def test_getCommentReplies(self):
     # Tests the getCommentThread API with commentID
     # The json response should contain a keyword youtube#comment
     commentID = "z134f5zqbovpdhky304cgfcwhr2xylrobtc0k"
     channelAPI = youtube_api.getCommentReplies % (commentID, router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")
     response = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(channelAPI)
     self.assertIn("youtube#comment", json.dumps(response))
 def test_getCommentThread(self):
     # Tests the getCommentThread API with videoID
     # The json response should contain a keyword youtube#commentThreadListResponse
     videoID = "sEQf5lcnj_o"
     channelAPI = youtube_api.getCommentThread % (videoID, router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")
     response = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(channelAPI)
     self.assertIn("youtube#commentThreadListResponse", json.dumps(response))
 def test_getChannels(self):
     # Tests the getChannels API with channel name
     # The json response should contain a keyword youtube#channel
     channelName = "Animenzzz"
     channelAPI = youtube_api.getChannels % (channelName, router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")
     response = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(channelAPI)
     self.assertIn("youtube#channel", json.dumps(response))
 def test_getVideos(self):
     # Tests the getVideos API with channel ID
     # The json response should contain a keyword youtube#video
     channelID = "UC27HFwJdWZFhwllMtwdES-A"
     channelAPI = youtube_api.getVideos % (channelID, router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")
     response = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(channelAPI)
     self.assertIn("youtube#video", json.dumps(response))
Example #5
    def getChannelData(self, channelName, channelID, loopFlags):
        # Usage:
        #       Since only channelName or channelID is populated, we will test
        #       if channelName or channelID exists. If channelName exists, then
        #       we will use youtube_api.getChannelAPI, else youtube_api.getChannels_withID
        # Arguments:
        #       channelName: name of a channel
        #       channelID  : ID of a channel
        #       loopFlags  : a dictionary of flags that indicate whether if there are next set
        #                    of json data whether channel/video/comment/commentThread
        #                    that we need
        # Return:
        #       None

        # Determine the API that we are going to use, whether it is primary channelName or channelID
        # since you cannot use both channelName or channelID to get channel information
        # Using the channelName/channelID, we would get the channel information
        # with youtube's channels API. This will not only give us the multiple channels embedded in a
        # channel, but it would also convert channelName into channelID, and videos associate themselves
        # with channelID, not channelName.
        getChannelAPI = self.getChannelAPI(channelName, channelID)

        # Loop through if nextPageToken exists, this means that either this is at the first run
        # or the the results of channels > 50
        while loopFlags["channelNextPageToken"]:
            # Using the getChannelAPI we created previously, we will feed this into a coroutine, and
            # the asyncHTTPClient will help us to get the results asynchronously
            channelNameJson = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(getChannelAPI)
  "channelName:%s, channelID:%s, getChannelAPI:%s, channelNameJson:%s" % (channelName, channelID, getChannelAPI, channelNameJson))

            # Sometimes a fetch can fail, and return None
            if channelNameJson:
                # Loop through each channel ID inside the json array with the key items
                # this will essentially give us all the independent channel ID's in a channelName/ChannelID
                # (this means that the channel owner subscribed to multiple channels)
                for channelID in channelNameJson["items"]:
                    # Create a getVideos api string, this will essentialy let us to get all the videoID's
                    # associated within a channel, and videoID's are unique strings, and we will use
                    # the videoID's to get comments later
                    getVideosAPI = youtube_api.getVideos % (channelID["id"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")

                    # A flag to indicate that we have more pages to search for, we will need to set this
                    # for every channel, since if this is not re-initialized to True, it will not
                    # loop through the next channels if there are any
                    loopFlags["videosNextPageToken"] = True

                    # Loop through videos if nextPageToken exists, either at first loop or
                    # meaning results are > 50 for videos
                    while loopFlags["videosNextPageToken"]:
                        # Using the getVideosAPI that we created to get videoID's, we would feed this
                        # into a coroutine to grab the results asynchronously
                        videosJson = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(getVideosAPI)
              "getVideosAPI:%s, videosJson:%s" % (getVideosAPI, videosJson))

                        # Sometimes a fetch can fail, and return None
                        if videosJson:
                            # Loop through each video information using the "items" key, this will
                            # essentially give us all the unique video ID, and name for each video
                            for video in videosJson["items"]:
                                # We will need to check if videoId key exists in the video["id"] key, since this will
                                # tell us whether the item we are looking at a video entry,
                                # because sometimes if the channel/user subscribed to a channel
                                # it will also appear in as a "video" item
                                if "videoId" in video["id"]:
                                    # Create a getCommentThread api string, this essentially will give us all the
                                    # video's top level comments. These are all the comments directly commenting the video itself, and
                                    # there's another type which are reply comments, which are comments replied to a top level comment.
                                    # We can also get the comment username, comment text, and comment date.
                                    getCommentThreadAPI = youtube_api.getCommentThread % (video["id"]["videoId"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")

                                    # A flag to indicate that we have more comments to go through, we would need to re-intialized this
                                    # everytime we get comment threads for a video, because when we get to the next video, if we don't
                                    # set this back to True, then it will not find the next videos
                                    loopFlags["commentThreadNextPageToken"] = True

                                    # Loop through next set of comments if results > 100,
                                    # or if we are at the first iteration
                                    while loopFlags["commentThreadNextPageToken"]:
                                        # Fetch the comments for a specific video, we will feed this into a coroutine
                                        # to get us json data for comments in a specific videoID asynchronously
                                        commentThreadJson = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(getCommentThreadAPI)
                              "getCommentThreadAPI:%s, commentThreadJson:%s" % (getCommentThreadAPI, commentThreadJson))

                                        # Sometimes a fetch can fail, and return None
                                        if commentThreadJson:
                                            # Loop through each top level comments, this will essentially give us
                                            # all the comments for a videoID, and we can use this data to record the username, user comment,
                                            # and date
                                            for topComment in commentThreadJson["items"]:
                                                # We will insert the video information itself, such as videoID, title, description, and
                                                # when it's published, and also username, user comments, and date, and this is an
                                                # indepotent action, where if we did this multiple times, the result is the same
                                                result = yield mongo.insert_user_video_comments(self.db, topComment["id"],
                                      "mongo.insert_user_video_comments, "
                                                                   "topComment[id]:%s, "
                                                                   "channelName:%s, "
                                                                   "topComment[snippet][topLevelComment][snippet][textDisplay]:%s, "
                                                                   "topComment[snippet][topLevelComment][snippet][authorDisplayName]:%s, "
                                                                   "topComment[snippet][topLevelComment][snippet][updatedAt]:%s, "
                                                                   "channelID[id]:%s, "
                                                                   "video[id][videoId]:%s, "
                                                                   "video[snippet][title]:%s, "
                                                                   "video[snippet][description]:%s, "
                                                                   "video[snippet][publishedAt]:%s, "
                                                                   % (topComment["id"],

                                                # If the totalReplyCount > 0, then we know that there are replies
                                                # to this comment
                                                if topComment["snippet"]["totalReplyCount"] > 0:
                                                    # Create a getCommentReplies api string, this will also give us the same information
                                                    # as top level comment for users, such as their username, user comment, and date
                                                    # but aimed at replies instead of top level comments
                                                    getCommentRepliesAPI = youtube_api.getCommentReplies % (topComment["id"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, "")

                                                    # A flag to indicate that we have more replies to go through, again, we need to
                                                    # initialize this at the start to True for every top level comment replies we want to find
                                                    # otherwise it will not find the replies for top level comment for the next video
                                                    loopFlags["commentRepliesNextPageToken"] = True

                                                    # Loop through each set of replies if > 100 results, or this is the first run
                                                    while loopFlags["commentRepliesNextPageToken"]:
                                                        # Fetch the replies for a specific comment by feeding this URL into
                                                        # a coroutine, so that we can fetch the data asynchronously
                                                        commentRepliesJson = yield http_client.fetch_coroutine(getCommentRepliesAPI)
                                              "getCommentRepliesAPI:%s, commentRepliesJson:%s" % (getCommentRepliesAPI, commentRepliesJson))

                                                        # Sometimes a fetch can fail, and return None
                                                        if commentRepliesJson:
                                                            # Loop through each top comment replies, this will essentially give us
                                                            # the replies for a top level comment which includes the username
                                                            # and user comment, and date
                                                            for replies in commentRepliesJson["items"]:
                                                                # Store the data into MongoDB using the same API for inserting the top level comments
                                                                # except we will replies the top level comment data with replies data
                                                                result = yield mongo.insert_user_video_comments(self.db, replies["id"],
                                                      "mongo.insert_user_video_comments, "
                                                                                   "replies[id]:%s, "
                                                                                   "channelName:%s, "
                                                                                   "replies[snippet][authorDisplayName]:%s, "
                                                                                   "replies[snippet][textDisplay]:%s, "
                                                                                   "replies[snippet][updatedAt]:%s, "
                                                                                   "channelID[id]:%s, "
                                                                                   "video[id][videoId]:%s, "
                                                                                   "video[snippet][title]:%s, "
                                                                                   "video[snippet][description]:%s, "
                                                                                   "video[snippet][publishedAt]:%s, "
                                                                                   % (replies["id"],

                                                            # If next page token does not exist, means that there are no more replies for comment
                                                            # then we can stop the loop
                                                            if "nextPageToken" not in commentRepliesJson:
                                                                # If the nextPageToken does not exist, then we can end the while loop
                                                                loopFlags["commentRepliesNextPageToken"] = False
                                                                # If it does exist, then we build the getCommentRepliesAPI with the next page token to go the next set of top level replies
                                                                getCommentRepliesAPI = youtube_api.getCommentReplies % (topComment["id"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, commentRepliesJson["nextPageToken"])

                                        # If next page token does not exist, means that there are no more comments for the video
                                        # then we can stop the loop
                                        if "nextPageToken" not in commentThreadJson:
                                            # If the nextPageToken does not exist, then we can end the while loop
                                            loopFlags["commentThreadNextPageToken"] = False
                                            # If it does exist, then we build the getCommentThreadAPI with the next page token to go the next set of top level comments
                                            getCommentThreadAPI = youtube_api.getCommentThread % (video["id"]["videoId"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, commentThreadJson["nextPageToken"])

                            # If next page token does not exist, means that there are no more videos in a channel left
                            # then we can stop the loop
                            if "nextPageToken" not in videosJson:
                                # If the nextPageToken does not exist, then we can end the while loop
                                loopFlags["videosNextPageToken"] = False
                                # If it does exist, then we build the getVideosAPI with the next page token to go the next set of videos
                                getVideosAPI = youtube_api.getVideos % (channelID["id"], router_settings.youtube_API_key, videosJson["nextPageToken"])

                # If next page token does not exist, means that there are no more channels left
                # then we can stop the loop
                if "nextPageToken" not in channelNameJson:
                    # If the nextPageToken does not exist, then we can end the while loop
                    loopFlags["channelNextPageToken"] = False
                    # If it does exist, then we build the getChannelAPI with the next page token, we can go to the next set of channels
                    getChannelAPI = self.getChannelAPI(channelName, channelID)