Example #1
    def expand_extraction(extract_idx, props):
        # Iterate on above and below areas for each extract
        for direction, areas in extract_relations[extract_idx].iteritems():
            stopped = False
            for area_idx in extract_relations[extract_idx][direction]:
                # Iterate on all other extracts, making sure that extending the current one won't run into any of the others
                for extract_idx2, props2 in extract_relations.iteritems():
                    if extract_idx != extract_idx2:
                        will_intersect = helpers.rectangles_intersect(extracts[extract_idx2], helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))
                        if will_intersect:
                            stopped = True

                if stopped:

                if page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'possible table' and direction == extracts[extract_idx]['direction']:
                    #print 'extend', extracts[extract_idx]['name'], 'into possible table'
                    extracts[extract_idx].update(helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'caption':
                    extracts[extract_idx].update(helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'table':
                    #print 'extend', extracts[extract_idx]['name'], 'into table'
                    extracts[extract_idx].update(helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'line':
                    #print 'extend', extracts[extract_idx]['name'], 'into line'
                    extracts[extract_idx].update(helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))

                elif ((page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'text block' or page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'other') and page['areas'][area_idx]['word_height_avg'] < (doc_stats['word_height_avg'] - (doc_stats['word_height_avg_std']/4))):
                    #print 'extend', extracts[extract_idx]['name'], 'into text'
                    extracts[extract_idx].update(helpers.enlarge_extract(extracts[extract_idx], page['areas'][area_idx]))

                    #print 'stop ', extracts[extract_idx]['name']
                    stopped = True
Example #2
def classify(pages, doc_stats):
    clf = create()

    for idx, page in enumerate(pages):
        for area in page['areas']:
            classification = heuristics.classify_list(area, doc_stats,

            estimated_label = clf.predict([classification])[0]
            p = zip(clf.classes_, clf.predict_proba([classification])[0])

            best_p = max([d[1] for d in p if d[0] != 'other'])
            if best_p < 0.6:
                estimated_label = 'unknown'

            area['label'] = estimated_label

        # Go through again, validating body areas
        # if a caption can't be expanded without running into body, it's not a caption
        for area in page['areas']:
            if area['label'] == 'graphic caption':
                valid = False
                for each in [
                        d for d in page['areas'] if d['label'] == 'graphic'
                    if valid:
                    expanded = helpers.enlarge_extract(area, each)
                    for body in [
                            q for q in page['areas'] if q['label'] == 'body'
                        if not helpers.rectangles_intersect(expanded, body):
                            valid = True

                if not valid:
                    area['label'] = 'unknown'
    return pages
Example #3
def process_page(doc_stats, page):
    def find_above_and_below(extract):
        out = {'above': [], 'below': [], 'left': [], 'right': []}
        for area_idx, area in enumerate(page['areas']):
            # Check if they overlap in x space
            if area['x1'] <= extract['x2'] and extract['x1'] <= area['x2']:
                # Check how *much* they overlap in x space
                # Number of pixels area overlaps with current extract extent
                overlap = max([
                        min([area['x2'], extract['x2']]) -
                        max([extract['x1'], area['x1']]))
                area_length = area['x2'] - area['x1']
                percent_overlap = float(overlap) / area_length

                # If the area overlaps more than 90% in x space with the target area
                if percent_overlap >= 0.9:
                    # Check if this area is above or below the extract area
                    area_centroid = helpers.centroid(area)
                    extract_centroid = helpers.centroid(extract)
                    # If it is above
                    if area_centroid['y'] <= extract_centroid['y']:
                        # Work backwards so that when we iterate we start at the area closest to the extract
                        out['above'].insert(0, area_idx)
                    # If below

            # Check if they overlap in y space
            elif area['y1'] <= extract['y2'] and extract['y1'] <= area['y2']:
                overlap = max([
                        min([area['y2'], extract['y2']]) -
                        max([extract['y1'], area['y1']]))
                area_length = area['y2'] - area['y1']
                percent_overlap = float(overlap) / area_length
                if percent_overlap >= 0.9:
                    area_centroid = helpers.centroid(area)
                    extract_centroid = helpers.centroid(extract)

                    if area_centroid['x'] <= extract_centroid['x']:
                        out['left'].insert(0, area_idx)
        return out

    def expand_extraction(extract_idx, props):
        # Iterate on above and below areas for each extract
        for direction, areas in extract_relations[extract_idx].items():
            stopped = False
            for area_idx in extract_relations[extract_idx][direction]:
                # Iterate on all other extracts, making sure that extending the current one won't run into any of the others
                for extract_idx2, props2 in extract_relations.items():
                    if extract_idx != extract_idx2:
                        will_intersect = helpers.rectangles_intersect(
                        if will_intersect:
                            stopped = True

                if stopped:

                if page['areas'][area_idx][
                        'type'] == 'graphic' and direction == extracts[

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'graphic caption':

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'graphic':

                elif page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'line':

                elif ((page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'body'
                       or page['areas'][area_idx]['type'] == 'other')
                      and page['areas'][area_idx]['word_height_avg'] <
                      (doc_stats['word_height_avg'] -
                       (doc_stats['word_height_avg_std'] / 4))):

                    #print 'stop ', extracts[extract_idx]['name']
                    stopped = True

    # Find all areas that each area intersects
    areas = {}
    for idx_a, area_a in enumerate(page['areas']):
        areas[idx_a] = []

        for idx_b, area_b in enumerate(page['areas']):
            if idx_a != idx_b and helpers.rectangles_intersect(

#   If area intersects others, recursively get all intersections
# new_areas = []
# for area_idx in areas:
#     if len(areas[area_idx]):
#         new_area = { 'x1': 9999999, 'y1': 9999999, 'x2': -9999999, 'y2': -9999999 }
#         new_area_consists_of = []
#         all_intersections = [ areas[i] for i in areas if i in areas[area_idx]  ]
#         # Flatten and filter
#         all_intersections = set([ item for sublist in all_intersections for item in sublist ])
#         for area in all_intersections:
#             new_area_consists_of.append(area)
#             new_area = helpers.enlarge_extract(new_area, helpers.extractbbox(page['areas'][area]['soup'].get('title')))
#         if new_area['x1'] != 9999999:
#             new_area['consists_of'] = new_area_consists_of
#             new_areas.append(new_area)
# # Filter unique new areas and remove areas that this new area covers
# unique_new_areas = []
# for area in new_areas:
#     # Does this area overlap with any areas already accounted for?
#     found = False
#     for uidx, each in enumerate(unique_new_areas):
#         # If it does, add it to that existing area
#         if len(set(each['consists_of']).intersection(area['consists_of'])) > 0:
#             found = True
#             unique_new_areas[uidx]['consists_of'] = list(set(each['consists_of'] + area['consists_of']))
#             new_area = helpers.enlarge_extract(each, area)
#             for key in new_area:
#                 unique_new_areas[uidx][key] = new_area[key]
#     if not found:
#         unique_new_areas.append(area)
# print 'UNIQUE NEW AREAS', unique_new_areas

# Find the captions/titles for charts, figures, maps, tables
    indicator_lines = []

    for line in page['lines']:
        # Remove nonsense
        clean_line = line.getText().strip().replace('\n',
                                                    ' ').replace('  ',
                                                                 ' ').lower()
        # Find all lines that contain only a target word plus a number
        dedicated_line_matches = re.match(
            '(table|figure|fig|map)(\.)? \d+(\.)?',
            flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
        # Find all the lines that start with one of the target words and a number
        caption_matches = re.match('(table|figure|fig|map)(\.)? \d+(\.)',
                                   flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
        # Problematic tesseract matches
        bad_tesseract_matches = re.match(
            '^(table|figure|fig|map)(\.)? \w{1,5}(\S)?(\w{1,5})?(\.)?',
            flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)

        bbox = helpers.extractbbox(line.get('title'))
        # dedicated line (ex: Table 1)
        if dedicated_line_matches and dedicated_line_matches.group(
                0) == clean_line:
            bbox['name'] = dedicated_line_matches.group(0)
            print('  ', bbox['name'].replace('.', ''))

        # Other
        elif caption_matches:
            bbox['name'] = caption_matches.group(0)
            print('  ', bbox['name'].replace('.', ''))

        elif bad_tesseract_matches:
            bbox['name'] = bad_tesseract_matches.group(0)
            print('  ', bbox['name'].replace('.', ''))

    # Assign a caption to each table, and keep track of which captions are assigned to tables. caption_idx: [area_idx, area_idx, ...]
    caption_areas = {}
    for area_idx, area in enumerate(page['areas']):
        if area['type'] == 'graphic':
            # Get the distances between the given area and all captions
            distances = [{
                'idx': line_idx,
                'distance': helpers.min_distance(area, line)
            } for line_idx, line in enumerate(indicator_lines)]

            # bail if there aren't any indicator_lines
            if len(distances) == 0:

            distances_sorted = sorted(distances, key=lambda k: k['distance'])

            for line in distances_sorted:
                # Check if it intersects any text areas
                potential_area = helpers.enlarge_extract(
                    area, indicator_lines[line['idx']])

            distances = [
                helpers.min_distance(area, line) for line in indicator_lines

            # The index of the nearest caption
            if len(distances) == 0:

            nearest_caption = distances.index(min(distances))

            # TODO: Need to check if expanding to this caption would intersect any text areas that don't intersect the caption
            # Assign the nearest caption to the area
            area['graphic caption'] = nearest_caption
            # Bookkeep
                caption_areas[nearest_caption] = [area_idx]
    If a page has tables unassigned to captions, those go in a different pile

    When it comes time to create extract areas from them, they play by different rules:
        + The starting extract area is simply the area(s) determined to be tables
        + Extract areas can eat each other / be combined

    # Need to go find the tables and create appropriate areas
    # Basically, treat them as extracts that can overlap, and then merge intersecting extracts

    # alternative_captions = []
    # for line in page['lines']:
    #     # First make sure this line doesn't exist any tables
    #     line_bbox = helpers.extractbbox(line.get('title'))
    #     table_intersections = []
    #     for table in all_tables:
    #         if helpers.rectangles_intersect(page['areas'][table], line_bbox):
    #             table_intersections.append(True)
    #         else:
    #             table_intersections.append(False)
    #     # If it does, skip it
    #     if True in table_intersections:
    #         continue
    #     # Remove nonsense
    #     clean_line = line.getText().strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('  ', ' ').lower()
    #     # mediocre caption matches
    #     ok_matches = re.match('^(.*?) \d+(\.)?', clean_line, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    #     '''
    #     Caption is good enough if the following are satisfied:
    #         + the average word height is less than the document's average word height - 1/4 average word height std
    #         + The line it is on does not intersect and table
    #     '''
    #     if ok_matches and line_word_height(line) < (doc_stats['word_height_avg'] - (doc_stats['word_height_avg_std']/4)):
    #          line_bbox['name'] = ok_matches.group(0)
    #          print 'Alt caption - ', line_bbox['name']
    #          alternative_captions.append(line_bbox)

    # Sanity check the caption-area assignments
    for caption, areas in caption_areas.items():
        # Only check if the caption is assigned to more than one area
        if len(areas) > 1:
            # draw a line through the middle of the caption that spans the page
              x1,y1 0 --------------
                    |               |
            - - - - | - - - - - - - | - - - - <-- Create this line
                    |               |
                     -------------- 0 x2,y2
            caption_line_y = indicator_lines[caption]['y1'] + (
                indicator_lines[caption]['y2'] -
            caption_line = {
                'x1': page['page']['x1'],
                'y1': caption_line_y,
                'x2': page['page']['x2'],
                'y2': caption_line_y

            # Get a list of unique combinations of areas for this caption (example: [(0,1), (1,3)] )
            area_combinations = list(
                itertools.combinations(caption_areas[caption], 2))

            # Draw a line between them
            |           |
            |     a     |
            |      \    |
                     \ <------ area_connection_line
                |      \|
        - - - - | - - -|\ - - - - - - -
                |      | \
                 ------   \
                   |         \             |
                   |          \            |
                   |           b           |
                   |                       |
                   |                       |

            for pair in area_combinations:
                a = helpers.centroid(page['areas'][pair[0]])
                b = helpers.centroid(page['areas'][pair[1]])
                area_line = {
                    'x1': a['x'],
                    'y1': a['y'],
                    'x2': b['x'],
                    'y2': b['y']
                # Check if the line intersects the caption line. If it does, determine which of the 'tables' is more table-y
                if helpers.lines_intersect(caption_line, area_line):
                    if page['areas'][pair[0]]['classification_p'] > page[
                        caption_areas[caption] = [
                            area for area in caption_areas[caption]
                            if area != pair[1]
                        page['areas'][pair[0]]['type'] = 'graphic'
                        caption_areas[caption] = [
                            area for area in caption_areas[caption]
                            if area != pair[0]

    # Extracts are bounding boxes that will be used to actually extract the tables
    extracts = []
    for caption, areas in caption_areas.items():
        area_of_interest_centroid_y_mean = np.mean(
            [helpers.centroid(page['areas'][area])['y'] for area in areas])
        indicator_line_centroid_y = helpers.centroid(

        areas_of_interest = [page['areas'][area] for area in areas]

        # Find the area that the indicator line intersects
        for area in page['areas']:
            if helpers.rectangles_intersect(area, indicator_lines[caption]):

        # The extract is designated by the min/max coordinates of the caption and cooresponding table(s)
            if area_of_interest_centroid_y_mean > indicator_line_centroid_y
            else 'above',
            min([a['x1'] for a in areas_of_interest]) - padding,
            min([a['y1'] for a in areas_of_interest]) - padding,
            max([a['x2'] for a in areas_of_interest]) + padding,
            max([a['y2'] for a in areas_of_interest]) + padding

    # Make sure each table was assigned a caption
    assigned_tables = []
    unassigned_tables = []
    for caption_idx, areas in caption_areas.items():
        assigned_tables = assigned_tables + areas

    all_tables = []
    for area_idx, area in enumerate(page['areas']):
        if area['type'] == 'graphic':

    if sorted(assigned_tables) == sorted(all_tables):
        print('all tables have a caption on page', page['page_no'])
        unassigned_tables = set(all_tables).difference(assigned_tables)
        print('Not all tables have a caption on page', page['page_no'])
        print('Not assigned - ', unassigned_tables)

    orphan_extracts = []
    for table in unassigned_tables:

        # TODO: parameterize arbitrary cut off
        if page['areas'][table]['classification_p'] > 0.5:
                helpers.expand_area(page['areas'][table], page['areas']))

    orphan_extracts = helpers.union_extracts(orphan_extracts)

    for extract in orphan_extracts:
        extract['name'] = 'Unknown'
        extract['direction'] = 'None'
    #    extracts.append(extract)

    # Find all areas that overlap in x space and are above and below the extracts
    extract_relations = {}
    for extract_idx, extract in enumerate(extracts):
        extract_relations[extract_idx] = find_above_and_below(extract)

    for extract_idx, extract in enumerate(extracts):
        expand_extraction(extract_idx, find_above_and_below(extract))

    # for extract_idx, props in extract_relations.items():
    #     expand_extraction(extract_idx, props)

    for extract in orphan_extracts:
        # Find out if a good extraction already covers this area
        extract_poly = helpers.make_polygon(extract)
        covers = False
        for each in extracts:
            intersection = extract_poly.intersection(
            if intersection >= (extract_poly.area * 0.9):
                covers = True

        if not covers:
            extract_relations[len(extracts) -
                              1] = find_above_and_below(extract)
                len(extracts) - 1, extract_relations[len(extracts) - 1])

    return extracts
Example #4
def tess():
    # Open the file with Tesseract output
    with open('test_files/two_tables_equations.html.hocr') as hocr:
        text = hocr.read()

    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')
    # Extract the page
    page = helpers.extractbbox(
        soup.find_all('div', 'ocr_page')[0].get('title'))
    # Get all "areas"
    areas = soup.find_all('div', 'ocr_carea')

    # Find the captions/titles for charts, figures, maps, tables
    indicator_lines = []

    for line in soup.find_all('span', 'ocr_line'):
        # Remove nonsense
        clean_line = line.getText().strip().replace('\n',
                                                    ' ').replace('  ',
                                                                 ' ').lower()
        # Find all lines that contain only a target word plus a number
        dedicated_line_matches = re.match(
            '(table|figure|fig|map)(\.)? \d+(\.)?',
        # Find all the lines that start with one of the target words and a number
        caption_matches = re.match('(table|figure|fig|map)(\.)? \d+(\.)',
        # dedicated line (ex: Table 1)
        if dedicated_line_matches and dedicated_line_matches.group(
                0) == clean_line:
            print dedicated_line_matches.group(0)
        # Other
        elif caption_matches:
            print caption_matches.group(0)
            bbox = helpers.extractbbox(line.get('title'))
            bbox['name'] = caption_matches.group(0)

    area_stats = [areaSummary(area) for area in areas]
    doc_stats = summarizeDocument(area_stats)

    print 'Document Summary:'
    print '    Word separation avg (mean): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_mean'], )
    print '    Word separation avg (median): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_median'], )
    print '    Word separation avg (std): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_std'], )

    print '    Word separation index (mean): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_index_mean'], )
    print '    Word separtion index (median): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_index_median'], )
    print '    Word separtion index (std): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_separation_index_std'], )
    print '    Word height index (mean): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_height_index_mean'], )
    print '    Word height index (median): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_height_index_median'], )
    print '    Word height index (std): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_height_index_std'], )
    print '    Word area index (mean): %s%%' % (int(
        doc_stats['word_area_index_mean'] * 100), )
    print '    Word area index (median): %s%%' % (int(
        doc_stats['word_area_index_median'] * 100), )
    print '    Word area index (std): %s%%' % (int(
        doc_stats['word_area_index_std'] * 100), )
    print '    Word height avg (mean): %s' % ('%.2f' %
                                              doc_stats['word_height_avg'], )
    print '    Word height avg (median): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_height_avg_median'], )
    print '    Word height avg (std): %s' % (
        '%.2f' % doc_stats['word_height_avg_std'], )
    table definition:
        word separation index > document median + 1 std
        word area index < document median - 1 std
        never one line
    text block:
        word separation index < document median + 1 std
        word area index === document median +/- (1 std / 2)
        never one line
    for area in area_stats:
        # The table_score keeps track of how "table-y" an area is, i.e. how many characteristics it has consistent with tables
        area['table_score'] = 0
        # Remove gaps smaller than the median gap between words
        area['gaps'] = [
            gap for gap in area['gaps']
            if gap > doc_stats['word_separation_median']

        # Add to the table score for each gap (each gap adds one point)
        for gap in area['gaps']:
            area['table_score'] += 1

        # Separator lines are only one line, have no words or other attributes
        if area['lines'] == 1 and area['words'] == 0 and area[
                'word_separation_index'] == 0 and area[
                    'word_height_index'] == 0 and area['word_height_avg'] == 0:
            area['type'] = 'line'

        elif (area['word_separation_index'] >=
              (doc_stats['word_separation_index_median'] +
               doc_stats['word_separation_index_std'])) and (
                   area['word_area_index'] <=
                   (doc_stats['word_area_index_median'] -
                    doc_stats['word_area_index_std'])) and area['lines'] > 1:
            area['type'] = 'table'

        elif (area['word_separation_index'] <
              (doc_stats['word_separation_index_median'] +
               doc_stats['word_separation_index_std'])) and (
                   area['word_area_index'] >
                   (doc_stats['word_area_index_median'] -
                    (doc_stats['word_area_index_std'] / float(2)))
                   and area['word_area_index'] <
                   (doc_stats['word_area_index_median'] +
                    (doc_stats['word_area_index_std'] / float(2)))
               ) and area['lines'] > 1:
            area['type'] = 'text block'

        # Else, unclassified
            area['type'] = 'other'

        # Tally other attributes that are indicative of tables
        if area['word_separation_index'] >= (
                doc_stats['word_separation_index_median'] +
            area['table_score'] += 1
        if area['word_area_index'] <= (doc_stats['word_area_index_median'] -
            area['table_score'] += 1
        if area['lines'] > 1:
            area['table_score'] += 1

    # Find lines - can be line breaks between paragraphs or divider lines in tables
    lines = [area for area in area_stats if area['type'] == 'line']

    # If a line intersects an area, classify that area as a table
    for area in area_stats:
        if area['type'] != 'line':
            for line in lines:
                if helpers.rectangles_intersect(area, line):
                    area['type'] = 'table'
                    area['table_score'] += 1

    # Assign a caption to each table, and keep track of which captions are assigned to tables. caption_idx: [area_idx, area_idx, ...]
    caption_areas = {}
    for area_idx, area in enumerate(area_stats):
        if area['type'] == 'table':
            distances = [
                helpers.distance(area, line) for line in indicator_lines

            nearest_caption = distances.index(min(distances))
            area['caption'] = nearest_caption
                caption_areas[nearest_caption] = [area_idx]

    # Sanity check the caption-area assignments
    for caption, areas in caption_areas.iteritems():
        # Only check if the caption is assigned to more than one area
        if len(areas) > 1:
            # draw a line through the middle of the caption that spans the page
              x1,y1 0 --------------
                    |               |
            - - - - | - - - - - - - | - - - - <-- Create this line
                    |               |
                     -------------- 0 x2,y2
            caption_line_y = indicator_lines[caption]['y1'] + (
                indicator_lines[caption]['y2'] -
            caption_line = {
                'x1': page['x1'],
                'y1': caption_line_y,
                'x2': page['x2'],
                'y2': caption_line_y

            # Get a list of unique combinations of areas for this caption (example: [(0,1), (1,3)] )
            area_combinations = list(
                itertools.combinations(caption_areas[caption], 2))

            # Draw a line between them
            |           |
            |     a     |
            |      \    |
                     \ <------ area_connection_line
                |      \|
        - - - - | - - -|\ - - - - - - -
                |      | \
                 ------   \
                   |         \             |
                   |          \            |
                   |           b           |
                   |                       |
                   |                       |

            for pair in area_combinations:
                a = helpers.centroid(area_stats[pair[0]])
                b = helpers.centroid(area_stats[pair[1]])
                area_line = {
                    'x1': a['x'],
                    'y1': a['y'],
                    'x2': b['x'],
                    'y2': b['y']
                # Check if the line intersects the caption line. If it does, determine which of the 'tables' is more table-y
                if lines_intersect(caption_line, area_line):
                    if area_stats[pair[0]]['table_score'] > area_stats[
                        area_stats[pair[1]]['type'] = 'not a table'
                        caption_areas[caption] = [
                            area for area in areas if area != pair[1]
                        area_stats[pair[0]]['type'] = 'not a table'
                        caption_areas[caption] = [
                            area for area in areas if area != pair[0]

    extracts = []
    for caption, areas in caption_areas.iteritems():
        areas_of_interest = [area_stats[area] for area in areas]

            min([a['x1'] for a in areas_of_interest]) - padding,
            min([a['y1'] for a in areas_of_interest]) - padding,
            max([a['x2'] for a in areas_of_interest]) + padding,
            max([a['y2'] for a in areas_of_interest]) + padding

    # Find all areas that overlap in x space and are above and below the extracts
    extract_relations = {}
    for extract_idx, extract in enumerate(extracts):
        extract_relations[extract_idx] = {'above': [], 'below': []}

        for area_idx, area in enumerate(area_stats):
            # Check if they overlap in x space
            if area['x1'] <= extract['x2'] and extract['x1'] <= area['x2']:
                # Check how * much * they overlap in
                percent_overlap = (abs(area['x2'] - extract['x1'])
                                   ) / float(extract['x2'] - extract['x1'])
                if percent_overlap >= 0.9:
                    # Check if this area is above or below the extract area
                    area_centroid = helpers.centroid(area)
                    extract_centroid = helpers.centroid(extract)

                    if area_centroid['y'] <= extract_centroid['y']:
                        # Work backwards so that when we iterate we start at the area closest to the extract
                            0, area_idx)

    for extract_idx, props in extract_relations.iteritems():
        for area_idx in extract_relations[extract_idx]['above']:
            if area_stats[area_idx]['type'] != 'text block' and area_stats[
                    area_idx]['type'] != 'not a table' and area_stats[
                        area_idx]['type'] != 'other':
                # [Grow] the extract area

        for area_idx in extract_relations[extract_idx]['below']:
            if area_stats[area_idx]['type'] != 'text block' and area_stats[
                    area_idx]['type'] != 'not a table' and area_stats[
                        area_idx]['type'] != 'other':
                # [Grow] the extract area
                print extract_idx, area_stats[area_idx]['type']

    plot(soup, extracts)