Example #1
import sys
import pickle

import helpers.data as data
import helpers.graph as graph
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from helpers.helpers import dprint, readArgs, Result, MeasureTimer, printResults

from predictor import validate_buyers_for_products

(K, orderlim, saveto) = readArgs()

# Load orders
orders = data.cut_orders_by_repeated_buyers(data.load_orders(), orderlim)

buyers = set([order['buyer'] for order in orders])
all_c = len(buyers)

# Split orders into train and test sets
train, test = data.split_train_set(orders)

# Create test bipartite graph
B_test = graph.construct_bi_graph_buyer_product(test)
testBuyers, testProducts = nx.bipartite.sets(B_test)

timer = MeasureTimer()

def predict_random_buyers(testProducts, k):
Example #2
            if i1 in partitions and i2 in partitions:
                com_neig = list(nx.common_neighbors(B_test, i1, i2))
                if len(com_neig) > 0:
                    if partitions[i1] == partitions[i2]:
                        # Score if they are from same partition
                        yield len(com_neig) / (
                            len(list(nx.neighbors(B_test, i1))) +
                            len(list(nx.neighbors(B_test, i2))))
                        yield 0
                    yield (partitions[i1] != partitions[i2])

    scores = list(score(parts, sets[0]))
    return np.average(scores), len(set(parts.values()))

# Get data with additional parameters
orders = data.load_orders()

# Split data into train and test
train, test = data.split_train_set(orders)

# Construct bipartite graph buyer <--> product
B = graph.construct_bi_graph_buyer_product(train)

# Create test bipartite graph
B_test = graph.construct_bi_graph_buyer_product(test)

print(segmentation(B, B_test))