Example #1
 def get_group_posts(self, group_id, start=0, count=10, order='recency',
                     role=None, modified_since=None):
     if order not in ('recency', 'popularity'):
         raise ValueError('Sort order must be either recency or popularity')
     _args = {'modified-since': modified_since}
     args = args_to_dict(start=start, count=count, order=order, role=role,
     base = endpoints.GROUP_FEED.format(group_id=group_id)
     url = build_url_with_qs(base, args)
     return self._make_request(url)
Example #2
 def get_network_updates(self, update_type=None, before=None, after=None,
                         count=10, start=0):
     update_type = update_type or []
     if not isinstance(update_type, (list, tuple, basestring)):
         raise TypeError('update_type must be a list or a string')
     if before:
         before = date_to_str(before)
     if after:
         after = date_to_str(after)
     args = args_to_dict(type=update_type, before=before, after=after,
                         count=count, start=start)
     url = build_url_with_qs(endpoints.NETWORK_UPDATES, args)
     return self._make_request(url)
Example #3
 def get_comments_for_post(self, post_id, count=10, start=0):
     args = args_to_dict(count=count, start=start)
     base = endpoints.POST_COMMENTS.format(post_id=post_id)
     url = build_url_with_qs(base, args)
     return self._make_request(url)