def test_no_throw(self): if not available: self.skipTest(skipMsg) no_throw = True msg = "" try: bc = get_ternary_BC() eci = get_example_ecis(bc) atoms = bc.atoms.copy() CE(atoms, bc, eci=eci) mc = Montecarlo(atoms, 1000) mc.insert_symbol_random_places("Mg", num=10, swap_symbs=["Al"]) # Note: convergence_factor should never be # set to a negative value! Here it is done # to make the test converged after one step bias = AdaptiveBiasReactionPathSampler( mc_obj=mc, react_crd_init=DummyReacCrdInit(), react_crd=[-1.0, 1.0], convergence_factor=-1.0) except Exception as exc: msg = str(exc) no_throw = False self.assertTrue(no_throw, msg=msg)
def test_with_bias_potential(self): if not available: self.skipTest(avail_msg) msg = "" try: os.remove("test_db_ternary.db") except Exception: pass no_throw = True try: bc = get_ternary_BC() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) atoms = bc.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=ecis) groups = [{"Al": 2}, {"Mg": 1, "Si": 1}] symbs = ["Al", "Mg", "Si"] T = 400 mc = PseudoBinarySGC(atoms, T, chem_pot=-0.2, symbols=symbs, groups=groups) conc_init = PseudoBinaryConcInitializer(mc) reac_crd = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10) bias_pot = reac_crd**2 bias = PseudoBinaryFreeEnergyBias(conc_init, reac_crd, bias_pot) mc.add_bias(bias) mc.runMC(mode="fixed", steps=100, equil=False) os.remove("test_db_ternary.db") except Exception as exc: msg = "{}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, str(exc)) no_throw = False self.assertTrue(no_throw, msg)
def test_pair_observer(self): if not available: self.skipTest(skip_msg) no_throw = True msg = "" bc = get_ternary_BC() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) atoms = bc.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=ecis) atoms.set_calculator(calc) T = 1000 nn_names = [name for name in bc.cluster_family_names if int(name[1]) == 2] mc = FixedNucleusMC( atoms, T, network_name=nn_names, network_element=["Mg", "Si"]) mc.insert_symbol_random_places("Mg", swap_symbs=["Al"]) elements = {"Mg": 3, "Si": 3} mc.grow_cluster(elements) obs = PairObserver(mc.atoms, cutoff=4.1, elements=["Mg", "Si"]) mc.attach(obs) mc.runMC(steps=200) self.assertEqual(obs.num_pairs, obs.num_pairs_brute_force()) self.assertTrue(obs.symbols_is_synced())
def test_no_throw(self): if not available: self.skipTest(avail_msg) msg = "" try: os.remove("test_db_ternary.db") except Exception: pass no_throw = True try: bc = get_ternary_BC() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) atoms = bc.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=ecis) groups = [{"Al": 2}, {"Mg": 1, "Si": 1}] symbs = ["Al", "Mg", "Si"] T = 400 mc = PseudoBinarySGC(atoms, T, chem_pot=-0.2, symbols=symbs, groups=groups) mc.runMC(mode="fixed", steps=100, equil=False) os.remove("test_db_ternary.db") except Exception as exc: msg = "{}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, str(exc)) no_throw = False self.assertTrue(no_throw, msg)
def test_ignore_atoms(self): if not has_ase_with_ce: self.skipTest("ASE does not have CE") from cemc.mcmc import FixedElement no_trow = True msg = "" try: from copy import deepcopy conc = Concentration(basis_elements=[['V', 'Li'], ['O']]) kwargs = { "crystalstructure": "rocksalt", "concentration": conc, "a": 4.12, 'size': [2, 2, 2], 'cubic': True, "max_cluster_size": 4, "max_cluster_dia": 4.12, "db_name": 'database.db', 'basis_function': 'sluiter', 'ignore_background_atoms': True } fix_elem = FixedElement(element="O") kw_args_cpy = deepcopy(kwargs) ceBulk = CEBulk(**kw_args_cpy) ecis = get_example_ecis(ceBulk) atoms = get_atoms_with_ce_calc(ceBulk, kwargs, eci=ecis, size=[3, 3, 3], db_name="ignore_test_large.db") calc = atoms.get_calculator() # Insert some Li atoms num_li = 5 symbols = [atom.symbol for atom in atoms] num_inserted = 0 for i in range(0, len(symbols)): if symbols[i] == "V": symbols[i] = "Li" num_inserted += 1 if num_inserted >= num_li: break calc.set_symbols(symbols) mc = Montecarlo(atoms, 800) mc.add_constraint(fix_elem) mc.runMC(steps=100, equil=False, mode="fixed") # Clean up files os.remove("ignore_test_large.db") os.remove("database.db") except Exception as exc: no_trow = False msg = str(exc) self.assertTrue(no_trow, msg=msg)
def test_run(self): if not available: self.skipTest(reason) bc = get_ternary_BC() eci = get_example_ecis(bc) atoms = bc.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=eci) mc = Montecarlo(atoms, 1000000) mc.insert_symbol_random_places("Mg", swap_symbs=["Al"], num=3) performance_monitor = MultithreadPerformance(4), 100)
def test_adaptive_euler(self): if ( not has_ase_with_ce ): msg = "ASE version does not have CE" self.skipTest( msg ) return no_throw = True msg = "" try: b1, b2, a1, a2 = self.init_bulk_crystal() gs1 = { "atoms": a1, "bc":b1, "eci":get_example_ecis(bc=b1), "cf":get_example_cf(bc=b1, atoms=a1) } gs2 = { "atoms": a2, "bc":b2, "eci":get_example_ecis(bc=b2), "cf":get_example_cf(bc=b2, atoms=a2) } ground_states = [gs1, gs2] boundary = PhaseBoundaryTracker( ground_states ) T = [10,20] mc_args = { "steps":10, "mode":"fixed", "equil":False } res = boundary.separation_line_adaptive_euler(init_temp=100, min_step=99,stepsize=100, mc_args=mc_args, symbols=["Al","Mg"]) fname = "test_phase_boundary.h5" save_phase_boundary(fname, res) process_phase_boundary(fname) except Exception as exc: no_throw = False msg = str(exc) self.assertTrue( no_throw, msg=msg )
def init_bulk_crystal(self): conc = Concentration(basis_elements=[["Al", "Mg", "Si"]]) ceBulk = CEBulk(crystalstructure="fcc", a=4.05, size=[4, 4, 4], concentration=conc, db_name=db_name, max_cluster_size=2, max_cluster_dia=4.0) ceBulk.reconfigure_settings() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=ceBulk) atoms = ceBulk.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, ceBulk, ecis) return ceBulk, atoms
def test_covariance_observer(self): """Test the covariance observer.""" if not available: self.skipTest("ASE version does not have CE!") msg = "" no_throw = True from cemc.mcmc import FixEdgeLayers from cemc.mcmc import CovarianceMatrixObserver bc, args = get_ternary_BC(ret_args=True) ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) atoms = get_atoms_with_ce_calc(bc, args, eci=ecis, size=[8, 8, 8], db_name="covariance_obs.db") T = 200 nn_names = [name for name in bc.cluster_family_names if int(name[1]) == 2] mc = FixedNucleusMC( atoms, T, network_name=nn_names, network_element=["Mg", "Si"]) fixed_layers = FixEdgeLayers(atoms=mc.atoms, thickness=3.0) mc.add_constraint(fixed_layers) elements = {"Mg": 6, "Si": 6} mc.insert_symbol_random_places("Mg", num=1, swap_symbs=["Al"]) mc.grow_cluster(elements) cov_obs = CovarianceMatrixObserver(atoms=mc.atoms, cluster_elements=["Mg", "Si"]) mc.attach(cov_obs) for _ in range(10): mc.runMC(steps=100, elements=elements, init_cluster=False) obs_I = cov_obs.cov_matrix indices = [] for atom in mc.atoms: if atom.symbol in ["Mg", "Si"]: indices.append(atom.index) cluster = mc.atoms[indices] pos = cluster.get_positions() com = np.mean(pos, axis=0) pos -= com cov_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(pos.shape[0]): x = pos[i, :] cov_matrix += np.outer(x, x) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(obs_I, cov_matrix)) os.remove("covariance_obs.db")
def init_bulk_crystal(self): conc_args = { "conc_ratio_min_1": [[2, 1, 1]], "conc_ratio_max_1": [[0, 2, 2]], } ceBulk = CEBulk(crystalstructure="fcc", a=4.05, size=[4, 4, 4], basis_elements=[["Al", "Mg", "Si"]], conc_args=conc_args, db_name=db_name, max_cluster_size=2, max_cluster_dia=4.0) ceBulk.reconfigure_settings() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=ceBulk) calc = CE(ceBulk, ecis) ceBulk.atoms.set_calculator(calc) return ceBulk
def test_raise_error_on_invalid_chem_pot(self): if not available: self.skipTest(avail_msg) bc = get_ternary_BC() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) ecis.pop('c1_1') atoms = bc.atoms.copy() calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=ecis) atoms.set_calculator(calc) groups = [{"Al": 2}, {"Mg": 1, "Si": 1}] symbs = ["Al", "Mg", "Si"] T = 400 with self.assertRaises(InvalidChemicalPotentialError): PseudoBinarySGC(atoms, T, chem_pot=-0.2, symbols=symbs, groups=groups)
def test_with_ternay(self): if ( not has_ase_with_ce ): msg = "ASE version does not have CE" self.skipTest( msg ) return no_throw = True msg = "" try: ground_states = [] elements = ["Al", "Mg", "Si"] for i in range(3): ce_bulk = get_ternary_BC() eci = get_example_ecis(bc=ce_bulk) atoms = ce_bulk.atoms.copy() for atom in atoms: atom.symbol = elements[i] gs = { "atoms": atoms, "bc":ce_bulk, "eci":eci, "cf":get_example_cf(bc=ce_bulk, atoms=atoms) } ground_states.append(gs) boundary = PhaseBoundaryTracker( ground_states ) T = [10,20] mc_args = { "steps":10, "mode":"fixed", "equil":False } res = boundary.separation_line_adaptive_euler( init_temp=100,min_step=99,stepsize=100, mc_args=mc_args, symbols=["Al","Mg","Si"] ) fname = "test_phase_boundary_ternary.h5" save_phase_boundary(fname, res) process_phase_boundary(fname) except Exception as exc: no_throw = False msg = str(exc) self.assertTrue( no_throw, msg=msg )
def test_with_covariance_reac_crd(self): if not available: self.skipTest("ASE version does not have CE!") msg = "" no_throw = True try: bc = get_ternary_BC() atoms = bc.atoms.copy() ecis = get_example_ecis(bc=bc) calc = CE(atoms, bc, eci=ecis) #bc.atoms.set_calculator(calc) T = 200 nn_names = [name for name in bc.cluster_family_names if int(name[1]) == 2] mc = FixedNucleusMC( atoms, T, network_name=nn_names, network_element=["Mg", "Si"]) elements = {"Mg": 4, "Si": 4} mc.insert_symbol_random_places("Mg", num=1, swap_symbs=["Al"]) mc.grow_cluster(elements) conc_init = CovarianceCrdInitializer( fixed_nucl_mc=mc, matrix_element="Al", cluster_elements=["Mg", "Si"]) mc.runMC(steps=100, init_cluster=False) match, match_msg = self._spherical_nano_particle_matches(conc_init) self.assertTrue(match, msg=match_msg) except Exception as exc: no_throw = False msg = str(exc) self.assertTrue(no_throw, msg=msg)