def getIP(namespace, name): try: # Will look for a free IP with the provided namespace and service name svc_line = ('n', namespace, name, ) cursor = globalholders.databaseConnection.cursor() # Selects from the database IPs that are not in use and have the provided namespace and name cursor.execute('SELECT ip FROM extips WHERE inuse=? AND namespace=? AND service=?;' , (svc_line)) my_ip = cursor.fetchone() # If IP was not found with provided namespace and name if(my_ip is None): # Will look for a free IP with the provided namespace svc_line = ('n', namespace, ) # Selects from the database IPs that are not in use and have the provided namespace cursor.execute('SELECT ip FROM extips WHERE inuse=? AND namespace=?;' , (svc_line)) my_ip = cursor.fetchone() if(my_ip is None): # No IPs found return None else: # Found IP for the provided Namespace return str(my_ip[0]) else: # Found IP for the pair namespace/name return str(my_ip[0]) except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return None
def connectApi(): try: globalholders.coreApi = client.CoreV1Api() return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def connectDB(): try: # Creates "in-memory" database globalholders.databaseConnection = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def readDB(): try: cursor = globalholders.databaseConnection.cursor() # Read everything from the database cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM extips;') allRoutes = cursor.fetchall() return allRoutes except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def consumeIP(ip, name, namespace, dst): try: cursor = globalholders.databaseConnection.cursor() flag = 'y' svc_line = (str(flag), str(namespace), str(name), str(dst), str(ip), ) # Update the line flag to y for the provided parameters: IP, Name, Namespace, Destination cursor.execute('UPDATE extips SET inuse=? , namespace=? , service=? , dst=? WHERE ip=?;', (svc_line)) return True except Error as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def createDB(): try: # Get a cursor on the database cursor = globalholders.databaseConnection.cursor() # Create the table that will hold our routes on the database cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE extips (ip VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, inuse CHAR(1) NOT NULL, namespace VARCHAR(64), service VARCHAR(64), dst VARCHAR(16));') # Commits the change to the database globalholders.databaseConnection.commit() return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def loadConfig(): try: # Disable SSL Warnings: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # Load config from the Cluster (will use ServiceAccount) config.load_incluster_config() return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def serviceAddIP(service, ip): try: # Create an empty list for IPs ipList = list() if (ip is not None): # Append the IP to this list ipList.append(ip) # Update our local copy of the Service Descriptor service.spec.external_i_ps = ipList # Patch the cluster copy of the Service Descriptor globalholders.coreApi.patch_namespaced_service(, service.metadata.namespace, service) return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def loadIPList(): try: # List config files allNamespaces = os.listdir(globalholders.configPath) for namespace in allNamespaces: # Skipping internal files not related to our config if ".." not in namespace: # Building the relative path for the namespace config file namespacepath = globalholders.configPath + "/" + namespace # Opening the config file with open(namespacepath) as ipList: # Reading IPs from file for ip in ipList: cursor = globalholders.databaseConnection.cursor() # Adding the IP to our table cursor.execute('INSERT INTO extips(ip,inuse,namespace) VALUES(?,?,?);' , (ip.strip(), 'n', namespace, )) globalholders.databaseConnection.commit() return True except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) return False
def launchHandler(): w = watch.Watch() try: while True: # Watching for event stream on Services for event in globalholders.coreApi.list_service_for_all_namespaces): # A new service of type LoadBalancer was added if (event['type'] == "ADDED" and event['object'].spec.type == "LoadBalancer"): my_service = event['object'] # Handle new service services.added(my_service) # A service of type LoadBalancer got modified elif (event['type'] == "MODIFIED" and event['object'].spec.type == "LoadBalancer"): my_service = event['object'] # Handle updated service services.modified(my_service) # A service of type LoadBalancer was deleted elif (event['type'] == "DELETED" and event['object'].spec.type == "LoadBalancer"): my_service = event['object'] # Handle deleted service services.deleted(my_service) # Get actual Route Table route_table = database.readDB() # Update Filesystem Route Table if (route_table is not False): logutil.printRoutes(route_table) except Exception as e: logutil.printException(e) logutil.printMessage("Event Handler Exception: " + e)