Example #1
def lyot_stop(wf, mode='RAVC', ravc_r=0.6, ls_dRext=0.03, ls_dRint=0.05, 
        ls_dRspi=0.04, spi_width=0.5, spi_angles=[0,60,120], diam_ext=37, 
        diam_int=11, ls_misalign=None, file_app_phase='', file_app_amp='', 
        ngrid=1024, npupil=285, margin=50, get_amp=False, 
        get_phase=False, verbose=False, **conf):

    """Add a Lyot stop, or an APP."""
    # case 1: Lyot stop
    if mode in ['CVC', 'RAVC']:
        # LS parameters
        r_obstr = ravc_r if mode in ['RAVC'] else diam_int/diam_ext
        ls_int = r_obstr + ls_dRint
        ls_ext = 1 - ls_dRext
        ls_spi = spi_width/diam_ext + ls_dRspi
        # LS misalignments
        ls_misalign = [0,0,0,0,0,0] if ls_misalign is None else list(ls_misalign)
        dx_amp, dy_amp, dz_amp = ls_misalign[0:3]
        dx_phase, dy_phase, dz_phase = ls_misalign[3:6]
        # create Lyot stop
        proper.prop_circular_aperture(wf, ls_ext, dx_amp, dy_amp, NORM=True)
        if diam_int > 0:
            proper.prop_circular_obscuration(wf, ls_int, dx_amp, dy_amp, NORM=True)
        if spi_width > 0:
            for angle in spi_angles:
                proper.prop_rectangular_obscuration(wf, ls_spi, 2, \
                        dx_amp, dy_amp, ROTATION=angle, NORM=True)
        if verbose is True:
            print('Create Lyot stop')
            print('   ls_int=%3.4f, ls_ext=%3.4f, ls_spi=%3.4f'\
                %(ls_int, ls_ext, ls_spi))

    # case 2: APP
    elif mode in ['APP']:
        if verbose is True:
            print('Load APP from files\n')
        # get amplitude and phase data
        APP_amp = fits.getdata(file_app_amp) if os.path.isfile(file_app_amp) \
                else np.ones((npupil, npupil))
        APP_phase = fits.getdata(file_app_phase) if os.path.isfile(file_app_phase) \
                else np.zeros((npupil, npupil))
        # resize to npupil
        APP_amp = impro.resize_img(APP_amp, npupil)
        APP_phase = impro.resize_img(APP_phase, npupil)
        # pad with zeros to match PROPER ngrid
        APP_amp = impro.pad_img(APP_amp, ngrid, 1)
        APP_phase = impro.pad_img(APP_phase, ngrid, 0)
        # multiply the loaded APP
        proper.prop_multiply(wf, APP_amp*np.exp(1j*APP_phase))
    # get the LS amplitude and phase for output
    LS_amp = impro.crop_img(proper.prop_get_amplitude(wf), npupil, margin)\
            if get_amp is True else None
    LS_phase = impro.crop_img(proper.prop_get_phase(wf), npupil, margin)\
            if get_phase is True else None
    return wf, LS_amp, LS_phase
Example #2
def remove_piston(filename):
    data = np.float32(fits.getdata(filename))
    data = crop_img(data, nimg)
    data -= np.mean(data[mask != 0])  # remove piston
    data[mask == 0] = 0
    data = resize_img(data, npupil)
    data = np.rot90(data) * 1e-6  # rotate, convert to meters
    return data
Example #3
pad_frame = False
savename = 'cube_%s_%ss_%sms_0piston_meters_scao_only_%s_%s.fits' % (
    tag, duration, samp, band, npupil)
#savename = 'cube_%s_%ss_%sms_0piston_meters_scao_only_%s_WVseeing.fits'%(tag, duration, samp, npupil)

#input_folder = '/mnt/disk4tb/METIS/METIS_COMPASS_RAW_PRODUCTS/gorban_metis_baseline_Cbasic_2020-10-16T10:25:14/residualPhaseScreens'
#input_folder = '/mnt/disk4tb/METIS/METIS_COMPASS_RAW_PRODUCTS/gorban_metis_baseline_Cbasic_2020-11-05T12:40:27/residualPhaseScreens'
#input_folder = '/mnt/disk4tb/METIS/METIS_COMPASS_RAW_PRODUCTS/gorban_metis_baseline_Cbasic_2020-11-30T20:52:24/residualPhaseScreens'
#input_folder = '/mnt/disk4tb/METIS/METIS_COMPASS_RAW_PRODUCTS/gorban_metis_baseline_Cbasic_uncorrected_2021-06-01T12:02:36/residualPhaseScreens'
input_folder = '/mnt/disk12tb/Users/gorban/METIS/METIS_COMPASS/gorban_metis_baseline_Cfull_noWtt_2021-10-07T09:00:32/residualPhaseScreens'
output_folder = 'wavefront/cfull'
cpu_count = None

# mask
mask = fits.getdata(os.path.join(input_folder, 'Telescope_Pupil.fits'))
mask = crop_img(mask, nimg)
mask_pupil = np.rot90(resize_img(mask, npupil))
                          'mask_%s_%s_%s.fits' % (tag, band, npupil)),

# filenames
nframes = len(
    [name for name in os.listdir(input_folder) if name.startswith(prefix)])
nframes = 12000
print('%s frames' % nframes)
frames = [str(frame).zfill(6) if pad_frame is True else str(frame) \
    for frame in range(start, start + nframes*samp, samp)]
filenames = np.array([os.path.join(input_folder, '%s%s%s.fits'%(prefix, frame, suffix)) \
    for frame in frames])
Example #4
def apodizer(wf,
    ''' Create a wavefront object at the entrance pupil plane. 
    The pupil is either loaded from a fits file, or created using 
    pupil parameters.
    Can also select only one petal and mask the others.

    wf: WaveFront
        PROPER wavefront object
    mode: str
        HCI mode
    ravc_t: float
        RA transmittance
    ravc_r: float
        RA radius
    ravc_misalign: list of float
        RA misalignment
    ngrid: int
        number of pixels of the wavefront array
    npupil: int
        number of pixels of the pupil
    file_ravc_amp: str
    file_ravc_phase: str 
        ring apodizer files (optional)

    if mode in ['RAVC']:

        # load apodizer from files if provided
        if os.path.isfile(file_ravc_amp) and os.path.isfile(file_ravc_phase):
            if verbose is True:
                print('Load ring apodizer from files\n')
            # get amplitude and phase data
            RAVC_amp = fits.getdata(file_ravc_amp)
            RAVC_phase = fits.getdata(file_ravc_phase)
            # resize to npupil
            RAVC_amp = impro.resize_img(RAVC_amp, npupil)
            RAVC_phase = impro.resize_img(RAVC_phase, npupil)
            # pad with zeros to match PROPER gridsize
            RAVC_amp = impro.pad_img(RAVC_amp, ngrid)
            RAVC_phase = impro.pad_img(RAVC_phase, ngrid)
            # build complex apodizer
            apo = RAVC_amp * np.exp(1j * RAVC_phase)

        # or else, define the apodizer as a ring (with % misalignments)
            # RAVC misalignments
            ravc_misalign = [
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            ] if ravc_misalign is None else list(ravc_misalign)
            dx_amp, dy_amp, dz_amp = ravc_misalign[0:3]
            dx_phase, dy_phase, dz_phase = ravc_misalign[3:6]
            # create apodizer
            apo = circular_apodization(wf, ravc_r, 1., ravc_t, xc=dx_amp, \
                yc=dy_amp, NORM=True)
            apo = proper.prop_shift_center(apo)
            if verbose is True:
                print('Create ring apodizer')
                print('   ravc_t=%3.4f, ravc_r=%3.4f'\
                    %(ravc_t, ravc_r))
                print('   ravc_misalign=%s' % ravc_misalign)

        # multiply the loaded apodizer
        proper.prop_multiply(wf, apo)

        # get the apodizer amplitude and phase for output
        apo_amp = impro.crop_img(proper.prop_get_amplitude(wf), npupil,\
                margin) if get_amp is True else None
        apo_phase = impro.crop_img(proper.prop_get_phase(wf), npupil,\
                margin) if get_phase is True else None

        return wf, apo_amp, apo_phase

    else:  # no ring apodizer
        return wf, None, None