Example #1
    def __init__(self, record=None):
        if record:
            self.id = record.id

            artists = record.comicartist(db.artist.id == db.comicartist.artist).select()
            record.artists = ';'.join(map(lambda row: row.artist.name, artists))

            writers = record.comicwriter(db.writer.id == db.comicwriter.writer).select()
            record.writers = ';'.join(map(lambda row: row.writer.name, writers))

            record.publisher = record.publisher.name
            self.id = None

        fields = [field for field in db.comic if field.name != 'publisher']

        # Only show a 'box' field if we're creating the comic
        if not self.id:
            user_boxes = [(row.id, row.name) for row in db(db.box.owner == auth.user.id).select(orderby=db.box.id)]
            fields.insert(0, Field('box', 'reference box', requires=IS_IN_SET(user_boxes, zero=None)))

        fields.insert(3, Field('publisher', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))
        fields.insert(4, Field('artists', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))
        fields.insert(5, Field('writers', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))

        self.form = SQLFORM.factory(

        add_element_required_attr(db.comic, self.form)
Example #2
def create():
    POST /box/create

    Creates a new box for this user.

    form = SQLFORM(db.box, fields=['name', 'private'])
    add_element_required_attr(db.box, form)

    form.vars.owner = auth.user

    if form.process(onvalidation=_validate_box_form).accepted:
        flash('success', 'Created box.', URL('box', 'view', args=[form.vars.id]))
    elif form.errors:
        flash('danger', 'Form has errors.')

    return {
        'form': form
Example #3
def view():
    GET /box/view/:id

    Views a box, ensures that the logged in user has permission to view it.

    user_id = auth.user.id if auth.is_logged_in() else 0
    box = get_or_404(db.box, ((db.box.id == request.args(0)) & ((db.box.owner == user_id) | (db.box.private == False))))

    # find all comics in this box
    comics = db(db.comicbox.comic == db.comic.id)(db.comicbox.box == box.id).select(db.comic.ALL)
    comic_ids = map(lambda c: c.id, comics)

    # find all the comics owned by this user that aren't already in the box
    other_comics = db(db.comic.id == db.comicbox.comic)(db.box.id == db.comicbox.box)(
        db.box.owner == user_id).select(db.comic.ALL, groupby=db.comic.id)
    other_comics = filter(lambda c: c.id not in comic_ids, other_comics)

    user_owned = user_id == box.owner.id
    can_edit = user_owned and not box.is_unfiled

    if can_edit:
        rename_form = SQLFORM(db.box, box, fields=['name'], showid=False)
        add_element_required_attr(db.box, rename_form)

        if rename_form.process(onvalidation=_validate_box_form).accepted:
            flash('info', 'Box renamed successfully.', request.env['PATH_INFO'])
        elif rename_form.errors:
            flash('danger', 'Form has errors.')
        rename_form = None

    return {
        'box': box,
        'comics': comics,
        'other_comics': other_comics,
        'can_edit': can_edit,
        'user_owned': user_owned,
        'rename_form': rename_form