class EnhancementOut(object):
    def __init__(self, network_out: prob_clf.NetworkOutput,
                 x_r: NormalizedTensor, x_l: NormalizedTensor):
        self.network_out = network_out
        self.x_r = x_r.to_sym()
        res = self.x_r.t - x_l.to_sym().t
        self.res_sym = SymbolTensor(res, L=511, centered=True)
        self.res = self.res_sym.to_norm()
        self._mean_img = None

    def get_mean_img(self, loss: DiscretizedMixLogisticLoss):
        if self._mean_img is None:
            self._mean_img = extract_mean_image_corrected(
                self.res, self.network_out, loss)
        return self._mean_img
    def unpack(self, img_batch, fixed_first=None) -> InputTensors:
        raw = img_batch['raw'].to(pe.DEVICE,
                                  non_blocking=True)  # uint8 or int16
        compressed = img_batch['compressed'].to(
            pe.DEVICE, non_blocking=True)  # uint8 or int16
        bpps = img_batch['bpp'].to(pe.DEVICE)  # 1d tensor of floats

        if fixed_first is not None:
            raw[0, ...] = fixed_first['raw']
            compressed[0, ...] = fixed_first['compressed']
            bpps[0] = fixed_first['bpp']

        num_subpixels_before_pad =

        if self.padding_fac:
            raw = self.pad(raw)
            compressed = self.pad(compressed)

        s_c = SymbolTensor(compressed.long(), L=256)
        x_c = s_c.to_norm()
        s_r = SymbolTensor(raw.long(), L=256)
        x_r = s_r.to_norm()

        return InputTensors((x_r, x_c), bpps, num_subpixels_before_pad)
    def pad_pack(self, raw, compressed, bpps) -> InputTensors:
        """ Pad iimages and pack into a InputTensors instance

        :param raw: Batch of raw input images
        :param compressed: Output of compressing images in `raw` with BPG.
        :param bpps: The bitrates of the images.
        :return: InputTensors
        assert raw.shape == compressed.shape

        num_subpixels_before_pad =

        if self.padding_fac:
            raw = self.pad(raw)
            compressed = self.pad(compressed)

        assert len(raw.shape) == 4
        assert len(bpps.shape) == 1, (bpps.shape, raw.shape)

        s_c = SymbolTensor(compressed.long(), L=256)
        x_c = s_c.to_norm()
        s_r = SymbolTensor(raw.long(), L=256)
        x_r = s_r.to_norm()
        return InputTensors((x_r, x_c), bpps, num_subpixels_before_pad)
    def unroll_unpack(self, img):
        Main function. Given an image `img`. Unrolls _unpack over all needed Qs:

        - if the dataset is not meta:
            just return _unpack(image)
        - otherwise:
            if run_clf:
                set self.clf_q from classifier
            if not CLF_ONLY:
                do the parabola search.

        Always yields a set of images, and the q used to optain it.
        if not self.is_meta:
            yield self._unpack(img), None
            # get a first Q guess
            if self.run_clf:
                assert self.clf
                # (x_r, _), _, _ = self._unpack(img[next(iter(img))])

                raw, _, _ = self._unpack(img[next(iter(img))])
                s_r = SymbolTensor(raw.long(), L=256)
                x_r = s_r.to_norm()

                # crop_qs = [self.clf.get_q(x_r_crop) for x_r_crop in auto_crop.iter_crops(x_r.get())]
                # print('***\n',crop_qs,'\n')
                self.clf_q = self.clf.get_q(x_r.get())
            elif self.qstrategy == QStrategy.FIXED:
                # note: we use clf_q also for the fixed Q, confusing naming scheme, I know!!!
                self.clf_q = 14  # optimal on training set

            # do optimum find
            if self.qstrategy != QStrategy.CLF_ONLY:
                while self.next_q and self.next_q in img:
                    # this is a dict with raw, compressed, bpps now
                    yield self._unpack(img[self.next_q]), self.next_q

            # make sure the guess was also evaluated
            if self.clf_q and self.clf_q not in self.losses:
                if self.clf_q not in img:
                    raise ValueError('**** CLF returned invalid q', self.clf_q)
                    # get this one as well
                    yield self._unpack(img[self.clf_q]), self.clf_q
Example #5
    def unpack(self, img_batch, fixed_first=None):
        raw = img_batch['raw'].to(pe.DEVICE,
                                  non_blocking=True)  # uint8 or int16
        q = img_batch['q'].to(pe.DEVICE).view(-1)  # 1d tensor of floats

        if fixed_first is not None:
            raw[0, ...] = fixed_first['raw']
            q[0, ...] = fixed_first['q']

        q = q - self.config_clf.first_class

        if self.padding_fac:
            raw = self.pad(raw)

        raw = SymbolTensor(raw.long(), L=256)
        return raw.to_norm(), q
Example #6
    def unpack_batch_pad(self, img_or_imgbatch):
        raw = img_or_imgbatch['raw'].to(pe.DEVICE,
                                        non_blocking=True)  # uint8 or int16
        q = img_or_imgbatch['q'].to(pe.DEVICE).view(-1)  # 1d tensor of floats

        if len(raw.shape) == 3:

        if self.padding_fac:
            raw = self.pad(raw)

        q = q - self.config_clf.first_class

        assert len(raw.shape) == 4

        raw = SymbolTensor(raw.long(), L=256)
        return raw.to_norm(), q