Example #1
    def lock_enemy(self, tower, enemy):
        """Locks missile onto enemy and calls shoot()

        To lock on need shoot_counter at 0, enemy alive, no missile alive.
        Then, if enemy in range of tower, un-destroy missile. Then call shoot
        and listen for and return hit.

            tower (obj): Tower associated with missile
            enemy (obj): Enemy to try to lock on to

            hit (tuple, int, str, obj): The result passed returned by shoot()
        if self.shoot_counter < 1:
            if not enemy.destroy:
                if self.destroy is True:
                    if self.lock_on is None:
                        if helpers.collision(tower, enemy):
                            self.lock_on = enemy
                            self.destroy = False
                            self.shoot_counter = self.shoot_rate
        hit = self.shoot(enemy)
        return hit
Example #2
def draw_mage(mage, game_clock, score_board, funds, enemies_list):
    """Draw mage, kill enemies if spell hits them, pop enemies from enemies_list

        mage (obj): The mage hero object to draw and interact with enemies
        game_clock (obj): Game time to pass to mage
        score_board (obj): Score to adjust when enemies die
        funds (obj): Players money to adjust when enemies die
        enemies_list (list of obj): List of enemies for mage to interact with
    # Draw mage
    # Kill enemies hit by mage spell and collect their points/money
    for enemy in enemies_list:
        if helpers.collision(mage, enemy):
            if not enemy.destroy:
                enemy.take_damage(3000, True)
        kill = enemy.check_death()
        if kill:
            points, cash = kill
        # Pop enemies from from enemy_list when indicated by mage
        if mage.pop_enemies_counter == 0:
Example #3
def draw_enemies(enemies_list, castle):
    """Draw enemies, damage castle if appropriate and check enemy interactions

    Enemies struck by fire tower will light other nearby enemies on fire.
    Function will pop enemies from enemies_list once they die and have 0 lives.
    Enemies will damage castle if they reach it.

        enemies_list (list of obj): list of all enemies in play
        castle (obj): Castle object determines game loss if too many hits
    # Iterate over all enemies
    for enemy in enemies_list:
        # Pop from list after last death
        if enemy.lives == 0:
        # Check for enemies damaging castle
        castle_damage = enemy.draw()

        # Check for enemies lit on fire by fire tower
        # Light other nearby enemies on fire if current enemy is aflame
        if enemy.fireball2:
            for adjacent in enemies_list:
                if adjacent != enemy:
                    if helpers.collision(enemy, adjacent):
                        adjacent.fire2 = enemy.fire2
                        adjacent.burned_counter = 3
        if enemy.fireball1 and not enemy.fireball2:
            for adjacent in enemies_list:
                if adjacent != enemy:
                    if helpers.collision(enemy, adjacent):
                        adjacent.fire1 = enemy.fire1
                        adjacent.burned_counter = 3
        # Reduce castle health if enemy reaches castle
        if castle_damage:
            if castle.stat > 0:
Example #4
    def lock_enemy(self, tower, enemy):
        """Locks missile onto enemy and calls shoot()

        Difference with BasicMissile lock_enemy: Will not lock onto enemy
        if burn just applied to that enemy.
        if self.shoot_counter < 1:
            # Only lock-on if not freshly burned
            if enemy.burned_counter < 2:
                if not enemy.destroy:
                    if self.destroy is True:
                        if self.lock_on is None:
                            if helpers.collision(tower, enemy):
                                self.lock_on = enemy
                                self.destroy = False
                                self.shoot_counter = self.shoot_rate
        hit = self.shoot(enemy)
        return hit
Example #5
    def lock_enemy(self, tower, enemy):
        """Locks missile onto enemy and calls shoot()

        Difference with BasicMissile lock_enemy: Will not lock onto enemy
        until poison off or nearly off.
        if self.shoot_counter < 1:
            # Only lock-on if not poisoned (or about to be)
            if enemy.poison_charges < 2:
                if not enemy.destroy:
                    if self.destroy is True:
                        if self.lock_on is None:
                            if helpers.collision(tower, enemy):
                                self.lock_on = enemy
                                self.destroy = False
                                self.shoot_counter = self.shoot_rate
        hit = self.shoot(enemy)
        return hit
Example #6
    def hit(self, enemy):
        """Determines if missile hit enemy

        Check for collision between missile and enemy. If collision with locked
        on target occurs, destroy missile and set its location back to tower.
        If the enemy is not destroyed, return damage, specialty and hit_sound.

            enemy: Locked on enemy to check missile collision against

            self.damage (int): Damage given to enemy on hit
                               (varies by specialty)
            self.specialty (str): Defines special attributes of missile
            self.hit_sound (obj): Object of sound to play on missile hit
        if helpers.collision(self, enemy):
            self.destroy = True
            self.lock_on = None
            self.x, self.y = self._tower_location
            if not enemy.destroy:
                return self.damage, self.specialty, self.hit_sound