Example #1
    def get_mean_insSize_by_sem(dataset_path, train_areas):
        from helper_data_s3dis import Data_Configs as Data_Configs
        configs = Data_Configs()

        mean_insSize_by_sem = {}
        for sem in configs.sem_ids:
            mean_insSize_by_sem[sem] = []

        for a in train_areas:
            print('get mean insSize, check train area:', a)
            files = sorted(glob.glob(dataset_path + a + '*.h5'))
            for file_path in files:
                fin = h5py.File(file_path, 'r')
                semIns_labels = fin['semIns_labels'][:].reshape([-1, 2])
                ins_labels = semIns_labels[:, 1]
                sem_labels = semIns_labels[:, 0]

                ins_idx = np.unique(ins_labels)
                for ins_id in ins_idx:
                    tmp = (ins_labels == ins_id)
                    sem = scipy.stats.mode(sem_labels[tmp])[0][0]
                        np.sum(np.asarray(tmp, dtype=np.float32)))

        for sem in mean_insSize_by_sem:
            mean_insSize_by_sem[sem] = np.mean(mean_insSize_by_sem[sem])

        return mean_insSize_by_sem
Example #2
    def load_net_data(dataset_path, train_areas, test_areas, model_path):
        from main_3D_BoNet import BoNet
        from helper_data_s3dis import Data_Configs as Data_Configs
        configs = Data_Configs()
        net = BoNet(configs=configs)

        ####### 1. networks
        net.X_pc = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, None, net.points_cc],
        net.is_train = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, name='is_train')
        with tf.variable_scope('backbone'):
            #net.point_features, net.global_features, net.y_psem_pred = net.backbone_pointnet(net.X_pc, net.is_train)
            net.point_features, net.global_features, net.y_psem_pred = net.backbone_pointnet2(
                net.X_pc, net.is_train)
        with tf.variable_scope('bbox'):
            net.y_bbvert_pred_raw, net.y_bbscore_pred_raw = net.bbox_net(
        with tf.variable_scope('pmask'):
            net.y_pmask_pred_raw = net.pmask_net(net.point_features,

        ####### 2. restore trained model
        if not os.path.isfile(model_path + '.data-00000-of-00001'):
            print('please download the released model!')
        config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
        config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = '0'
        net.sess = tf.Session(config=config)
        tf.train.Saver().restore(net.sess, model_path)
        print('Model restored sucessful!')

        ####### 3. load data
        from helper_data_s3dis import Data_S3DIS as Data
        data = Data(dataset_path, train_areas, test_areas)

        return net, data
Example #3
            if ep % 5 == 0 and i == total_train_batch_num - 1:
                from main_eval import Evaluation
                result_path = './log/test_res/' + str(ep).zfill(3) + '_' + test_areas[0] + '/'
                Evaluation.ttest(net, data, result_path, test_batch_size=20)
                Evaluation.evaluation(dataset_path, train_areas, result_path)
                print('full eval finished!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = '0'  ## specify the GPU to use

    from main_3D_BoNet import BoNet
    from helper_data_s3dis import Data_Configs as Data_Configs

    configs = Data_Configs()
    net = BoNet(configs=configs)
    net.creat_folders(name='log', re_train=False)

    from helper_data_s3dis import Data_S3DIS as Data

    train_areas = ['Area_1', 'Area_2', 'Area_3', 'Area_4', 'Area_6']
    test_areas = ['Area_5']

    dataset_path = './data_s3dis/'
    data = Data(dataset_path, train_areas, test_areas, train_batch_size=4)
    train(net, data)
Example #4
    def evaluation(dataset_path, train_areas, result_path):
        from helper_data_s3dis import Data_Configs as Data_Configs
        configs = Data_Configs()
        mean_insSize_by_sem = Eval_Tools.get_mean_insSize_by_sem(
            dataset_path, train_areas)

        TP_FP_Total = {}
        for sem_id in configs.sem_ids:
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id] = {}
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP'] = 0
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP'] = 0
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total'] = 0

        res_scenes = sorted(os.listdir(result_path + 'res_by_scene/'))
        # add SCN
        USE_SCN = True
        SCN_semantic_tranform_array = np.array(
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])

        idx = 0
        for scene_name in res_scenes:

            print('eval scene', scene_name)
            scene_result = scipy.io.loadmat(
                result_path + 'res_by_scene/' + scene_name,

            pc_all = []
            ins_gt_all = []
            sem_pred_all = []
            sem_gt_all = []
            gap = 5e-3
            volume_num = int(1. / gap) + 2
            volume = -1 * np.ones([volume_num, volume_num, volume_num]).astype(
            volume_sem = -1 * np.ones([volume_num, volume_num, volume_num
            SCN_precition_this_scene = []

            if USE_SCN:

                f = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, './data_s3dis/SCN_prediction/area5_2', \
                 scene_name[7:-7] + '.txt'), 'r')

                for line in f:

                SCN_precition_this_scene = np.array(SCN_precition_this_scene)

                def look_up_SCN(x):
                    return SCN_precition_this_scene[x]

                def SCN_to_ScanNet(x):
                    return SCN_semantic_tranform_array[int(x)]

            for i in range(len(scene_result)):
                block = 'block_' + str(i).zfill(4)
                if block not in scene_result: continue
                pc = scene_result[block][0]['pc'][0]
                ins_gt = scene_result[block][0]['ins_gt'][0][0]
                sem_gt = scene_result[block][0]['sem_gt'][0][0]
                pmask_pred_raw = scene_result[block][0]['pmask_pred_raw'][0]
                sem_pred_raw = scene_result[block][0]['sem_pred_raw'][0]
                pc_indices_raw = scene_result[block][0]['pc_indices_raw'][

                SCN_pred_raw = list(map(look_up_SCN, pc_indices_raw))
                sem_pred = list(map(SCN_to_ScanNet, SCN_pred_raw))
                sem_pred = np.array(sem_pred)
                pmask_pred = pmask_pred_raw
                ins_pred = np.argmax(pmask_pred, axis=-2)
                ins_sem_dic = Eval_Tools.get_sem_for_ins(ins_by_pts=ins_pred,
                Eval_Tools.BlockMerging(volume, volume_sem, pc[:, 6:9],
                                        ins_pred, ins_sem_dic, gap)

            pc_all = np.concatenate(pc_all, axis=0)
            ins_gt_all = np.concatenate(ins_gt_all, axis=0)
            sem_pred_all = np.concatenate(sem_pred_all, axis=0)
            sem_gt_all = np.concatenate(sem_gt_all, axis=0)

            pc_xyz_int = (pc_all[:, 6:9] / gap).astype(np.int32)
            ins_pred_all = volume[tuple(pc_xyz_int.T)]

            ### if you need to visulize, please uncomment the follow lines
            from helper_data_plot import Plot as Plot
                np.concatenate([pc_all[:, 9:12], pc_all[:, 3:6]], axis=1), idx)
            idx += 1
            Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12],
            idx += 1
            Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12],
            idx += 1
            # Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], idx = idx ,pc_semins=sem_gt_all )
            # idx+=1
            # Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], idx = idx ,pc_semins=sem_pred_all)
            # idx+=1

            # if idx > 100 : break

            # pred ins
            ins_pred_by_sem = {}
            for sem in configs.sem_ids:
                ins_pred_by_sem[sem] = []
            ins_idx, cnts = np.unique(ins_pred_all, return_counts=True)
            for ins_id, cn in zip(ins_idx, cnts):
                if ins_id <= -1: continue
                tmp = (ins_pred_all == ins_id)
                sem = scipy.stats.mode(sem_pred_all[tmp])[0][0]
                if cn <= 0.3 * mean_insSize_by_sem[sem]:
                    continue  # remove small instances
            # gt ins
            ins_gt_by_sem = {}
            for sem in configs.sem_ids:
                ins_gt_by_sem[sem] = []
            ins_idx = np.unique(ins_gt_all)
            for ins_id in ins_idx:
                if ins_id <= -1: continue
                tmp = (ins_gt_all == ins_id)
                sem = scipy.stats.mode(sem_gt_all[tmp])[0][0]
                if len(np.unique(sem_gt_all[ins_gt_all == ins_id])) != 1:
                    print('sem ins label error')
            # to associate
            for sem_id, sem_name in zip(configs.sem_ids, configs.sem_names):
                ins_pred_tp = ins_pred_by_sem[sem_id]
                ins_gt_tp = ins_gt_by_sem[sem_id]

                flag_pred = np.zeros(len(ins_pred_tp), dtype=np.int8)
                for i_p, ins_p in enumerate(ins_pred_tp):
                    iou_max = -1
                    for i_g, ins_g in enumerate(ins_gt_tp):
                        u = ins_g | ins_p
                        i = ins_g & ins_p
                        iou_tp = float(np.sum(i)) / (np.sum(u) + 1e-8)
                        if iou_tp > iou_max:
                            iou_max = iou_tp
                    if iou_max >= 0.5:
                        flag_pred[i_p] = 1
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP'] += np.sum(flag_pred)
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP'] += len(flag_pred) - np.sum(flag_pred)
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total'] += len(ins_gt_tp)

        pre_all = []
        rec_all = []
        for sem_id, sem_name in zip(configs.sem_ids, configs.sem_names):
            TP = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP']
            FP = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP']
            Total = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total']
            pre = float(TP) / (TP + FP + 1e-8)
            rec = float(TP) / (Total + 1e-8)
            if Total > 0:
            out_file = result_path + 'PreRec_' + str(sem_id).zfill(
                2) + '_' + sem_name + '_' + str(round(pre, 4)) + '_' + str(
                    round(rec, 4))
            np.savez_compressed(out_file + '.npz', tp={0, 0})
        out_file = result_path + 'PreRec_mean_' + str(
            round(np.mean(pre_all), 4)) + '_' + str(round(np.mean(rec_all), 4))
        np.savez_compressed(out_file + '.npz', tp={0, 0})

        return 0
Example #5
    def evaluation(dataset_path, train_areas, result_path):
        from helper_data_s3dis import Data_Configs as Data_Configs
        configs = Data_Configs()
        mean_insSize_by_sem = Eval_Tools.get_mean_insSize_by_sem(
            dataset_path, train_areas)

        TP_FP_Total = {}
        for sem_id in configs.sem_ids:
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id] = {}
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP'] = 0
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP'] = 0
            TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total'] = 0

        res_scenes = sorted(os.listdir(result_path + 'res_by_scene/'))
        for scene_name in res_scenes:
            print('eval scene', scene_name)
            scene_result = scipy.io.loadmat(
                result_path + 'res_by_scene/' + scene_name,

            pc_all = []
            ins_gt_all = []
            sem_pred_all = []
            sem_gt_all = []
            gap = 5e-3
            volume_num = int(1. / gap) + 2
            volume = -1 * np.ones([volume_num, volume_num, volume_num]).astype(
            volume_sem = -1 * np.ones([volume_num, volume_num, volume_num

            for i in range(len(scene_result)):
                block = 'block_' + str(i).zfill(4)
                if block not in scene_result: continue
                pc = scene_result[block][0]['pc'][0]
                ins_gt = scene_result[block][0]['ins_gt'][0][0]
                sem_gt = scene_result[block][0]['sem_gt'][0][0]
                bbscore_pred_raw = scene_result[block][0]['bbscore_pred_raw'][
                pmask_pred_raw = scene_result[block][0]['pmask_pred_raw'][0]
                sem_pred_raw = scene_result[block][0]['sem_pred_raw'][0]

                sem_pred = np.argmax(sem_pred_raw, axis=-1)
                pmask_pred = pmask_pred_raw * np.tile(
                    bbscore_pred_raw[:, None], [1, pmask_pred_raw.shape[-1]])
                ins_pred = np.argmax(pmask_pred, axis=-2)
                ins_sem_dic = Eval_Tools.get_sem_for_ins(ins_by_pts=ins_pred,
                Eval_Tools.BlockMerging(volume, volume_sem, pc[:, 6:9],
                                        ins_pred, ins_sem_dic, gap)

            pc_all = np.concatenate(pc_all, axis=0)
            ins_gt_all = np.concatenate(ins_gt_all, axis=0)
            sem_pred_all = np.concatenate(sem_pred_all, axis=0)
            sem_gt_all = np.concatenate(sem_gt_all, axis=0)

            pc_xyz_int = (pc_all[:, 6:9] / gap).astype(np.int32)
            ins_pred_all = volume[tuple(pc_xyz_int.T)]

            #### if you need to visulize, please uncomment the follow lines
            #from helper_data_plot import Plot as Plot
            #Plot.draw_pc(np.concatenate([pc_all[:,9:12], pc_all[:,3:6]], axis=1))
            #Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], pc_semins=ins_gt_all)
            #Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], pc_semins=ins_pred_all)
            #Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], pc_semins=sem_gt_all)
            #Plot.draw_pc_semins(pc_xyz=pc_all[:, 9:12], pc_semins=sem_pred_all)

            # pred ins
            ins_pred_by_sem = {}
            for sem in configs.sem_ids:
                ins_pred_by_sem[sem] = []
            ins_idx, cnts = np.unique(ins_pred_all, return_counts=True)
            for ins_id, cn in zip(ins_idx, cnts):
                if ins_id <= -1: continue
                tmp = (ins_pred_all == ins_id)
                sem = scipy.stats.mode(sem_pred_all[tmp])[0][0]
                if cn <= 0.3 * mean_insSize_by_sem[sem]:
                    continue  # remove small instances
            # gt ins
            ins_gt_by_sem = {}
            for sem in configs.sem_ids:
                ins_gt_by_sem[sem] = []
            ins_idx = np.unique(ins_gt_all)
            for ins_id in ins_idx:
                if ins_id <= -1: continue
                tmp = (ins_gt_all == ins_id)
                sem = scipy.stats.mode(sem_gt_all[tmp])[0][0]
                if len(np.unique(sem_gt_all[ins_gt_all == ins_id])) != 1:
                    print('sem ins label error')
            # to associate
            for sem_id, sem_name in zip(configs.sem_ids, configs.sem_names):
                ins_pred_tp = ins_pred_by_sem[sem_id]
                ins_gt_tp = ins_gt_by_sem[sem_id]

                flag_pred = np.zeros(len(ins_pred_tp), dtype=np.int8)
                for i_p, ins_p in enumerate(ins_pred_tp):
                    iou_max = -1
                    for i_g, ins_g in enumerate(ins_gt_tp):
                        u = ins_g | ins_p
                        i = ins_g & ins_p
                        iou_tp = float(np.sum(i)) / (np.sum(u) + 1e-8)
                        if iou_tp > iou_max:
                            iou_max = iou_tp
                    if iou_max >= 0.5:
                        flag_pred[i_p] = 1
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP'] += np.sum(flag_pred)
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP'] += len(flag_pred) - np.sum(flag_pred)
                TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total'] += len(ins_gt_tp)

        pre_all = []
        rec_all = []
        for sem_id, sem_name in zip(configs.sem_ids, configs.sem_names):
            TP = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['TP']
            FP = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['FP']
            Total = TP_FP_Total[sem_id]['Total']
            pre = float(TP) / (TP + FP + 1e-8)
            rec = float(TP) / (Total + 1e-8)
            if Total > 0:
            out_file = result_path + 'PreRec_' + str(sem_id).zfill(
                2) + '_' + sem_name + '_' + str(round(pre, 4)) + '_' + str(
                    round(rec, 4))
            np.savez_compressed(out_file + '.npz', tp={0, 0})
        out_file = result_path + 'PreRec_mean_' + str(
            round(np.mean(pre_all), 4)) + '_' + str(round(np.mean(rec_all), 4))
        np.savez_compressed(out_file + '.npz', tp={0, 0})

        return 0