Example #1
def taskDistance():
    # if 'access' not in session:
    #     return redirect('/')
    latitude = request.args.get('lat')
    longitude = request.args.get('lng')

    return jsonify(getDistance(gmaps, start_coords, latitude, longitude)), 200
Example #2
def findClosestCont(conts, point):

    minDist = 10000
    minCnt = None

    for cnt in conts:
        for p in cnt:
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            dist = helpers.getDistance(point, p)
            if dist < minDist:
                minDist = dist
                minCnt = cnt

    return minCnt
def findClosestCont(conts, point):

  minDist = 10000
  minCnt = None

  for cnt in conts:
    for p in cnt:
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        dist = helpers.getDistance(point, p)
        if dist < minDist:
          minDist = dist
          minCnt = cnt

  return minCnt
Example #4
    def test_ytick_coordinates(self):
            - Input Test Image (Already done)
            - Corners
            - Check if the calculated 1st tick point is approximately correct
        Things to Find:
            - Corner Points
            - Actual Coordinates of the 1st tick point

        self.plot.corners = self.corners
        ticks = self.plot.y_ticks
        assert helper.getDistance(ticks[1], self.first_ytick) < 5
Example #5
def getImageDistances(img, name):

    # find center
    centerX = img.shape[0] // 2
    centerY = img.shape[1] // 2

    cloneImg = img.copy()

    # divide circle on the 12 sections
    for i, angle in enumerate(np.arange(0, 2 * math.pi, math.pi / 6)):
        distances = []

        # rotate image to current angle
        cloneImg = imutils.rotate(img, angle=(i - 3) * 30)

        # draw center
        cv.circle(cloneImg, (centerX, centerY), 2, (255, 0, 0), 2)

        distances = []

        # use 2 grad as one step
        for a in np.arange(0, math.pi / 6, math.pi / 90):
            # was red line or not
            innerPoint = None
            wasEnd = True

            # get line equalation
            endX = centerX + int(math.cos(a) * cloneImg.shape[0])
            endY = centerY + int(math.sin(a) * cloneImg.shape[1])
            eq = helpers.getEq((centerX, centerY), (endX, endY))

            endX = min(endX, cloneImg.shape[0] - 1)
            endX = max(endX, 0)

            # get range
            maxX = max(centerX, endX)
            minX = min(centerX, endX)

            for x in range(minX, maxX):
                y = int(eq(x))

                if y >= cloneImg.shape[1]:

                # get cell value
                cell = cloneImg[y, x]

                # it's black point
                if helpers.isBlack(cell) and not innerPoint:
                    innerPoint = [x, y]
                elif not helpers.isBlack(cell) and innerPoint:
                    # it's out point
                    outPoint = [x, y]

                    # get distance
                    d = helpers.getDistance(innerPoint, outPoint)

                    # too tiny
                    if d < 3:

                    # add distance

                    # draw line
                    cv.line(cloneImg, (innerPoint[0], innerPoint[1]),
                            (outPoint[0], outPoint[1]), colors[i], 1)

                wasEnd = False

            if not wasEnd and innerPoint:
                outPoint = [
                    cloneImg.shape[0] - 1,
                    int(eq(cloneImg.shape[0] - 1))

                # get distance
                d = helpers.getDistance(innerPoint, outPoint)

                # too tiny
                if d < 3:

                # add distance

                # draw line
                cv.line(cloneImg, (innerPoint[0], innerPoint[1]),
                        (outPoint[0], outPoint[1]), colors[i], 1)

        cv.imshow(str(f"{name}_{i}"), cloneImg)
        print(f"Distance for {name} section {i+1} = {np.average(distances)}")

Example #6
def main():
    photos = helpers.getImages('./in')

    for name, img in photos.items():
        # find center
        centerX = img.shape[0] // 2
        centerY = img.shape[1] // 2

        cloneImg = img.copy()

        outContours = []
        innerCountours = []

        cv.circle(cloneImg, (centerX, centerY), 2, (255, 0, 0), 2)

        for i, angle in enumerate(np.arange(0, 2 * math.pi, math.pi / 6)):
            eY = centerY + int(math.sin(angle) * img.shape[1] // 2)
            eX = centerX + int(math.cos(angle) * img.shape[0] // 2)

            #cv.line(img, (centerX, centerY), (x, y), (0, 255, 255), 1)

            distances = []
            for a in np.arange(angle, angle + math.pi / 6, math.pi / 180):
                innerPoint = None

                endX = centerX + int(math.cos(a) * img.shape[0])
                endY = centerY + int(math.sin(a) * img.shape[1])
                eq = helpers.getEq((centerX, centerY), (endX, endY))

                endX = min(endX, img.shape[0] - 1)
                endX = max(endX, 0)

                maxX = max(centerX, endX)
                minX = min(centerX, endX)

                for x in range(minX, maxX):
                    y = int(eq(x))

                    if y < 0 or y >= img.shape[1]:

                    cell = img[y, x]

                    if cell[0] == 0 and cell[1] == 0 and cell[2] == 255:
                        if not innerPoint:
                            innerPoint = [x, y]
                            outPoint = [x, y]
                            d = helpers.getDistance(innerPoint, outPoint)

                            cv.line(cloneImg, (innerPoint[0], innerPoint[1]),
                                    (x, y), colors[i], 1)

            avgDistance = np.average(distances)
            print(f"Distance for {name} section {i+1} = {avgDistance}")

            #cv.line(img, (centerX, centerY), (eX, eY), (0, 255, 255), 1)

        cv.imshow(str(name), cloneImg)
