def save_user(user): '''Save user changes''' users = read_db() if (users): user_id = user['user_id'] users[user_id] = user save_db(users) else: error_msg( "Ocurrio un error al guardar su informacion. Intentelo de nuevo.") return user
def delete_entry(user, credentials): '''Delte Requested entry''' account = input("\nIngrese aplicacion a consultar: ") hmac_acct = hmac_sha_256.encrypt(account) # Verify if acct exists if (existing_account(user['accounts'], hmac_acct)): acct = get_existing_account(user['accounts'], hmac_acct) acct_id = acct['acct_id'] del user['accounts'][acct_id] user = save_user(user) success_msg('Se ham guardado sus cambios.') else: error_msg("La cuenta que desea eliminar no existe.") return user
def save_db(users): '''Save all changes in txt file''' global db_path try: #Abre el archivo file = open(db_path, "w") file.write(str(users)) #Cierra el archivo txt file.close() success_msg() return except: error_msg('ERROR: NO fue posible searizar su transaccion.') return
def signin_user(user_name, password): '''Login User''' if (user_name and user_name != '' and password and password != ''): users = read_db() credentials = read_credentials() if (users and credentials): if (user_exists(users, user_name)): user = get_user(users, user_name) user_credentials = get_credentials(credentials, user['user_id']) if (valid_credentials(password, key=user_credentials['key'], nonce=user_credentials['nonce'], encrypted_password=user['password'])): valid = True return valid, user, user_credentials else: valid = False return valid, user, user_credentials else: error_msg('El nombre de usuario no existe.') return else: error_msg( 'ERROR: No se encontro ninguna base de datos. Intentelo de nuevo.' ) else: error_msg('El nombre de usuario o la contraseña esta en blanco.')
def get_entry(user, credentials): '''Get User Requested Account''' account = input("\nIngrese aplicacion a consultar: ") hmac_acct = hmac_sha_256.encrypt(account) # Verify if acct exists if (existing_account(user['accounts'], hmac_acct)): db_account = get_existing_account(user['accounts'], hmac_acct) key = credentials['key'] nonce = db_account['nonce'] encrypted_password = db_account['password'] decrypted_password = aes_gcm.decrypt(encrypted_password, key, nonce) print("\nAplicacion: ", account) print('Password: ', decrypted_password) success_msg() else: error_msg("La cuenta que desea consultar no existe.")
async def xkcd(self, ctx): """ Returns random xkcd comix """ req = await get_request("") if req.status_code == 200: html_object = html.fromstring(req.content.decode("utf-8")) comix_img = html_object.xpath("/html/body/div/a[1]/img/@src")[0] print(comix_img) embed = Embed(title="XKCD comix") embed.set_image(url=comix_img) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send(error_msg("Error happened while parsing comix"))
def new_entry(user, credentials): '''Create new entry in db''' account = input("\nIngrese su nueva aplicacion: ") hmac_acct = hmac_sha_256.encrypt(account) # Verify if acct exists allready if (existing_account(user['accounts'], hmac_acct)): error_msg("La cuenta que desea agregar ya existe.") else: acct_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Pseudorandom Salt salt = pbkdf2._makesalt() # PBKDF2 Autogenerated pssword pbkdf2_password = pbkdf2.PBKDF2(MASTER_KEY, salt, 1200).hexread(32) # AES-GCM Password Encription encrypted_pbkdf2_password, nonce = aes_gcm.encrypt_pbkdf2_password( pbkdf2_password, credentials['key']) # New Acct Dictionary new_acct = {} new_acct.update( dict(acct_id=acct_id, app=hmac_acct, password=encrypted_pbkdf2_password, nonce=nonce)) user['accounts'][acct_id] = new_acct user = save_user(user) success_msg( 'Se a guardado su cuenta de la aplicacion {}'.format(account)) return user
async def gw(self, ctx, line): """ Gets weather in `city` """ req = await get_request("погода-" + line) if req.status_code == 200: html_object = html.fromstring(req.content.decode("utf-8")) region = html_object.xpath("//*[@class='currentRegion']/text()")[0] temperature = html_object.xpath( "//*[@class='today-temp']/text()")[0] print(temperature) embed = Embed(title="Weather in " + region) embed.add_field(name="Temperature", value=temperature) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send(error_msg("Error while getting weather in " + line))
def signup_user(user_name, password): '''Create a new user''' if (user_name and user_name != '' and password and password != ''): users = read_db() credentials = read_credentials() if (users and credentials): if (user_exists(users, user_name)): error_msg('El nombre de usuario ya existe.') return else: user = {} user_credentials = {} user_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Hash Password encrypted_password, nonce, key = aes_gcm.encrypt_password( password) user.update( dict(user_id=user_id, user_name=user_name, password=encrypted_password, accounts={})) user_credentials.update( dict(user_id=user_id, nonce=nonce, key=key)) users[user_id] = user credentials[user_id] = user_credentials save_db(users) save_credentials(credentials) success_msg('Se ha creado su usuario. Inicie Sesion.') return else: error_msg( 'ERROR: No se encontro ninguna base de datos. Intentelo de nuevo.' ) else: error_msg('El nombre de usuario o la contraseña esta en blanco.')