open the new file to append

      _File.write("uuid.action = \"create\"")
      _File.write("\n") # new line
      _File.write("msg.autoAnswer = \"TRUE\"")


   return _ClonedMachine, _Thread