def Cave_fairy(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud()"Cave_fairy").ShowArt() = self.player.max_health = self.player.max_mp del self.fairys[self.fairys.index(self.position)]
def Debug_Menu(self): working = True while working: helper_functions.clear_screen() print("This is the debug menu.") print(f"Enemy Locations {self.badguys}") print(f"Treasure Room {self.treasure}") print(f"Boss {self.boss}") print(f"Shops {self.shops}") print('') tmp = input("Please enter command") if tmp.lower() == "goto": tmpX = input("enter X") tmpY = input("enter Y") self.position = (int(tmpX), int(tmpY)) working = False elif tmp.lower() == "lvl": self.lvl_up(1) elif tmp.lower() == "greed": self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Door Key"), 1) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Skull Key"), 1) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Potion"), 10) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Ether"), 10) working = False else: working = False
def Cave_Treasure(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud()"Cave_box").ShowArt() if self.treasurefound != True: wpn = random.choice(self.weapons) arm = random.choice(self.armors) rdn = random.randint(10, 50) print("You have found the Goblin King's treasure room!!") print(f" **** You found {wpn.wname} ****") print(f" **** You found {arm.aname} ****") print(f" **** You found {rdn} Gold ****") += rdn self.treasurefound = True #ask about equiping the stuff found tmp = input(f'Would you like to equip the {wpn.wname}? (y/n)') if tmp.lower() == "y": self.player.addWeapon(wpn.wname, wpn.watk, wpn.w_hit, wpn.wType) print(f' **** {wpn.wname} equiped ****') else: print(f' **** {wpn.wname} discarded ****') tmp = input(f'Would you like to equip the {arm.aname}? (y/n)') if tmp.lower() == "y": self.player.addArmor(arm.aname, arm.arate, arm.aweight, arm.aType) print(f' **** {arm.aname} equiped ****') else: print(f' **** {arm.aname} discarded ****') else: print(" You have already discovered these treasures ")
def Cave_Boss(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() #check to see if the boss was killed yet if self.BossKilled != True: found = False #Check to see if the player has a key #If they do we removed it and unlock the door for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Skull Key": self.player.RemoveItem('Skull Key', 1) found = True if found: #We found a key so we unlock the door"Boss_Door_Unlocked").ShowArt() time.sleep(1) helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() #Enter battle with Boss self.BossFound = True self.Cave_Encounter() else: #Door is still locked"Boss_Door").ShowArt() else:"Boss_Killed").ShowArt() print('') print( 'Now that you found the crown, its time to return it to the King' )
def Cave_Enter(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() if not self.BossKilled:"Cave_Enter").ShowArt() else: print(" You head back to Bavaria....") time.sleep(1) self.ending()
def ending(self): helper_functions.clear_screen()"Mountain Castle").ShowArt() print(" After a long journey you arrive back at Bavaria") print("") time.sleep(5) helper_functions.clear_screen()"Castle").ShowArt() print( " Shortly after reaching the town, you head to the castle to give the King back his crown" ) time.sleep(5) helper_functions.clear_screen()"King").ShowArt() print("Greetings, oh King. I have returned with your lost crown!", end="\r") time.sleep(5) print("") print("King: Thank you for your service. It will not be forgotten.", end="\r") time.sleep(3) print( "King: Will you please stay with us as the head of my Royal Guard?", end="\r") time.sleep(5) helper_functions.clear_screen()"Fin").ShowArt()
def game_over(self): options = [ "Death One", "Death Two", "Death Three", "Death Four", "Death Five", "Death Six", "Death Seven" ] helper_functions.clear_screen() print("") print("") print("Would you like to try again? y/n") tmp = input("") if tmp.lower() == "y": self.started = False else: self.running = False self.started = False
def Cave_Encounter(self): ready = False if self.BossFound != True: while ready != True: self.enemy = self.GetMonsterByID( random.randint(0, len(self.moblist) - 1)) if self.enemy.mName != 'Goblin King': ready = True else: self.enemy = self.GetMonsterbyName('Goblin King') helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() print('') if self.enemy.mobtype == 'Boss': print(f'you have encountered the {self.enemy.mName}') else: print(f'you have encountered a {self.enemy.mName}') input('Press Enter to continue...') self.battle()
def Cave_Door(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() found = False"Cave_Door").ShowArt() #Check to see if the player has a key #If they do we removed it and unlock the door for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Door Key": found = True if found: for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Door Key": print(f" You have {item.iamount} keys") tmp = input(" Do you want to use your key to unlock the door? y/n") if tmp == "y": self.player.RemoveItem('Door Key', 1) #We found a key so we unlock the door helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud()"Cave_Door_unlocked").ShowArt() time.sleep(2) helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() #Show the treasure room"Cave_box").ShowArt() print(' The treasure box contained') #Calculate the gold found rdmNum = random.randint(20, 75) print(f' {rdmNum} Gold') += rdmNum #Check if there was also an item found rdmNum = random.randint(0, 10) if rdmNum == 8: rdm = random.choice(self.weapons) print(" You have found a new weapon") tmp = input(f' Do you want to equip the {rdm.wname}? y/n') if tmp.lower() == "y": print(f' **You have equiped a {rdm.wname}**') self.player.addWeapon(rdm.wname, rdm.watk, rdm.w_hit, rdm.wType) if rdmNum == 7: rdm = random.choice(self.armors) print(f' You have found a new armor') tmp = input(f' Do you want to equip the {rdm.aname}? y/n') if tmp.lower() == "y": print(f' **You have equiped a {rdm.aname}**') self.player.addWeapon(rdm.aname, rdm.arate, rdm.aweight, rdm.aType)
def battle(self): #start main battle loop while > 0 and > 0: helper_functions.clear_screen() #Draw the screen self.game_hud() print('.......................................') print(f' Lvl: {self.enemy.lvl} ') print(f' Name: {self.enemy.mName} ') print(f' Health {} ') #Clear out the variables Action = "" #atk, spell, item, flee Spells_Found = False Items_found = False Spell_Used = "" # name of spell used Item_Used = "" # name of item used #Check to see if the player has any Spells if self.player.Spells: Spells_Found = True #Check to see if player has Potion or Ether for i in self.player.inv: if i.itype == "Heal": Items_found = True break while Action == "": if self.player.pclass == "Mage": #funtion for Mage Battle if Spells_Found and Items_found: tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to Attack Press I to use a Item Press S to use a Spell ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "i": #Item was selected for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Potion": tmp_answer = input("Use a Potion? y/n") if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Potion" Action = "Item" elif item.iname == "Ether": tmp_answer = input('Use a Ether? y/n') if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Ether" Action = "Item" elif tmp_input.lower() == "s": #Spell was selected for spell in self.player.Spells: #Check to see if they can cast it if >= spell.sCost: #Ask if they want to use item tmp_answer = input( f'Use {spell.sname} Cost {spell.sCost}? y/n' ) if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Spell_Used = spell.sname Action = "Spell" break else: print( "You don't have enough mana to cast any spells", end='\r') else: Action = "Atk" elif Spells_Found and not Items_found: #Spells but no items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to Attack Press S to use Spell ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "s": #Spell was selected for spell in self.player.Spells: #Check to see if they can cast it if >= spell.sCost: #Ask if they want to use item tmp_answer = input( f'Use {spell.sname} Cost {spell.sCost}? y/n' ) if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Spell_Used = spell.sname Action = "Spell" break else: print( "You don't have enough mana to cast any spells", end='\r') else: Action = "Atk" elif not Spells_Found and Items_found: #No Spell but they have some Items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to Attack Press I to use a Item ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "i": #Item was selected for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Potion": tmp_answer = input("Use a Potion? y/n") if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Potion" Action = "Item" elif item.iname == "Ether": tmp_answer = input('Use a Ether? y/n') if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Ether" Action = "Item" else: Action = "Atk" else: input(" Press Enter to Attack") Action = "Atk" elif Items_found: #Not a Mage but has Items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to Attack Press I to use a Item ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "i": #Item was selected for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Potion": tmp_answer = input("Use a Potion? y/n") if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Potion" Action = "Item" elif item.iname == "Ether": tmp_answer = input('Use a Ether? y/n') if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": Item_Used = "Ether" Action = "Item" #print("You don't have any items to use in battle") else: Action = "Atk" else: input('Press Enter to attack') Action = "Atk" #Start of action code #players turn if Action == "Item": #Using Item if Item_Used == "Potion": self.player.RemoveItem("Potion", 1) self.player.HealPlayer(30) print(' You healed for 30 hp', end='\r') elif Item_Used == "Ether": self.player.RemoveItem("Ether", 1) self.player.RestoreMana(30) print('30 mana restored', end='\r') Action = "" elif Action == "Spell": #Using Spell for spell in self.player.Spells: if spell.sname == Spell_Used: -= spell.sCost if spell.sname == "Cure": self.player.HealPlayer(int(spell.sDmg)) print(f' You healed for {spell.sDmg}', end='\r') break else: #attack with spell -= int(spell.sDmg) print( f' You cast {spell.sname} for {spell.sDmg} damage', end='\r') break Action = "" elif Action == "Atk": #Attaking dmg, outcome = self.calc_dmg(self.player.strength, self.player.Accuracy, self.player.Evasion, self.player.Armor[0].arate, self.player.Armor[0].aweight, self.player.Weapon[0].w_hit) if outcome == "Blocked": #Block print(' ', end='\r') print('Your attack was blocked', end='\r') elif outcome == "Crit": #Critical hit -= int(dmg) print(' ', end='\r') print( f'Critical hit!! You hit {self.enemy.mName} for {int(dmg)}', end="\r") elif outcome == "Miss": #missed print(' ', end='\r') print('You have missed', end="\r") else: #Normal Hit -= int(dmg) print(' ', end='\r') print(f'You hit the {self.enemy.mName} for {int(dmg)}', end="\r") Action = "" time.sleep(1) #Minion Turn if > 0: dmg, outcome = self.calc_dmg(self.enemy.strength) if outcome == "Blocked": #Block print(' ', end='\r') print(f'You blocked {self.enemy.mName}\'s Attack ', end="\r") elif outcome == "Crit": #Critical hit -= int(dmg) print(' ', end='\r') print( f'Critical hit!! {self.enemy.mName} hit you for {int(dmg)}', end="\r") elif outcome == "Miss": #missed print(' ', end='\r') print(f'{self.enemy.mName} missed you', end="\r") else: #Normal Hit -= int(dmg) print(' ', end='\r') print(f'{self.enemy.mName} hit you for {int(dmg)}', end="\r") time.sleep(1) if <= 0: #The minion has died self.encounters += 1 self.ResMonsterbyName(self.enemy.mName) if self.enemy.mobtype != "Boss": self.badKilled.append((self.position[0], self.position[1])) del self.badguys[self.badguys.index(self.position)] else: self.BossKilled = True self.BossFound = False #Calculate different between mod lvl and ours #make sure its at least 1 if self.enemy.lvl - self.player.lvl < 1: upped = 1 else: upped = self.enemy.lvl - self.player.lvl #Calculate what we gained during the battle gain_exp = int((random.randint(10, 40) * (int(upped))) / 1) gain_gold = int((random.randint(0, 25) * (int(upped))) / 1) self.player.exp += gain_exp += gain_gold #Check to see if item was dropped itemAdr = "" rdnNum = random.randint(0, 10) if rdnNum > 8: #used to heal your player self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Potion")) itemAdr = "Potion" elif rdnNum == 7: #used to heal your player self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Ether")) itemAdr = "Ether" elif self.enemy.mName == "Goblin King": #used to end the game self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Kings Crown"), 1) itemAdr = "Crown" elif rdnNum == 2: #used to open doors self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Door Key")) elif rdnNum == 5 or len(self.badguys) <= 1: #needed for the Boss self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Skull Key")) #print out the end of battle screen helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud() print('') print(' Congragulations you have defeated ') print(f' the {self.enemy.mName} ') print('') print(f' Exp gained {gain_exp} ') print(f' Gold gained {gain_gold} ') print('') if itemAdr != "": print(f' {self.enemy.mName} dropped a {itemAdr}') print('') print('') #Check if we need to level up if self.player.exp // 50 >= 1: self.lvl_up(self.player.exp // 50) self.player.exp = self.player.exp % 50 #return so we don't fight the monster we just revived input('Press Enter to continue') helper_functions.clear_screen() self.Cave_tunnel() return elif < 1: #you were killed print('You were killed!') time.sleep(1) self.game_over()
def Status_Screen(self): #Generate options for Status Screen working = True update = True while working: if update: helper_functions.clear_screen() self.Stats() update = False Items_found = False Spells_found = False for item in self.player.inv: if item.itype == "Heal": Items_found = True for spell in self.player.Spells: if spell.sname == "Cure": Spells_found = True if Items_found and Spells_found: #player has spells and items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to go back to the map Press I to use a Item Press S to use a Spell ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "i": #Item was selected for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Potion": tmp_answer = input("Use a Potion? y/n") if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #use a potion self.player.HealPlayer(30) self.player.RemoveItem('Potion') print(' You healed for 30 hp', end='\r') update = True else: update = True elif item.iname == "Ether": tmp_answer = input('Use a Ether? y/n') if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #Use a Ether self.player.RemoveItem("Ether", 1) self.player.RestoreMana(30) print('30 mana restored', end='\r') update = True else: update = True elif tmp_input.lower() == "s": #Spell was selected for spell in self.player.Spells: #Check to see if they can cast it if >= spell.sCost: #Ask if they want to use item if spell.sname == "Cure": tmp_answer = input( f'Use {spell.sname} Cost {spell.sCost}? y/n' ) if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #Use Spell self.player.HealPlayer(int(spell.sDmg)) print(f' You healed for {spell.sDmg}', end='\r') -= spell.sCost update = True else: update = True else: print( "You don't have enough mana to cast any spells", end='\r') update = True else: #exit clause update = False working = False break elif Spells_found and not Items_found: #Spells but no items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to go back to the map Press S to use Spell ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "s": #Spell was selected for spell in self.player.Spells: #Check to see if they can cast it if >= spell.sCost: #Ask if they want to use item if spell.sname == "Cure": tmp_answer = input( f'Use {spell.sname} Cost {spell.sCost}? y/n' ) if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #Use Spell self.player.HealPlayer(int(spell.sDmg)) print(f' You healed for {spell.sDmg}', end='\r') -= spell.sCost update = True break else: update = True else: print( "You don't have enough mana to cast any spells.", end='\r') update = True else: #Exit clause update = False working = False break elif not Spells_found and Items_found: #No Spell but they have some Items tmp_input = input(''' Press Enter to go back to the map Press I to use a Item ''') if tmp_input.lower() == "i": #Item was selected for item in self.player.inv: if item.iname == "Potion": tmp_answer = input("Use a Potion? y/n") if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #use a potion self.player.HealPlayer(30) self.player.RemoveItem('Potion') print(' You healed for 30 hp', end='\r') update = True else: update = True elif item.iname == "Ether": tmp_answer = input('Use a Ether? y/n') if tmp_answer.lower() == "y": #Use a Ether self.player.RemoveItem("Ether", 1) self.player.RestoreMana(30) print('30 mana restored', end='\r') update = True else: update = True else: #Exit Clause update = False working = False break else: input('Press Enter to go back to the map') update = False working = False break
def Cave_shop(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud()"Cave_shop").ShowArt() ch = random.randint(0, 3) rdn = random.randint(10, 50) if ch == 0: #Choice random weapon wpn = random.choice(self.weapons) print(f'Would you like to buy a {wpn.wname} for {rdn} gold?') if wpn.w_hit >= self.player.Weapon[0].w_hit: print( f' ***increase of {wpn.w_hit - self.player.Weapon[0].w_hit} Attack' ) else: print( f' ***Decrease of -{self.player.Weapon[0].w_hit - wpn.w_hit} Attack' ) tmp = input(" (y/n)") if tmp.lower() == "y": if >= rdn: print(' It will serve you well!') self.player.addWeapon(wpn.wname, wpn.watk, wpn.w_hit, wpn.wType) print(f' ****{wpn.wname} equiped****') -= rdn else: print("You don't have enough gold.") else: print('Good Bye') elif ch == 1: #choice random armor arm = random.choice(self.armors) print(f'Would you like to buy a {arm.aname} for {rdn} gold?') if arm.arate >= self.player.Armor[0].arate: print( f' ***increase of {arm.arate - self.player.Armor[0].arate} Defence' ) else: print( f' ***Decrease of -{self.player.Armor[0].arate - arm.arate} Defence' ) tmp = input(" (y/n)") if tmp.lower() == "y": if >= rdn: print(' It will serve you well!') self.player.addArmor(arm.aname, arm.arate, arm.aweight, arm.aType) print(f' ****{arm.aname} equiped****') -= rdn else: print("You don't have enough gold.") else: print('Good Bye') else: #choice random heal item found = False while found != True: itm = random.choice(self.items) if itm.itype != "Key": found = True print(f'Would you like to buy a {itm.iname} for {rdn} gold?') tmp = input(" (y/n)") if tmp.lower() == "y": if >= rdn: print(' It will serve you well!') self.player.GiveItem(itm.iname) print(f' ****{itm.iname} added to your inventory****') -= rdn else: print("You don't have enough gold.") else: print('Good Bye') #remove the shop from the list del self.shops[self.shops.index(self.position)] self.Cave_tunnel()
def Cave_Wall(self): helper_functions.clear_screen() self.game_hud()"Cave_Wall").ShowArt()
def char_setup(self): finished = False while not finished: #Setup Character helper_functions.clear_screen()"Logo").ShowArt() self.player.pname = input('Please enter your name: ') helper_functions.clear_screen()"Class Selection").ShowArt() print('') print('Selection: ') print('') tmp = input('') if tmp == "1": #Figher class helper_functions.clear_screen() self.player.strength = random.randint(8, 13) self.player.pclass = "Fighter" weapon = "Short Sword" armor = "Cloth Armor" health = 35 Ev = 8 Acc = 45 elif tmp == "2": #Monk Class helper_functions.clear_screen() self.player.strength = random.randint(7, 10) self.player.pclass = "Monk" weapon = "Brass Knuckles" armor = "Shirt" health = 25 Ev = 12 Acc = 35 elif tmp == "3": #Thief Class helper_functions.clear_screen() self.player.pclass = "Thief" weapon = "Small Knife" armor = "Leather Armor" health = 15 Ev = 20 Acc = 30 self.player.strength = random.randint(5, 8) elif tmp == "4": #Mage Class self.player.pclass = "Mage" health = 15 Ev = 12 Acc = 20 weapon = "Wooden Staff" armor = "Robe" self.player.max_mp = 30 = self.player.max_mp self.player.strength = random.randint(4, 6) else: #User didn't choice a class so we will assign open #They get a Loser Class print(""" Guess you didn't want to choose a class. Well I will make the choice for you slacker! """) self.player.pclass = "Loser" self.player.strength = random.randint(1, 3) weapon = "Stick" armor = "Cover-all" health = 10 Ev = 5 Acc = 5 #Display to the user what they choose if self.player.pname != "GOD": = health self.player.max_health = health self.player.Evasion = Ev self.player.Accuracy = Acc for item in self.weapons: if item.wname == weapon: wpn = item self.player.addWeapon(wpn.wname, wpn.watk, wpn.w_hit, wpn.wType) for item in self.armors: if item.aname == armor: amn = item self.player.addArmor(amn.aname, amn.arate, amn.aweight, amn.aType) self.player.inv.clear() else: self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Door Key"), 1) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Skull Key"), 1) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Potion"), 10) self.player.GiveItem(self.GetItemByName("Ether"), 10) self.player.addSpell("Cure") self.player.addSpell("Fireball") = 60 self.player.max_health = self.player.Evasion = 40 self.player.Accuracy = 40 self.player.strength = 25 for item in self.weapons: if item.wname == weapon: wpn = item self.player.addWeapon(wpn.wname, wpn.watk, wpn.w_hit, wpn.wType) for item in self.armors: if item.aname == armor: amn = item self.player.addArmor(amn.aname, amn.arate, amn.aweight, amn.aType) helper_functions.clear_screen() print("") print(f'You choose :') print("") print(f"Name: {self.player.pname}") print(f"Class: {self.player.pclass}") print(f"Health: {}/{self.player.max_health}") if self.player.pclass == "Mage": print(f"Mana: {}/{self.player.max_mp}") print( f"Evasion: {self.player.Evasion} Accuracy: {self.player.Accuracy}" ) print(f"Strength: {self.player.strength} ") print( f"Weapon: {self.player.Weapon[0].wname} Atk rate: {self.player.Weapon[0].watk}" ) print( f"Armor: {self.player.Armor[0].aname} Def rate: {self.player.Armor[0].arate}" ) print(' ') if self.player.pclass == "Fighter":"Fighter").ShowArt() #class_oldgraphic.Print_Img("Fighter") elif self.player.pclass == "Monk":"Monk").ShowArt() #class_oldgraphic.Print_Img("Monk") elif self.player.pclass == "Thief":"Thief").ShowArt() #class_oldgraphic.Print_Img("Thief") elif self.player.pclass == "Mage":"Mage").ShowArt() #class_oldgraphic.Print_Img("Mage") print("") tmp = input("Do you want to keep this Character? y/n") if tmp.lower() != "n": finished = True
return "Cave_Wall" #start of the game Calradia = class_world.gameWorld() Map = class_map.Map_Gen() while Calradia.running == True: new_lvl = [] new_lvl = class_map.Map_Gen(30, 30, 60, (10, 10, 10, 10), (1, 1), 3, 15, True) #lvl = Generator() #print(list(lvl)) #Gen_Map() Gen_Positions() Calradia.char_setup() helper_functions.clear_screen() #start of the adventer print('') print(f'Welcome to Bavaria, young {Calradia.player.pname}') print('')"Dwarf").ShowArt() print('') print( 'We are in need of your help. Yesterday, a goblin stole the king\'s crown.' ) print( ' We tried to get it back but the Goblin King\' minions are to strong for our guards' ) print('')