Example #1
stimulus = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency *
                  t) * (1 + contrast * np.sin(2 * np.pi * contrastf * t))

#kernel parameters
kernelparams = {'sigma': 0.001, 'lenfactor': 8, 'resolution': t_delta}

#create kernel
kernel, kerneltime = helpers.spike_gauss_kernel(**kernelparams)

convolvedspklist = np.zeros([t.shape[0],
                             ntrials])  #initialized list of convolved spikes
spiketrains = np.zeros([t.shape[0],
                        ntrials])  #initialized list of spike trains
for i in range(ntrials):
    #run the model for the given stimulus and get spike times
    spiketimes, spikeISI, meanspkfr = helpers.stimulus_ISI_calculator(
        cellparams, stimulus, tlength=tlength)

    convolvedspikes, spikearray = helpers.convolved_spikes(
        spiketimes, stimulus, t, kernel)

    convolvedspklist[:, i] = convolvedspikes
    spiketrains[:, i] = spikearray

peristimulustimehist = np.mean(convolvedspklist, axis=1)
fig, (axp, axr, axs) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

axp.plot(t[t > 0.1] * 1000, peristimulustimehist[t > 0.1])
axp.set_title('Peristimulus time histogram')
axp.set_ylabel('Spiking frequency [Hz]')

axr.plot(t[t > 0.1] * 1000,
        print("File exists and is readable")

    #Amplitude modulation
    baselinefs, initialfs, steadyfs = helpers.amplitude_modulation(
        cellparams, EODf, **ampmodinputs)

    frequency = EODf  #Electric organ discharge frequency in Hz, used for stimulus
    t_delta = cellparams["deltat"]  #time step in seconds
    t = np.arange(0, tlength, t_delta)
    stimulus = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency *
                      t)  #simple sine wave for the hist

    __, spikeISI, __ = helpers.stimulus_ISI_calculator(cellparams,
    spikeISI = spikeISI * EODf
    ISIhist, ISIbins = np.histogram(spikeISI, bins=np.arange(0, 20.2, 0.2))

    datarate = {
        'baselinefs': baselinefs,
        'initialfs': initialfs,
        'steadyfs': steadyfs,
        'contrasts': ampmodinputs['contrasts']

    datahist = {'ISIhist': ISIhist, 'ISIbins': ISIbins[1:]}
    dataISI = {'spikeISI': spikeISI}
    prdf = pd.DataFrame(datarate)
    phistdf = pd.DataFrame(datahist)
Example #3
tstart = 0.15  #the time point to start plotting (in seconds)
tstop = 0.2  #the time point to stop plotting (in seconds)
cell_idx = 0  #index of the cell of interest.

#Run from here on, if you break and want to re-see what is up.
checkertotal = 1  #this to keep looking further to cells after breaking.
while checkertotal == 1:
    cell, EODf, cellparams = helpers.parameters_dictionary_reformatting(
        cell_idx, parameters)

    frequency = EODf  #Electric organ discharge frequency in Hz, used for stimulus
    t_delta = cellparams["deltat"]  #time step in seconds
    t = np.arange(0, tlength, t_delta)
    stimulus = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t)

    spikevals = helpers.stimulus_ISI_calculator(
        cellparams, stimulus, tlength=tlength)  #spikevals is spiketimes,
    #spikeISI, meanspkfr
    meanspkfrs.append(spikevals[2])  #mean spike firing rate per second


    checkerplot = 0
    while checkerplot == 0:
        a = input('press enter to continue, write esc to quit \n')