def gendnaword1to6(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C6 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 6 as keys

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C6 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 25 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C4(7), C5(8), C6(10), call the function
        gendnaword1to6(25, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 4 : 7, 5 : 8, 6 : 10})

    if n <= 0:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])

    # In M, change '0' to 'A' and '1' to 'T'
    helper.change_char_in_mat(M, range(len(M[0])), {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3], maptypetoparam[5],
    leadingstr = 'C' * k

    # Append k = max(k2, k3, k5, k6) to the start of each row in M
    strlist = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        strlist.append(leadingstr + ''.join(M[row]))

    return strlist
def gendnaword1to6(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C6 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 6 as keys

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C6 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 25 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C4(7), C5(8), C6(10), call the function
        gendnaword1to6(25, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 4 : 7, 5 : 8, 6 : 10})

    if n <= 0:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])

    # In M, change '0' to 'A' and '1' to 'T'
    helper.change_char_in_mat(M, range(len(M[0])), {'0': 'A', '1' : 'T'})
    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3], maptypetoparam[5], maptypetoparam[6])
    leadingstr = 'C' * k

    # Append k = max(k2, k3, k5, k6) to the start of each row in M
    strlist = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        strlist.append(leadingstr + ''.join(M[row]))
    return strlist
def gendnaword12378(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1, C2, C3, C7 and C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1, C2, C3, C7 and C8 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 50 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C7(0.7), C8(3), call the function
        gendnaword12378(50, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 7 : 0.7, 8 : 3})

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], 1)
    l0 = len(M[0])
    if l0 & 1:
        # If l0 is odd, append '0' at the end of every word in M so that
        # the new length is even
        for row in xrange(n):

    strlist = []
    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3])
    for row in xrange(n):
        newlist = ['1'] * k
        newlist.extend(['1'] * k)

    # Break run
    for strid in xrange(n):
        strlist[strid] = algo_subroutine.breakrun(strlist[strid], maptypetoparam[8])

    newlen = len(strlist[0])
    chosencolumn = []
    allcolumn = range(newlen)
    if int(maptypetoparam[7]) == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(newlen)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(newlen, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * newlen)))

    for strid in xrange(n):
        curlist = list(strlist[strid])
        helper.change_char_in_mat([curlist], chosencolumn, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat([curlist], allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1':'T'})
        strlist[strid] = ''.join(curlist)

    return strlist
def gendnaword1to7(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C7 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 7 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C7 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 25 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C4(7), C5(8), C6(10), C7(0.7), call the function
        gendnaword1to7(25, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 4 : 7, 5 : 8, 6 : 10, 7 : 0.7})

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])

    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3], maptypetoparam[5],
    l = len(M[0]) + k + k

    chosencolumn = []
    if int(maptypetoparam[7]) == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(l)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(
            l, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * l)))
    allcolumn = range(l)

    strlist = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        # Append k instances of '1' at the beginning and the end of each row in M
        newlist = ['1'] * k
        newlist.extend(['1'] * k)

        helper.change_char_in_mat([newlist], chosencolumn, {
            '0': 'C',
            '1': 'G'
        helper.change_char_in_mat([newlist], allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return strlist
def gendnaword1to7(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C7 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 7 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C7 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 25 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C4(7), C5(8), C6(10), C7(0.7), call the function
        gendnaword1to7(25, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 4 : 7, 5 : 8, 6 : 10, 7 : 0.7})

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])
    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3], maptypetoparam[5], maptypetoparam[6])
    l = len(M[0]) + k + k

    chosencolumn = []
    if int(maptypetoparam[7]) == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(l)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(l, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * l)))
    allcolumn = range(l)

    strlist = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        # Append k instances of '1' at the beginning and the end of each row in M
        newlist = ['1'] * k
        newlist.extend(['1'] * k)

        helper.change_char_in_mat([newlist], chosencolumn, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat([newlist], allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return strlist
def gendnaword14(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C4 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1 and 4 as keys

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C4 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 15 DNA words satisfying C1(8) and C4(9), call the function
            gendnaword14(15, {1 : 8, 4 : 9 })

    if n <= 0:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])

    helper.change_char_in_mat(M, range(len(M[0])), {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(M, n)
def gendnaword14(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 and C4 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1 and 4 as keys

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 and C4 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 15 DNA words satisfying C1(8) and C4(9), call the function
            gendnaword14(15, {1 : 8, 4 : 9 })

    if n <= 0:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4])
    helper.change_char_in_mat(M, range(len(M[0])), {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(M, n)
def gendnaword1to8algo1(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints

     + A RuntimeError will be raised if the following condition is NOT satified: 
                1 / (d + 1) <= gamma <= d / (d + 1)
     where gamma = maptypetoparam[7] and d = maptypetoparam[8]

    gamma = maptypetoparam[7]
    if n <= 0 or gamma > 1:
        return []

    d = maptypetoparam[8]
    if (1.0 / (d + 1) > gamma) or (gamma > d * 1.0 / (d + 1)):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "gendnaword1to8algo1 works only if 1 / (d + 1) <= gamma <= d / (d + 1)"

    # Generate the set of strings satisfies C1 constraint
    M = genbinword14(n, max(maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4]), 1)

    k = max([maptypetoparam[i] for i in xrange(2, 6 + 1)])

    newM = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        newrow = []
        newrow.extend(['1'] * k)
        newrow.extend(['1'] * k)

    # Find oddlist and evenlist as mentioned in Step 3 (see comments above)
    newlen = len(newM[0])
    newgamma = gamma
    if newgamma < 0.5:
        newgamma = 1 - newgamma
    numchoose = int(newgamma * newlen)
    numnotchoose = newlen - numchoose
    minoddsize = int(numchoose * 1.0 / numnotchoose)
    numleft = numchoose % numnotchoose
    oddlist = []
    evenlist = []
    ind = 0
    oddsize = 0
    while ind < newlen:
        ind += 1
        oddsize += 1
        if ind < newlen and oddsize == minoddsize:
            if numleft != 0:
                numleft -= 1
                ind += 1
            if ind < newlen:
                ind += 1
                oddsize = 0

    # Convert binary words into DNA words
    if gamma < 0.5:
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, oddlist, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, evenlist, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, oddlist, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, evenlist, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(newM, n)
def gendnaword1to8algo2(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints

     + A RuntimeError will be raised if maptypetoparam[8] < 2

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    if maptypetoparam[8] < 2:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "gendnaword1to8algo2 only works with maxlenrun >= 2")

    # Generate the set of strings satisfies C1 constraint
    M = genbinword14(n, max(maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4]), 1)

    k = max([maptypetoparam[i] for i in xrange(2, 6 + 1)])

    newM = []
    l0 = len(M[0])

    # Prepare the 'string' (list of characters) used later
    baselist = ['1'] * (maptypetoparam[8] - 1)
    numtime = int(math.ceil(k * 1.0 / maptypetoparam[8]))
    supplist = baselist * numtime

    for row in xrange(n):
        newrow = []
        sublen = 0
        for ind in xrange(l0):
            sublen += 1
            if (sublen == maptypetoparam[8] - 1) or (ind == l0 - 1):
                sublen = 0

    newlen = len(newM[0])
    allcolumn = range(newlen)
    if maptypetoparam[7] == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(newlen)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(
            newlen, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * newlen)))

    helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, chosencolumn, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
    helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(newM, n)
def gendnaword12378(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1, C2, C3, C7 and C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1, C2, C3, C7 and C8 constraints

    Example: to generate a set of 50 DNA words satisfying C1(8), C2(4), C3(5), C7(0.7), C8(3), call the function
        gendnaword12378(50, {1 : 8, 2 : 4, 3 : 5, 7 : 0.7, 8 : 3})

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    M = genbinword14(n, maptypetoparam[1], 1)
    l0 = len(M[0])
    if l0 & 1:
        # If l0 is odd, append '0' at the end of every word in M so that
        # the new length is even
        for row in xrange(n):

    strlist = []
    k = max(maptypetoparam[2], maptypetoparam[3])
    for row in xrange(n):
        newlist = ['1'] * k
        newlist.extend(['1'] * k)

    # Break run
    for strid in xrange(n):
        strlist[strid] = algo_subroutine.breakrun(strlist[strid],

    newlen = len(strlist[0])
    chosencolumn = []
    allcolumn = range(newlen)
    if int(maptypetoparam[7]) == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(newlen)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(
            newlen, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * newlen)))

    for strid in xrange(n):
        curlist = list(strlist[strid])
        helper.change_char_in_mat([curlist], chosencolumn, {
            '0': 'C',
            '1': 'G'
        helper.change_char_in_mat([curlist], allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

        strlist[strid] = ''.join(curlist)

    return strlist
def gendnaword1to8algo1(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints

     + A RuntimeError will be raised if the following condition is NOT satified: 
                1 / (d + 1) <= gamma <= d / (d + 1)
     where gamma = maptypetoparam[7] and d = maptypetoparam[8]

    gamma = maptypetoparam[7]
    if n <= 0 or gamma > 1:
        return []

    d = maptypetoparam[8]
    if (1.0 / (d + 1) > gamma) or (gamma > d * 1.0 / (d + 1)):
        raise RuntimeError("gendnaword1to8algo1 works only if 1 / (d + 1) <= gamma <= d / (d + 1)")

    # Generate the set of strings satisfies C1 constraint
    M = genbinword14(n, max(maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4]), 1)

    k = max([maptypetoparam[i] for i in xrange(2, 6 + 1)])

    newM = []
    for row in xrange(n):
        newrow = []
        newrow.extend(['1'] * k)
        newrow.extend(['1'] * k)

    # Find oddlist and evenlist as mentioned in Step 3 (see comments above)
    newlen = len(newM[0])
    newgamma = gamma
    if newgamma < 0.5:
        newgamma = 1 - newgamma
    numchoose = int(newgamma * newlen)
    numnotchoose = newlen - numchoose
    minoddsize = int(numchoose * 1.0 / numnotchoose)
    numleft = numchoose % numnotchoose
    oddlist = []
    evenlist = []
    ind = 0
    oddsize = 0
    while ind < newlen:
        ind += 1
        oddsize += 1
        if ind < newlen and oddsize == minoddsize:
            if numleft != 0:
                numleft -= 1
                ind += 1
            if ind < newlen:
                ind += 1
                oddsize = 0

    # Convert binary words into DNA words
    if gamma < 0.5:
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, oddlist, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, evenlist, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, oddlist, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
        helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, evenlist, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(newM, n)
def gendnaword1to8algo2(n, maptypetoparam):
    Generate and return a set of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints.

     + n: the number of strings to generate
     + maptypetoparam: a dictionary that maps an integer (representing the constraint type) to the parameter corresponding to that constraint type. It must have 1, 2, ..., 8 as keys.

     + strlist: a Python list of DNA words satisfying C1 through C8 constraints

     + A RuntimeError will be raised if maptypetoparam[8] < 2

    if n <= 0:
        return []
    if maptypetoparam[7] > 1:
        return []

    if maptypetoparam[8] < 2:
        raise RuntimeError("gendnaword1to8algo2 only works with maxlenrun >= 2")

    # Generate the set of strings satisfies C1 constraint
    M = genbinword14(n, max(maptypetoparam[1], maptypetoparam[4]), 1)

    k = max([maptypetoparam[i] for i in xrange(2, 6 + 1)])

    newM = []
    l0 = len(M[0])

    # Prepare the 'string' (list of characters) used later
    baselist = ['1'] * (maptypetoparam[8] - 1)
    numtime = int(math.ceil(k * 1.0 / maptypetoparam[8]))
    supplist = baselist * numtime

    for row in xrange(n):
        newrow = []
        sublen = 0
        for ind in xrange(l0):
            sublen += 1
            if (sublen == maptypetoparam[8] - 1) or (ind == l0 - 1):
                sublen = 0

    newlen = len(newM[0])
    allcolumn = range(newlen)
    if maptypetoparam[7] == 1:
        chosencolumn = range(newlen)
        chosencolumn = helper.choose_random_pos_list(newlen, int(math.ceil(maptypetoparam[7] * newlen)))

    helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, chosencolumn, {'0': 'C', '1': 'G'})
    helper.change_char_in_mat(newM, allcolumn, {'0': 'A', '1': 'T'})

    return helper.convert_mat_to_strlist(newM, n)