Example #1
def set_current_drafter():
    query_results = sql_lib.execute_query("select * from draft;")
    draft_order = query_results[0][1]
    current_user = query_results[0][2]
    snake = query_results[0][3]

    # Handle the snake draft scenario
    if snake and current_user == draft_order[-1]:
        # Reverse the draft order
        logging.info("Reversing the draft order for snake")
        draft_order_reverse = draft_order[::-1]
        draft_order_reverse = json.dumps(draft_order_reverse).replace(
            "'", "\"").replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}")
            f"update draft set draft_order='{draft_order_reverse}';",
        # Current user stays the same - snake

    # Core draft indexing
    for index in range(len(draft_order)):
        if draft_order[index] == current_user:
            current_user = draft_order[index + 1]
                f"update draft set current_drafter={current_user};",
            logging.info(f"Current user set: {current_user}")
Example #2
def make_selection(user, message):

    logging.info(f"Received message: {message} from {user}")
    query_results = sql_lib.execute_query("select * from draft;")
    current_user = query_results[0][2]
    participants = query_results[0][0]
    team_count = sql_lib.execute_query(
        "select count(*) from teams where season='2021';")[0][0]

    # Don't let a user draft out of turn
    if user != current_user:
        logging.info("User out of turn - returning message")
        return templates.out_of_turn.format(
            get_username_by_id(current_user, participants))

    # Parse out a valid team
    selection = message.split("draft ")[1]
    teams = [team.upper() for team in get_teams()]

    if check_team_draft_status(selection.upper(), Config['season']):
        # TODO: Add draft status method
        logging.info("Selection has already been taken - returning message")
        return templates.selection_taken.format(selection.title())

    if selection.upper() in teams:
        logging.info(f"Valid selection of: {selection.upper()}")
        logging.info("Logging user selection in database")
        draft_team(get_username_by_id(current_user, participants),
                   selection.upper(), Config['season'], team_count + 1)

        # Send a message to the group that the pick has been made
        # Use this variable to hold the user who picked - current user will now be the next up
        # Reallyyyy need to refactor this at some point
        pick_made_by = get_username_by_id(current_user, participants)

        # Set the next drafter - update current_user variable to reflect this
        current_user = sql_lib.execute_query(
            "select current_drafter from draft;")[0][0]

        ack_message = templates.draft_acknowledgment.format(
            team_count + 1, pick_made_by, selection.title(),
            get_username_by_id(current_user, participants))

        # End the draft if all teams are drafted
        if team_count + 1 >= int(Config["num_teams"]):
            logging.info("End of draft! Returning message")
            sql_lib.execute_query(f"update draft set active={False};")
            return templates.end_message.format(Config['season'])

        logging.info("Successful pick made - returning message")
        return ack_message
        logging.info("Invalid selection received - returning message")
        return templates.draft_failure.format(selection)
Example #3
def init_draft(participants, draft_order=None, snake=True):
    current_drafter = draft_order[0]
    participants_string = json.dumps(participants).replace("'", "\"")
    draft_order_string = json.dumps(draft_order).replace("'", "\"").replace(
        "[", "{").replace("]", "}")
    query = f"insert into draft(participants, draft_order, current_drafter, snake, season, active) values ('{participants_string}', '{draft_order_string}', '{current_drafter}', {snake}, '{Config['season']}', {True});"
    sql_lib.execute_query(query, update=True)
    welcome_message = templates.draft_welcome_message.format(
        Config['season'], get_username_by_id(draft_order[0], participants),
        get_username_by_id(draft_order[1], participants),
        get_username_by_id(draft_order[2], participants),
        get_username_by_id(draft_order[3], participants),
        get_username_by_id(draft_order[0], participants))
    return welcome_message
def get_draft_object():
    """Get the Draft object from pickle file."""
        result = sql_lib.execute_query("SELECT * FROM draft;")
        return pickle.loads(result[0][0])
    except Exception as err:
        logging.error(f"Error unpickling object from database: {err}")
Example #5
def get_teams():
    """Get a list of teams from the database."""
    result = sql_lib.execute_query("SELECT team FROM seasons;")
    teams_list = []

    if result:
        for res in result:
    return teams_list
Example #6
def teams_drafted(season):
    """Get a list of teams drafted so far."""
    result = sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"SELECT team FROM teams WHERE season='{season}';")
    teams_list = []

    drafted_string = ""
    if result:
        for res in result:
    for team in teams_list:
        drafted_string += f"{team}\n"
    return templates.teams_drafted.format(drafted_string)
def get_teams():
    # TODO: Refactor this to at least be a dict of lists so we aren't hard-coding so much
    jack_teams = [team[0].title() for team in sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"SELECT team FROM teams WHERE owner='Jack Francis' and season='{Config['season']}';")]
    jordan_teams = [team[0].title() for team in sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"SELECT team FROM teams WHERE owner='Jordan Holland' and season='{Config['season']}';")]
    nathan_teams = [team[0].title() for team in sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"SELECT team FROM teams WHERE owner='Nathan Lee' and season='{Config['season']}';")]
    patrick_teams = [team[0].title() for team in sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"SELECT team FROM teams WHERE owner='Patrick Cooper' and season='{Config['season']}';")]

    all_of_us = [jack_teams, jordan_teams, nathan_teams, patrick_teams]
    for big_team in all_of_us:
        for i, team in enumerate(big_team):

            # Title uppercases the first letter, so the e gets capitalized in 49ers
            if team == 'San Francisco 49Ers':
                big_team[i] = 'San Francisco 49ers'

            # Discrepancy to look at later. I had to change my team mapping to Washington for ESPN, I believe
            if team == 'Washington Football Team':
                big_team[i] = 'Washington'

    return jack_teams, jordan_teams, nathan_teams, patrick_teams
def pickle_draft_object(instance):
    """Save the Draft object to a pickle file."""
        pickle_string = pickle.dumps(instance)

        if not sql_lib.execute_query("SELECT * FROM draft;"):
            operation = "INSERT INTO draft VALUES(%s)"
            operation = "UPDATE draft SET object=%s"

        # Use the connection directly here to use the %s syntax
        with sql_lib._get_sql_connection().cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(operation, (pickle_string))
    except Exception as err:
        logging.error(f"Error pickling Draft object to database: {err}")
Example #9
def check_team_draft_status(team, season):
    """Check if a team has already been drafted this year."""
    query = f"SELECT * FROM teams WHERE team='{team}' AND season='{season}';"
    return True if sql_lib.execute_query(query) else False
Example #10
def draft_team(user, team, season, position):
    """Enter the draft selection in the database."""
    _ = sql_lib.execute_query(
        f"INSERT INTO teams VALUES ('{user}', '{team}', '{season}', {position});",
Example #11
def draft_active():
    result = sql_lib.execute_query("select snake from draft;")
    if result:
        return result[0][0]