def test_numbering_latex(): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) dest = Para([ RawInline(u'tex', u'\\phantomsection\\addcontentsline{exercise}{exercise}{\\protect\\numberline {1}{\\ignorespaces Exercise}}'), Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], 'latex', {}) == dest init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise (The title) #')) dest = Para([ RawInline(u'tex', u'\\phantomsection\\addcontentsline{exercise}{exercise}{\\protect\\numberline {1}{\\ignorespaces The title}}'), Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [ Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1')), Space(), Emph(createListStr(u'(') + createListStr(u'The title') + createListStr(u')')) ] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], 'latex', {}) == dest
def test_numbering_hidden(): init() src = Header(1, [u'first-chapter', [], []], createListStr(u'First chapter')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise -.#exercise:one')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:one', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [ Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1')) ] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise -.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1.2', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 2'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Header(1, [u'second-chapter', [], []], createListStr(u'Second chapter')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise -.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:2.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:2.2', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 2.2'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Para([Str(u'Exercise'), Space(), Str(u'#')]) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest
def listing_latex(meta, color, tab, space): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], 'latex', meta) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise (test) #')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], 'latex', meta) doc = [[{'unMeta': meta}], []] pandoc_numbering.addListings(doc, 'latex', meta) dest = [ Header(1, ['', ['unnumbered'], []], createListStr(u'Listings of exercises')), RawBlock( 'tex', ''.join([ '\\hypersetup{linkcolor=' + color + '}', '\\makeatletter', '\\newcommand*\\l@exercise{\\@dottedtocline{1}{' + tab + 'em}{' + space + 'em}}', '\\@starttoc{exercise}', '\\makeatother' ]) ) ] assert json.loads(json.dumps(doc[1])) == json.loads(json.dumps(dest))
def test_numbering_sharp_sharp(): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise ##')) dest = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) assert src == dest
def main(): helper.init('chrome_option_temp') # helper.logout() helper.auto_login() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(async_export()) helper.dispose()
def test(): try: # print(helper.check_download_limit(45671948, 623597263)) helper.init() # print(helper.get_user_info()) print( helper.auto_download( '')) finally: helper.dispose()
def test_numbering(): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest
def test_numbering_level(): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.+.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:0.0.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 0.0.1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Header(1, [u'first-chapter', [], []], createListStr(u'First chapter')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Header(2, [u'first-section', [], []], createListStr(u'First section')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.+.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1.1.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1.1.1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.+.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1.1.2', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1.1.2'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest src = Header(2, [u'second-section', [], []], createListStr(u'Second section')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.+.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1.2.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1.2.1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest
def test_classes(): init() meta = getMeta4() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'my-class'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta) == dest
def test_numbering_unnumbered(): init() src = Header(1, [u'unnumbered-chapter', [u'unnumbered'], []], createListStr(u'Unnumbered chapter')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise +.#')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:0.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 0.1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest
def test_numbering_title(): init() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise (The title) #')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [ Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1')), Space(), Emph(createListStr(u'(') + createListStr(u'The title') + createListStr(u')')) ] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', {}) == dest
def test_numbering_sectioning_map(): init() meta = getMeta2() sectioning(meta) src = Para([Str(u'Exercise'), Space(), Str(u'#')]) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:2.2.1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 2.1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta) == dest
def test_numbering_sectioning_map_error(): init() meta = getMeta3() sectioning(meta) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) dest = Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercise'], []], [Strong(createListStr(u'Exercise 1'))] ) ]) assert pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta) == dest
def test(): try: helper.init() print(helper.get_user_info()) print( helper.auto_download( '')) print( helper.auto_download( '')) print( helper.auto_download( '')) print( helper.auto_download( '')) finally: helper.dispose()
def test_format(): init() meta = getMeta5() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) dest = json.loads(json.dumps(Para([ Span( [u'exercise:1', ['pandoc-numbering-text', 'exercice'], []], [ Span(['', ['description'], []], createListStr(u'Exercise')), Span(['', ['number'], []], createListStr(u'1')), Span(['', ['title'], []], []) ] ) ]))) json.loads(json.dumps(pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta))) == dest
def start(self): self.harvesters, self.hunters, self.storages, = helper.init( ) while (True): for j in range(100): self.show_all_elements() for i in range(len(self.harvesters)): self.harvesters[i].update() self.harvesters[i].set_score() self.harvesters = helper.get_fitness(self.harvesters) self.harvesters = helper.generate_harvesters_population( self.harvesters)
def test_listing_classic(): init() meta = getMeta1() src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise #')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta) src = Para(createListStr(u'Exercise (test) #')) pandoc_numbering.numbering(src['t'], src['c'], '', meta) doc = [[{'unMeta': meta}], []] pandoc_numbering.addListings(doc, '', meta) dest = [ Header(1, ['', ['unnumbered'], []], createListStr(u'Listings of exercises')), BulletList([ [Plain([createLink(['', [], []], createListStr(u'0.0.1 Exercise'), ['#exercise:0.0.1', ''])])], [Plain([createLink(['', [], []], createListStr(u'0.0.2 test'), ['#exercise:0.0.2', ''])])] ]) ] assert json.loads(json.dumps(doc[1])) == json.loads(json.dumps(dest))
def bgoa(): agents = helper.init() fitness = inds = fitness.argsort() agents = agents[inds] target = agents[0] maxscore =[target])) dist = np.zeros((meta.ns,meta.ns)) for l in range(meta.L): print("Iteration : ",l+1) c = meta.cmax - l * (meta.cmax-meta.cmin)/meta.L dmin = sys.float_info.max dmax = 0 for i in range(meta.ns): for j in range(meta.ns): if j==i: continue dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = np.linalg.norm(agents[i]-agents[j]) dmax = max(dist[i][j],dmax) dmin = min(dist[i][j],dmin) dist = np.interp(dist,(dmin,dmax),(1,4)) dT = np.zeros((meta.ns,meta.dim)) for i in range(meta.ns): upd = np.zeros(meta.dim) for d in range(meta.dim): for j in range(meta.ns): if(i==j): continue upd[d] += social(math.fabs(agents[j][d] - agents[i][d])) * (agents[j][d] - agents[i][d]) / dist[i][j] upd = upd * (c*c*0.5) T = np.array([sigmoid(x) for x in upd]) dT[i] = T # print("Updating Vectors") for i in range(meta.ns): for j in range(meta.dim): r = np.random.rand(1) if(r>=dT[i][j]): agents[i][j] = 0 else: agents[i][j] = 1 fitness = inds = fitness.argsort() score =[agents[inds[0]]])) if(score > maxscore): target = agents[inds[0]] maxscore = score print(maxscore) return target
scanner = Scanner() devices = scanner.scan(2.0) # 2. Connect to them for dev in devices: print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) if dev.addr not in connected_ble_devices: if desc == "Complete Local Name" and "CIRCUITPY" in value: create_ble(dev.addr, dev.addrType) # if dev.addr == "e5:59:80:c5:bc:4d": # create_ble(dev.addr, dev.addrType) # 3. Init connection to room init(__file__, skipListening=True) # # Cleanup old claims and subscriptions batch([{"type": "death", "fact": [["id", get_my_id_str()]]}]) # 4. Listen for updates from room and BLE devices while True: listen(blocking=False) for addr, data in list(connected_ble_devices.items()): room_batch_queue, room_sub_update_queue, device = data if not device.is_alive(): print("Device died: {}".format(addr)) del connected_ble_devices[addr] else: try: batch_update_from_ble_device = room_batch_queue.get( block=False, timeout=None)
data = ring_buffer.get() if len(data) == 0: continue ans = detector.RunDetection(data) if ans == -1: print("Error initializing streams or reading audio data") elif ans > 0: message = "Keyword " + str(ans) + " detected at time: " message += time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print message delay_time = time.time() + 3 # give at-least a 3 second delay os.system('aplay -q {}'.format(DETECT_DING)) record() if __name__ == "__main__": # Run when program is called (won't run if you decide to import this program) while helper.internet_on() == False: print "." helper.init() path = os.path.realpath(__file__).rstrip(os.path.basename(__file__)) # before doing anything else, just caliberate the threshold setup_snowboy(sensitivity=0.5) setup_microphone() set_threshold() os.system('mpg123 -q {}hello.mp3'.format(path, path)) # Say hello! print('Listening... Press Ctrl+C to exit') start_detect(sleep_time=0.03) print "\nYou have exited JarvisBot. I hope that I was useful. To talk to me again just type: python"
claims = [] claims.append({ "type": "retract", "fact": [ ["id", get_my_id_str()], ["id", "1"], ["postfix", ""], ] }) for result in results: claims.append({ "type": "claim", "fact": [ ["id", get_my_id_str()], ["id", "1"], ["text", "draw"], ["text", "graphics"], ["text", str(result["graphics"])], ["text", "on"], ["text", "miniprojector"], ] }) proxy_client.send_multipart( ["....BATCH{}{}".format(get_my_id_str(), json.dumps(claims)).encode()], zmq.NOBLOCK) init(__file__)
async def handle_msg_group(context): global last_cmd global last_arg_str global last_arg_int message = context['message'] if config.need_at_me: if not is_at_me(message): return if is_at_me(message): message = rm_at_me(message) message = message.strip() cmd_args = message.split(' ') cmd = cmd_args[0] args = cmd_args[1:] if len(cmd_args) > 1 else [] def is_all_number(_str: str): if _str is None or _str == '': return False for a in _str: if not '0' <= a <= '9': return False return True arg_int = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 0 and is_all_number(args[0]) else 0 arg_int_2 = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and is_all_number(args[1]) else 0 arg_str = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else '' qq_num = str(context['sender']['user_id']) qq_name = context['sender']['nickname'] if 'card' in context['sender'] and context['sender']['card'] != '': qq_name = context['sender']['card'] qq_group = '-1' if 'group_id' in context: qq_group = str(context['group_id']) if cmd == '-help' or cmd == '-?': msg = '● 个人信息 -personal' msg += '\n● 排行榜 -rank [index]' msg += '\n● 查询文件 -find [keyword]' msg += '\n● 文件信息 -info [id]' msg += '\n● 更多信息 -more' msg += sep_s() msg += '\n* 输入CSDN下载页链接下载' msg += source_code_tail() msg += donate_tail() msg += export_tail() last_cmd = cmd await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-user': await bot.send(context, '查询用户信息中...') helper.init() info = helper.get_user_info() helper.dispose() if info is None: msg = '获取用户信息失败!' else: msg = '{}'.format(info['name']) if info['vip']: msg += '【VIP】' msg += '\n剩余次数:{}次'.format(info['remain']) msg += '\n有效期至:{}'.format(info['date'][:10]) else: msg += '\n剩余积分:{}积分'.format(info['remain']) await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-rank': result = db_helper.rank_qq(arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, arg_int) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-find': result = db_helper.find_all(arg_str, arg_int_2) count = db_helper.count_all(arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, arg_int_2) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int_2 await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) else: await bot.send(context, '文件不存在。') if cmd == '-donors': msg = build_donors(arg_int) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-personal': msg = build_personal(qq_num, qq_group, qq_name) await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-more': if last_cmd == '-find': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.find_all(last_arg_str, last_arg_int) count = db_helper.count_all(last_arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-rank': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.rank_qq(last_arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(last_arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_detail_info(result) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-donors': last_arg_int += 10 msg = build_donors(last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-help' or last_cmd == '-?': msg = '● 用户信息 -user' msg += '\n● 捐赠名单 -donors' msg += sep_s() msg += '\n* 输入CSDN下载页链接下载' msg += source_code_tail() msg += donate_tail() msg += export_tail() await bot.send(context, msg) download_id = find_csdn_download_id(context['message']) if download_id is not None: if helper.__already_download(download_id) and db_helper.exist_download( download_id): msg = build_download_info(db_helper.get_download(download_id)) await bot.send(context, msg) return download_url = find_csdn_download_url(context['message']) if download_url is not None: can_download, msg = helper.check_download_limit(qq_num, qq_group) if not can_download: await bot.send(context, msg) return if helper.is_busy(): await bot.send(context, '资源正在下载中,请稍后...') return await bot.send(context, '开始下载...') try: helper.init() download_info = helper.auto_download(download_url, qq_num, qq_name, qq_group) msg = download_info['message'] if download_info['success']: result = db_helper.get_download(download_info['info']['id']) msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = '-info' last_arg_int = int( elif donate_tail() != '': msg += sep_s() msg += donate_tail() await bot.send(context, msg) finally: helper.dispose()
def main(configfile): print('smartCam-start -----------------------------') # Loading config file, # Default values cfg_log_traces="smartCam.log" cfg_log_exceptions="smartCame.log" global GLB_configuration # Let's fetch data GLB_configuration={} with open(configfile) as json_data: GLB_configuration = json.load(json_data) #Get log names if "log" in GLB_configuration: if "logTraces" in GLB_configuration["log"]: cfg_log_traces = GLB_configuration["log"]["logTraces"] if "logExceptions" in GLB_configuration["log"]: cfg_log_exceptions = GLB_configuration["log"]["logExceptions"] helper.init(cfg_log_traces,cfg_log_exceptions) print('See logs traces in: {0} and exeptions in: {1}-----------'.format(cfg_log_traces,cfg_log_exceptions)) helper.internalLogger.critical('smartCam-start -------------------------------') helper.einternalLogger.critical('smartCam-start -------------------------------') try: os.makedirs(GLB_configuration["mediaPath"]) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass mountBindMediaPath(False) mountBindMediaPath(True) try: apiRestTask=threading.Thread(target=apirest_task,name="restapi") apiRestTask.daemon = True apiRestTask.start() except Exception as e: helper.internalLogger.critical("Error processing GLB_configuration json {0} file. Exiting".format(configfile)) helper.einternalLogger.exception(e) loggingEnd() return try: while True: #helper.internalLogger.critical("Polling, nothing to poll yet") time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: e = sys.exc_info()[0] helper.internalLogger.critical('Error: Exception unprocessed properly. Exiting') helper.einternalLogger.exception(e) print('smartCam-General exeception captured. See log:{0}',format(cfg_log_exceptions)) mountBindMediaPath(False) loggingEnd()
# If you need to invert the black/white data image # im_blur = np.invert(im_blur) #Convert back to BGR for cv2 #im_cloud_blur = cv2.cvtColor(im_cloud_blur,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Apply colormap im_cloud_clr = cv2.applyColorMap(im_cloud_blur, colormap) # blend images 50/50 return (a1 * im_map + a2 * im_cloud_clr).astype(np.uint8) if __name__ == "__main__": seqname = sys.argv[1] helper.init(seqname) # Test model model = mod_vgg16.create_my_model_without_dropout() model.load_weights('./trained_weights.h5') adam = Adam(lr=0.001) model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=adam, metrics=['accuracy']) for layer in model.layers: layer.trainable = False dataset_train, dataset_test = helper.getKings() X_test = np.squeeze(np.array(dataset_test.images))
def room_thread(): global room_ui_requests @prehook def room_prehook_callback(): batch([{"type": "death", "fact": [["id", get_my_id_str()]]}]) @subscription([ "$ $ paper $targetId has RFID $rfid", "$ $ $targetName has paper ID $targetId", "$ $ $targetName has source code $sourceCode" ]) def rfid_source_code_callback(results): rfid_to_source_code = {} if results: for result in results: source_code = result["sourceCode"].replace(chr(9787), '"') rfid_to_source_code[result["rfid"]] = (result["targetName"], source_code) room_rfid_code_updates.put(rfid_to_source_code) print("updated RFID to source code map") init(__file__, skipListening=True) while True: listen(blocking=False) try: message = room_ui_requests.get(block=False) if message is None: print("received none message in room thread, exiting") return req_type = message[0] active_rfid = message[1] active_program_name = message[2] source_code = message[3] clean_source_code = source_code.replace('"', chr(9787)) if req_type == ROOM_REQUEST_SAVE: batch([{ "type": "claim", "fact": [ ["id", get_my_id_str()], ["id", "0"], ["text", "wish"], ["text", active_program_name], ["text", "has"], ["text", "source"], ["text", "code"], ["text", clean_source_code], ] }]) elif req_type == ROOM_REQUEST_PRINT: generate_and_upload_code_image("Code for {}\n\n{}".format( active_program_name, clean_source_code)) batch([{ "type": "claim", "fact": [ ["id", get_my_id_str()], ["id", "0"], ["text", "wish"], ["text", "1854-code.png"], ["text", "would"], ["text", "be"], ["text", "thermal"], ["text", "printed"], ["text", "on"], ["text", "epson"], ] }]) elif req_type == ROOM_REQUEST_PRINT_FRONT: generate_and_upload_code_front_image(active_program_name) batch([{ "type": "claim", "fact": [ ["id", get_my_id_str()], ["id", "0"], ["text", "wish"], ["text", "1854-front.png"], ["text", "would"], ["text", "be"], ["text", "thermal"], ["text", "printed"], ["text", "on"], ["text", "epson"], ] }]) except queue.Empty: pass time.sleep(0.1)
def main(host, port, lc, configfile): print('SCSEM-start -----------------------------') # Loading config file, # Default values cfg_log_traces = "scsem.log" cfg_log_exceptions = "scseme.log" cfg_SensorsDirectory = {} cfg_lc = lc cfg_database_dbhost = host cfg_database_dbport = port cfg_bt_enable = True cfg_bt_retryTimeSeconds = 20 # Let's fetch data with open(configfile) as json_data: configuration = json.load(json_data) #Get log names if "log" in configuration: if "logTraces" in configuration["log"]: cfg_log_traces = configuration["log"]["logTraces"] if "logExceptions" in configuration["log"]: cfg_log_exceptions = configuration["log"]["logExceptions"] helper.init(cfg_log_traces, cfg_log_exceptions) print('See logs traces in: {0} and exeptions in: {1}-----------'.format( cfg_log_traces, cfg_log_exceptions)) helper.internalLogger.critical( 'SCSEM-start -------------------------------') helper.einternalLogger.critical( 'SCSEM-start -------------------------------') try: #Get sensors list cfg_SensorsDirectory = configuration["Sensors"] #Override args if available in config file if "launchContainers" in configuration: cfg_lc = configuration["launchContainers"] if "DataBase" in configuration: if "dbhost" in configuration["DataBase"]: cfg_database_host = configuration["DataBase"]["dbhost"] if "dbport" in configuration["DataBase"]: cfg_database_port = configuration["DataBase"]["dbport"] if "BluetoothSettings" in configuration: if "isBtEnabled" in configuration["BluetoothSettings"]: cfg_bt_enabled = configuration["BluetoothSettings"][ "isBtEnabled"] if not cfg_bt_enabled: helper.internalLogger.warning( "Bluetooth devices are not enabled this time in config." ) if "retryTimeSeconds" in configuration["BluetoothSettings"]: cfg_bt_retryTimeSeconds = configuration["BluetoothSettings"][ "retryTimeSeconds"] except Exception as e: helper.internalLogger.critical( "Error processing configuration json {0} file. Exiting".format( configfile)) helper.einternalLogger.exception(e) loggingEnd() return if cfg_lc == True: launchContainers() try: hdlDB = dbWrapper(cfg_database_host, cfg_database_port, user='******', password='******', dbname='db_emem', dbuser='******', dbpss='emem') for key, item in cfg_SensorsDirectory.items(): if item['devType'] == "BT": if not cfg_bt_enabled: helper.internalLogger.debug( "Skipping creating BT object handler, bluethooth devices are disabled." ) continue helper.internalLogger.debug("Creating BT object handler...") x = btWrapper(key, item, speed=9600, timeout=cfg_bt_retryTimeSeconds) x.tryReconnect() elif item['devType'] == "LOCAL": helper.internalLogger.debug( "Creating local DHT object handler...") x = localDhtWrapper(key, item) else: helper.internalLogger.error( "Unknown sensor device type, ignoring it") continue item['handler'] = x sensorTask = threading.Thread(target=sensor_task, args=( key, item, hdlDB, ), name=key) sensorTask.daemon = True sensorTask.start() while True: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: e = sys.exc_info()[0] helper.internalLogger.critical( 'Error: Exception unprocessed properly. Exiting') helper.einternalLogger.exception(e) print('SCSEM-General exeception captured. See ssms.log:{0}', format(cfg_log_exceptions)) loggingEnd()
if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse # ----#- Main parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="D&D web server", epilog="The server runs locally on port 5000 if PORT is not specified." ) parser.add_argument("-f", dest="file", help="The location of the database file") parser.add_argument("-p", dest="port", help="The port where the server will run") args = parser.parse_args() helper.init(args.file) if args.port is not None: # Public System port = int(args.port) host = '' debug = False else: # Private System port = 5000 host = '' debug = False print('safari-http://%s:%d/' % (host, port)), port=port, debug=debug, use_reloader=False)
import helper as app if __name__ == '__main__': app.init() app.process() app.end()
from helper import init, moveDisk def towers(nd, source, dest): if nd > 0: temp = 3 - source - dest towers(nd - 1, source, temp) moveDisk(source, dest) towers(nd - 1, temp, dest) n = 3 init(n) towers(n, 0, 2)
#change those depending on sideLength flt_bridgeLayerOneExtrude = 1.5#1# flt_bridgeLayerOneFeed = 1000#50# flt_bridgeLayerTwoExtrude = 3 flt_bridgeLayerTwoFeed = 500#40# int_bridgePause = 1000 #roof only rExtrude = 1.5#0.8 rFeed = 4000 rShiftValue = 0.5 rWait = 200 ######### str_targetFile = "fast_cube_%dmm.gcode" % int_sideLength str_gcode = helper.init() str_gcode += """ ;init G1 X30 E20 """ str_gcode += helper.print_square(int_sideLength, flt_squareExtrude) str_gcode += """ """ str_gcode += """ ;first pillar """
) if not html: return abort(404) return final_pass(html) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse # ----#- Main parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="D&D web server", epilog="The server runs locally on port 5000 if PORT is not specified.") parser.add_argument("-f", dest="file", help="The location of the database file") parser.add_argument("-p", dest="port", help="The port where the server will run") parser.add_argument("-m", dest="message", help="A message to display on the site") args = parser.parse_args() helper.init(args.file) if args.port is not None: # Public System port = int(args.port) host = '' debug = False else: # Private System port = 5000 host = '' debug = False print('safari-http://%s:%d/' % (host, port)) app.config['message'] = args.message, port=port, debug=debug, use_reloader=False)
framerate = 0 frametimer = time.time() while True: stepr += 1 threading.Thread( target=glb.allstep, daemon=True, ).start() #glb.allstep() glb.canvas.step() st = time.time() if stepr % 250 == 0: for i in range(2): helper.makenewenemy() while time.time() - st <= 1 / frametarget: pass framerate += 1 if time.time() - frametimer >= 1: print("FR: ", framerate) frametimer = time.time() framerate = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": print("\033[1;37;40mStarting Program...") glb.init() start()
async def handle_msg(context): # 下面这句等价于 bot.send_private_msg(user_id=context['user_id'], message='你好呀,下面一条是你刚刚发的:') """ try: await bot.send(context, '你好呀,下面一条是你刚刚发的:') except ApiError: pass """ global last_cmd global last_arg_str global last_arg_int message = context['message'] if message.startswith('@{}'.format(config.default_qq_name)): message = message[4:] message = message.strip() cmd_args = message.split(' ') cmd = cmd_args[0] args = cmd_args[1:] if len(cmd_args) > 1 else [] def is_all_number(_str: str): if _str is None or _str == '': return False for a in _str: if not '0' <= a <= '9': return False return True arg_int = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 0 and is_all_number(args[0]) else 0 arg_int_2 = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and is_all_number(args[1]) else 0 arg_str = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else '' if cmd == '-help' or cmd == '-?': msg = '● 用户信息 -user' msg += '\n● 排行榜 -rank [index]' msg += '\n● 查询文件 -find [keyword]' msg += '\n● 文件信息 -info [id]' msg += '\n● 更多信息 -more' msg += '\n' + '-' * 38 msg += '\n* 直接输入CSDN下载页链接即可下载' msg += '\n* 大黄鸭源码' await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-user': await bot.send(context, '查询用户信息中...') helper.init() info = helper.get_user_info() helper.dispose() if info is None: msg = '获取用户信息失败!' else: msg = '{}'.format(info['name']) if info['vip']: msg += '【VIP】' msg += '\n剩余次数:{}次'.format(info['remain']) msg += '\n有效期至:{}'.format(info['date'][:10]) else: msg += '\n剩余积分:{}积分'.format(info['remain']) await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-rank': result = db_helper.rank_qq(arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, arg_int) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-find': result = db_helper.find_all(arg_str, arg_int_2) count = db_helper.count_all(arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, arg_int_2) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int_2 await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) else: await bot.send(context, '文件不存在。') if cmd == '-more': if last_cmd == '-find': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.find_all(last_arg_str, last_arg_int) count = db_helper.count_all(arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-rank': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.rank_qq(last_arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(last_arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_detail_info(result) await bot.send(context, msg) download_url = find_csdn_download_url(context['message']) if download_url is not None: if helper.is_busy(): await bot.send(context, '资源正在下载中,请稍后...') return await bot.send(context, '开始下载...') try: helper.init() qq_num = context['sender']['user_id'] qq_name = context['sender']['nickname'] if 'card' in context['sender'] and context['sender']['card'] != '': qq_name = context['sender']['card'] download_info = helper.auto_download(download_url, qq_num, qq_name) msg = download_info['message'] if download_info['success']: result = db_helper.get_download(download_info['info']['id']) msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = '-info' last_arg_int = int( await bot.send(context, msg) finally: helper.dispose()