def load_config(self):
     Load configuration file to instance variables
     @return void
         self.host_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get("files", "host_file")
         self.instance_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get("files", "instance_file")
         self.target_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get("files", "target_file")
     except KeyError:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, "Required file(s) key could be found on configuration file.")
     except BaseException as exception:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, str(exception))
 def check_file(cls, content_to_check):
     This method check file content is regular or malformed.
     @param file_to_check
     @return Boolean True or False
     # Pattern to check file content for provided files
     pattern = re.compile("^(?:[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\\r\\n)*[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+$")
         if pattern.match(content_to_check):
             return True
             return False
     except RuntimeError:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, traceback.format_exc())
         return False
Example #3
 def check_file(cls, content_to_check):
     This method check file content is regular or malformed.
     @param file_to_check
     @return Boolean True or False
     # Pattern to check file content for provided files
     pattern = re.compile(
         if pattern.match(content_to_check):
             return True
             return False
     except RuntimeError:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, traceback.format_exc())
         return False
Example #4
    def run(self):
        Statistics instance runner

        It is not a thread but i like it to pretend as a thread
        @return void
        # First fill hosts
            return True
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, err)
        except BaseException:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc())
            return False
Example #5
 def load_config(self):
     Load configuration file to instance variables
     @return void
         self.host_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get(
             "files", "host_file")
         self.instance_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get(
             "files", "instance_file")
         self.target_file = PARENT_DIR + Utilities.config_get(
             "files", "target_file")
     except KeyError:
             "Required file(s) key could be found on configuration file.")
     except BaseException as exception:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, str(exception))
    def run(self):
        Statistics instance runner

        It is not a thread but i like it to pretend as a thread
        @return void
        # First fill hosts
            return True
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, err)
        except BaseException:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc())
            return False
Example #7
    def fill_data_centers(self, hosts_file):
        Retrieve data from configured hosts file and create a data structure to grab data centers
        @return void
        @param hosts_file source file to provide host list
        data_centers = {}
            # First retrieve host list from the source file
            with open(hosts_file, "r") as h_file:
                # Gather content of file and split lines
                content =

                # Check file content
                if self.check_file(content):
                    content = content.splitlines()
                    for line in content:
                        new_line = line.split(",")
                        if new_line[2] in data_centers:
                            data_centers[new_line[2]][new_line[0]] = {
                                "number_of_slots": new_line[1],
                                "instances": []
                            data_centers[new_line[2]] = {
                                new_line[0]: {
                                    "number_of_slots": new_line[1],
                                    "instances": []
                        # Fill the object with instances
                    return data_centers
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        "Content loaded from host file is malformed.")

        except EOFError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IOError:
                "There is no required file to retrieve hosts in given path.")
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IndexError:
                          "Content of file is malformed")
    def write_instances(self, target=None, key=None):
        This method write instances retrieved from class instances file and push those instances into given target
        @param target a data structure preferably dictionary
        @return void
            # Fill the object with instances
            with open(self.instance_file, "r") as h_file:
                # Gather content of file and split lines
                content =

                # Check file content
                if self.check_file(content):
                    content = content.splitlines()
                    for line in content:
                        new_line = line.split(",")
                        # Set instances into the host which, they belong to
                        if new_line[2] == key:
                                "instance_id": new_line[0],
                                "customer_id": new_line[1]
                            # It is a class instance's object but it mostly will be required in some other cases
                            # that is why it is better to also return the class object
                    raise SyntaxError("Content loaded from instance file is malformed.")
        except EOFError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IOError:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, "There is no required file to retrieve instances in given path.")
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
    def fill_data_centers(self, hosts_file):
        Retrieve data from configured hosts file and create a data structure to grab data centers
        @return void
        @param hosts_file source file to provide host list
        data_centers = {}
            # First retrieve host list from the source file
            with open(hosts_file, "r") as h_file:
                # Gather content of file and split lines
                content =

                # Check file content
                if self.check_file(content):
                    content = content.splitlines()
                    for line in content:
                        new_line = line.split(",")
                        if new_line[2] in data_centers:
                            data_centers[new_line[2]][new_line[0]] = {
                                "number_of_slots": new_line[1],
                                "instances": []
                            data_centers[new_line[2]] = {
                                new_line[0]: {
                                    "number_of_slots": new_line[1],
                                    "instances": []
                        # Fill the object with instances
                    return data_centers
                    raise SyntaxError("Content loaded from host file is malformed.")

        except EOFError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IOError:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, "There is no required file to retrieve hosts in given path.")
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IndexError:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.CRITICAL, "Content of file is malformed")
 def write_target(self, content=None):
     Write calculated content into target file
     @param content which, will be calculated and written in the target file
     @return void
         if content:
             with open(self.target_file, "w+") as target:
                 for line in content:
                     target.write("%s\n" % line)
             return True
             print "Error occurred while running the process. Please see log files."
     except IOError:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, "Destination file can not be opened to write.")
     except EOFError as err:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
     except TypeError as err:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
Example #11
 def write_target(self, content=None):
     Write calculated content into target file
     @param content which, will be calculated and written in the target file
     @return void
         if content:
             with open(self.target_file, "w+") as target:
                 for line in content:
                     target.write("%s\n" % line)
             return True
             print "Error occurred while running the process. Please see log files."
     except IOError:
                       "Destination file can not be opened to write.")
     except EOFError as err:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
     except TypeError as err:
         Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
Example #12
    def write_instances(self, target=None, key=None):
        This method write instances retrieved from class instances file and push those instances into given target
        @param target a data structure preferably dictionary
        @return void
            # Fill the object with instances
            with open(self.instance_file, "r") as h_file:
                # Gather content of file and split lines
                content =

                # Check file content
                if self.check_file(content):
                    content = content.splitlines()
                    for line in content:
                        new_line = line.split(",")
                        # Set instances into the host which, they belong to
                        if new_line[2] == key:
                            # It is a class instance's object but it mostly will be required in some other cases
                            # that is why it is better to also return the class object
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        "Content loaded from instance file is malformed.")
        except EOFError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
        except IOError:
                "There is no required file to retrieve instances in given path."
        except SyntaxError as err:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, err)
Example #13
    def calculate_content(self, data_centers=None):
        Calculate the content by given parameters regarding algorithm
        @param data_centers
        @rtype : a list including formatted data
        @return Object which includes:
         customer with the largest fraction of their total fleet of instances on a single host and output
         the value of that fraction;
         customer with the largest fraction of their total fleet of instances in a single data centre and output
         the value of that fraction;
         a list of all the hosts which have at least one empty slot.
            # Host clustering pattern
            host_clustering = "HostClustering: %(customer_id)s, %(fraction).2f"
            max_host = {"fraction": 0, "customer_id": None}

            # Data center clustering pattern
            data_centre_clustering = "DatacentreClustering: %(customer_id)s, %(fraction).2f"
            max_center = {"fraction": 0, "customer_id": None}

            # Available hosts list pattern & host
            available_hosts = "AvailableHosts: "
            available_hosts_list = []

            # Calculate fraction for customer and hosts and find available hosts
            for center in data_centers:
                # Fraction of a host it starts with 1 because it has no effect when getting fraction
                # but it has to start with 1 by counting customers who have instance(s) on host/ data center
                fraction_of_host = 1

                # It is used to get total number of slots in a data center even though we know number of slots
                # in a single host but not data center
                max_number_of_slots = 0

                # Dictionary to keep number of instances which, belong to a single customer
                # This structure keeps values as a key=>value pair etc: {'9': 2, '13': 3, '16': 1}
                number_of_instance = {}

                # Loop in hosts including by data center
                for host in data_centers[center]:
                    tmp_val = 0
                    # Find available hosts
                    if int(data_centers[center][host]
                           ["number_of_slots"]) - len(
                               data_centers[center][host]["instances"]) > 0:
                        # Append the hosts that has an empty slot on it
                    # Find largest fraction of total fleet of instances on a single host
                    for instance in data_centers[center][host]["instances"]:
                        # If current customer id is same with previous one increase fraction count
                        if instance["customer_id"] == tmp_val:
                            fraction_of_host += 1
                            # Calculate fraction if one customer has more than one instance on a single host then
                            fraction = float(fraction_of_host / int(

                            # Check if recorded fraction is smaller than new one and then
                            if max_host["fraction"] < fraction:
                                # Set new one as recorded maximum fraction
                                max_host["fraction"] = fraction
                                # And get customer id who, has largest fraction
                                max_host["customer_id"] = instance[

                        # Set recent customer id to tmp to check following one with this
                        tmp_val = instance["customer_id"]

                        # Get total number of instances from a data center
                        if instance["customer_id"] in number_of_instance:
                            number_of_instance[instance["customer_id"]] += 1
                            number_of_instance[instance["customer_id"]] = 1
                    # Find largest fraction of total flees ot instances on a single data center
                    max_number_of_slots += int(

                # Calculate largest fraction by given values on a single data center
                fraction = float(
                        key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] / max_number_of_slots)
                # Check which one is larger and find max one
                if max_center["fraction"] < fraction:
                    max_center["fraction"] = fraction
                    # Find maximum value of iteration items in total number of instances
                    max_center["customer_id"] = max(

            # Make a response body to use it anywhere
            response = []

            # Join available host into a single string
            available_hosts += ",".join(available_hosts_list)

            # Format patterns by calculated values
            response.append(host_clustering % max_host)
            response.append(data_centre_clustering % max_center)

            # return response as a list
            return response
        except BaseException:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, traceback.format_exc())
    def calculate_content(self, data_centers=None):
        Calculate the content by given parameters regarding algorithm
        @param data_centers
        @rtype : a list including formatted data
        @return Object which includes:
         customer with the largest fraction of their total fleet of instances on a single host and output
         the value of that fraction;
         customer with the largest fraction of their total fleet of instances in a single data centre and output
         the value of that fraction;
         a list of all the hosts which have at least one empty slot.
            # Host clustering pattern
            host_clustering = "HostClustering: %(customer_id)s, %(fraction).2f"
            max_host = {"fraction": 0, "customer_id": None}

            # Data center clustering pattern
            data_centre_clustering = "DatacentreClustering: %(customer_id)s, %(fraction).2f"
            max_center = {"fraction": 0, "customer_id": None}

            # Available hosts list pattern & host
            available_hosts = "AvailableHosts: "
            available_hosts_list = []

            # Calculate fraction for customer and hosts and find available hosts
            for center in data_centers:
                # Fraction of a host it starts with 1 because it has no effect when getting fraction
                # but it has to start with 1 by counting customers who have instance(s) on host/ data center
                fraction_of_host = 1

                # It is used to get total number of slots in a data center even though we know number of slots
                # in a single host but not data center
                max_number_of_slots = 0

                # Dictionary to keep number of instances which, belong to a single customer
                # This structure keeps values as a key=>value pair etc: {'9': 2, '13': 3, '16': 1}
                number_of_instance = {}

                # Loop in hosts including by data center
                for host in data_centers[center]:
                    tmp_val = 0
                    # Find available hosts
                    if int(data_centers[center][host]["number_of_slots"]) - len(
                            data_centers[center][host]["instances"]) > 0:
                        # Append the hosts that has an empty slot on it
                    # Find largest fraction of total fleet of instances on a single host
                    for instance in data_centers[center][host]["instances"]:
                        # If current customer id is same with previous one increase fraction count
                        if instance["customer_id"] == tmp_val:
                            fraction_of_host += 1
                            # Calculate fraction if one customer has more than one instance on a single host then
                            fraction = float(fraction_of_host / int(data_centers[center][host]["number_of_slots"]))

                            # Check if recorded fraction is smaller than new one and then
                            if max_host["fraction"] < fraction:
                                # Set new one as recorded maximum fraction
                                max_host["fraction"] = fraction
                                # And get customer id who, has largest fraction
                                max_host["customer_id"] = instance["customer_id"]

                        # Set recent customer id to tmp to check following one with this
                        tmp_val = instance["customer_id"]

                        # Get total number of instances from a data center
                        if instance["customer_id"] in number_of_instance:
                            number_of_instance[instance["customer_id"]] += 1
                            number_of_instance[instance["customer_id"]] = 1
                    # Find largest fraction of total flees ot instances on a single data center
                    max_number_of_slots += int(data_centers[center][host]["number_of_slots"])

                # Calculate largest fraction by given values on a single data center
                fraction = float(max(number_of_instance.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] / max_number_of_slots)
                # Check which one is larger and find max one
                if max_center["fraction"] < fraction:
                    max_center["fraction"] = fraction
                    # Find maximum value of iteration items in total number of instances
                    max_center["customer_id"] = max(number_of_instance.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

            # Make a response body to use it anywhere
            response = []

            # Join available host into a single string
            available_hosts += ",".join(available_hosts_list)

            # Format patterns by calculated values
            response.append(host_clustering % max_host)
            response.append(data_centre_clustering % max_center)

            # return response as a list
            return response
        except BaseException:
            Utilities.log(Utilities.logging.ERROR, traceback.format_exc())