def main():
    """Use this program to compare and contrast four graph searching algorithms."""
    map_40 = load_map_40()
    map_10 = load_map_10()
    map_simple = load_map_simple()

    algorithms = [a_star, uniform_cost, breath_first, depth_first]

    # The loop below will execute the same search using each of the four algorithms.
    # Experiment with different maps and searches to understand the attributes,
    # performance characteristics, and code of each algorithm.
    graph = map_40
    start_node = 5
    goal_node = 34

    print(f"Nodes in Map: {len(graph.intersections)} \n")

    for algo in algorithms:
        method = algo.SearchAlgo(graph, start_node, goal_node)
        print(f"Algorithm: {method.algorithm_name}")
        print(f"Path: {method.path}")
        print(f"Path length: {method.path_length}")
        print(f"Number of nodes visited: {len(method.visited)} ({len(method.visited) / len( * 100}%)")
        print(f"Nodes visited:", ', '.join(map(str, method.visited)))
Example #2
def test(shortest_path_function):
    map_40 = load_map_40()
    correct = 0
    for start, goal, answer_path in MAP_40_ANSWERS:
        path = shortest_path_function(map_40, start, goal).path
        if path == answer_path:
            correct += 1
            print("For start:", start, "Goal:     ", goal, "Your path:", path,
                  "Correct:  ", answer_path)
    if correct == len(MAP_40_ANSWERS):
        print("All tests pass! Congratulations!")
        print("You passed", correct, "/", len(MAP_40_ANSWERS), "test cases")
def main():
    # interactive test
    map_10 = load_map_10()
    map_40 = load_map_40()

    print(f"Testing path planner...")
    start_node = 5
    goal_node = 34
    planner = PathPlanner(map_40, start_node, goal_node)
    path = planner.path

    print(f"Start Node: {start_node}")
    print(f"Goal Node: {goal_node}")
    print(f"Resulting path: {path}")
    if path == [5, 16, 37, 12, 34]:
        print(f"Great! Your code works for these inputs!\n")
        print("Something is off, your code produced the following:")
        print(path, "\n")

    # course test for validation of project
    from test import test
    print(f"Running project validation tests from Udacity...")
from helpers import load_map_40
from student_code import shortest_path
from test import test

map_40 = load_map_40()

path = shortest_path(map_40, 8, 24)
if path == [8, 14, 16, 37, 12, 17, 10, 24]:
    print("great! Your code works for these inputs!")
    print("something is off, your code produced the following:")


        y2 = intersections[node_2][1]
        return math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)

    def get_tentative_gScore(self, current, neighbor):
        """Returns the tentative g Score of a node"""
        return self.get_gScore(current) + self.distance(current, neighbor)

    def heuristic_cost_estimate(self, node):
        """ Returns the heuristic cost estimate of a node """
        return self.distance(node, self.goal)

    def calculate_fscore(self, node):
        """Calculate the f score of a node. """
        return self.get_gScore(node) + self.heuristic_cost_estimate(node)

    def record_best_path_to(self, current, neighbor):
        """Record the best path to a node """
        self.cameFrom[neighbor] = current
        self.gScore[neighbor] = self.get_tentative_gScore(current, neighbor)
        self.fScore[neighbor] = self.calculate_fscore(neighbor)

## Calculates shortest route from start to goal
# Modifiy start and goal to see different results!
start = 1
goal = 8

         path=PathPlanner(load_map_40(), start, goal).path)