def generate_indexes(self, tags, posts, pages, dates, monthsByPosts): if self.options.skip_indexes: return print 'Generating indexes' outputPagesFolder = os.path.join(, defines.pages) outputPostsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.posts) outputTagsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.tags) #create '/post/' -> '/pages/1' handler src = os.path.join(outputPagesFolder, '1/index.html') dst = os.path.join(outputPostsFolder, 'index.html') if os.path.exists(src): logging.debug('Link %s -> %s' % (src, dst)) shutil.copy2(os.path.abspath(src), os.path.abspath(dst)) #create '/tag/%name' -> '/tag/%name/1' handler for tag in tags: logging.debug('Generating index for tag %s' % src = os.path.join(outputTagsFolder, '%s/1/index.html' % dst = os.path.join(outputTagsFolder, '%s/index.html' % logging.debug('Link %s -> %s' % (src, dst)) shutil.copy2(os.path.abspath(src), os.path.abspath(dst)) #create /index.html with overview logging.debug('Generating root index.html') indexPath = os.path.join(, 'index.html') with open(indexPath, 'w') as indexFile: template = self.templates.get_template(defines.indexTemplate) indexFile.write( self.render_template(template, tags = tags, posts = posts, pages = pages, dates = dates, monthsByPosts = monthsByPosts) )
def generate_feeds(self, posts, tags): if self.options.skip_rss: return print 'Generating feeds' outputPostsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.posts, 'id') outputTagsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.tags) if os.path.exists(outputPostsFolder): postSizes = {} #Get post sizes for postFolder in os.listdir(outputPostsFolder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outputPostsFolder, postFolder)): postSizes[postFolder] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(outputPostsFolder, postFolder, 'index.html')) #Posts feed postsFeedPath = os.path.join(, defines.posts, 'feed.rss') postsTitle = 'Posts of %s' % self.options.title postsDesc = 'Last %d posts of %s' % (self.options.items, self.options.title) self._generate_feed(postsFeedPath, self.options.webroot + '/post/id', postSizes, posts[:self.options.items], postsTitle, postsDesc) else: print ' no posts to process' #Tag feeds if os.path.exists(outputTagsFolder): for tag in tags.keys(): tagFeedPath = os.path.join(outputTagsFolder,, 'feed.rss') postsWithTag = tags[tag] tagTitle = 'Posts of %s with tag %s' % (self.options.title, tag) tagDesc = 'Last %d posts of %s with tag %s' % ( len(postsWithTag), self.options.title, tag) self._generate_feed(tagFeedPath, self.options.webroot + '/tag/%s' %, postSizes, postsWithTag, tagTitle, tagDesc) print ' total %d tag feeds written' % len(tags.keys()) else: print ' no tags to process'
def generate_tag_page(self, pageNumber, totalPages, page, tag): if self.options.skip_tags: return outputTagsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.tags) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputTagsFolder,, str(pageNumber))): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outputTagsFolder,, str(pageNumber))) tmpl = defines.blogPageTemplate tag_tmpl = 'tag_%s.html' % tag if os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.options.source, defines.inTemplates, tag_tmpl) ): logging.debug('Using custom page for tag: %s' % tag) tmpl = tag_tmpl pagePath = os.path.join(outputTagsFolder,, str(pageNumber), 'index.html') logging.debug('Generating tag %s page #%d with %d posts: %s' % (, pageNumber, len(page), pagePath) ) self._generate_blog_page(pagePath, pageNumber, totalPages, page, filters = {'tag' : tag}, template_file = tmpl)
def generate_post(self, post): if self.options.skip_posts: return outputPostsFolder = os.path.join(, defines.posts) postPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(outputPostsFolder, 'id',['id']))) if not os.path.exists(postPath): logging.debug('Generating file at %s' % postPath) os.makedirs(postPath) postByDatePath = os.path.join(outputPostsFolder, 'date', str(post['date'].year), str(post['date'].month), str(post['date'].day),['id'])) if not os.path.exists(postByDatePath): logging.debug('creating folder %s' % postByDatePath) os.makedirs(postByDatePath) logging.debug('Generating post id: %s, template: %s' % ( post['id'], post['template']) ) with open( os.path.join(postPath, 'index.html'), 'w') as postFile: template = self.templates.get_template(post['template']) postFile.write(self.render_template(template, post = post)) shutil.copy2(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(postPath, 'index.html')), os.path.abspath(postByDatePath))
def prompt_exit(): input(tr('Press any key to exit ...', lang=lang)) sys.exit(1)
lang = lang.lower().strip() if lang == 'ru' or lang == 'en': break else: print('The language code is not found. Re-enter.') continue # проверям версию Python, всё из-за mod_wsgi и lxml # версия интерпритатора только 3.4.4 OS = sys.platform sys.stdout = ConsoleOut(sys.stdout) if OS == 'win32': if not (sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor == 4 and sys.version_info.micro == 4): print( tr('Further continuation impossible, Python version 3.4.4 is not equal.', lang=lang)) prompt_exit() # Производим активацию virtualenv BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) PROJ_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(PROJ_DIR) sys.path.append(os.path.join(PROJ_DIR, 'conf')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Scripts')) if OS == 'win32': ACTIVATE_SCRIPT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Scripts', '') elif 'linux' in OS: ACTIVATE_SCRIPT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'bin', '')
def split(z): t = tr(z) return ((t * (t + 3) // 2) - z, z - ((t * (t + 1)) // 2))
def split(z): return (ext(z), tr(z))
lang = lang.lower().strip() if lang == 'ru' or lang == 'en': break else: print('The language code is not found. Re-enter.') continue # проверям версию Python, всё из-за mod_wsgi и lxml # версия интерпритатора только 3.4.4 OS = sys.platform sys.stdout = ConsoleOut(sys.stdout) if OS == 'win32': if not( sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor == 4 and sys.version_info.micro == 4 ): print(tr('Further continuation impossible, Python version 3.4.4 is not equal.', lang=lang)) prompt_exit() # Производим активацию virtualenv BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) PROJ_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(PROJ_DIR) sys.path.append(os.path.join(PROJ_DIR, 'conf')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Scripts')) if OS == 'win32': ACTIVATE_SCRIPT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Scripts', '') elif 'linux' in OS: ACTIVATE_SCRIPT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'bin', '')
def get_post_id(self, post): postId = post['title'] for ch in [' ', ',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ':', '/', '-']: if ch in postId: postId = postId.replace(ch, '-') return