Example #1
def send(email_or_string):
    Main endpoint, finds or creates the form row from the database,
    checks validity and state of the form and sends either form data
    or verification to email.

    g.log = g.log.bind(target=email_or_string)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(405, {'error': "Please submit POST request."})
            return render_template('info.html',
                                   title='Form should POST',
                                   text='Make sure your form has the <span '
                                   '</strong></span> attribute'), 405

    if request.form:
        received_data, sorted_keys = http_form_to_dict(request.form)
        received_data = request.get_json() or {}
        sorted_keys = received_data.keys()

        # Get stored hostname from redis (from captcha)
        host, referrer = get_temp_hostname(received_data['_host_nonce'])
    except KeyError:
        host, referrer = referrer_to_path(request.referrer), request.referrer

    if not host or host == 'www.google.com':
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Invalid \"Referrer\" header"})
            return render_template(
                title='Unable to submit form',
                '<p>Make sure you open this page through a web server, Formspree will not work in pages browsed as HTML files. Also make sure that you\'re posting to <b>{host}{path}</b>.</p><p>For geeks: could not find the "Referrer" header.</p>'
                .format(host=settings.SERVICE_URL, path=request.path)), 400

    g.log = g.log.bind(host=host,
                       wants='json' if request_wants_json() else 'html')

    g.log.info('Received submission.')
    if not IS_VALID_EMAIL(email_or_string):
        # in this case it can be a hashid identifying a
        # form generated from the dashboard
        hashid = email_or_string
        form = Form.get_with_hashid(hashid)

        if form:
            # Check if it has been assigned about using AJAX or not
            assign_ajax(form, request_wants_json())

            if form.disabled:
                # owner has disabled the form, so it should not receive any submissions
                if request_wants_json():
                    return jsonerror(403, {'error': 'Form not active'})
                    return render_template(
                        title='Form not active',
                        'The owner of this form has disabled this form and it is no longer accepting submissions. Your submissions was not accepted'
                    ), 403
            email = form.email

            if not form.host:
                # add the host to the form
                form.host = host

                # it is an error when
                #   form is sitewide, but submission came from a host rooted somewhere else, or
                #   form is not sitewide, and submission came from a different host
            elif (not form.sitewide and form.host != host) or (
                   form.sitewide and (
                     not host.startswith(form.host) and \
                     not remove_www(host).startswith(form.host)
                    'Submission rejected. From a different host than confirmed.'
                if request_wants_json():
                    return jsonerror(
                        403, {
                            "Submission from different host than confirmed",
                            'submitted': host,
                            'confirmed': form.host
                    return render_template(
                        title='Check form address',
                        text='This submission came from "%s" but the form was\
                                                 confirmed for address "%s"' %
                        (host, form.host)), 403
            # no form row found. it is an error.
            g.log.info('Submission rejected. No form found for this target.')
            if request_wants_json():
                return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Invalid email address"})
                return render_template('error.html',
                                       title='Check email address',
                                       text='Email address %s is not formatted correctly' \
                                            % str(email_or_string)), 400
        # in this case, it is a normal email
        email = email_or_string.lower()

        # get the form for this request
        form = Form.query.filter_by(hash=HASH(email, host)).first() \
               or Form(email, host) # or create it if it doesn't exists

        # Check if it has been assigned about using AJAX or not
        assign_ajax(form, request_wants_json())

        if form.disabled:
            g.log.info('submission rejected. Form is disabled.')
            if request_wants_json():
                return jsonerror(403, {'error': 'Form not active'})
                return render_template(
                    title='Form not active',
                    'The owner of this form has disabled this form and it is no longer accepting submissions. Your submissions was not accepted'
                ), 403

    # If form exists and is confirmed, send email
    # otherwise send a confirmation email
    if form.confirmed:
        captcha_verified = verify_captcha(received_data, request)
        needs_captcha = not (request_wants_json() or captcha_verified
                             or settings.TESTING)

        # if form is upgraded check if captcha is disabled
        if form.upgraded:
            needs_captcha = needs_captcha and not form.captcha_disabled

        if needs_captcha:
            data_copy = received_data.copy()
            # Temporarily store hostname in redis while doing captcha
            nonce = temp_store_hostname(form.host, request.referrer)
            data_copy['_host_nonce'] = nonce
            action = urljoin(settings.API_ROOT, email_or_string)
            return render_template('forms/captcha.html',

        status = form.send(received_data, sorted_keys, referrer)
        status = form.send_confirmation()

    # Respond to the request accordingly to the status code
    if status['code'] == Form.STATUS_EMAIL_SENT:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'success': "email sent", 'next': status['next']})
            return redirect(status['next'], code=302)
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_EMAIL_EMPTY:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Can't send an empty form"})
            return render_template(
                title='Can\'t send an empty form',
                u'<p>Make sure you have placed the <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_name.asp" target="_blank"><code>"name"</code> attribute</a> in all your form elements. Also, to prevent empty form submissions, take a look at the <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_required.asp" target="_blank"><code>"required"</code> property</a>.</p><p>This error also happens when you have an <code>"enctype"</code> attribute set in your <code>&lt;form&gt;</code>, so make sure you don\'t.</p><p><a href="{}">Return to form</a></p>'
                .format(referrer)), 400
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_SENT or \
         status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_DUPLICATED:

        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'success': "confirmation email sent"})
            return render_template(
                resend=status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_DUPLICATED)
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_OVERLIMIT:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'error': "form over quota"})
            return render_template(
                title='Form over quota',
                'It looks like this form is getting a lot of submissions and ran out of its quota. Try contacting this website through other means or try submitting again later.'
            ), 402

    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_REPLYTO_ERROR:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(500, {
                "_replyto or email field has not been sent correctly"
            return render_template(
                title='Invalid email address',
                u'You entered <span class="code">{address}</span>. That is an invalid email address. Please correct the form and try to submit again <a href="{back}">here</a>.<p style="font-size: small">This could also be a problem with the form. For example, there could be two fields with <span class="code">_replyto</span> or <span class="code">email</span> name attribute. If you suspect the form is broken, please contact the form owner and ask them to investigate</p>'
                          back=status['referrer'])), 400

    # error fallback -- shouldn't happen
    if request_wants_json():
        return jsonerror(500, {'error': "Unable to send email"})
        return render_template(
            title='Unable to send email',
            u'Unable to send email. If you can, please send the link to your form and the error information to  <b>{email}</b>. And send them the following: <p><pre><code>{message}</code></pre></p>'
                    email=settings.CONTACT_EMAIL)), 500
Example #2
def send(email_or_string):
    Main endpoint, finds or creates the form row from the database,
    checks validity and state of the form and sends either form data
    or verification to email.

    g.log = g.log.bind(target=email_or_string)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(405, {'error': "Please submit POST request."})
            return render_template('info.html',
                                   title='Form should POST',
                                   text='Make sure your form has the <span '
                                        '</strong></span> attribute'), 405

    if request.form:
        received_data, sorted_keys = http_form_to_dict(request.form)
        received_data = request.get_json() or {}
        sorted_keys = received_data.keys()

        # Get stored hostname from redis (from captcha)
        host, referrer = get_temp_hostname(received_data['_host_nonce'])
    except KeyError:
        host, referrer = referrer_to_path(request.referrer), request.referrer
    except ValueError as err:
        g.log.error('Invalid hostname stored on Redis.', err=err)
        return render_template(
            title='Unable to submit form',
            text='<p>We had a problem identifying to whom we should have submitted this form. Please try submitting again. If it fails once more, please let us know at {email}</p>'.format(
        ), 500

    if not host or host == 'www.google.com':
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Invalid \"Referrer\" header"})
            return render_template(
                title='Unable to submit form',
                text='<p>Make sure you open this page through a web server, Formspree will not work in pages browsed as HTML files. Also make sure that you\'re posting to <b>{host}{path}</b>.</p><p>For geeks: could not find the "Referrer" header.</p>'.format(
            ), 400

    g.log = g.log.bind(host=host, wants='json' if request_wants_json() else 'html')

    if not IS_VALID_EMAIL(email_or_string):
        # in this case it can be a hashid identifying a
        # form generated from the dashboard
        hashid = email_or_string
        form = Form.get_with_hashid(hashid)

        if form:
            # Check if it has been assigned about using AJAX or not
            assign_ajax(form, request_wants_json())

            if form.disabled:
                # owner has disabled the form, so it should not receive any submissions
                if request_wants_json():
                    return jsonerror(403, {'error': 'Form not active'})
                    return render_template('error.html',
                                           title='Form not active',
                                           text='The owner of this form has disabled this form and it is no longer accepting submissions. Your submissions was not accepted'), 403
            email = form.email

            if not form.host:
                # add the host to the form
                form.host = host

                # it is an error when
                #   form is not sitewide, and submission came from a different host
                #   form is sitewide, but submission came from a host rooted somewhere else, or
            elif (not form.sitewide and
                  # ending slashes can be safely ignored here:
                  form.host.rstrip('/') != host.rstrip('/')) or \
                 (form.sitewide and \
                  # removing www from both sides makes this a neutral operation:
                  not remove_www(host).startswith(remove_www(form.host))
                g.log.info('Submission rejected. From a different host than confirmed.')
                if request_wants_json():
                    return jsonerror(403, {
                       'error': "Submission from different host than confirmed",
                       'submitted': host, 'confirmed': form.host
                    return render_template('error.html',
                                           title='Check form address',
                                           text='This submission came from "%s" but the form was\
                                                 confirmed for address "%s"' % (host, form.host)), 403
            # no form row found. it is an error.
            g.log.info('Submission rejected. No form found for this target.')
            if request_wants_json():
                return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Invalid email address"})
                return render_template('error.html',
                                       title='Check email address',
                                       text='Email address %s is not formatted correctly' \
                                            % str(email_or_string)), 400
        # in this case, it is a normal email
        email = email_or_string.lower()

        # get the form for this request
        form = Form.query.filter_by(hash=HASH(email, host)).first() \
               or Form(email, host) # or create it if it doesn't exists

        # Check if it has been assigned about using AJAX or not
        assign_ajax(form, request_wants_json())

        if form.disabled:
            g.log.info('submission rejected. Form is disabled.')
            if request_wants_json():
                return jsonerror(403, {'error': 'Form not active'})
                return render_template('error.html',
                                       title='Form not active',
                                       text='The owner of this form has disabled this form and it is no longer accepting submissions. Your submissions was not accepted'), 403

    # If form exists and is confirmed, send email
    # otherwise send a confirmation email
    if form.confirmed:
        captcha_verified = verify_captcha(received_data, request)
        needs_captcha = not (request_wants_json() or
                             captcha_verified or

        # if form is upgraded check if captcha is disabled
        if form.upgraded:
            needs_captcha = needs_captcha and not form.captcha_disabled

        if needs_captcha:
            data_copy = received_data.copy()
            # Temporarily store hostname in redis while doing captcha
            nonce = temp_store_hostname(form.host, request.referrer)
            data_copy['_host_nonce'] = nonce
            action = urljoin(settings.API_ROOT, email_or_string)
                if '_language' in received_data:
                    return render_template('forms/captcha_lang/{}.html'.format(received_data['_language']),
            except TemplateNotFound:
                g.log.error('Requested language not found for reCAPTCHA page, defaulting to English', referrer=request.referrer, lang=received_data['_language'])

            return render_template('forms/captcha.html',

        status = form.send(received_data, sorted_keys, referrer)
        status = form.send_confirmation(store_data=received_data)

    # Respond to the request accordingly to the status code
    if status['code'] == Form.STATUS_EMAIL_SENT:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'success': "email sent", 'next': status['next']})
            return redirect(status['next'], code=302)
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_EMAIL_EMPTY:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(400, {'error': "Can't send an empty form"})
            return render_template(
                title='Can\'t send an empty form',
                text=u'<p>Make sure you have placed the <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_name.asp" target="_blank"><code>"name"</code> attribute</a> in all your form elements. Also, to prevent empty form submissions, take a look at the <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_required.asp" target="_blank"><code>"required"</code> property</a>.</p><p>This error also happens when you have an <code>"enctype"</code> attribute set in your <code>&lt;form&gt;</code>, so make sure you don\'t.</p><p><a href="{}">Return to form</a></p>'.format(referrer)
            ), 400
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_SENT or \
         status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_DUPLICATED:

        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'success': "confirmation email sent"})
            return render_template('forms/confirmation_sent.html',
                resend=status['code'] == Form.STATUS_CONFIRMATION_DUPLICATED
    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_OVERLIMIT:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonify({'error': "form over quota"})
            return render_template('error.html', title='Form over quota', text='It looks like this form is getting a lot of submissions and ran out of its quota. Try contacting this website through other means or try submitting again later.'), 402

    elif status['code'] == Form.STATUS_REPLYTO_ERROR:
        if request_wants_json():
            return jsonerror(500, {'error': "_replyto or email field has not been sent correctly"})
            return render_template(
                title='Invalid email address',
                text=u'You entered <span class="code">{address}</span>. That is an invalid email address. Please correct the form and try to submit again <a href="{back}">here</a>.<p style="font-size: small">This could also be a problem with the form. For example, there could be two fields with <span class="code">_replyto</span> or <span class="code">email</span> name attribute. If you suspect the form is broken, please contact the form owner and ask them to investigate</p>'''.format(address=status['address'], back=status['referrer'])
            ), 400

    # error fallback -- shouldn't happen
    if request_wants_json():
        return jsonerror(500, {'error': "Unable to send email"})
        return render_template(
            title='Unable to send email',
            text=u'Unable to send email. If you can, please send the link to your form and the error information to  <b>{email}</b>. And send them the following: <p><pre><code>{message}</code></pre></p>'.format(message=json.dumps(status), email=settings.CONTACT_EMAIL)
        ), 500