from helpers.helpers import read_input input = read_input("input_files/aoc_2_input.txt") def is_correct(rule, password): char = rule.split(" ")[1] rule_length = rule.split(" ")[0].split("-") return password.count(char) >= int( rule_length[0]) and password.count(char) <= int(rule_length[1]) def is_correct_official(rule, password): char = rule.split(" ")[1] # read the char char_position = rule.split(" ")[0].split("-") # split the rule on `-` char_position = list(map(int, char_position)) # parse to integers return (password[char_position[0]] == char and password[char_position[1]] != char) or (password[char_position[0]] != char and password[char_position[1]] == char) correct_password = 0 for line in input: value = line.split(":") if is_correct(value[0], value[1]): correct_password += 1 print("Result 1: {}".format(correct_password)) correct_password_official = 0 for line in input: value = line.split(":")
from helpers.helpers import read_input input = read_input("input_files/aoc_5_input.txt", '\n') def parse_row(row_data): rows = list(range(128)) for char in row_data: if char == "B": rows = rows[round(len(rows) / 2):] if char == "F": rows = rows[:round(len(rows) / 2)] return rows[0] def parse_column(column_data): rows = list(range(8)) for char in column_data: if char == "R": rows = rows[round(len(rows) / 2):] if char == "L": rows = rows[:round(len(rows) / 2)] return rows[0] def calculate_seat_id(row, column): return row * 8 + column highest_seat_id = 0 seat_ids = []
from helpers.helpers import read_input adapters = read_input("input_files/aoc_10_input.txt", '\n') adapters = [int(x) for x in adapters] adapters.sort() def get_device_jolts(adapters): return adapters[-1] + 3 adapter_counter = [1, 0, 1] for index in range(0, len(adapters)): for lookahead in range(1, 4): if len(adapters) > ( index + 1) and adapters[index] + lookahead == adapters[index + 1]: adapter_counter[lookahead - 1] = adapter_counter[lookahead - 1] + 1 break print("Result 2: {}".format(adapter_counter[0] * adapter_counter[2]))
from helpers.helpers import read_input input = read_input("input_files/aoc_7_test.txt", '\n') class Tree: def __init__(self, name, amount=1): = name self.amount = amount self.childs = list() def __repr__(self): """"Prints the bag with it children in it""" return "Bag: {} {} with {}".format(self.amount,, self.childs) def add_child(self, child): """Adds a child to this tree object""" self.childs.append(child) def find_all_by_name(self, name, is_root_object=True): """"Recursively looks for a Tree object with the given name""" print("Looking for: {}".format(name)) found = list() if == name and not is_root_object: print("Found self: {}".format(self)) found.append(self) for child in self.childs: found.extend(child.find_all_by_name(name)) if == name: print("Found child: {}".format(child)) found.append(child) return found
from helpers.helpers import read_input cypher = read_input("input_files/aoc_9_input.txt", '\n') # clean data to int array cypher = [int(x) for x in cypher] buffer_length = 25 buffer = cypher[:buffer_length] result1 = 0 def valid(cypher, index, buffer): to_find = cypher[index] for x_index, x in enumerate(buffer): for y_index, y in enumerate(buffer): if y_index is not x_index and int(x + y) == int(to_find): return True return False def find_numbers(cypher, start): sum_array = [] for index in range(start, len(cypher)): sum_array.append(cypher[index]) if int(sum(sum_array)) == int(result1): return sum_array if sum(sum_array) > result1: sum_array.clear() break