def test_with_spike_rec(): directory = "../data/spikefinder_train/" dataset = "8" calcium = np.genfromtxt(directory + dataset + '.train.calcium.csv', delimiter=",", skip_header=1).transpose() spikes = np.genfromtxt(directory + dataset + '.train.spikes.csv', delimiter=",", skip_header=1).transpose() t = np.arange(calcium.shape[1]) / 100.0 #plt.plot(t, calcium[2]) #plt.plot(t, spikes[2]) spks_deconv = np.empty_like(spikes) * np.nan for i, arr in enumerate(tqdm(calcium)): spks_tmp = deconvolve(arr[~np.isnan(arr)][None, :], 100, tau=1.5)[0] spks_deconv[i, :len(spks_tmp)] = spks_tmp k_arr = np.arange(1, 100) coefficients = np.zeros_like(k_arr, dtype=float) for i, arr in enumerate(tqdm(spikes[:])): coeff_res = mre.coefficients(arr[~np.isnan(arr)], k_arr) coefficients += coeff_res.coefficients coefficients_deconv = np.zeros_like(k_arr, dtype=float) for i, arr in enumerate(tqdm(spks_deconv[:])): coeff_res = mre.coefficients(arr[~np.isnan(arr)], k_arr) coefficients_deconv += coeff_res.coefficients print(coefficients) f = plt.figure(figsize=(4.3, 3)) t = np.arange(0, len(coefficients)) / 100 plt.plot(t, coefficients / len(spikes), label="from spikes, 'ground truth'") plt.plot(t, coefficients_deconv / len(spks_deconv) / 8.5, label='from deconvolved calcium imaging') plt.xlabel("time interval $\Delta T$ [s]") plt.ylabel("autocorrelation (normed)") plt.tick_params( axis='y', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, # ticks along the bottom edge are off right=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelleft=False) # labels along the bottom edge are off plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( "../reports/estimating_timescales/figures/comparison3_normed.pdf")
def plot_map_tau(): directory = "../data/Spontaneous/suite2p/plane0/" # load traces and subtract neuropil iscell = np.load(directory + "iscell.npy") F = np.load(directory + "F.npy") Fneu = np.load(directory + "Fneu.npy") Fc = F - 1 * Fneu stat = np.load(directory + 'stat.npy', allow_pickle=True) x_pos = np.array([np.median(neur["xpix"]) for neur in stat]) y_pos = np.array([np.median(neur["ypix"]) for neur in stat]) mask_iscell = iscell[:, 1] > 0.5 Fc = Fc[mask_iscell, :] Fc = Fc[:] x_pos = x_pos[mask_iscell] y_pos = y_pos[mask_iscell] x_pos = x_pos[:] y_pos = y_pos[:] Fc_conv = Fc spks = deconvolve(Fc_conv, fs=30, tau=1.5) t = np.linspace(0, Fc_conv.shape[1] / 30, Fc_conv.shape[1]) k_arr = np.arange(1, 40) taus = [] for i, arr in enumerate(tqdm(spks[:])): coeff_res = mre.coefficients(arr, k_arr, dt=1 / 30 * 1000) plt.plot(coeff_res.coefficients) fit_result =, steps=np.arange(1, 40)) taus.append(fit_result.tau) cm ="inferno") sc = plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=taus, vmin=0, vmax=300, s=35, cmap=cm, norm=colors.PowerNorm(0.7, 10, 300)) plt.xlabel("x position") plt.ylabel("y position") cbar = plt.colorbar(sc) cbar.set_label("Timescale [ms]") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../reports/estimating_timescales/figures/map_taus.pdf")
def test_deconv(): directory = "../data/Spontaneous/suite2p/plane0/" # load traces and subtract neuropil iscell = np.load(directory + "iscell.npy") F = np.load(directory + "F.npy") Fneu = np.load(directory + "Fneu.npy") Fc = F - 1 * Fneu N = 3 mask_iscell = iscell[:, 1] > 0.5 Fc = Fc[mask_iscell, :] Fc = Fc[:] #Fc_conv = np.empty((Fc.shape[0], Fc.shape[1]-N+1)) #for i in range(len(Fc)): # Fc_conv[i] = np.convolve(Fc[i], np.ones((N,))/N, mode='valid') Fc_conv = Fc spks = deconvolve(Fc_conv, fs=30, tau=1.3) t = np.linspace(0, Fc_conv.shape[1] / 30, Fc_conv.shape[1]) print(iscell[0]) plt.plot(t, spks[0] * 10) plt.plot(t, Fc_conv[0], alpha=0.8) k_arr = np.arange(1, 40) coefficients = np.zeros_like(k_arr, dtype=float) for i, arr in enumerate(tqdm(spks[:])): coeff_res = mre.coefficients(arr, k_arr) coefficients += coeff_res.coefficients f = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) t = np.arange(0, len(coefficients)) / 30 plt.plot(t, coefficients / len(spks)) #plt.gca().set_yscale('log') #plt.gca().set_xscale('log') plt.xlabel("time interval $\Delta T$ [s]") plt.ylabel("autocorrelation") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( "../reports/estimating_timescales/figures/packer_example_lin_pil1.pdf")
def correlation_different_resolutions5(): cells = { 1: [8, 2, 14, 0], 2: [15, 11, 87, 1], 3: [19, 240, 196, 4], 4: [16, 51, 124, 2], 5: [24, 255, 305, 3], 6: [46, None, None, 9], 7: [26, 438, None, 17], 8: [28, 250, 793, 6] } labels = [ '60 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min', '30 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)', '20 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)', '15 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)', '10 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)', '7.5 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)', '5 Hz 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min (downsampled)' ] tau = 1.5 fs_list = [60, 30, 20, 15, 10, 7.5, 5] k_arr_list = [] Fc_list = [] directory = '/data.nst/share/data/packer_calcium_mice/2019-11-08_RL065/' subpath_F = 'suite2p/plane0/F.npy' subpath_Fneu = 'suite2p/plane0/Fneu.npy' paths = ['2019-11-08_RL065_t-002'] for path in paths: F = np.load(os.path.join(directory, path, subpath_F)) Fneu = np.load(os.path.join(directory, path, subpath_Fneu)) Fc_list.append(F - 0.7 * Fneu) del F, Fneu spks_2dlist = [] for cell in cells.keys(): spks_2dlist.append([]) for Fc, cell_num, fs in zip(Fc_list, cells[cell][1:], fs_list): if cell_num is not None: spks_2dlist[-1].append( deconvolve(Fc[cell_num][None, :], fs, tau=tau)[0]) else: spks_2dlist[-1].append(None) subsampling_list = [30, 20, 15, 10, 7.5, 5] for i, subs in enumerate(subsampling_list): for i_cell, cell in enumerate(cells.keys()): if cells[cell][1] is not None: cell_num = cells[cell][1] Fc = Fc_list[0][cell_num][None, ::round(60 // subs)] spks1 = deconvolve(Fc, subs, tau=tau)[0] spks_2dlist[i_cell].append(spks1) else: spks_2dlist[i_cell].append(None) mpl.rcParams["axes.spines.right"] = False mpl.rcParams[""] = False f, axes_list = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(16, 20)) axes_list = [ax for axes in axes_list for ax in axes] colors = [ 'tab:blue', 'tab:pink', 'tab:red', 'tab:cyan', 'tab:olive', 'tab:green', 'tab:purple', 'tab:gray' ] tau_res_list2d = [] def mult_coeff_res(coeff_res, mult): return coeff_res._replace( coefficients=coeff_res.coefficients * mult, stderrs=coeff_res.stderrs * mult if coeff_res.stderrs is not None else None) to_plot = [0, 1, 3, 4] for cell in range(len(cells)): taus = [] plot = mre.OutputHandler([], ax=axes_list[cell]) tau_res_list2d.append([]) for i in range(len(labels)): k_arr = np.arange(1, fs_list[i] * 1) if spks_2dlist[cell][i] is not None: act = spks_2dlist[cell][i] print(act.shape) len_trial = round(40 * fs_list[i]) act = act[:-(len(act) % len_trial)].reshape((-1, len_trial)) coeff_res = mre.coefficients(act, k_arr, dt=1 / fs_list[i] * 1000, numboot=500, method='ts') #norm = 1/coeff_res.coefficients[0] #coeff_res = mult_coeff_res(coeff_res, norm) #for j, bootstrapcrs in enumerate(coeff_res.bootstrapcrs): # coeff_res.bootstrapcrs[j] = mult_coeff_res(bootstrapcrs, norm) #axes_list[cell].plot(k_arr/fs_list[i]*1000 ,coeff_res.coefficients, color=colors[i], # label = labels[i] if cell==0 else None) if i in to_plot: plot.add_coefficients( coeff_res, color=colors[i], label=labels[i] if cell == 0 else None) tau_res_list2d[-1].append(, fitfunc='exponentialoffset', numboot=500)) else: tau_res_list2d[-1].append(None) #axes_list[cell].set_ylim(-0.3,1.2) axes_list[cell].set_title('cell {}'.format(cell)) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( '../reports/different_zoom_levels/autocorrelation_plots_tempSubs2.pdf') #axes_list[0].set_ylabel('Autocorrelation') x_ticks = np.arange(len(cells)) offsets = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.25, len(labels)) f, axes_list = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) for i_ana, offset in enumerate(offsets): res_list = [ tau_res_list2d[i_cell][i_ana] for i_cell in range(len(cells)) ] taus = np.array( [res.tau if res is not None else None for res in res_list], dtype=np.float) yerr_lower = taus - np.array([ res.tauquantiles[0] if res is not None else None for res in res_list ], dtype=np.float) yerr_upper = np.array([ res.tauquantiles[-1] if res is not None else None for res in res_list ], dtype=np.float) - taus plt.errorbar(x_ticks + offset, y=taus, yerr=[yerr_lower, yerr_upper], color=colors[i_ana], label=labels[i_ana], marker="x", elinewidth=1.5, capsize=2, markersize=6, markeredgewidth=1, linestyle="") plt.ylim(0, 400) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Cell number") plt.ylabel('Timescale (ms)') #fit_result =, steps=k_arr) #taus.append(fit_result.tau) plt.savefig('../reports/different_zoom_levels/timescales_tempSubs2.pdf')
def correlation_spatial_subsampling(): #cells = {1: [8,0,1,1,8,8], # 2: [15,4,3,3,15,15], # 3: [19,23,19,18,19,19], # 4: [16,40,88,75,16,16], # 5: [24,25,43,46,24,24], # 6: [46,58,48,109,46,46], # 7: [26,41,37,41,26,26], # 8: [28,45,31,37,28,28]} cells = { 1: [8, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2], 2: [15, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], 3: [19, 23, 19, 18, 18, 19, 240], 4: [16, 40, 88, 75, 85, 22, 51], 5: [24, 25, 43, 46, 38, 39, 255], 6: [46, 58, 48, 109, 44, 42, None], 7: [26, 41, 37, 41, 39, 40, 438], 8: [28, 45, 31, 37, 29, 25, 250] } labels = [ '60 Hz, 0.54x0.54$\mu$m, 30 min', '60 Hz, 0.54x1.08$\mu$m, 30 min (subs.)', '60 Hz, 1.08x1.08$\mu$m, 30 min (subs.)', '60 Hz, 1.62x1.62$\mu$m, 30 min (subs.)', '60 Hz, 2.16x2.16$\mu$m, 30 min (subs.)', '60 Hz, 2.7x2.7$\mu$m, 30 min (subs.)', '60 Hz, 1.37$\mu$m, 15 min' ] tau = 1.5 fs_list = [60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60] k_arr_list = [] Fc_list = [] directory = '/data.nst/jdehning/packer_data/calcium_subsampled/' subpath_F = 'suite2p/plane0/F.npy' subpath_Fneu = 'suite2p/plane0/Fneu.npy' paths = [ '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_1x1', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_1x2', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_2x2', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_3x3', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_4x4', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-001_5x5', '2019-11-08_RL065_t-002' ] for path in paths: F = np.load(os.path.join(directory, path, subpath_F)) Fneu = np.load(os.path.join(directory, path, subpath_Fneu)) Fc_list.append(F - 0.7 * Fneu) del F, Fneu spks_2dlist = [] for cell in cells.keys(): spks_2dlist.append([]) for Fc, cell_num, fs, i_rec in zip(Fc_list, cells[cell], fs_list, range(1000)): if cell_num is not None: if i_rec == 4: beg, end = (0, Fc.shape[1] // 2) elif i_rec == 5: beg, end = (Fc.shape[1] // 2, -1) else: beg, end = (0, -1) spks_2dlist[-1].append( deconvolve(Fc[cell_num][None, beg:end], fs, tau=tau)[0]) else: spks_2dlist[-1].append(None) mpl.rcParams["axes.spines.right"] = False mpl.rcParams[""] = False f, axes_list = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(16, 20)) axes_list = [ax for axes in axes_list for ax in axes] colors = [ 'tab:blue', 'tab:pink', 'tab:red', 'tab:cyan', 'tab:olive', 'tab:green', 'k' ] tau_res_list2d = [] def mult_coeff_res(coeff_res, mult): return coeff_res._replace( coefficients=coeff_res.coefficients * mult, stderrs=coeff_res.stderrs * mult if coeff_res.stderrs is not None else None) to_plot = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for cell in range(len(cells)): taus = [] plot = mre.OutputHandler([], ax=axes_list[cell]) tau_res_list2d.append([]) for i in range(len(labels)): k_arr = np.arange(1, fs_list[i] * 1) if spks_2dlist[cell][i] is not None: act = spks_2dlist[cell][i] print(act.shape) len_trial = round(40 * fs_list[i]) act = act[:-(len(act) % len_trial)].reshape((-1, len_trial)) coeff_res = mre.coefficients(act, k_arr, dt=1 / fs_list[i] * 1000, numboot=500, method='ts') #norm = 1/coeff_res.coefficients[0] #coeff_res = mult_coeff_res(coeff_res, norm) #for j, bootstrapcrs in enumerate(coeff_res.bootstrapcrs): # coeff_res.bootstrapcrs[j] = mult_coeff_res(bootstrapcrs, norm) #axes_list[cell].plot(k_arr/fs_list[i]*1000 ,coeff_res.coefficients, color=colors[i], # label = labels[i] if cell==0 else None) if i in to_plot: plot.add_coefficients( coeff_res, color=colors[i], label=labels[i] if cell == 0 else None) tau_res_list2d[-1].append(, fitfunc='exponentialoffset', numboot=500)) else: tau_res_list2d[-1].append(None) #axes_list[cell].set_ylim(-0.3,1.2) axes_list[cell].set_title('cell {}'.format(cell)) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( '../reports/spatial_subsampling/autocorrelation_plots_spatialSubs3.pdf' ) #axes_list[0].set_ylabel('Autocorrelation') x_ticks = np.arange(len(cells)) offsets = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.25, len(labels)) f, axes_list = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) for i_ana, offset in enumerate(offsets): res_list = [ tau_res_list2d[i_cell][i_ana] for i_cell in range(len(cells)) ] taus = np.array( [res.tau if res is not None else None for res in res_list], dtype=np.float) yerr_lower = taus - np.array([ res.tauquantiles[0] if res is not None else None for res in res_list ], dtype=np.float) yerr_upper = np.array([ res.tauquantiles[-1] if res is not None else None for res in res_list ], dtype=np.float) - taus plt.errorbar(x_ticks + offset, y=taus, yerr=[yerr_lower, yerr_upper], color=colors[i_ana], label=labels[i_ana], marker="x", elinewidth=1.5, capsize=2, markersize=6, markeredgewidth=1, linestyle="") plt.ylim(0, 400) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Cell number") plt.ylabel('Timescale (ms)') #fit_result =, steps=k_arr) #taus.append(fit_result.tau) plt.savefig('../reports/spatial_subsampling/timescales_spatialSubs3.pdf')