Example #1
    def get_conv_output(self, x):
        # Layer 2: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv2_out = self.conv2(x)
        bn2_out = self.bn2(conv2_out)

        # Layer 3: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
        conv3_out = self.conv3(bn2_out)
        pool3_out = F.max_pool2d(conv3_out, 2)
        bn3_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn3, pool3_out)

        # Layer 4: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv4_out = self.conv4(bn3_out)
        bn4_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn4, conv4_out)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs of each layer
        conv_out = {
            self.CONV2: conv2_out,
            self.BN2: bn2_out,
            self.CONV3: conv3_out,
            self.POOL3: pool3_out,
            self.BN3: bn3_out,
            self.CONV4: conv4_out,
            self.BN4: bn4_out,
        return conv_out
Example #2
    def get_conv_output(self, x):
        # Layer 5: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
        conv5_out = self.conv5(x)
        pool5_out = F.max_pool2d(conv5_out, 2)
        bn5_out = self.bn5(pool5_out)

        # Layer 6: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv6_out = self.conv6(bn5_out)
        bn6_out = self.bn6(conv6_out)

        # Layer 7: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
        conv7_out = self.conv7(bn6_out)
        pool7_out = F.max_pool2d(conv7_out, 2)
        bn7_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn7, pool7_out)

        # Layer 8: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv8_out = self.conv8(bn7_out)
        bn8_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn8, conv8_out)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs of each layer
        conv_out = {
            self.CONV5: conv5_out,
            self.POOL5: pool5_out,
            self.BN5: bn5_out,
            self.CONV6: conv6_out,
            self.BN6: bn6_out,
            self.CONV7: conv7_out,
            self.POOL7: pool7_out,
            self.BN7: bn7_out,
            self.CONV8: conv8_out,
            self.BN8: bn8_out,
        return conv_out
Example #3
    def get_conv_output(self, x):
        # Layer 4: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv4_out = self.conv4(x)
        bn4_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn4, conv4_out)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs of each layer
        conv_out = {
            self.CONV4: conv4_out,
            self.BN4: bn4_out,
        return conv_out
Example #4
    def get_conv_output(self, x):
        # Layer 8: Convolutional + Batch Norm
        conv8_out = self.conv8(x)
        bn8_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn8, conv8_out)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs of each layer
        conv_out = {
            self.CONV8: conv8_out,
            self.BN8: bn8_out,
        return conv_out
Example #5
    def forward(self, x):
        # Compute the output feature map from the convolutional layers
        out = self.get_conv_output(x)

        # Layer 9: FC + Batch Norm
        fc9_out = self.fc9(out[self.CONV_OUTPUT])
        bn9_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn9, fc9_out)

        # Linear FC layer, outputs are the class scores
        fc10_out = self.fc10(bn9_out).view(-1, self.NUM_CLASSES)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs from convolutional and FC layers
        out[self.FC9] = fc9_out
        out[self.BN9] = bn9_out
        out[self.FC10] = fc10_out
        return out
Example #6
    def forward(self, x):
        out = {}

        # Hidden Layer: FC + Batch Norm
        fc1_out = self.fc1(x if len(self.get_input_shape()) >= 3 else x.
                           view(x.size(0), x.size(1), 1, 1))
        bn1_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn1, fc1_out)

        # Output Layer, outputs are the class scores
        fc2_out = self.fc2(bn1_out).view(-1, self.NUM_CLASSES)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs from convolutional and FC layers
        out[self.FC1] = fc1_out
        out[self.BN1] = bn1_out
        out[self.FC2] = fc2_out
        return out
Example #7
    def forward(self, x):
        # Compute the output feature map from the convolutional layers
        out = self.get_conv_output(x)

        # Layer 5: FC + Batch Norm
        fc5_out = self.fc5(out[self.CONV_OUTPUT])
        bn5_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn5, fc5_out)

        # Linear FC layer, outputs are the class scores
        fc6_out = self.fc6(bn5_out).view(-1, self.NUM_CLASSES)

        # Build dictionary containing outputs from convolutional and FC layers
        out[self.FC5] = fc5_out
        out[self.BN5] = bn5_out
        out[self.FC6] = fc6_out
        out[self.CLASS_SCORES] = {P.KEY_CLASS_SCORES: fc6_out}
        return out
Example #8
	def get_conv_output(self, x):
		# Layer 1: Convolutional + 3x3 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
		conv1_out = self.conv1(x)
		pool1_out = F.max_pool2d(conv1_out, 3)
		bn1_out = self.bn1(pool1_out)
		# Layer 2: Convolutional + Batch Norm
		conv2_out = self.conv2(bn1_out)
		bn2_out = self.bn2(conv2_out)
		# Layer 3: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
		conv3_out = self.conv3(bn2_out)
		pool3_out = F.max_pool2d(conv3_out, 2)
		bn3_out = self.bn3(pool3_out)
		# Layer 4: Convolutional + Batch Norm
		conv4_out = self.conv4(bn3_out)
		bn4_out = self.bn4(conv4_out)
		# Layer 5: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
		conv5_out = self.conv5(bn4_out)
		pool5_out = F.max_pool2d(conv5_out, 2)
		bn5_out = self.bn5(pool5_out)
		# Layer 6: Convolutional + Batch Norm
		conv6_out = self.conv6(bn5_out)
		bn6_out = self.bn6(conv6_out)
		# Layer 7: Convolutional + 2x2 Max Pooling + Batch Norm
		conv7_out = self.conv7(bn6_out)
		pool7_out = F.max_pool2d(conv7_out, 2)
		bn7_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn7, pool7_out)
		# Layer 8: Convolutional + Batch Norm
		conv8_out = self.conv8(bn7_out)
		bn8_out = HF.modified_bn(self.bn8, conv8_out)
		# Build dictionary containing outputs of each layer
		conv_out = {
			self.CONV1: conv1_out,
			self.POOL1: pool1_out,
			self.BN1: bn1_out,
			self.CONV2: conv2_out,
			self.BN2: bn2_out,
			self.CONV3: conv3_out,
			self.POOL3: pool3_out,
			self.BN3: bn3_out,
			self.CONV4: conv4_out,
			self.BN4: bn4_out,
			self.CONV5: conv5_out,
			self.POOL5: pool5_out,
			self.BN5: bn5_out,
			self.CONV6: conv6_out,
			self.BN6: bn6_out,
			self.CONV7: conv7_out,
			self.POOL7: pool7_out,
			self.BN7: bn7_out,
			self.CONV8: conv8_out,
			self.BN8: bn8_out,
		return conv_out