Example #1
    def send(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
        Send command to the debugger engine according to DBGp protocol.
        # Expression is used for conditional and watch type breakpoints
        expression = None

        # Separate 'expression' from kwargs
        if 'expression' in kwargs:
            expression = kwargs['expression']
            del kwargs['expression']

        # Generate unique Transaction ID
        transaction_id = self.transaction_id

        # Append command/arguments to build list
        build_command = [command, '-i %i' % transaction_id]
        if args:
        if kwargs:
            build_command.extend(['-%s %s' % pair for pair in kwargs.items()])

        # Remove leading/trailing spaces and build command string
        build_command = [
            part.strip() for part in build_command if part.strip()
        command = ' '.join(build_command)
        if expression:
            command += ' -- ' + H.base64_encode(expression)

        # Show debug output
        debug('[Send command] %s' % command)

        # Send command to debugger engine
            self.socket.send(H.data_write(command + '\x00'))
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise ProtocolConnectionException(e)
Example #2
    def send(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
        Send command to the debugger engine according to DBGp protocol.
        # Expression is used for conditional and watch type breakpoints
        expression = None

        # Seperate 'expression' from kwargs
        if 'expression' in kwargs:
            expression = kwargs['expression']
            del kwargs['expression']

        # Generate unique Transaction ID
        transaction_id = self.transaction_id

        # Append command/arguments to build list
        build_command = [command, '-i %i' % transaction_id]
        if args:
        if kwargs:
            build_command.extend(['-%s %s' % pair for pair in kwargs.items()])

        # Remove leading/trailing spaces and build command string
        build_command = [part.strip() for part in build_command if part.strip()]
        command = ' '.join(build_command)
        if expression:
            command += ' -- ' + H.base64_encode(expression)

        # Show debug output
        debug('[Send command] %s' % command)

        # Send command to debugger engine
            self.socket.send(H.data_write(command + '\x00'))
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise ProtocolConnectionException(e)