Example #1
def printHelp(moreInfo=[]):
	helper.genericHelp(globals(), moreInfo,
		"The test library offers structs helpful for unittests.", "test", {
			# Structs
			"echo": Echo,
Example #2
def printHelp(moreInfo=[]):
	helper.genericHelp(globals(), moreInfo,
		"The table library aids in dealing with table or database formats that "
		"use a table head for dynamic typing and such.", "table", {
			# Structs
			"table": Table,
Example #3
def printHelp(moreInfo=[]):
	helper.genericHelp(globals(), moreInfo,
		"The typeset library allows you to easily write text onto an image "
		"by means of either a self-defined bitmap font or a font file.", "typeset", [
			# Structs
			Font, Char, Charset,
			TypeSet, Text
Example #4
def printHelp(moreInfo=[]):
	helper.genericHelp(globals(), moreInfo,
		"min is the library for Pokémon mini ROMs.", "min", [
			# Structs
			Tile,    Tilemap,
			Tile3,   Tilemap3,
			Sprite,  Spritemap,
			Sprite3, Spritemap3,
			# Types