Example #1
    def toText(self, url):
        (title, artist, data) = self.parseURL(url)

        fileName = dataToName(title, artist, TEXT)
        textFile = os.path.join(self.textFolder, fileName)
        print textFile
        with open(textFile, "w") as outfile:
        return fileName
Example #2
    def toJSON(self, fileName):
        Text file of a song --> JSON file of a song
        textFile = os.path.join(self.textFolder, fileName)
        f = open(textFile, "r")
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines]
        data = {}

        songID = nameToID(fileName)

        [title, artist] = idToData(songID)
        data["title"] = title
        data["artist"] = artist
        data["id"] = songID
        data["lines"] = []
        print title

        allChords = []

        def updateAllChords(line):
            for chord in line.split():
                # Chords with a bass note
                if "/" in chord:
                    chord = chord.split("/")[0]
                if chord not in allChords:

        linesIter = iter(lines)

        # Putting meta data in the file is pretty sketchy
        # Move to a db eventually #36
        firstLine = lines[0]
        capo = "CAPO "
        if firstLine.startswith(capo):
            data["capo"] = firstLine.split(capo)[1]

        for line in linesIter:
            if isLabel(line):
                data["lines"].append({"label": line})
            elif isChordLine(line):
                while True:
                    next_line = next(linesIter)
                    lyrics = next_line if isLyricLine(next_line) else ""
                    data["lines"].append({"lyrics": lyrics, "chord": line})

                    line = next_line
                    if isLabel(line):
                        data["lines"].append({"label": line})
                    elif not isChordLine(line):
            elif line:
                data["lines"].append({"lyrics": line, "chord": ""})
            # FIXME: should we preserve blank lines?

        data["allChords"] = allChords

        title = clean(title)
        artist = clean(artist)
        fileName = dataToName(title, artist, JSON)
        jsonFile = os.path.join(JSON_FOLDER, fileName)
        with open(jsonFile, "w") as outfile:
            json.dump(data, outfile, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
Example #3
spaces => _
delete apostrophes
import os
from helpers import nameToID, idToData, dataToName

def makeURLFriendly(string):
    return string.lower().replace("'", "").replace(" ", "_")

newJSON = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'json2')

TO DO adjust parser.py script so that we automatically name the JSON files with friendly names
TO DO restructure the /data folder, the Python code doesn't necessarily need to live in static?
    maybe this can wait until we have the import functionality
for fileName in os.listdir(newJSON):
    songID = nameToID(fileName)
    title = makeURLFriendly(idToData(songID)[0])
    artist = makeURLFriendly(idToData(songID)[1])

    newName = dataToName(title, artist, 'json')

    fullFile = os.path.join(newJSON, fileName)

    newFullFile = fullFile.replace(fileName, newName)
    os.rename(fullFile, newFullFile)
Example #4
# Test to make sure the the /json and /text folders are in sync
# We keep text files in case we need to manually edit the tabs

import os
from helpers import clean, dataToName, idToData
from parser import TEXT_FOLDER, JSON_FOLDER

allText = os.listdir(TEXT_FOLDER)
allJSON = os.listdir(JSON_FOLDER)

def strip(file):
    return file.split(".txt")[0]

for i in xrange(len(allText)):
    [title, artist] = idToData(strip(allText[i]))
    title = clean(title)
    artist = clean(artist)
    fileName = dataToName(title, artist, "json")
    assert fileName in allJSON, fileName

assert len(allText) == len(allJSON), \
    "{} {}".format(len(allText), len(allJSON))
Example #5
    def toJSON(self, fileName):
        Text file of a song --> JSON file of a song
        textFile = os.path.join(textFolder, fileName)
        f = open(textFile, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines]
        data = {}

        songID = nameToID(fileName)

        [title, artist] = idToData(songID)
        data['title'] = title
        data['artist'] = artist
        data['id'] = songID
        data['lines'] = []
        print title

        allChords = []

        def updateAllChords(line):
            for chord in line.split():
                # Chords with a bass note
                if "/" in chord:
                    chord = chord.split("/")[0]
                if chord not in allChords:

        lines_iter = iter(lines)

        first_line = lines[0]
        capo = "CAPO "
        if first_line.startswith(capo):
            data["capo"] = first_line.split(capo)[1]

        for line in lines_iter:
            if isLabel(line):
                data['lines'].append({'label': line})
            elif isChordLine(line):
                while True:
                    next_line = next(lines_iter)
                    lyrics = next_line if isLyricLine(next_line) else ''
                    data['lines'].append({'lyrics': lyrics, 'chord': line})

                    line = next_line
                    if isLabel(line):
                        data['lines'].append({'label': line})
                    elif not isChordLine(line):
            elif line:
                data['lines'].append({'lyrics': line, 'chord': ''})
            # FIXME: should we preserve blank lines?

        data['allChords'] = allChords

        title = clean(title)
        artist = clean(artist)
        fileName = dataToName(title, artist, JSON)
        jsonFile = os.path.join(JSON_FOLDER, fileName)
        with open(jsonFile, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(data, outfile, indent=2, sort_keys=True)