Example #1
def profile(username):
    """Show user's profile"""

    # Get list containing dict with user info
    users_list = db.execute(
        "SELECT id, username, bday, pfp_url, gender, bday, date_joined, bio FROM users WHERE username=?",

    # Check if username in database. If not, return 404 error page
    if not users_list:
        return render_template("404.html")

    # Dict containing info about user
    user_info = users_list[0]

    # Check if username belongs to user logged in
    if user_info['id'] == session.get("user_id"):
        isLoggedInUser = True
        isLoggedInUser = False

    user_id = user_info['id']

    # Alter dates so written Month Day, Year
    user_info['bday'] = standard_date(user_info['bday'])
    user_info['date_joined'] = standard_date(user_info['date_joined'])

    # List of dicts with information about 5 of user's favorite anime
    favorites = db.execute(
        "SELECT title, image_url FROM anime JOIN favorites ON anime.id=favorites.anime_id WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY rank LIMIT 5",

    # List of dicts with information about 3 most recent shows a user has rated
    show_history = db.execute(
        "SELECT anime.title, ratings.rating, ratings.comment, ratings.time FROM ratings JOIN anime ON anime.id = ratings.anime_id WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 3",

    # User-reached route via GET
    return render_template("profile.html",
Example #2
def community():
    """Show members of community"""

    # List of dicts containing info about each user
    users = db.execute(
        "SELECT username, pfp_url, date_joined, substr(bio, 1, 200) AS bio FROM users ORDER BY LOWER(username)"

    # Change date to Month Day, Year format
    for user in users:
        user['date_joined'] = standard_date(user['date_joined'])

    # User-reached route via GET
    return render_template("community.html", users=users)
Example #3
def inbox():
    """User inbox"""

    # User's id
    user_id = session.get("user_id")

    # List of users who have requested to become friends
    friend_requests = db.execute(
        """SELECT users.username, users.pfp_url, users.id, friends.friend_date
                                 FROM users JOIN friends ON users.id = friends.user_id
                                 WHERE friends.friend_id = ? AND friends.pending = 1
                                 ORDER BY friends.friend_date DESC""", user_id)

    # List of pending watch party requests
    watch_party_requests = db.execute(
        """SELECT users.username, watchparty.host, watchparty.watching, watchparty.date_created, watchparty.message,
                                 watchparty.date, watchparty.time, users.pfp_url, watchparty.id
                                 FROM users JOIN participants ON users.id = participants.participant JOIN watchparty ON participants.party_id = watchparty.id
                                 WHERE participants.participant = ? AND participants.pending = 1
                                 ORDER BY watchparty.date_created DESC""",

    # Update information corresponding to each watch party
    for event in watch_party_requests:
        host_info = db.execute(
            "SELECT username, pfp_url FROM users WHERE id = ?",
        event["date"] = standard_date(event["date"])
        event["host"] = host_info["username"]
        event["pfp_url"] = host_info["pfp_url"]

    # Messages to the user
    messages = db.execute(
        """SELECT users.username, users.pfp_url, messages.message, messages.id, messages.subject, messages.date
                              FROM users JOIN messages ON users.id=messages.sender
                              WHERE messages.recipient=? AND messages.deleted_recipient = 0 ORDER BY date DESC""",

    return render_template("inbox.html",
Example #4
def friends():
    """Display friend list and add friends"""

    user_id = session.get("user_id")
    if request.method == "GET":

        # List of friends
        friends = db.execute(
            """SELECT users.username, users.pfp_url, users.id, friends.friend_date
                             FROM users JOIN friends ON users.id = friends.user_id
                             WHERE friends.friend_id = ? AND friends.pending = 0
                             ORDER BY friends.friend_date DESC""", user_id)

        # Reformat Date
        for friend in friends:
            friend['friend_date'] = standard_date(
                friend['friend_date'].split(" ")[0])

        # Number of incoming friend requests
        requests = db.execute(
            "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM friends WHERE friend_id = ? AND pending = 1",

        return render_template("friends.html",

    if request.method == "POST":

        # List of friends
        friend = db.execute(
            "SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE LOWER(username) = ?",

        # Alert if user input does not exist
        if not friend:
            flash("User does not exist", 'warning')
            return redirect("/friends")

        friend_id = friend[0]['id']

        # Alert if user input is the logged in user
        if user_id == friend_id:
            flash("Cannot add yourself", 'warning')
            return redirect("/friends")

        # Store info about input user if they have sent a request
        incoming_request = db.execute(
            "SELECT user_id, pending FROM friends WHERE user_id = ? AND friend_id = ?",
            friend_id, user_id)

        # Alert if user needs to respond to request from the input user
        if incoming_request and incoming_request[0]['pending']:
            flash("Respond to " + friend[0]['username'] + "'s friend request",
            return redirect("/friend-requests")

        # Store info about input user if already a friend/sent a request already
        potential_friend = db.execute(
            "SELECT pending FROM friends WHERE user_id = ? AND friend_id = ?",
            user_id, friend_id)

        # Alert if friends already or the user sent a request already and has not received a response
        if potential_friend:
            if potential_friend[0]['pending']:
                flash("Request to " + friend[0]['username'] + " still pending",
                return redirect("/friends")
                "You are already friends with " + friend[0]['username'] + "!",
            return redirect("/friends")

        # Add info about friend request into database
        db.execute("INSERT INTO friends (user_id, friend_id) VALUES(?, ?)",
                   user_id, friend[0]['id'])

        flash("Friend request sent to " + friend[0]['username'] + "!",

        return redirect("/friends")
Example #5
def watchPartyRecords():
    """Display watch parties user is hosting and attending"""

    user_id = session["user_id"]

    date = EST_CURRENT_DATETIME.split("T")[0]

    # hosting table on the page will update when there is at least one participant that accepts the request
    hosting = db.execute(
        """SELECT watchparty.id, watchparty.watching, watchparty.host, watchparty.date, watchparty.time, watchparty.message, GROUP_CONCAT(participants.participant) participants
                        FROM watchparty JOIN participants ON watchparty.id=participants.party_id
                        WHERE watchparty.host = ? AND participants.pending = 0 AND DATE(watchparty.date,'+1 day') >= ?
                        GROUP BY watchparty.id""", user_id, date)
    # pending table on the page will update when there is at least one participant that is still pending for a watch party
    allPending = db.execute(
        """SELECT watchparty.id, watchparty.watching, watchparty.host, watchparty.date, watchparty.time, GROUP_CONCAT(participants.participant) participants
                        FROM watchparty JOIN participants ON watchparty.id=participants.party_id
                        WHERE watchparty.host = ? AND participants.pending = 1 AND DATE(watchparty.date,'+1 day') >= ?
                        GROUP BY watchparty.id""", user_id, date)

    # if null, unavailable participants table updates (all participants canceled or denied the watchparty)
    available = db.execute(
        """SELECT watchparty.id
                        FROM watchparty JOIN participants ON watchparty.id=participants.party_id
                        WHERE watchparty.host = ? AND (participants.pending = 1 OR participants.pending = 0) AND DATE(watchparty.date,'+1 day') >= ?
                        GROUP BY watchparty.id""", user_id, date)

    if not available:
        noneAvailable = db.execute(
            """SELECT watchparty.id, watchparty.watching, watchparty.host, watchparty.date, watchparty.time
                                   FROM watchparty JOIN participants ON watchparty.id=participants.party_id
                                   WHERE watchparty.host = ? AND (participants.pending = 2 OR participants.pending = 3) AND DATE(watchparty.date,'+1 day') >= ?
                                   GROUP BY watchparty.id""", user_id, date)
        noneAvailable = None

    # Reformat date and add participant usernames for non-pending watch parties
    for event in hosting:
        event["date"] = standard_date(event["date"])
        participants = event["participants"].split(",")
        event["participants"] = ""
        for participant in participants:
            friend = db.execute("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=?",
            event["participants"] = event["participants"] + [
                ', ', ""
            ][event["participants"] == ""] + friend

    # Reformat date and add participant usernames for pending
    for event in allPending:
        event["date"] = standard_date(event["date"])
        participants = event["participants"].split(",")
        event["participants"] = ""
        for participant in participants:
            friend = db.execute("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=?",
            event["participants"] = event["participants"] + [
                ', ', ""
            ][event["participants"] == ""] + friend

    # participating table on the watch party main page will update with watch parties the user is attending
    joining = db.execute(
        """SELECT watchparty.id, watchparty.host, watchparty.host host_name, watchparty.host host_pfp, watchparty.watching, watchparty.date, watchparty.time, watchparty.message, participants.participant
                        FROM watchparty JOIN participants ON watchparty.id=participants.party_id
                        WHERE participants.participant = ? AND DATE(watchparty.date,'+1 day') >= ? AND pending = 0""",
        user_id, date)

    # Reformat Date
    for event in joining:
        event["date"] = standard_date(
            event["date"]) + " at " + event["time"] + " ET"

        # change host info from number ids to text usernames + pfp_url
        host_info = db.execute(
            "SELECT username, pfp_url FROM users WHERE id = ?",
        event["host_name"] = host_info["username"]
        event["host_pfp"] = host_info["pfp_url"]

    return render_template("watchparty_main.html",
Example #6
def createWatchParty():
    """Create new watch party"""

    # load friend list of the user
    user_id = session.get("user_id")
    friend_usernames = db.execute(
        "SELECT username, id FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT friend_id FROM friends WHERE user_id = ? AND pending = 0) ORDER BY username ASC",

    if request.method == "POST":

        room_link = request.form.get("room-link")

        # warning if no friend is selected
        if not request.form.getlist("friend"):
            flash("Enter a friend's username!", 'warning')
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        # check if the user already added friend(s) for the same watch party
        # helpful source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13207697/how-to-remove-square-brackets-from-list-in-python
        friends = (", ".join(
            repr(e) for e in request.form.getlist("friend"))).replace("'", "")

        if not request.form.get("title"):
            flash("Add a title!", 'warning')
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        # Title entered by user in lowercase + remove english title if user used autocomplete
        title = request.form.get("title").lower().split(" (english: ")[0]

        # check if title exists (case insensitive)
        check_title = db.execute(
            "SELECT title, id FROM anime WHERE LOWER(title) = ? OR LOWER(title_english) = ?",
            title, title)
        if not check_title:
            flash("Invalid title. Please try again.", 'warning')
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        # store the title as seen in the "title" column (not "title_english") of the anime table
        real_title = check_title[0]["title"]

        if "https://app.kosmi.io/room/" not in room_link:
            flash("Enter a valid link!", 'warning')
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        if not request.form.get("meeting-time"):
            flash("Fill out the event date & time!")
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        # check if the user is hosting another watch party at the same time
        # (if the user forgot to add a friend to the invite, they can delete their watch party and create a new one)
        date = request.form.get("meeting-time").split("T")[0]
        time = request.form.get("meeting-time").split("T")[1]

        alreadyHosting = db.execute(
            "SELECT date, time FROM watchparty WHERE date = ? AND time = ? AND host = ?",
            date, time, user_id)

        if alreadyHosting:
            flash("You are already hosting a watch party at this time!",
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

        message = request.form.get("message")
        if not message:
            message = "Hey! I'm planning on watching " + real_title + " on " + \
                standard_date(date) + " at " + time + " ET!\nHere's the link if you want to join: " + room_link

        if room_link not in message:
                "At a minimum, your message must include the kosmi room link!",
            return redirect("/create-watch-party")

            "INSERT INTO watchparty (host, watching, message, date, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            user_id, real_title, message, date, time)
        party_id = db.execute(
            "SELECT id FROM watchparty WHERE host = ? AND date = ? AND time = ?",
            user_id, date, time)[0]["id"]

        # pending requests
        for friend in request.form.getlist("friend"):
            recipient = db.execute("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?",
                "INSERT INTO participants (party_id, participant, pending) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
                party_id, recipient, 1)

        # Alert user that invitation has been sent
        flash("Invitation sent! Recipients: " + friends, 'success')

        # User-reached route via POST
        return redirect("/watch-party")

        # Redirect user to home page
        return render_template("watchparty_request.html",