def __init__(self): # Get the helicopter instance self.heli = Helicopter() # Gyro - how we sense the difference between the demand and the reality self.gyro = Gyro( normalise_rates=True, gyro_normalisation_values=self._gyro_normalisation_values, acceleration_normalisation_values=[1, 1, 1]) # Init the demands variable self.demands = None self.flying = False self.thread_running = True # Create a thread for this to run in self.pilot_thread = Thread(, daemon=True) self.pilot_thread.start()
def __init__(self): self.__screen_width = 800 self.__screen_height = 600 self.__display = pygame.display self.__surface = self.__display.set_mode((self.__screen_width, self.__screen_height)) self.__clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.__heli = Helicopter("helicopter.png") self.__logger = None self.__obstacle_list = [] self.__colors = [LIGHTBLUE, ORANGE, PURPLE, YELLOW, YELLOWGREEN] self.score = 0
class Game: def __init__(self): self.__screen_width = 800 self.__screen_height = 600 self.__display = pygame.display self.__surface = self.__display.set_mode((self.__screen_width, self.__screen_height)) self.__clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.__heli = Helicopter("helicopter.png") self.__logger = None self.__obstacle_list = [] self.__colors = [LIGHTBLUE, ORANGE, PURPLE, YELLOW, YELLOWGREEN] self.score = 0 # Update all objects def update(self): self.__heli.update() for obstacle in self.__obstacle_list: # Check if colliding with obstacle if obstacle.is_colliding(self.__heli): self.game_over() # Check if we've successfully passed this obstacle. Only count score once if not obstacle.passed_player and obstacle.x + obstacle.width <= self.__heli.x: obstacle.passed_player = True self.score += 1 # Remove obstacles that are now off the screen if obstacle.x + obstacle.width <= 0: self.__obstacle_list.remove(obstacle) # Check for hitting ceiling/floor after checking objects if self.__heli.is_out_of_bounds(): self.game_over() # Update obstacle speed and position. # We do this after checking for scores to guarantee that all speeds will be the same for obstacle in self.__obstacle_list: diff_settings = self.get_difficulty_settings() obstacle.vel_x = diff_settings[0] obstacle.update() # Decide whether to generate a new obstacle self.generate_obstacle() # Draw all objects def draw(self): self.__heli.draw(self.__surface) for obstacle in self.__obstacle_list: obstacle.draw(self.__surface) self.__logger.score(self.score) # Quit the game or return user input def replay_or_quit(self): for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP, QUIT]): if event.type is QUIT or event.key is K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() quit() elif event.type is KEYDOWN or event.type is KEYUP: return event.key if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: return True return None # Display game over message and wait for user input def game_over(self): self.__logger.game_over("Kaboom!", 1) while self.replay_or_quit() is None: self.__clock.tick() self.reset() # Reset the game def reset(self): self.__heli.reset() self.__obstacle_list = [] self.score = 0 # Determine when and what type of obstacle to generate def generate_obstacle(self): types = {0: Platform, 1: Pipe, 2: DoublePipe} create_obstacle = len(self.__obstacle_list) is 0 if not create_obstacle: last_obstacle = self.__obstacle_list[-1] if last_obstacle.x + last_obstacle.width <= self.__screen_width - 400: create_obstacle = randint(0, 1) is 1 if create_obstacle: color = self.__colors[randrange(0, len(self.__colors))] diff_settings = self.get_difficulty_settings() obs_type = types[randint(0, 2)] if obs_type is Platform: platform_height = 50 obstacle = obs_type(self.__screen_width, (self.__screen_height - platform_height) / 2, randint(150, self.__screen_width / 2), platform_height, diff_settings[0], color) else: obstacle = obs_type(self.__screen_width, 0, 75, randint(0, self.__screen_height), diff_settings[0], self.__heli.height * diff_settings[1], color) self.__obstacle_list.append(obstacle) # Change difficulty based on the player's score def get_difficulty_settings(self): # First part is speed, second is gap modifier settings = (3, 3.2) if 3 <= self.score < 5: settings = (4, 3.1) elif 5 <= self.score < 8: settings = (5, 3.0) elif 8 <= self.score < 14: settings = (6, 2.9) elif self.score >= 14: settings = (7, 2.8) return settings # Run the game def run(self): self.__logger = Logger(self.__display, self.__surface) self.generate_obstacle() while True: self.__surface.fill(BLACK) self.update() self.draw() self.replay_or_quit() self.__display.update() self.__clock.tick(75)
def run_game(): #initialize pygame pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cfg.width, cfg.height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Helicopter') pygame.mouse.set_visible(1) #Create background background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) background = background.convert() background.fill((25, 25, 25)) #Prepare game objects controller = Level_controller() helicopter = Helicopter() copter = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain() copter.add(helicopter) #Main loop while 1: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or \ event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP: helicopter.hit_gas() elif event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP or \ event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_UP: helicopter.release_gas() elif event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key == K_r: controller = Level_controller() helicopter = Helicopter() copter = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain() copter.add(helicopter) #Draw the current frame screen.blit(background, (0,0)) controller.bottom_wall_sprites.draw(screen) controller.top_wall_sprites.draw(screen) controller.obstacle_sprites.draw(screen) copter.draw(screen) screen.blit(get_score_surface(controller.get_score()), (10, 10)) #Check for collisions, stopping the game if any are found if len(pygame.sprite.groupcollide(copter, controller.top_wall_sprites, 0, 0)) != 0 or \ len(pygame.sprite.groupcollide(copter, controller.bottom_wall_sprites, 0, 0)) != 0 or \ len(pygame.sprite.groupcollide(copter, controller.obstacle_sprites, 0, 0)) != 0: controller.moving = False text = get_game_over_surface(controller.get_score()) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2, centery=background.get_height()/2) screen.blit(text, textpos) pygame.display.flip() #Move the level, updating all sprites in the process. #ONLY done if level is moving -- ie, game is not over controller.move_level() if controller.moving: copter.update()
def csv_to_helicopters(file_name: str): helicopters = [] csv_file = open(file_name, 'r') for row in csv.reader(csv_file): helicopters.append(Helicopter(int(row[0]), row[1], int(row[2]))) return helicopters
def main(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) size = width, height = 1152, 648 moveRight = 0 moveLeft = 0 points = 10 timer = 30 running = 1 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) background = pygame.image.load('E:/Koodi/Python/pygame/data/bg.png').convert() screen.blit(background, (0, 0))'E:/Koodi/Python/pygame/data/music/08.mp3') boom = pygame.mixer.Sound('E:/Koodi/Python/pygame/data/music/explosion-02.wav') clock = pygame.time.Clock() snowman = SnowMan() heli = Helicopter() uisprites = pygame.sprite.Group((heli)) shootables = pygame.sprite.Group((snowman)) CAREVENT = USEREVENT+1 TIMEEVENT = USEREVENT+2 pygame.time.set_timer(CAREVENT, random.randint(600, 1000)) pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, 1000) while running: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_RIGHT: print "right" moveRight = 1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_LEFT: print "left" moveLeft = 1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE: points = points-1 uisprites.add(Ball(heli.rect.right-65)) print "space" elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_LEFT: moveLeft = 0 elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_RIGHT: moveRight = 0 elif event.type is CAREVENT: pygame.time.set_timer(CAREVENT, random.randint(600, 1000)) shootables.add(Car()) elif event.type is TIMEEVENT: timer = timer - 1 if timer == 0: running = 0 if moveRight: heli.moveRight() elif moveLeft: heli.moveLeft() for shootable in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(shootables, uisprites , 1, 1): print "shoot" shootable.shooted() print shootable.rnd if shootable.rnd == 5: points = points + 1 elif shootable.rnd == 0: points = points - 10 elif shootable.rnd == 2 or shootable.rnd == 3: points = points + 2 else: points = points + 5 font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) text = font.render('Points '+str(points), 1, (255, 255, 255)) timetext = font.render('Time: '+str(timer), 1, (255, 255, 255)) shootables.update() uisprites.update() screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(text, (1000, 50)) screen.blit(timetext, (1000, 80)) shootables.draw(screen) uisprites.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() raw_input('Press Enter...')
def run(): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() # recursos del juego screen = pygame.display.set_mode((799, 464), pygame.RESIZABLE) #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.RESIZABLE) pygame.display.set_caption("MachineMCD") temporizador = pygame.time.Clock() power = 0 maximo = 0 gameOver = 0 mcd1 = 1 haybomba = False controlMaximo = True texto = pygame.font.Font('digital-7.ttf', 42) texto2 = pygame.font.Font('digital-7.ttf', 25) textobomba = pygame.font.Font('Crysta.ttf', 26) # fondo de pantalla fondo = util.cargar_imagen('escenario.png', optimizar=True) decoracion = util.cargar_imagen('decoracion.png') final = util.cargar_imagen('Final.png') bomba = Bomba(-20, -20) bombaE = BombaE(100, 100) # grupos sprites = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() explo = pygame.sprite.Group() control = pygame.sprite.Group() cube1 = pygame.sprite.Group() cube2 = pygame.sprite.Group() helicopter = pygame.sprite.Group() Bomasprites = pygame.sprite.Group() botonA = Boton(500, 435, 'a') botonB = Boton(600, 435, 's') palanca = Palanca(208, 387) helicoptero = Helicopter(105, 95) control.add([botonA, botonB, palanca]) helicopter.add([helicoptero]) sprites.add([cube1, cube2, helicopter]) salir = False def divisoresPropios(n): lista = [] for i in range(1, (n / 2) + 1): if (n % i) == 0: lista.append(i) lista.append(n) return lista def mcd(a, b): a, b = max(abs(a), abs(b)), min(abs(a), abs(b)) while b > 0: a, b = b, a % b return a def draw_cubes(): posY1 = 350 posX1 = 60 posY2 = 350 posX2 = 410 n = 0 j = 0 for i in range(numcubes1): if j < 11: j = j + 1 posX1 = posX1 + 25 cube1.add(Cube(posX1, posY1)) else: j = 1 posX1 = 60 + 25 posY1 = posY1 - 25 cube1.add(Cube(posX1, posY1)) for m in range(numcubes2): if n < 11: n = n + 1 posX2 = posX2 + 25 cube2.add(Cube(posX2, posY2)) else: n = 1 posX2 = 410 + 25 posY2 = posY2 - 25 cube2.add(Cube(posX2, posY2)) numero1 = random.randint(0, 70) numero2 = random.randint(1, 70) numcubes1 = numero1 numcubes2 = numero2 #numcubes1=4 #numcubes2=12 mcd1 = mcd(numero1, numero2) div1 = [] div2 = [] div1 = divisoresPropios(numero1) div2 = divisoresPropios(numero2) Text_Divisores1 = "" Text_Divisores2 = "" for divisor1 in div1: Text_Divisores1 += str(divisor1) + " " for divisor2 in div2: Text_Divisores2 += str(divisor2) + " " draw_cubes() bombanumero = textobomba.render("00", 1, (176, 0, 0)) while not salir: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == pygame.QUIT: salir = True elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if e.unicode == 'a' or e.unicode == 'A': if haybomba == False: power = maximo controlMaximo = False bomba = Bomba(helicoptero.rect.x + 45, helicoptero.rect.y + 20) sprites.add(bomba) haybomba = True # elif e.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: if controlMaximo == True: teclasSelect = pygame.key.get_pressed() if teclasSelect[K_DOWN] and maximo > 0: maximo = maximo - 1 bombanumero = textobomba.render(str(maximo), 1, (176, 0, 0)) #text = font.render( str(maximo),1,WHITE) elif teclasSelect[K_UP] and maximo < 99: maximo = maximo + 1 bombanumero = textobomba.render(str(maximo), 1, (176, 0, 0)) if numcubes1 == 0 and numcubes2 == 0: gameOver = 2 # if (numcubes1>0 or numcubes2>0)and power == 0 and haybomba == True: # if (numcubes1>0 or numcubes2>0): # gameOver = 1 if power > 0: bomba_en_colision2 = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( bomba, cube2, False) bomba_en_colision1 = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( bomba, cube1, False) if (bomba_en_colision1): if (numcubes2 > 0 and numcubes1 < power) or (numcubes2 > 0 and numcubes1 == 0): gameOver = 1 bomba.kill() if (bomba_en_colision2): if (numcubes1 > 0 and numcubes2 < power) or (numcubes1 > 0 and numcubes2 == 0): gameOver = 1 bomba.kill() #haybomba = False if bomba_en_colision1 and numcubes1 >= power: power -= 1 numcubes1 -= 1 bomba_en_colision1[0].kill() cube1.remove(bomba_en_colision1[0]) sprites.add(Explosion(bomba_en_colision1[0])) sonidos.reproducir_sonido('boom') if bomba_en_colision2 and numcubes2 >= power: power -= 1 numcubes2 -= 1 bomba_en_colision2[0].kill() cube2.remove(bomba_en_colision2[0]) sprites.add(Explosion(bomba_en_colision2[0])) sonidos.reproducir_sonido('boom') elif power == 0: bomba.kill() haybomba = False cubos1 = texto.render(str(len(cube1.sprites())), 1, (255, 215, 0)) cubos2 = texto.render(str(len(cube2.sprites())), 1, (255, 215, 0)) game1 = [ "Ganaste!! ", "el poder de mayor destruccion es", "Casi lo logras!!", "Lo sentimos!!", "Divisores del ", ":" ] gameMCD = texto2.render(str(mcd1), 1, (255, 255, 255)) num1 = texto2.render(str(numero1), 1, (255, 255, 255)) num2 = texto2.render(str(numero2), 1, (255, 255, 255)) sprites.update() screen.blit(fondo, (0, 0)) cube1.draw(screen) cube2.draw(screen) sprites.draw(screen) helicopter.draw(screen) Bomasprites.draw(screen) screen.blit(decoracion, (0, 0)) screen.blit(cubos1, (347, 98)) screen.blit(cubos2, (417, 98)) screen.blit(bombanumero, (387, 55)) if gameOver != 0: screen.blit(final, (0, 0)) if gameOver == 2 and maximo == mcd1: textIm1 = texto.render(game1[0], 1, (255, 255, 255)) textIm2 = texto2.render(game1[1], 1, (255, 255, 255)) if gameOver == 2 and maximo != mcd1: textIm1 = texto.render(game1[2], 1, (255, 255, 255)) textIm2 = texto2.render(game1[1], 1, (255, 255, 255)) if gameOver == 1: textIm1 = texto.render(game1[3], 1, (255, 255, 255)) textIm2 = texto2.render(game1[1], 1, (255, 255, 255)) textIm3 = texto2.render(game1[4], 1, (255, 255, 255)) # mcd2 = texto2.render(mcd1,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(textIm1, (150, 110)) screen.blit(textIm2, (150, 145)) screen.blit(gameMCD, (520, 145)) #screen.blit(mcd2, (520, 145)) screen.blit(textIm3, (170, 185)) screen.blit(num1, (320, 185)) screen.blit(texto2.render(Text_Divisores1, 1, (255, 255, 255)), (175, 210)) screen.blit(textIm3, (170, 250)) screen.blit(num2, (320, 250)) screen.blit(texto2.render(Text_Divisores2, 1, (255, 255, 255)), (175, 275)) control.draw(screen) control.update() pygame.display.flip() temporizador.tick(60)
class HelicopterPilot: # Rates which equate to a demand of 1 _gyro_normalisation_values = [50, 50, 80] # Thresholds _min_throttle = 0.3 _yaw_threshold = 0.1 def __init__(self): # Get the helicopter instance self.heli = Helicopter() # Gyro - how we sense the difference between the demand and the reality self.gyro = Gyro( normalise_rates=True, gyro_normalisation_values=self._gyro_normalisation_values, acceleration_normalisation_values=[1, 1, 1]) # Init the demands variable self.demands = None self.flying = False self.thread_running = True # Create a thread for this to run in self.pilot_thread = Thread(, daemon=True) self.pilot_thread.start() def update_demands(self, demands): """ Update the helicopter's input demands""" if demands: # print(f"Latest demands: {demands}") if not self.flying: if 'start_demand' in demands and 'stop_demand' in demands: if demands['start_demand'] and not demands['stop_demand']: # Then we haven't fired the motor up yet, so get it spinning self.heli.start_motor() self.flying = True if 'calibration_demand' in demands and demands[ 'calibration_demand']: # Then we want to calibrate - the gyro class will prevent us from running this multiple times, so just call calibrate() while the button is down self.gyro.calibrate() self.demands = demands def fly(self): while self.thread_running: if self.flying: try: accelerations = self.gyro.get_acceleration() gyro_rates = self.gyro.get_gyro() except IOError as e: print("Error getting gyro/accelerometer details!") print(e) accelerations = [0, 0, 0] gyro_rates = [0, 0, 0] for demand in self.demands: demand_value = self.demands[demand] #print(f"Demand: {demand}, value = {demand_value}") if demand == 'stop_demand': if demand_value: self.heli.stop() self.flying = False # This call blocks, so we can't do any processing anyway # Don't stop processing in this thread just yet in case we still need to do something on the other controls if demand == 'start_demand': # self.heli.start_motor() # Motor started before we're 'flying', so do nothing now... pass if demand == 'throttle_demand': # Need to blend the throttle and blade pitch - increment throttle to match demand if above the threshold throttle_demand = max( self._min_throttle, abs(demand_value) ) # Make sure that the throttle is always at least _min_throttle, and set it equal to the magnitude of the demand if self.flying: # Update the motor speed self.heli.motor.set_motor_speed(throttle_demand) # Update the swash plate position self.heli.swash_plate.set_height(demand_value) if demand == 'yaw_demand': current_yaw_rate = gyro_rates[2] demand_delta = demand_value - current_yaw_rate # Only take action if we're outside the threshold range if demand_delta > self._yaw_threshold: print("Turning more left") self.heli.turn_more_left() elif demand_delta < -self._yaw_threshold: print("Turning more right") self.heli.turn_more_right() if demand == 'pitch_demand': pass if demand == 'roll_demand': pass if demand == 'request_gyro_state_demand': if demand_value: print( f"Gyro rates: {gyro_rates}, accelerations: {accelerations}" ) def stop_flying(self): """ Cleanly and safely shut down the helicopter """ self.heli.stop() self.thread_running = False
terminal2 = Terminal(2, "T2") terminal2.add_airport(airport1) flight1 = Flight("1", "India", "01/05/2019") flight1.add_terminal(terminal1) flight2 = Flight("2", "California", "20/07/2019") flight2.add_terminal(terminal1) flight3 = Flight("3", "St. Lucia", "23/10/2019") flight3.add_terminal(terminal2) flight4 = Flight("4", "Paris", "11/11/2019") flight4.add_terminal(terminal2) flight5 = Flight("5", "Australia", "05/10/2019", True) helicopter1 = Helicopter("H101",) plane1 = Plane("P001") plane1.add_flight(flight1) plane1.add_flight(flight3) plane2 = Plane("P002") plane2.add_flight(flight2) plane2.add_flight(flight4)