def test(): status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS seq = str(int(time.time()*1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid='jiabind') response = GFSenderHelper.forward(GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args) response = json_decode(response) print 'response', response if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[ADMIN] Umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind successfully", pmobile, terminal.tid, tmobile) else: status = response['success'] print 'status', status
def post(self): status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: data = DotDict(json_decode(self.request.body))"[UWEB] batch delete request: %s, corp_id: %s", data, self.current_user.cid) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT logging.exception("[UWEB] Invalid data format. Exception: %s", e.args) self.write_ret(status) return try: status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS tids = list(data.tids) flag = data.flag res = [] for tid in tids: r = DotDict(tid=tid, status=ErrorCode.SUCCESS) terminal = QueryHelper.get_available_terminal(tid, self.db) if not terminal: r.status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS res.append(r) logging.error( "[UWEB] The terminal with tid: %s does not exist!", tid) continue key = get_del_data_key(tid) self.redis.set(key, flag) biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(, self.db) if int(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWQ: delete_terminal(tid, self.db, self.redis) res.append(r) continue elif int(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: if terminal.login != GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE: if == tid: delete_terminal(tid, self.db, self.redis) else: r.status = self.send_jb_sms(, terminal.owner_mobile, tid) res.append(r) continue # NOT: unbind. TODO: It should be re-factor some day. seq = str(int(time.time() * 1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=tid) response = GFSenderHelper.forward( GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args) response = json_decode(response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind successfully", self.current_user.uid, tid, res.append(r) else: # unbind failed. clear sessionID for relogin, then unbind # it again sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(tid) self.redis.delete(sessionID_key) logging.error('[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind failed, message: %s, send JB sms...', self.current_user.uid, tid,, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[response['success']]) unbind_sms = SMSCode.SMS_UNBIND biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(, self.db) if biz_type != UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: ret = DotDict(status=ErrorCode.SUCCESS) else: ret = SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(, unbind_sms) ret = DotDict(json_decode(ret)) if ret.status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: res.append(r) self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET service_status = %s" " WHERE id = %s", UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.TO_BE_UNBIND,"[UWEB] uid: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s SMS unbind successfully.", self.current_user.uid, tid, else: r.status = ErrorCode.FAILED res.append(r) logging.error("[UWEB] uid: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s SMS unbind failed. Message: %s", self.current_user.uid, tid,, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) self.write_ret(status, dict_=DotDict(res=res)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] cid: %s batch delete failed. Exception: %s", self.current_user.cid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_FILE self.write_ret(status)
def post(self, tmobile, pmobile, is_clear): """Delete a terminal. @param: tmobile // terminal's mobile @param: pmobile // owner_mobile @param: is_clear: 清除// 1: 清除历史数据; 0: 不清楚历史数据 """ status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: terminal = self.db.get("SELECT id, login, mobile, tid" " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO" " WHERE mobile = %s", tmobile) tid = terminal.tid #NOTE: record whether clear history in redis key = get_del_data_key(tid) self.redis.set(key, is_clear) biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(tmobile, self.db) if int(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: if terminal.login != GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE: # offline if == tid: delete_terminal_new(tid, self.db, self.redis)'[ADMIN] Delete terminal. umobile:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s.', pmobile, tid, tmobile) else: delete_terminal_new(tid, self.db, self.redis) unbind_sms = SMSCode.SMS_UNBIND ret = SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(tmobile, unbind_sms) ret = DotDict(json_decode(ret))'[ADMIN] Send JB sms. umobile:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s.', pmobile, tid, tmobile) self.write_ret(status) return else: delete_terminal_new(tid, self.db, self.redis) self.write_ret(status) return # unbind terminal seq = str(int(time.time()*1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=terminal.tid) response = GFSenderHelper.forward(GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args) response = json_decode(response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[ADMIN] Umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s" " GPRS unbind successfully", pmobile, terminal.tid, tmobile) else: status = response['success'] # unbind failed. clear sessionID for relogin, then unbind it again sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(terminal.tid) self.redis.delete(sessionID_key) logging.error("[ADMIN] Umobile:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s" " GPRS unbind failed, message: %s, send JB sms...", pmobile, terminal.tid, tmobile, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) unbind_sms = SMSCode.SMS_UNBIND biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(tmobile, self.db) if biz_type != UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: ret = DotDict(status=ErrorCode.SUCCESS) else: ret = SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(tmobile, unbind_sms) ret = DotDict(json_decode(ret)) status = ret.status if ret.status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET service_status = %s" " WHERE id = %s", UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.TO_BE_UNBIND,"[ADMIN] umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s" " SMS unbind successfully.", pmobile, terminal.tid, tmobile) else: logging.error("[ADMIN] umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s" " SMS unbind failed. Message: %s", pmobile, terminal.tid, tmobile, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.FAILED logging.exception("[ADMIN] Delete service failed." " tmobile: %s, owner mobile: %s, Exception: %s", tmobile, pmobile, e.args) self.write_ret(status)
def post(self, ecmobile): """Delete the corp. """ status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: ec = self.get_ecbusiness_info(ecmobile) groups = self.db.query( "SELECT id FROM T_GROUP WHERE corp_id = %s", ec.cid) groups = [ for group in groups] terminals = self.db.query("SELECT id, tid, mobile, owner_mobile" " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO WHERE group_id IN %s", tuple(groups + DUMMY_IDS)) for terminal in terminals: # unbind terminal seq = str(int(time.time() * 1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=terminal.tid) response = GFSenderHelper.forward( GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args) response = json_decode(response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[ADMIN] umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s" " GPRS unbind successfully", terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid, else: status = response['success'] # unbind failed. clear sessionID for relogin, then unbind # it again sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(terminal.tid) self.redis.delete(sessionID_key) logging.error("[ADMIN] umobile:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s" " GPRS unbind failed, message: %s, send JB sms...", terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid,, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) unbind_sms = SMSCode.SMS_UNBIND biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(, self.db) if biz_type != UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: ret = DotDict(status=ErrorCode.SUCCESS) else: ret = SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(, unbind_sms) ret = DotDict(json_decode(ret)) status = ret.status if ret.status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET service_status = %s" " WHERE id = %s", UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.TO_BE_UNBIND,"[ADMIN] umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s" " SMS unbind successfully.", terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid, else: logging.error("[ADMIN] umobile: %s, tid: %s, tmobile: %s" " SMS unbind failed. Message: %s", terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid,, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_CORP WHERE cid = %s", ec.cid) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.FAILED logging.exception("Delete service failed. ecmobile: %s, Exception: %s.", ecmobile, e.args) self.write_ret(status)
def get(self, tid): status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS"[UWEB] switch car request: %s", tid) try: terminal = self.db.get("SELECT ti.tid, as sim, owner_mobile," " ti.login, ti.defend_status " " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO as ti " " WHERE ti.tid = %s" " AND service_status = %s" " LIMIT 1", tid, UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.ON) if terminal: self.send_lq_sms(terminal.sim, tid, SMS.LQ.WEB) self.bookkeep(dict(cid=self.current_user.cid, oid=self.current_user.oid, uid=terminal.owner_mobile if terminal.owner_mobile else self.current_user.cid, tid=tid, sim=terminal.sim)) def _on_finish(response): response = json_decode(response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: new_fobs = response['params']['FOBS'] if new_fobs: fobs = self.db.query("SELECT fobid FROM T_FOB" " WHERE tid = %s", tid) old_fobids = [fob.fobid for fob in fobs] new_fobids = new_fobs.split(':') add_fobids = list(set(new_fobids) - set(old_fobids)) del_fobids = list(set(old_fobids) - set(new_fobids)) for fobid in add_fobids: self.db.execute("INSERT INTO T_FOB(tid, fobid)" " VALUES(%s, %s)", tid, fobid) for fobid in del_fobids: self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_FOB" " WHERE tid = %s" " AND fobid = %s", tid, fobid) if len(old_fobids) != len(new_fobids): self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET keys_num = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", len(new_fobids), tid) # redis terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key(tid) terminal_info = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) if terminal_info: terminal_info['fob_list'] = new_fobids terminal_info['keys_num'] = len(new_fobids) self.redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info) # send S5 for querying fobs 3 minutes later seq = str(int(time.time()*1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=tid, params=['fobs',]) IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(int(time.time()) + 180, lambda: GFSenderHelper.async_forward( GFSenderHelper.URLS.QUERY, args, _on_finish)) else: status = ErrorCode.LOGIN_AGAIN self.write_ret(status) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] uid: %s switch car to tid: %s failed. Exception: %s", self.current_user.uid, tid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status)
def post(self): status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: data = DotDict(json_decode(self.request.body)) tmobile = data.tmobile flag = data.get('flag', 0)"[UWEB] unbind request: %s", data) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT self.write_ret(status) IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.finish) return try: #NOTE:delete is not permited status = ErrorCode.DELETE_NOT_PERMITED self.write_ret(status) self.finish() return terminal = self.db.get("SELECT id, tid, owner_mobile, login" " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO" " WHERE mobile = %s" " AND service_status = %s", tmobile, UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.ON) if not terminal: status = ErrorCode.TERMINAL_NOT_EXISTED logging.error("The terminal with tmobile: %s does not exist!", tmobile) self.write_ret(status) IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.finish) return key = get_del_data_key(terminal.tid) self.redis.set(key, flag) if terminal.login != GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE: status = self.send_jb_sms(tmobile, terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid) self.write_ret(status) IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.finish) return def _on_finish(response): status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS response = json_decode(response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS" " unbind successfully", self.current_user.uid, terminal.tid, tmobile) else: status = response['success'] # unbind failed. clear sessionID for relogin, then unbind it again sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(terminal.tid) self.redis.delete(sessionID_key) logging.error("[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind failed, " " message: %s, send JB sms...", self.current_user.uid, terminal.tid, tmobile, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) status = self.send_jb_sms(tmobile, terminal.owner_mobile, terminal.tid) self.write_ret(status) IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.finish) seq = str(int(time.time()*1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=terminal.tid) GFSenderHelper.async_forward(GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args, _on_finish) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] tmobile:%s unbind failed. Exception: %s", data.tmobile, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status) IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.finish)
def delete(self): """Delete a terminal. """ try: status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS tid = self.get_argument('tid', None) flag = self.get_argument('flag', 0)"[UWEB] Corp delete terminal request. tid: %s, flag: %s, cid: %s", tid, flag, self.current_user.cid) terminal = QueryHelper.get_available_terminal(tid, self.db) if not terminal: logging.error("[UWEB] The terminal with tid: %s does not exist!", tid) status = ErrorCode.TERMINAL_NOT_EXISTED self.write_ret(status) return t_info = QueryHelper.get_terminal_basic_info(tid, self.db) key = get_del_data_key(tid) self.redis.set(key, flag) biz_type = QueryHelper.get_biz_type_by_tmobile(, self.db) if int(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: if terminal.login != GATEWAY.TERMINAL_LOGIN.ONLINE: if == tid: delete_terminal(tid, self.db, self.redis) else: status = self.send_jb_sms(, terminal.owner_mobile, tid) if status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: WSPushHelper.pushS3(tid, self.db, self.redis, t_info) self.write_ret(status) return else: delete_terminal(tid, self.db, self.redis) if status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: WSPushHelper.pushS3(tid, self.db, self.redis, t_info) self.write_ret(status) return # unbind terminal seq = str(int(time.time() * 1000))[-4:] args = DotDict(seq=seq, tid=tid) response = GFSenderHelper.forward(GFSenderHelper.URLS.UNBIND, args) response = json_decode(response) "[UWEB] UNBind terminal: %s, response: %s", tid, response) if response['success'] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:"[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind successfully", self.current_user.uid, tid, else: status = response['success'] # unbind failed. clear sessionID for relogin, then unbind it # again clear_sessionID(self.redis, tid) logging.error('[UWEB] uid:%s, tid: %s, tmobile:%s GPRS unbind failed, message: %s, send JB sms...', self.current_user.uid, tid,, ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status]) status = self.send_jb_sms(, terminal.owner_mobile, tid) if status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: WSPushHelper.pushS3(tid, self.db, self.redis, t_info) self.write_ret(status) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] Delete terminal failed. cid: %s, Exception: %s", self.current_user.cid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status)