Example #1
def fetchall_dicts(curs):
    Fetches all results and makes list of dicts with column names as keys
    records = curs.fetchall()
    columns = [info[0] for info in curs.description]
    return [dict_from_lists(columns, rec) for rec in records]
Example #2
def fetch_dict(curs):
    '''@return: next rowset as dict. None if no rowsets in cursor
    if curs.rowcount > 1:
        raise SelectedMoreThanOneRow()
    if curs.rowcount == 0:
        raise EmptyResultSetError('Nothing to be fetched')
    columns = [info[0] for info in curs.description]
    values = curs.fetchone()
    return dict_from_lists(columns, values)