def main(): #Take input image and convert it into 3 parts presenting 3 numbers inputurl = "C:\\Users\\Tan\\Desktop\\digital_screen\\DigitsScreen\\empty.png" inputnumbers = takeinput(inputurl) #Import the source number to compare source = "C:\\Users\\Tan\\Desktop\\digital_screen\\source_numbers\\" number = insert(source) #Compare the processed input with the source numbers result = compare(inputnumbers, number) #Format the result into xx,x*C showresult(result)
def index(): """Show portfolio of stocks""" # query finance.db sales table for results of purchases for current user grouped by stock symbol (exc. shares that have been sold: having cost > 0) # tracker table determines number of shares user currently holds session["getStocks"] = db.execute( "SELECT sales.user_id, sales.symbol,, SUM(cost) AS holdings, tracker.shares, ROUND((SUM(cost) / tracker.shares), 2) AS value FROM sales JOIN tracker ON sales.symbol=tracker.symbol WHERE sales.user_id = :user AND tracker.user_id = :user GROUP BY sales.symbol HAVING tracker.shares > 0;", user=session["user_id"]) # get cash balance of current user getBalance = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = ?", session["user_id"]) # # iterate through rows to determine total value of shares # session["overall"] stores total current price of all shares (using lookup()) session["overall"] = 0 # session["lossGain"] stores total price of all shares when purchased (using holdings column) session["lossGain"] = 0 for stock in session["getStocks"]: session["overall"] += stock["shares"] * (lookup( stock["symbol"])["price"]) session["lossGain"] += stock["holdings"] # current cash balance of user session["balance"] = getBalance[0]["cash"] # current value of shares + cash balance session["overall"] += session["balance"] # purchased value of shares + cash balance session["lossGain"] += session["balance"] # check if user has made overall losses or gains and return html element using compare helper session["ovrArrow"] = compare(session["overall"], session["lossGain"]) # push required variables and helpers to index.html return render_template('index.html', getStocks=session["getStocks"], balance=session["balance"], overall=session["overall"], ovrArrow=session["ovrArrow"], lookup=lookup, float=float, usd=usd, compare=compare)
def check(self): # Логинимся и получаем данные pik_data = PIKData(self.credentials.login, self.credentials.password) changes = [] init = False for step in self.steps: try: params = step['params'] label = step['label'] print("Проверка '{}':".format(label)) path = os.path.join(folder, params['file']) initial_data = flatten(load_data(path), reducer='dot') new_data_raw = getattr(pik_data, params['new_data']) new_data = flatten(new_data_raw, reducer='dot') if not initial_data: init = True diffs = compare(initial_data, new_data) if diffs: self.log_changes(diffs, initial_data, new_data) print('Обнаружены изменения!') print(diffs) changes.append({'label': label, 'values': diffs}) dump_data(new_data_raw, path) else: print(' Изменений нет!') except Exception as e: print('Exception:', str(e)) if changes and not self.silent: if init: else: if not self.silent:
def main(): ops = options() if not ops.plotter: fatal("Need --plotter for configuration.") plotter = yaml.load(open(ops.plotter)) trees = {} plots = {} weights = {} colors = {} labels = {} stack = {} overlay = {} is_data = {} # retrieve inputs for sample in plotter["samples"]: name = sample["name"] # input trees paths = sample["path"] if not glob.glob(paths): fatal("Found no files at %s" % (paths)) trees[name] = ROOT.TChain(plotter["tree"]) for path in glob.glob(paths): trees[name].Add(path) # misc weights[name] = " * ".join(sample["weights"]) if "weights" in sample else "1" colors[name] = eval(sample["color"]) if sample["color"].startswith("ROOT") else sample["color"] labels[name] = sample["label"] stack[name] = sample["stack"] overlay[name] = sample["overlay"] is_data[name] = sample["is_data"] # create output file output = ROOT.TFile.Open("%s/plots.%s.canv.root" % (plotter["directory"], timestamp), "recreate") # make money for plot in plotter["plots"]: hists = {} draw = {} if "bins" in plot: draw["bins"] = array.array("d", plot["bins"]) draw["title"] = ";%s;%s" % (plot["xtitle"], plot["ytitle"]) draw["variable"] = plot["variable"] draw["selection"] = " && ".join(plotter["selection"]) canv = ROOT.TCanvas(plot["name"], plot["name"], 800, 800) canv.Draw() canv.SetLogy(plot["logY"]) stacks = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"]+"stacks", draw["title"]) overlays = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"]+"overlays", draw["title"]) do_stack = False do_overlay = False for sample in trees: draw["name"] = plot["name"]+"__"+sample draw["weight"] = weights[sample] for option in ["weight"]: draw[option] = "(%s)" % (draw[option]) if "bins" in plot: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], len(draw["bins"])-1, draw["bins"]) else: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], plot["n_bins"], plot["bin_low"], plot["bin_high"]) hists[sample].Sumw2() trees[sample].Draw("%(variable)s >> %(name)s" % draw, "(%(selection)s) * %(weight)s" % draw, "goff") hists[sample].Write() # print "(%(selection)s) * %(weight)s" % draw #hists[sample].Scale(1/hists[sample].Integral(0, hists[sample].GetNbinsX())) if stack[sample]: do_stack = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(2) stacks.Add(copy.copy(hists[sample]), ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) if overlay[sample]: do_overlay = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(0) hists[sample].SetLineColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(3) overlays.Add(copy.copy(hists[sample]), ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) # draw maximum = max([stacks.GetMaximum(), overlays.GetMaximum("nostack")]) maximum = maximum*(100.0 if plot["logY"] else 2.0) maximum = maximum*(1.2 if plotter["ratio"] else 1.0) if do_stack: stacks.SetMaximum(maximum) stacks.Draw() if do_overlay and do_stack: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.Draw("nostack,same") elif do_overlay: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.Draw("nostack") if plotter["data"]: pass if plotter["ratio"] and stacks.GetStack(): # numerator definition is a placeholder. # only works if overlay[0]=data. ratio = helpers.ratio(name = canv.GetName()+"_ratio", numer = overlays.GetHists()[0], # AHH KILL ME denom = stacks.GetStack().Last(), min = 0.45, max = 1.55, ytitle = "Data / pred." ) share = helpers.same_xaxis(name = canv.GetName()+"_share", top_canvas = canv, bottom_canvas = ratio, ) canv.SetName(canv.GetName()+"_noratio") share.SetName(share.GetName().replace("_share", "")) canv = share elif plotter["ratio"] and not stacks.GetStack(): warn("Want to make ratio plot but dont have stack. Skipping ratio.") # stack legend xleg, yleg = 0.6, 0.7 legend = ROOT.TLegend(xleg, yleg, xleg+0.2, yleg+0.2) if do_stack: for hist in reversed(stacks.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "f") if do_overlay: for hist in reversed(overlays.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "l") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetMargin(0.3) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) legend.Draw() # watermarks xatlas, yatlas = 0.38, 0.87 atlas = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas, "ATLAS Internal") hh4b = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas-0.06, "X #rightarrow HH #rightarrow 4b") lumi = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas-0.12, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV") watermarks = [atlas, hh4b, lumi] # KS, chi2 if stacks.GetStack(): if plotter.get("ks"): kolg, chi2, ndf =[0], stacks.GetStack().Last(), ) # AH KILL ME yks = 0.975 ychi2 = 0.975 xks = 0.27 xchi2 = 0.55 ks = ROOT.TLatex(xks, yks, "KS = %5.3f" % (kolg)) ch = ROOT.TLatex(xchi2, ychi2, "#chi^{2} / ndf = %.1f / %i" % (chi2, ndf)) watermarks += [ks, ch] # draw watermarks for wm in watermarks: wm.SetTextAlign(22) wm.SetTextSize(0.04) wm.SetTextFont(42) wm.SetNDC() wm.Draw() canv.SaveAs(plotter["directory"] + "/" + canv.GetName()+".pdf") output.Close()
'parameters': { 'CCOOL_COIL': 'DXCOIL', 'LSOLAR_PANEL': True } } patch_nml = [patch_nml_trial, patch_nml_ref] make = [False, False] else: raise RuntimeError('The correct case was not selected') print( f'Using configuration: {trial}, {ref}, {case_name}, {build_type}, {patch_nml}, {make}, {allow_failure}' ) compare(trial, ref, case_name, build_type, patch_nml, make, allow_failure) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--build_type', required=True, choices=['Debug', 'Release'], help='CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE') parser.add_argument( '--case', required=True, choices=['make_cmake', 'integration', 'psychrometrics', 'minimal_dx'], help='The test case to run') parser.add_argument('--allow_failure', required=False,
""" ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES & GLOBAL OBJECTS """ data = None if not args.filename: print('NO FILENAME SPECIFIED') else: with open(args.filename, 'rb') as f: data ='utf8', 'ignore') # immediately decode to string models = {} mhemingway = Word2Vec.load('models/hemingway.model') models.update({'hemingway': mhemingway}) """ ROUTINES """ comparisons = {} for author, model in models.items(): metric = compare(model, data) comparisons.update({author: metric}) maxauthor = None max = -1 for author, metric in comparisons.items(): if metric > max: maxauthor = author max = metric print("THE APPLICATION PREDICTS THE TEXT WAS WRITTEN BY {} WITH A CONFIDENCE METRIC {}".format(maxauthor, metric))
# iterate over sentences for (idx, sentence) in enumerate(nospace_sentences): # default max word length as 15 mytext = models.NoSpaceText(sentence, 15) # set frequency dictionaries mytext.freq_dict = freq_dict mytext.normFactor = normFactor mytext.transition_freq_dict = transition_freq_dict mytext.transNormFactor = transNormFactor # find segmentation using naive frequencies mytext.dpGreedy() bestSeg = mytext.getBestSeg() if, sentences[idx]): tallyNaiveProb += 1 # find segmentation using transition frequencies mytext.dpGreedy(transFreq = True) bestSeg = mytext.getBestSeg() if, sentences[idx]): tallyTransProb += 1 # print results print "Using Naive Frequencies:" print float(tallyNaiveProb)/(len(sentences)) print "Using Transition Frequencies:" print float(tallyTransProb)/(len(sentences)) # print total time
legend.SetMargin(0.3) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) legend.Draw() # watermarks xatlas, yatlas = 0.38, 0.87 atlas = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas, "ATLAS Internal") hh4b = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas-0.06, "X #rightarrow HH #rightarrow 4b") lumi = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas-0.12, "13 TeV") watermarks = [atlas, hh4b, lumi] # KS, chi2 if stacks.GetStack(): if plotter.get("ks"): kolg, chi2, ndf =[0], stacks.GetStack().Last(), ) # AH KILL ME yks = 0.975 ychi2 = 0.975 xks = 0.27 xchi2 = 0.55 ks = ROOT.TLatex(xks, yks, "KS = %5.3f" % (kolg)) ch = ROOT.TLatex(xchi2, ychi2, "#chi^{2} / ndf = %.1f / %i" % (chi2, ndf)) watermarks += [ks, ch] # draw watermarks for wm in watermarks: wm.SetTextAlign(22) wm.SetTextSize(0.04) wm.SetTextFont(42)
def main(): ops = options() if not ops.plotter: fatal("Need --plotter for configuration.") elif ".yml" in ops.plotter: print "use yml" plotter = yaml.load(open(ops.plotter)) else: plotter = plotConfig.getConfig(ops.plotter) if not "directory" in plotter: plotter["directory"] = "." warn("No directory given. Writing output to cwd.") if not "tree" in plotter: print "No input Tree, assuming hists" files = {} folders = {} useTree = False else: useTree = True trees = {} plots = {} weights = {} colors = {} labels = {} stack = {} overlay = {} is_data = {} samples = [] prename = plotter["prename"] inputpath = "" if ops.inputdir: inputpath = ops.inputdir + "/" prename = ops.inputdir + "_" + prename # retrieve inputs print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss"), "Retrieving input files" for sample in plotter["samples"]: print sample name = sample["name"] samples.append(name) # input files paths = sample["path"] #set the full path directory here paths = "../Output/" + inputpath + paths if not glob.glob(paths): fatal("Found no files at %s" % (paths)) if useTree: trees[name] = ROOT.TChain(plotter["tree"]) for path in glob.glob(paths): if len(path) > 100: print "adding file:", path[0:50] + "..." + path[len(path) - 50:] else: print "adding file:", path trees[name].Add(path) else: path = paths files[name] = ROOT.TFile(path, "READ") folders[name] = sample["folder"] # misc if useTree: weights[name] = " * ".join( sample["weights"]) if "weights" in sample else "1" else: weights[name] = sample["weights"] print sample["weights"] colors[name] = eval(sample["color"]) if sample["color"].startswith( "ROOT") else sample["color"] labels[name] = sample["label"] stack[name] = sample["stack"] overlay[name] = sample["overlay"] is_data[name] = sample["is_data"] # create output file if not os.path.isdir(plotter["directory"]): os.makedirs(plotter["directory"]) output = ROOT.TFile.Open( "%s/%splots.root" % (plotter["directory"], prename), "recreate") # make money for plot in plotter["plots"]: hists = {} draw = {} if "bins" in plot: draw["bins"] = array.array("d", [float(x) for x in plot["bins"]]) draw["title"] = ";%s;%s" % (plot["xtitle"], plot["ytitle"]) draw["variable"] = plot["variable"] if "selection" in plotter: draw["selection"] = " && ".join(plotter["selection"]) canv = ROOT.TCanvas(plot["name"], plot["name"], 800, 800) canv.Draw() canv.SetLogy(plot["logY"]) stacks = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"] + "stacks", draw["title"]) overlays = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"] + "overlays", draw["title"]) do_stack = False do_overlay = False for sample in reversed(sorted(samples)): draw["name"] = plot["name"] + "__" + sample draw["weight"] = weights[sample] if useTree: for option in ["weight"]: draw[option] = "(%s)" % (draw[option]) if useTree: if "bins" in plot: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], len(draw["bins"]) - 1, draw["bins"]) else: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], plot["n_bins"], plot["bin_low"], plot["bin_high"]) hists[sample].Sumw2() else: if folders[sample] != "": hists[sample] = files[sample].Get(folders[sample] + "/" + draw["variable"]) else: hists[sample] = files[sample].Get(draw["variable"]) hists[sample].SetName(draw["name"]) hists[sample].SetTitle(draw["title"]) hists[sample].Rebin(plot["rebin"]) if "bin_high" in plot.keys(): bin_low = float(plot["bin_low"]) bin_high = float(plot["bin_high"]) hists[sample].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(bin_low, bin_high) if is_data[sample]: hists[sample].SetMarkerStyle(20) hists[sample].SetMarkerSize(1) if useTree: trees[sample].Draw("%(variable)s >> %(name)s" % draw, "(%(selection)s) * %(weight)s" % draw, "goff") else: hists[sample].Sumw2() hists[sample].Scale(float(draw["weight"])) hists[sample].Draw() # hists[sample].Scale(1/hists[sample].Integral(0, hists[sample].GetNbinsX())) if stack[sample]: do_stack = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(2) stacks.Add(copy.copy(hists[sample]), ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) if not useTree and "bin_high" in plot.keys( ): #have to set stack xaxis range for zooming because ROOT SUCKS stacks.Draw() stacks.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(bin_low, bin_high) if overlay[sample]: do_overlay = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(0) hists[sample].SetLineColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetMarkerColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(3) h = copy.copy(hists[sample]) if plotter["norm"]: print h.GetName() scale = h.Integral(0, h.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) if scale != 0: h.Scale(1.0 / scale) overlays.Add(h, ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) print sample print "Integral:", hists[sample].Integral( 0, hists[sample].GetNbinsX() + 1) print " Entries:", hists[sample].GetEntries() # draw maximum = max([stacks.GetMaximum(), overlays.GetMaximum("nostack")]) maximum = maximum * (100.0 if plot["logY"] else 2.0) maximum = maximum * (1.2 if plotter["ratio"] else 1.0) minimum = max([stacks.GetMinimum(), overlays.GetMinimum("nostack")]) minimum = minimum / (2 if plot["logY"] else 1.2) if do_stack: stacks.SetMaximum(maximum) stacks.SetMinimum(minimum) stacks.Draw() h1stackerror = copy.copy(stacks.GetStack().Last()) h1stackerror.SetName("stat. error") h1stackerror.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 3) h1stackerror.SetFillStyle(3005) h1stackerror.SetMarkerStyle(0) h1stackerror.Draw("SAME,E2") if do_overlay and do_stack: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.SetMinimum(minimum) overlays.Draw("nostack,same") elif do_overlay: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.SetMinimum(minimum) overlays.Draw("nostack") if plotter["data"]: pass if plotter["ratio"] and stacks.GetStack(): # numerator definition is a placeholder. # only works if overlay[0]=data. if plotter["autoRatio"]: top = overlays.GetHists()[0].Clone("hnew") bottom = stacks.GetStack().Last().Clone("hnew") top.Divide(bottom) ratioBins = [] for bin in range(top.GetSize()): if top.GetBinContent(bin) != 0.0 and top.GetBinContent( bin) * top.GetBinError(bin) < 5.0: ratioBins.append(top.GetBinContent(bin)) if not ratioBins: ratioBins = [0] ratioMin = float(int(min(ratioBins) * 100)) / 100 ratioMax = float(int(max(ratioBins) * 100)) / 100 if ratioMax - ratioMin < 0.1: ratioMin = ratioMin - .05 ratioMax = ratioMax + 0.5 else: ratioMin = 0 ratioMax = 2 ratio = helpers.ratio( name=canv.GetName() + "_ratio", numer=overlays.GetHists()[0], # AHH KILL ME denom=stacks.GetStack().Last(), min=ratioMin, max=ratioMax, ytitle="Data / pred.") share, top, bot = helpers.same_xaxis( name=canv.GetName() + "_share", top_canvas=canv, bottom_canvas=ratio, ) canv.SetName(canv.GetName() + "_noratio") share.SetName(share.GetName().replace("_share", "")) canv = share elif plotter["ratio"] and not stacks.GetStack(): warn( "Want to make ratio plot but dont have stack. Skipping ratio.") # stack legend xleg, yleg = 0.6, 0.7 legend = ROOT.TLegend(xleg, yleg, xleg + 0.2, yleg + 0.2) if do_stack: for hist in reversed(stacks.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "f") if do_overlay: for hist in reversed(overlays.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "l") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetMargin(0.3) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) legend.Draw() # watermarks xatlas, yatlas = 0.38, 0.87 atlas = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas, "ATLAS Internal") hh4b = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas - 0.06, "X #rightarrow HH #rightarrow 4b") lumi = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas - 0.12, "13 TeV") watermarks = [atlas, hh4b, lumi] # KS, chi2 if stacks.GetStack(): if plotter.get("ks"): kolg, chi2, ndf = overlays.GetHists()[0], stacks.GetStack().Last(), ) # AH KILL ME yks = 0.975 ychi2 = 0.975 xks = 0.27 xchi2 = 0.55 ks = ROOT.TLatex(xks, yks, "KS = %5.3f" % (kolg)) ch = ROOT.TLatex(xchi2, ychi2, "#chi^{2} / ndf = %.1f / %i" % (chi2, ndf)) watermarks += [ks, ch] # draw watermarks for wm in watermarks: wm.SetTextAlign(22) wm.SetTextSize(0.04) wm.SetTextFont(42) wm.SetNDC() wm.Draw() canv.SaveAs( os.path.join(plotter["directory"], prename + canv.GetName() + ".pdf")) canv.Write() output.Close()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------Get Pearson CC-------------------------------------------------------------------------- correlation, indexes = get_pearson(healthy, cancerous) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------Get Max/Min Index------------------------------------------------------------------------- max_key, max_value, max_index = get_max(correlation, indexes) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------Plot Max/Min Gene------------------------------------------------------------------------- scatter_plot(healthy, cancerous, max_index[0], xlabel='H_Expression_Level', ylabel='C_Expression_Level', title='Maximum Correlation Gene') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------Get the p-value as paired-------------------------------------------------------------------- diffrentially_genes_paired = p_values_paired(healthy, cancerous, 0.05) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------Get the p-value as independant----------------------------------------------------------------- diffrentially_genes_ind = p_values_ind(healthy, cancerous, 0.05) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------Compare the two------------------------------------------------------------------------- common, paired_only, ind_only = compare(diffrentially_genes_paired, diffrentially_genes_ind) # -------------------------------------------------------------------Compare the two-------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main(): ops = options() if not ops.plotter: fatal("Need --plotter for configuration.") plotter = yaml.load(open(ops.plotter)) if not "directory" in plotter: plotter["directory"] = "." warn("No directory given. Writing output to cwd.") trees = {} plots = {} weights = {} colors = {} labels = {} stack = {} overlay = {} is_data = {} # retrieve inputs for sample in plotter["samples"]: name = sample["name"] # input trees paths = sample["path"] if not glob.glob(paths): fatal("Found no files at %s" % (paths)) trees[name] = ROOT.TChain(plotter["tree"]) for path in glob.glob(paths): trees[name].Add(path) # misc weights[name] = " * ".join( sample["weights"]) if "weights" in sample else "1" colors[name] = eval(sample["color"]) if sample["color"].startswith( "ROOT") else sample["color"] labels[name] = sample["label"] stack[name] = sample["stack"] overlay[name] = sample["overlay"] is_data[name] = sample["is_data"] # create output file if not os.path.isdir(plotter["directory"]): os.makedirs(plotter["directory"]) output = ROOT.TFile.Open( "%s/plots.%s.canv.root" % (plotter["directory"], timestamp), "recreate") # make money for plot in plotter["plots"]: hists = {} draw = {} if "bins" in plot: draw["bins"] = array.array("d", plot["bins"]) draw["title"] = ";%s;%s" % (plot["xtitle"], plot["ytitle"]) draw["variable"] = plot["variable"] draw["selection"] = " && ".join(plotter["selection"]) canv = ROOT.TCanvas(plot["name"], plot["name"], 800, 800) canv.Draw() canv.SetLogy(plot["logY"]) stacks = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"] + "stacks", draw["title"]) overlays = ROOT.THStack(plot["name"] + "overlays", draw["title"]) do_stack = False do_overlay = False for sample in reversed(sorted(trees.keys())): draw["name"] = plot["name"] + "__" + sample draw["weight"] = weights[sample] for option in ["weight"]: draw[option] = "(%s)" % (draw[option]) if "bins" in plot: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], len(draw["bins"]) - 1, draw["bins"]) else: hists[sample] = ROOT.TH1F(draw["name"], draw["title"], plot["n_bins"], plot["bin_low"], plot["bin_high"]) hists[sample].Sumw2() if is_data[sample]: hists[sample].SetMarkerStyle(20) hists[sample].SetMarkerSize(1) trees[sample].Draw("%(variable)s >> %(name)s" % draw, "(%(selection)s) * %(weight)s" % draw, "goff") # hists[sample].Scale(1/hists[sample].Integral(0, hists[sample].GetNbinsX())) if stack[sample]: do_stack = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(2) stacks.Add(copy.copy(hists[sample]), ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) if overlay[sample]: do_overlay = True hists[sample].SetFillColor(0) hists[sample].SetLineColor(colors[sample]) hists[sample].SetLineWidth(3) overlays.Add(copy.copy(hists[sample]), ("ep" if is_data[sample] else "hist")) print hists[sample].Integral(0, hists[sample].GetNbinsX() + 1) print hists[sample].GetEntries() # draw maximum = max([stacks.GetMaximum(), overlays.GetMaximum("nostack")]) maximum = maximum * (100.0 if plot["logY"] else 2.0) maximum = maximum * (1.2 if plotter["ratio"] else 1.0) if do_stack: stacks.SetMaximum(maximum) stacks.Draw() h1stackerror = copy.copy(stacks.GetStack().Last()) h1stackerror.SetName("stat. error") h1stackerror.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 3) h1stackerror.SetFillStyle(3005) h1stackerror.SetMarkerStyle(0) h1stackerror.Draw("SAME,E2") if do_overlay and do_stack: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.Draw("nostack,same") elif do_overlay: overlays.SetMaximum(maximum) overlays.Draw("nostack") if plotter["data"]: pass if plotter["ratio"] and stacks.GetStack(): # numerator definition is a placeholder. # only works if overlay[0]=data. ratio = helpers.ratio( name=canv.GetName() + "_ratio", numer=overlays.GetHists()[0], # AHH KILL ME denom=stacks.GetStack().Last(), min=0.45, max=2.0, ytitle="Data / pred.") share = helpers.same_xaxis( name=canv.GetName() + "_share", top_canvas=canv, bottom_canvas=ratio, ) canv.SetName(canv.GetName() + "_noratio") share.SetName(share.GetName().replace("_share", "")) canv = share elif plotter["ratio"] and not stacks.GetStack(): warn( "Want to make ratio plot but dont have stack. Skipping ratio.") # stack legend xleg, yleg = 0.6, 0.7 legend = ROOT.TLegend(xleg, yleg, xleg + 0.2, yleg + 0.2) if do_stack: for hist in reversed(stacks.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "f") if do_overlay: for hist in reversed(overlays.GetHists()): legend.AddEntry(hist, labels[hist.GetName().split("__")[1]], "l") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetMargin(0.3) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) legend.Draw() # watermarks xatlas, yatlas = 0.38, 0.87 atlas = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas, "ATLAS Internal") hh4b = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas - 0.06, "X #rightarrow HH #rightarrow 4b") lumi = ROOT.TLatex(xatlas, yatlas - 0.12, "13 TeV, 78.7 pb^{-1}") watermarks = [atlas, hh4b, lumi] # KS, chi2 if stacks.GetStack(): if plotter.get("ks"): kolg, chi2, ndf = overlays.GetHists()[0], stacks.GetStack().Last(), ) # AH KILL ME yks = 0.975 ychi2 = 0.975 xks = 0.27 xchi2 = 0.55 ks = ROOT.TLatex(xks, yks, "KS = %5.3f" % (kolg)) ch = ROOT.TLatex(xchi2, ychi2, "#chi^{2} / ndf = %.1f / %i" % (chi2, ndf)) watermarks += [ks, ch] # draw watermarks for wm in watermarks: wm.SetTextAlign(22) wm.SetTextSize(0.04) wm.SetTextFont(42) wm.SetNDC() wm.Draw() canv.SaveAs(os.path.join(plotter["directory"], canv.GetName() + ".pdf")) canv.Write() output.Close()